Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 78 - 88, 30.06.2020



  • [1] UNdata: National Accounts Database for the countries of the world. Accessed 01 February 2017 [2] European Commission, 2015. Consortium of the Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education, Country overview on the application of less widely used and taught languages Turkey. Project Number: 543164-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-KA2-KA2NW. [3] Hinze, J.W., 1997. Construction Safety, Prentice Hall Publications, New Jersey. [4] Ringen, K., Seegal, J., 1995. Safety and health in construction industry. Annual Review of Public Health. 16, 165–188. [5] Hyoung, J.I., Kwon, Y., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Su Ju, Y., Lee, H., 2009. The characteristics of fatal occupational injuries in Korea’s construction industry, 1997–2004. Safety Science. 47 (8), 1159–1162. [6] Cameron, I., Hare, B., Davies, R., 2008. Fatal and major construction accidents: a comparison between Scotland and the rest of Great Britain. Safety Science. 46, 692–708. [7] Ale, B.J.M., Bellamy, L.J., Baksteen, H., Damen, M., Goossens, L.H.J., Hale, A.R., Mud, M., Oh, J., Papazoglou, I.A., Whiston, J.Y., 2008. Accidents in the construction industry in the Netherlands: An analysis of accident reports using Storybuilder. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 93, 1523–1533. [8] Arquillos, A.L., Romero, J.C.R., Gibb, A., 2012. Analysis of construction accidents in Spain, 2003-2008. Journal of Safety Research. 43, 381–388. [9] Colak, B., Etiler, N., Bicer, U., 2004. Fatal occupational injuries in the construction sector in Kocaeli, Turkey, 1990-2001. Industrial Health. 42, 424-430. [10] Kartam, N.A., Flood, I., Koushki, P., 2000. Construction safety in Kuwait: issues, procedures, problems, and recommendations. Safety Science. 36, 163-184. [11] El-Mashaleh, M.S., Al-Smadi, B.M., Hyari, K.H., Rababeh, S.M., 2010. Safety management in the Jordanian construction industry. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering. 4(1) 47-54. [12] Chong, H.Y., Low, T.S., 2014. Accidents in Malaysian Construction industry: statistical data and court cases. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 20(3), 503–513. [13] ElSafty, A., ElSafty, A., Malek, M., 2012. Construction safety and occupational health education in Egypt, the EU, and US Firms. Open Journal of Civil Engineering. 2, 174-182. [14] Mohammed, Y.D., Ishak, M.B., 2013. Study of fatal and non-fatal accidents in construction sector. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering. 25(1):106-118. [15] Rahman, F., Ezaz, M.H., Halder, D., Mondal, P., 2015. Contributing factors affecting the safety in construction sites of Bangladesh. DOI: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-039-2-102 [16] Fabiano, B., Parentini, I., Ferraiolo, A., Pastorino, R., 1995. A Century of accidents in the Italian industry: Relationship with the production cycle. Safety Science, 2: 65-74. [17] Tam, C.M., Zeng, S.X., Deng, Z.M., 2004. Identifying elements of poor construction safety management in China. Safety Science. 42, 569–586. [18] Jannadi, O.A., Bu-Khamsin, M.S., 2002. Safety factors considered by industrial contractors in Saudi Arabia. Building and Environment. 37 (5), 539–547. [19] Kines, P., 2002. Construction workers’ falls through roofs: fatal versus serious injuries. Journal of Safety Research. 33, 195–208. [20] Aksorn, T., Hadikusumo, B.H.W., 2007. The unsafe acts and the decision-to-err factors of Thai construction workers. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 12 (1), 1–25. [21] Ore, T., Stout, N., 1996. Traumatic occupational fatalities in the US and Australian construction industries. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 30, 202–6. [22] Pollack, E.S., Griffin, M., Ringen, K., Weeks, J.L., 1996. Fatalities in the construction industry in the United States, 1992 and 1993. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 30, 325–30. [23] Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2001. Fatal occupational injuries-United States, 1980–97. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 50, 317–20. [24] Roudsari, B.S., Ghodsi, M., 2005. Occupational injuries in Tehran. Injury. 36, 33–39. [25] Tricco, A.C., Colantonio, A., Chipman, M., Liss, G., McLellan, B., 2006. Work-Related deaths and traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 20, 719–724. [26] Hallowell, M.R., 2012. Safety-knowledge management in American construction organizations. Journal of Management in Engineering 28 (2), 203–211. [27] Larsson, T.J., Field, B., 2002. The distribution of occupational injuries risks in the Victorian construction industry. Safety Science 40, 439–456. [28] Peckitt, S.J., Glendon, A.I., Booth, R.T., 2004. Societal influences on safety culture in the construction industry. In: Rowlinson, S. (Ed.), Construction Safety Management Systems. Spon Press, London. [29] McKenzie, J., Gibb, A.G.F., Bouchlaghem, N.M., 1999. Communication of health and safety in design phase. Implementation of safety and health on construction sites. