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Hasta Başı Testlerin Birinci Basamak Sağlık Hizmetlerine Etkisi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 45 - 53, 24.03.2025


Bu derleme, hasta başı testlerin (HBT) birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri üzerine mevcut ve potansiyel etkilerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. HBT, hasta başında veya merkezi laboratuvarların dışında test yapma olanağı sağlayarak hızlı ve eyleme geçirilebilir tanısal bilgi sunmaktadır. Böylelikle teşhis sürecini kısaltmakta, özellikle acil sağlık hizmetleri veya kronik hastalık yönetiminde müdahalelerin doğru zamanlı olarak düzenlenmesine imkân tanımaktadır. HBT’lerin birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri kapsamında kullanım alanı oldukça geniştir. Bulaşıcı hastalıklar (örneğin; HİV, sıtma ve tüberküloz) için hızlı testlerin, kaynakların kısıtlı olduğu bölgelerde erken teşhis ve tedaviye katkı sunduğu gösterilmiştir. Buna ek olarak, diyabet ve hipertansiyon gibi kronik hastalıkların kontrolünün sağlanmasında, hasta başında ölçülebilen kan şekeri veya HbA1c seviyeleri önemli rol oynamaktadır. Kardiyovasküler hastalıklarda troponin gibi biyobelirteçlerin hızlı tayini de özellikle acil durumlarda mortalite oranlarının azalması ile sonuçlanan zaman tasarrufu sağlamaktadır. HBT’nin sunduğu en önemli avantajlardan biri, test sonucuna hızlı erişimle hasta memnuniyetini artırması ve gereksiz sevkleri azaltmasıdır. Bu durum hem hasta hem de sağlık sistemi açısından maliyet etkili olmakta, sağlık hizmeti sunumunu hızlandırmakta ve ikinci basamak sağlık kuruluşlarının yükünü hafifletmektedir. Bununla birlikte, HBT’lerin klinik doğruluk, profesyonel eğitim ihtiyacı, altyapı eksikliği ve tedarik zinciri yönetimi gibi konularda bazı zorluklar barındırdığı da unutulmamalıdır. Bu zorlukları aşmak için kalite kontrol mekanizmalarının standardize edilmesi, teknolojik gelişmelerin desteklenmesi ve sağlık hizmeti sunucularının bu testleri uygulama konusunda sürekli mesleki eğitime tabii tutulması önem taşımaktadır. Sonuç olarak, HBT’ler; bulaşıcı hastalıklar, kronik hastalık yönetimi ve anne-çocuk sağlığı gibi pek çok alanda birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri için kritik bir araçtır. Hem yüksek gelir düzeyine sahip hem de kaynakların kısıtlı olduğu ortamlarda uygulanabilirliği, test sonuçlarının dakikalar içinde alınabilmesi ve hasta merkezli bakıma uyum sağlaması, HBT’nin gelecekte sağlık sistemlerinde daha fazla benimsenebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Baba M., Vidergar N., Marcello A.. Virological Point-of-Care Testing for the Developing World. Future Virology 2014;9(6):595-603.
  • Mooney C., Byrne M., Kapuya P., Pentony L., Cambridge T., Foley D. Point of Care Testing in General Haematology. British Journal of Haematology 2019;187(3):296-306.
  • Epner P. Achieving the Promise of Point-of-Care Testing. Point of Care the Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology 2014;13(3):112-113.
  • Singer A., Ardise J., Gulla J., Cangro J.. Point-of-Care Testing Reduces Length of Stay in Emergency Department Chest Pain Patients. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2005;45(6):587-591.
  • Laurence C., Gialamas A., Bubner T., Yelland L., Willson K., Ryan P. et al.. Patient Satisfaction with Point-of-Care Testing in General Practice. British Journal of General Practice 2010;60(572):e98-e104.
  • Dalcin D., Bogoch I.. Point-of-care Testing for HIV. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2018;190(18):E569-E569.
  • Gupta N., Rana S., Singh H.. Innovative Point-of-Care Molecular Diagnostic Test for Covid-19 in India. The Lancet Microbe 2020;1(7):e277.
  • Drain P., Hyle E., Noubary F., Freedberg K., Wilson D., Bishai W. et al.. Diagnostic point-of-care tests in resource-limited settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014;14(3):239-249.
  • Simwita Y., Helgheim B.. Application of Agile and Simulation Approaches for the Maximal Benefits of Reduced Turnaround Time from the Point of Care Testing. Tanzania Journal of Science 2023;49(2):468-478.
