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İskemi modifiye albumin: Behçet hastalığında artmış oksidatif stres için yararlı bir belirteç

Yıl 2019, , 19 - 27, 31.03.2019


Amaç Artmış oksidatif stres Behçet hastalığının patogenezinde önemli bir rol oynar. Buna ilişkin anlamlı bir belirtecin net olarak tanımlanması gereklidir. Behçet hastalarında artmış oksidatif stresin gösterilmesinde ve hastalık aktivitesinin değerlendirilmesinde iskemi modifiye albüminin (İMA) değerini araştırmayı amaçladık.

Yöntem Behçet hastalarından (n = 57) ve sağlıklı bireylerden (n = 45) kan örnekleri toplandı. İMA, serum total antioksidan kapasite (TAC) ve toplam oksidan durumu (TOS), Erel’in otomatik metodu kullanılarak ölçüldü. Toplam peroksit seviyesinin TAC seviyesine oranı, oksidatif stres endeksi (OSI) olarak kabul edildi. Tüm belirteçler için ROC eğrileri oluşturuldu.

Bulgular İMA, TAC, TOS, OSI, C-reaktif protein (CRP) ve eritrosit sedimantasyon hızı (ESR) düzeylerinin Behçet hastalarında kontrollere göre anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu saptandı. Aktif ve inaktif dönemler arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark gösteren tek belirteç İMA idi. ROC analizinde diğer belirteçlere göre eğri altındaki alan (AUC) değeri istatiksel olarak nlamlı ölçüde daha yüksek bulundu (p=0.004). İMA, aynı zamanda hem tüm Behçet hastalarında, hem de aktif dönemdeki hastalarda CRP ile anlamlı korelasyon gösterdi (sırasıyla =0.50, p<0.01; r=0.54, p<0.005).