  • Heidt B., Siqueira W., Eersels K., Diliën H., Grinsven B., Fujiwara R. et al.. Point of Care Diagnostics in Resource-limited Settings: A Review of the Present and Future of POC in Its Most Needed Environment. Biosensors 2020;10(10):133.
  • Tucker J., Bien C., Peeling R.. Point-of-Care Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2013;26(1):73-79.
  • Dzobo M., Dzinamarira T., Murewanhema G., Madziva R., Herrera H., Musuka G.. Limited Syphilis Testing for Key Populations in Zimbabwe: A Silent Public Health Threat. Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases 2022;37(1).
  • Toskin I., Peeling R., Mabey D., Holmes K., Ballard R., Kiarie J. et al.. Point-of-Care Tests for STIs: the Way Forward. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2017;93(S4):S1-S2.
  • Sutcliffe C., Mutanga J., Moyo N., Agarwal A., Schue J., Hamahuwa M., et al.. Point-of-Care P24 Antigen Detection for Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV Infection: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Studies in Zambia. BMC Infectious Diseases 2021;21(1).
  • Pai N., Vadnais C., Denkinger C., Engel N., Pai M.. Point-of-Care Testing for Infectious Diseases: Diversity, Complexity, and Barriers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Public Library of Science Medicine 2012;9(9):e1001306.
  • Dorward J., Drain P., Garrett N.. Point-of-Care Viral Load Testing and Differentiated HIV Care. The Lancet HIV 2018;5(1):e8-e9.
  • Visser L. , Shahid S. , Mahmud A.. Point-of-care testing for diabetes patients: investigating diabetes management by older adults. In: Jones M, Palanque P. CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2014. P. 1645–1650.
  • Macrury S., Srinivasan A., Mahoney J.. Performance of a New Meter Designed for Assisted Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Point-of-Care Testing. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 2013;7(2):389-398.
  • Kristensen T., Waldorff F., Nexøe J., Skovsgaard C., Olsen K.. Variation in Point-of-Care Testing of HbA1c in Diabetes Care in General Practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(11):1363.
  • Kost G., Kost L., Suwanyangyuen A., Cheema S., Curtis C., Sumner S. et al.. Emergency Cardiac Biomarkers and Point-of-Care Testing. Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology 2010;9(2):53-64.
  • Curtis C., Kost G., Louie R., Sonu R., Ammirati E., Sumner S.. Point-of-Care Hematology and Coagulation Testing in Primary, Rural Emergency, and Disaster Care Scenarios. Point of Care: The Journal of Near- Patient Testing & Technology 2012;11(2):140-145.
  • Tran N. , Godwin Z. , Bockhold J.. Point-of-Care Testing at the Disaster–Emergency–Critical Care Interface. Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology 2012;11(4):180-183.
  • Spooner E., Reddy T., Mchunu N., Reddy S., Daniels B., Ngomane N. et al.. Point-of-Care CD4 Testing: Differentiated Care for the Most Vulnerable. Journal of Global Health 2022;12.
  • Wong H., Marcu L., Bezak E., Parange N.. Review of Health Economics of Point-of-Care Testing Worldwide and Its Efficacy of Implementation in the Primary Health Care Setting in Remote Australia. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020;13:379-386.
  • Cooke J., Llor C., Hopstaken R., Dryden M., Butler C.. Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) in Primary Care: Narrative Review of C Reactive Protein (CRP) Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) and Antibacterial Use in Patients Who Present with Symptoms of RTI. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2020;7(1):e000624.
  • Charman S., Okwose N., Maniatopoulos G., Graziadio S., Metzler T., Banks H. et al.. Opportunities and Challenges of a Novel Cardiac Output Response to Stress (CORS) Test to Enhance Diagnosis of Heart Failure in Primary Care: Qualitative Study. BMJ Open 2019;9(4):e028122. 2018-028122
  • Howick J., Cals J., Jones C., Price C., Plüddemann A., Heneghan C. et al.. Current and Future Use of Point-of-Care Tests in Primary Care: An International Survey in Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. BMJ Open 2014;4(8):e005611.
  • Palmer T., Aiyenigba A., Bates I., Okyere D., Tagbor H., Ampofo G.. Improving the Effectiveness of Point of Care Tests for Malaria and Anaemia: A Qualitative Study Across Three Ghanaian Antenatal Clinics. BMC Health Services Research 2020;20(1).
  • Ansu-Mensah M., Bawontuo V., Kuupiel D., Ginindza T.. Sustainable Solutions to Barriers of Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing Services in Health Facilities without Laboratories in the Bono Region, Ghana: A Qualitative Study. BMC Primary Care 2024;25(1). 02406-4
  • Kuupiel D., Adu K., Bawontuo V., Adogboba D., Drain P., Moshabela M. et al.. Geographical Accessibility to Glucose-6-Phosphate Dioxygenase Deficiency Point-of-Care Testing for Antenatal Care in Ghana. Diagnostics 2020;10(4):229.