Sonuç İMA, Behçet hastalarında oksidatif stresi değerlendirmenin yanı sıra hastalık aktivitesini değerlendirmek için de, TAC, TOS veya OSI gibi diğer belirteçlere üstünlük gösterdi. Behçet hastalığının aktif döneminde gözlenen en yüksek İMA düzeyi ve CRP ile ilişkisi, İMA’nın hastalık aktivitesini izlemek için yararlı bir belirteç olabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • 1. Scherrer MAR, Rocha VB, Garcia LC. Behçet’s disease: review with emphasis on dermatological aspects. An Bras Dermatol 2017;92:452-64.
  • 2. Yazici Y, Yurdakul S, Yazici H. Behçet’s syndrome. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2010;12:429-35.
  • 3. Niwa Y, Mizushima Y. Neutrophil-potentiating factors released from stimulated lymphocytes; special reference to the increase in neutrophil-potentiating factors from streptococcus-stimulated lymphocytes of patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Exp Immunol 1990:79;353-60.
  • 4. Niwa Y, Miyake S, Sakane T, Shingu M, Yokoyama M. Auto-oxidative damage in Behçet’s disease--endothelial cell damage following the elevated oxygen radicals generated by stimulated neutrophils. Clin Exp Immunol 1982:49;247-55.
  • 5. Harzallah O, Kerkeni A, Baati T, Mahjoub S. Oxidative stress: correlation with Behçet’s disease duration, activity and severity. Eur J Intern Med 2008:19;541-47.
  • 6. Taysi S, Kocer I, Memisogullari R, Kiziltunc A. Serum oxidant/antioxidant status in patients with Behçet’s disease. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2002:32;377-82.
  • 7. Orem A, Efe H, Değer O, et al. Relationship between lipid peroxidation and disease activity in patients with Behçet’s disease. J Dermatol Sci 1997:16;11-16.
  • 8. Buldanlioglu S, Turkmen S, Ayabakan HB, et al. Nitric oxide, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defence system in patients with active or inactive Behçet’s disease. Br J Dermatol 2005:153;526-30.
  • 9. Orem A, Yandi YE, Vanizor B, et al. The evaluation of autoantibodies against oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL), susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, serum lipids and lipid hydroperoxide levels, total antioxidant status, antioxidant enzyme activities, and endothelial dysfunction in patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Biochem 2002:35;217-24.
  • 10. Erel O. A novel automated method to measure total antioxidant response against potent free radical reactions. Clin Biochem 2004:37;112-9.
  • 11. Erel O. A new automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status. Clin Biochem 2005:38;1103-11.
  • 12. Harma M, Harma M, Erel O. Increased oxidative stress in patients with hydatidiform mole. Swiss Med Wkly 2003:133;563-6.
  • 13. Roy D, Quiles J, Gaze DC, et al. Role of reactive oxygen species on the formation of the novel diagnostic marker ischaemia modified albumin. Heart 2006:92;113-4.
  • 14. Dekker MS, Mosterd A, van ‘t Hof AW, Hoes AW. Novel biochemical markers in suspected acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and critical appraisal. Heart 2010:96;1001-10.
  • 15. Abboud H, Labreuche J, Meseguer E, et al. Ischemia-modified albumin in acute stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 2007:23;216-20.
  • 16. Sharma R, Gaze DC, Pellerin D, et al. Evaluation of ischaemia-modified albumin as a marker of myocardial ischaemia in end-stage renal disease. Clin Sci (Lond.) 2007:113;25-32.
  • 17. Hogg K, Hinchliffe E, Halsam S, et al. Is ischaemia-modified albumin a test for venous thromboembolism? Emerg Med J 2012;29:455-9.
  • 18. Borderie D, Allanore Y, Meune C, et al. High ischemia- modified albumin concentration reflects oxidative stress but not myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis. Clin Chem 2004:50;2190-3.
  • 19. Ustun Y, Engin-Ustun Y, Ozturk O, Alanbay I, Yaman H. Ischemia-modified albumin as an oxidative stress marker in preeclampsia. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011:24;418-21.
  • 20. Piva SJ, Duarte MM, Da Cruz IB, et al. Ischemia-modified albumin as an oxidative stress biomarker in obesity. Clin Biochem 2011:44;345-7.
  • 21. Omma A, Sandikci SC, Colak S, et al. Serum calprotectin and ischemia modified albumin levels as markers of disease activity in Behçet’s disease. Postepy Dermatol Alergol 2018;35:609-13.
  • 22. Capkin E, Karkucak M, Kola M, et al. Ischemia-modified albumin (IMA): a novel marker of vascular involvement in Behçet’s disease? Joint Bone Spine 2015;82:68-9.
  • 23. Ozyazgan S, Andican G, Erman H, et al. Relation of protein oxidation parameters and disease activity in patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Lab 2013;59:819-25.
  • 24. Criteria for diagnosis of Behçet’s disease. International Study Group for Behçet’s Disease. Lancet 1990:335;1078-80.
  • 25. Bar-Or D, Lau E, Winkler JV. A novel assay for cobalt-albumin binding and its potential as a marker for myocardial ischemia-a preliminary report. J Emerg Med 2000:19;311-5.
  • 26. Evereklioglu C, Er H, Turkoz Y, Cekmen M. Serum levels of TNF-alpha, sIL-2R, IL-6, and IL-8 are increased and associated with elevated lipid peroxidation in patients with Behçet’s disease. Mediators Inflamm 2002:11;87-93.
  • 27. Deger O, Orem A, Akyol N, Bahadir S, Yildirmis S. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte elastase levels in patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Chim Acta 1995;236:129-34.
  • 28. Isik A, Koca SS, Ustundag B, Selek S. Decreased total antioxidant response and increased oxidative stress in Behcet’s disease. Tohoku J Exp Med 2007:212;133-41.
  • 29. Yazici C, Kose K, Calis M, et al. Increased advanced oxidation protein products in Behçet’s disease: a new activity marker? Br J Dermatol 2004:151;105-11.
  • 30. Dalle-Donne I, Rossi R, Giustarini D, Milzani A, Colombo R. Protein carbonyl groups as biomarkers of oxidative stress. Clin Chim Acta 2003:329;23-38.
  • 31. Duarte MM, Rocha JB, Moresco RN, et al. Association between ischemia-modified albumin, lipids and inflammation biomarkers in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Clin Biochem 2009:42;666-71.
  • 32. Kaefer M, Piva SJ, De Carvalho JA, et al. Association between ischemia modified albumin, inflammation and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Clin Biochem 2010:43;450-4.
  • 33. Valle Gottlieb MG, da Cruz IB, Duarte MM, et al. Associations among metabolic syndrome, ischemia, inflammatory, oxidatives, and lipids biomarkers. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010:95;586-91.