  • Johannis W., Bietenbeck A., Malchau G., Streichert T.. Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) and IT Security Concepts. Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2020;44(2):107-111.
  • Rawlinson W., Escott R., Baleriola C., Morris A.. Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Point of Care (POC) Diagnostic Tests. Microbiology Australia 2006;27(2):58-60.
  • Lewandrowski K., Gregory K., MacMillan D.. Assuring Quality in Point-of-Care Testing: Evolution of Technologies, Informatics, and Program Management. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2011;135(11):1405-1414.
  • Briggs C., Guthrie D., Hyde K., Mackie I., Parker N., Popek M. et al.. Guidelines for Point‐of‐ Care Testing: Haematology. British Journal of Haematology 2008;142(6):904-915.
  • Licher Y., Visser J., Van G., Diehl J.. Formulating Design Recommendations for the Acceptance of the Use and Results of Point-of-Care Testing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Literature Review. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 2019;1(1):2795-2804.
  • Ehui E., Jules B., Gisele K.. Cascade of Care for HIV Positive Patients in A Rural Health Region in the North-Central Region of Ivory Coast: A Follow-up Study. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2017:144-147.
  • Kip M., Hummel J., Eppink E., Koffijberg H., Hopstaken R., IJzerman M. et al.. Understanding the Adoption and Use of Point-of-Care Tests in Dutch General Practices Using Multi- criteria Decision Analysis. BMC Family Practice 2019;20(1). 4
  • Brendish N., Poole S., Naidu V., Mansbridge C., Norton N., Wheeler H. et al.. Clinical Impact of Molecular Point-of-Care Testing for Suspected Covid-19 in Hospital (COV-19POC): A Prospective, Interventional, Non-randomised, Controlled Study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2020;8(12):1192 1200.
  • Micocci M., Gordon A., Seo M., Allen J., Davies K., Lasserson D. et al.. Is Point-of-Care Testing Feasible and Safe in Care Homes in England? An Exploratory Usability and Accuracy Evaluation of A Point-of-Care Polymerase Chain Reaction Test for SARS-COV-2. Age and Ageing 2021;50(5):1464- 1472.
  • Chen H., Liu K., Zhao L., Wang P.. Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases. International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine 2019;493:138-147.
  • Yuan X., Darcie T., Wei Z., Aitchison J.. Microchip Imaging Cytometer: Making Healthcare Available, Accessible, and Affordable. Opto-Electronic Advances 2022;5(11):210130-210130.

The Impact of Point-of-care Testing on Primary Healthcare

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 45 - 53, 24.03.2025


This review aims to explore the current and potential impact of point-of-care testing (POCT) on primary healthcare. POCT provides rapid and actionable diagnostic information by enabling testing at the point of care or out of centralized laboratories. Thus, it shortens the diagnostic process and enables the timely organization of interventions, especially in emergency health services or chronic disease management. POCTs are widely used in primary healthcare. Rapid tests for infectious diseases (e.g. HIV, malaria and tuberculosis) have been shown to contribute to early diagnosis and treatment in resource-limited settings. In addition, blood glucose or HbA1c levels that can be measured at the point of care play an important role in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Rapid measurement of biomarkers such as troponin in cardiovascular diseases also saves time, resulting in reduced mortality rates, especially in emergency situations. One of the most important advantages offered by POCT is the rapid access to test results, which increases patient satisfaction and reduces unnecessary referrals. This is cost-effective for both the patient and the healthcare system, accelerates healthcare delivery and relieves the burden on secondary healthcare organizations. However, it should be noted that POCTs have some challenges in terms of clinical accuracy, need for professional training, lack of infrastructure and supply chain management. To overcome these challenges, it is important to standardize quality control mechanisms, support technological advances, and provide continuous professional training for healthcare providers on the implementation of these tests. In conclusion, POCTs are a critical tool for primary healthcare in many areas such as infectious diseases, chronic disease management and maternal and infant health. Its applicability in both high-income and resource-limited settings, the ability to obtain test results within minutes, and its adaptability to patient-centered healthcare suggest that POCT may further be adopted in health systems in the future.


  • Baba M., Vidergar N., Marcello A.. Virological Point-of-Care Testing for the Developing World. Future Virology 2014;9(6):595-603.