Ischemia modified albumin: a useful marker for increased oxidative stress in Behçet’s disease

Yıl 2019, , 19 - 27, 31.03.2019


Background Increased oxidant stress play an important role in pathogenesis of Behçet’s disease (BD). It needs to be clearly defined by using a sensitive marker.

Objective We sought to investigate usefulness of ischemia modified albumin (IMA) to show increased oxidative stress in patients with BD and its value considering the disease activity.

Methods The sera from BD patients (n=57) and healthy individuals (n=45) were collected. IMA, serum total antioxidative capacity (TAC) and total oxidant status (TOS) were measured using Erel’s automated method, and the percentage ratio of total peroksit level to TAC level was considered the oxidative stress index (OSI). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed for all markers.

Results IMA, TAC, TOS, OSI, C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) levels were found to be significantly higher in patients with BD than those in controls. IMA was the only marker which showed difference between active and inactive periods, and it had higher area under curve (AUC) value than those for other markers in ROC analysis (p=0.004). IMA also showed significant correlations with CRP, both in all BD patients and those in active period (r=0.50, p<0.01; r =0.54, p<0.005, respectively).

Conclusions IMA showed superiority to other markers such as TAC, TOS or OSI to evaluate oxidative stress in BD patients as well as in considering disease activity. The higher serum level of IMA and its relationship with CRP observed in active period of BD indicate that IMA may be a useful marker for monitoring disease activity.