  • Mooney C., Byrne M., Kapuya P., Pentony L., Cambridge T., Foley D. Point of Care Testing in General Haematology. British Journal of Haematology 2019;187(3):296-306.
  • Epner P. Achieving the Promise of Point-of-Care Testing. Point of Care the Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology 2014;13(3):112-113.
  • Singer A., Ardise J., Gulla J., Cangro J.. Point-of-Care Testing Reduces Length of Stay in Emergency Department Chest Pain Patients. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2005;45(6):587-591.
  • Laurence C., Gialamas A., Bubner T., Yelland L., Willson K., Ryan P. et al.. Patient Satisfaction with Point-of-Care Testing in General Practice. British Journal of General Practice 2010;60(572):e98-e104.
  • Dalcin D., Bogoch I.. Point-of-care Testing for HIV. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2018;190(18):E569-E569.
  • Gupta N., Rana S., Singh H.. Innovative Point-of-Care Molecular Diagnostic Test for Covid-19 in India. The Lancet Microbe 2020;1(7):e277.
  • Drain P., Hyle E., Noubary F., Freedberg K., Wilson D., Bishai W. et al.. Diagnostic point-of-care tests in resource-limited settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014;14(3):239-249.
  • Simwita Y., Helgheim B.. Application of Agile and Simulation Approaches for the Maximal Benefits of Reduced Turnaround Time from the Point of Care Testing. Tanzania Journal of Science 2023;49(2):468-478.
  • Heidt B., Siqueira W., Eersels K., Diliën H., Grinsven B., Fujiwara R. et al.. Point of Care Diagnostics in Resource-limited Settings: A Review of the Present and Future of POC in Its Most Needed Environment. Biosensors 2020;10(10):133.
  • Tucker J., Bien C., Peeling R.. Point-of-Care Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2013;26(1):73-79.
  • Dzobo M., Dzinamarira T., Murewanhema G., Madziva R., Herrera H., Musuka G.. Limited Syphilis Testing for Key Populations in Zimbabwe: A Silent Public Health Threat. Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases 2022;37(1).
  • Toskin I., Peeling R., Mabey D., Holmes K., Ballard R., Kiarie J. et al.. Point-of-Care Tests for STIs: the Way Forward. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2017;93(S4):S1-S2.
  • Sutcliffe C., Mutanga J., Moyo N., Agarwal A., Schue J., Hamahuwa M., et al.. Point-of-Care P24 Antigen Detection for Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV Infection: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Studies in Zambia. BMC Infectious Diseases 2021;21(1).
  • Pai N., Vadnais C., Denkinger C., Engel N., Pai M.. Point-of-Care Testing for Infectious Diseases: Diversity, Complexity, and Barriers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Public Library of Science Medicine 2012;9(9):e1001306.
  • Dorward J., Drain P., Garrett N.. Point-of-Care Viral Load Testing and Differentiated HIV Care. The Lancet HIV 2018;5(1):e8-e9.
  • Visser L. , Shahid S. , Mahmud A.. Point-of-care testing for diabetes patients: investigating diabetes management by older adults. In: Jones M, Palanque P. CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2014. P. 1645–1650.
  • Macrury S., Srinivasan A., Mahoney J.. Performance of a New Meter Designed for Assisted Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Point-of-Care Testing. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 2013;7(2):389-398.
  • Kristensen T., Waldorff F., Nexøe J., Skovsgaard C., Olsen K.. Variation in Point-of-Care Testing of HbA1c in Diabetes Care in General Practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(11):1363.
  • Kost G., Kost L., Suwanyangyuen A., Cheema S., Curtis C., Sumner S. et al.. Emergency Cardiac Biomarkers and Point-of-Care Testing. Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology 2010;9(2):53-64.
  • Curtis C., Kost G., Louie R., Sonu R., Ammirati E., Sumner S.. Point-of-Care Hematology and Coagulation Testing in Primary, Rural Emergency, and Disaster Care Scenarios. Point of Care: The Journal of Near- Patient Testing & Technology 2012;11(2):140-145.
  • Tran N. , Godwin Z. , Bockhold J.. Point-of-Care Testing at the Disaster–Emergency–Critical Care Interface. Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology 2012;11(4):180-183.
  • Spooner E., Reddy T., Mchunu N., Reddy S., Daniels B., Ngomane N. et al.. Point-of-Care CD4 Testing: Differentiated Care for the Most Vulnerable. Journal of Global Health 2022;12.
  • Wong H., Marcu L., Bezak E., Parange N.. Review of Health Economics of Point-of-Care Testing Worldwide and Its Efficacy of Implementation in the Primary Health Care Setting in Remote Australia. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020;13:379-386.