  • 1. Scherrer MAR, Rocha VB, Garcia LC. Behçet’s disease: review with emphasis on dermatological aspects. An Bras Dermatol 2017;92:452-64.
  • 2. Yazici Y, Yurdakul S, Yazici H. Behçet’s syndrome. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2010;12:429-35.
  • 3. Niwa Y, Mizushima Y. Neutrophil-potentiating factors released from stimulated lymphocytes; special reference to the increase in neutrophil-potentiating factors from streptococcus-stimulated lymphocytes of patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Exp Immunol 1990:79;353-60.
  • 4. Niwa Y, Miyake S, Sakane T, Shingu M, Yokoyama M. Auto-oxidative damage in Behçet’s disease--endothelial cell damage following the elevated oxygen radicals generated by stimulated neutrophils. Clin Exp Immunol 1982:49;247-55.
  • 5. Harzallah O, Kerkeni A, Baati T, Mahjoub S. Oxidative stress: correlation with Behçet’s disease duration, activity and severity. Eur J Intern Med 2008:19;541-47.
  • 6. Taysi S, Kocer I, Memisogullari R, Kiziltunc A. Serum oxidant/antioxidant status in patients with Behçet’s disease. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2002:32;377-82.
  • 7. Orem A, Efe H, Değer O, et al. Relationship between lipid peroxidation and disease activity in patients with Behçet’s disease. J Dermatol Sci 1997:16;11-16.
  • 8. Buldanlioglu S, Turkmen S, Ayabakan HB, et al. Nitric oxide, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defence system in patients with active or inactive Behçet’s disease. Br J Dermatol 2005:153;526-30.
  • 9. Orem A, Yandi YE, Vanizor B, et al. The evaluation of autoantibodies against oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL), susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, serum lipids and lipid hydroperoxide levels, total antioxidant status, antioxidant enzyme activities, and endothelial dysfunction in patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Biochem 2002:35;217-24.
  • 10. Erel O. A novel automated method to measure total antioxidant response against potent free radical reactions. Clin Biochem 2004:37;112-9.
  • 11. Erel O. A new automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status. Clin Biochem 2005:38;1103-11.
  • 12. Harma M, Harma M, Erel O. Increased oxidative stress in patients with hydatidiform mole. Swiss Med Wkly 2003:133;563-6.
  • 13. Roy D, Quiles J, Gaze DC, et al. Role of reactive oxygen species on the formation of the novel diagnostic marker ischaemia modified albumin. Heart 2006:92;113-4.
  • 14. Dekker MS, Mosterd A, van ‘t Hof AW, Hoes AW. Novel biochemical markers in suspected acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and critical appraisal. Heart 2010:96;1001-10.
  • 15. Abboud H, Labreuche J, Meseguer E, et al. Ischemia-modified albumin in acute stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 2007:23;216-20.
  • 16. Sharma R, Gaze DC, Pellerin D, et al. Evaluation of ischaemia-modified albumin as a marker of myocardial ischaemia in end-stage renal disease. Clin Sci (Lond.) 2007:113;25-32.
  • 17. Hogg K, Hinchliffe E, Halsam S, et al. Is ischaemia-modified albumin a test for venous thromboembolism? Emerg Med J 2012;29:455-9.
  • 18. Borderie D, Allanore Y, Meune C, et al. High ischemia- modified albumin concentration reflects oxidative stress but not myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis. Clin Chem 2004:50;2190-3.
  • 19. Ustun Y, Engin-Ustun Y, Ozturk O, Alanbay I, Yaman H. Ischemia-modified albumin as an oxidative stress marker in preeclampsia. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011:24;418-21.
  • 20. Piva SJ, Duarte MM, Da Cruz IB, et al. Ischemia-modified albumin as an oxidative stress biomarker in obesity. Clin Biochem 2011:44;345-7.
  • 21. Omma A, Sandikci SC, Colak S, et al. Serum calprotectin and ischemia modified albumin levels as markers of disease activity in Behçet’s disease. Postepy Dermatol Alergol 2018;35:609-13.
  • 22. Capkin E, Karkucak M, Kola M, et al. Ischemia-modified albumin (IMA): a novel marker of vascular involvement in Behçet’s disease? Joint Bone Spine 2015;82:68-9.
  • 23. Ozyazgan S, Andican G, Erman H, et al. Relation of protein oxidation parameters and disease activity in patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Lab 2013;59:819-25.
  • 24. Criteria for diagnosis of Behçet’s disease. International Study Group for Behçet’s Disease. Lancet 1990:335;1078-80.
  • 25. Bar-Or D, Lau E, Winkler JV. A novel assay for cobalt-albumin binding and its potential as a marker for myocardial ischemia-a preliminary report. J Emerg Med 2000:19;311-5.
  • 26. Evereklioglu C, Er H, Turkoz Y, Cekmen M. Serum levels of TNF-alpha, sIL-2R, IL-6, and IL-8 are increased and associated with elevated lipid peroxidation in patients with Behçet’s disease. Mediators Inflamm 2002:11;87-93.
  • 27. Deger O, Orem A, Akyol N, Bahadir S, Yildirmis S. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte elastase levels in patients with Behçet’s disease. Clin Chim Acta 1995;236:129-34.
  • 28. Isik A, Koca SS, Ustundag B, Selek S. Decreased total antioxidant response and increased oxidative stress in Behcet’s disease. Tohoku J Exp Med 2007:212;133-41.
  • 29. Yazici C, Kose K, Calis M, et al. Increased advanced oxidation protein products in Behçet’s disease: a new activity marker? Br J Dermatol 2004:151;105-11.
  • 30. Dalle-Donne I, Rossi R, Giustarini D, Milzani A, Colombo R. Protein carbonyl groups as biomarkers of oxidative stress. Clin Chim Acta 2003:329;23-38.
  • 31. Duarte MM, Rocha JB, Moresco RN, et al. Association between ischemia-modified albumin, lipids and inflammation biomarkers in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Clin Biochem 2009:42;666-71.
  • 32. Kaefer M, Piva SJ, De Carvalho JA, et al. Association between ischemia modified albumin, inflammation and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Clin Biochem 2010:43;450-4.
  • 33. Valle Gottlieb MG, da Cruz IB, Duarte MM, et al. Associations among metabolic syndrome, ischemia, inflammatory, oxidatives, and lipids biomarkers. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010:95;586-91.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Keskin S, Aksu Arica D, Orem A, Akcan B, Mentese A, Bahadir S. Ischemia modified albumin: a useful marker for increased oxidative stress in Behçet’s disease. Mucosa. 2019;2(1):19-27.