  • Cooke J., Llor C., Hopstaken R., Dryden M., Butler C.. Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) in Primary Care: Narrative Review of C Reactive Protein (CRP) Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) and Antibacterial Use in Patients Who Present with Symptoms of RTI. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2020;7(1):e000624.
  • Charman S., Okwose N., Maniatopoulos G., Graziadio S., Metzler T., Banks H. et al.. Opportunities and Challenges of a Novel Cardiac Output Response to Stress (CORS) Test to Enhance Diagnosis of Heart Failure in Primary Care: Qualitative Study. BMJ Open 2019;9(4):e028122. 2018-028122
  • Howick J., Cals J., Jones C., Price C., Plüddemann A., Heneghan C. et al.. Current and Future Use of Point-of-Care Tests in Primary Care: An International Survey in Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. BMJ Open 2014;4(8):e005611.
  • Palmer T., Aiyenigba A., Bates I., Okyere D., Tagbor H., Ampofo G.. Improving the Effectiveness of Point of Care Tests for Malaria and Anaemia: A Qualitative Study Across Three Ghanaian Antenatal Clinics. BMC Health Services Research 2020;20(1).
  • Ansu-Mensah M., Bawontuo V., Kuupiel D., Ginindza T.. Sustainable Solutions to Barriers of Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing Services in Health Facilities without Laboratories in the Bono Region, Ghana: A Qualitative Study. BMC Primary Care 2024;25(1). 02406-4
  • Kuupiel D., Adu K., Bawontuo V., Adogboba D., Drain P., Moshabela M. et al.. Geographical Accessibility to Glucose-6-Phosphate Dioxygenase Deficiency Point-of-Care Testing for Antenatal Care in Ghana. Diagnostics 2020;10(4):229.
  • Johannis W., Bietenbeck A., Malchau G., Streichert T.. Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) and IT Security Concepts. Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2020;44(2):107-111.
  • Rawlinson W., Escott R., Baleriola C., Morris A.. Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Point of Care (POC) Diagnostic Tests. Microbiology Australia 2006;27(2):58-60.
  • Lewandrowski K., Gregory K., MacMillan D.. Assuring Quality in Point-of-Care Testing: Evolution of Technologies, Informatics, and Program Management. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2011;135(11):1405-1414.
  • Briggs C., Guthrie D., Hyde K., Mackie I., Parker N., Popek M. et al.. Guidelines for Point‐of‐ Care Testing: Haematology. British Journal of Haematology 2008;142(6):904-915.
  • Licher Y., Visser J., Van G., Diehl J.. Formulating Design Recommendations for the Acceptance of the Use and Results of Point-of-Care Testing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Literature Review. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 2019;1(1):2795-2804.
  • Ehui E., Jules B., Gisele K.. Cascade of Care for HIV Positive Patients in A Rural Health Region in the North-Central Region of Ivory Coast: A Follow-up Study. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2017:144-147.
  • Kip M., Hummel J., Eppink E., Koffijberg H., Hopstaken R., IJzerman M. et al.. Understanding the Adoption and Use of Point-of-Care Tests in Dutch General Practices Using Multi- criteria Decision Analysis. BMC Family Practice 2019;20(1). 4
  • Brendish N., Poole S., Naidu V., Mansbridge C., Norton N., Wheeler H. et al.. Clinical Impact of Molecular Point-of-Care Testing for Suspected Covid-19 in Hospital (COV-19POC): A Prospective, Interventional, Non-randomised, Controlled Study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2020;8(12):1192 1200.
  • Micocci M., Gordon A., Seo M., Allen J., Davies K., Lasserson D. et al.. Is Point-of-Care Testing Feasible and Safe in Care Homes in England? An Exploratory Usability and Accuracy Evaluation of A Point-of-Care Polymerase Chain Reaction Test for SARS-COV-2. Age and Ageing 2021;50(5):1464- 1472.
  • Chen H., Liu K., Zhao L., Wang P.. Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases. International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine 2019;493:138-147.
  • Yuan X., Darcie T., Wei Z., Aitchison J.. Microchip Imaging Cytometer: Making Healthcare Available, Accessible, and Affordable. Opto-Electronic Advances 2022;5(11):210130-210130.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Halk Sağlığı (Diğer), Birinci Basamak Sağlık Hizmetleri
Bölüm Derleme

Salih Adil Berktaş 0000-0003-4396-2923

Mustafa Necmi İlhan 0000-0003-1367-6328

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Berktaş SA, İlhan MN. Hasta Başı Testlerin Birinci Basamak Sağlık Hizmetlerine Etkisi. MRR. 2025;8(1):45-53.