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of CIB Working Commission W99. Honolulu, Hawaii. March 24-27 1999; 419-426. [30] Rowlinson, S., 2004. Overview of construction site safety issues. In: Rowlinson, S. (Ed.), Construction Safety Management Systems. Spon Press, London. [31] Che Hassan, C.R., Basha, O.J., Wan Hanafi, W.H., 2007. Perception of building construction workers towards safety, health and environment. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2(3):271-279. [32] Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association: OSH statistics in Japan. Accessed 01 February 2017 [33] Man, S.S, Chan, A.H.S., Wong, H.M., 2017. Risk-taking behaviors of Hong Kong construction workers-A thematic study. Safety Science. 98, 25–36. [34] Bomel Ltd., 2001. Improving Health and Safety in Construction Phase 1: Data Collection, Review and Structuring. Contract Research Report 386/2001. Sudbury: HSE Books. [35] Yi, J.S., Kim, Y.W., Kim, K.A., Koo, B., 2012. A suggested color scheme for reducing perception-related accidents on construction work sites. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 48, 185-92. [36] Barnard, M., 1995. Safety is the Engineers Responsibility -Fact of Fiction? A paper given by the Director of Health and Safety for Travers Morgan Ltd at the Institute of Civil Engineers on construction site safety and the CDM Regulations. 6th February, Pub: School of Business and Industrial Management. [37] Fang, D.P., Huang, X.Y., Hinze, J., 2004. Benchmarking studies on construction safety management in Chine. Journal of Construction Engineering Management. 130, 424-32. [38] Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Accidents Statistics by Sector until December 2014. Accessed 9 June 2015 [39] Unsar, S., Sut, N., 2009. General assessment of the occupational accidents that occurred in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2005. Safety Science. 47, 614–619. [40] Social Security Institution: Statistical Yearbook. Accessed 23 October 2017 [41] Pinto, A., Nunes, I.L., Ribeiro, R.A., 2011. Occupational risk assessment in construction industry-Overview and reflection. Safety Science. 49, 616–624. [42] Sawacha, E., Naoum, S., Fong, D., 1999. Factors affecting safety performance on construction sites. International Journal of Project Management. 17, 309–315. [43] Fabiano, B., Currò, F., Pastorino, R., 2004. A study of the relationship between occupational injuries and firm size and type in the Italian industry. Safety Science. 42, 587–600. [44] Chi, C.F., Chang, T.C., Ting, H.I., 2005. Accident patterns and prevention measures for fatal occupational falls in the construction industry. Applied Ergonomics. 36, 391–400. [45] Cheng, C.W., Leu, S.S., Lin, C.C., Fan, C., 2010. Characteristic analysis of occupational accidents at small construction enterprises. Safety Science. 48, 698–707. [46] Ismail, Z., Doostdar, S., Harun, Z., 2012. Factors influencing the implementation of a safety management system for construction sites. Safety Science. 50, 418–423. [47] Alarcon, L.F., Acuna, D., Diethelm, S., Pellicer, E., 2016. Strategies for improving safety performance in construction firms. Accident Analysis and Prevention 94, 107–118 [48] Givehchi, S., Hemmativaghef, E., Hoveidi, H., 2017. Association between safety leading indicators and safety climate levels. Journal of Safety Research 62, 23–32. [49] Amiri, M., Ardeshir, A., Zarandi, M.H.F., 2017. Fuzzy probabilistic expert system for occupational hazard assessment in construction. Safety Science 93, 16–28. [50] Liao, C.W., Perng, Y.H., 2008. Data mining for occupational injuries in the Taiwan construction industry. Safety Science 46, 1091-1102. [51] Irumba, R., 2014. Spatial analysis of construction accidents in Kampala, Uganda. Safety Science. 64, 109–120. [52] Wilkins, J.R., 2011. Construction workers’ perceptions of health and safety training programmes. Construction Management and Economics 29, 1017–1026. [53] Korkmaz, S., Park, D.J., 2017. Comparison of Safety perception between foreign and local workers in the construction industry in Republic of Korea. Safety and Health at Work 1-6. [54] Fleming, M., Lardner, R., 2002. Strategies to Promote Safe Behavior as Part of a Health and Safety Management System HSE Books. [55] Wilson, H.A., 1989. Organizational behavior and safety management in the construction business. Construction Management and Economics 7(4), 303–20. [56] Thompson, R. C., Hilton, T. F., Witt, L. A., 1998. Where the safety rubber meets the shop floor: A confirmatory model of management influence on workplace safety. Journal of Safety Research 29(1), 15–24. [57] Gillen, M., Kools, S., Sum, J., McCall, C., Moulden, K., 2004. Construction workers’ perceptions of management safety practices: A qualitative investigation Work 23 (3), 245–256. [58] Bogdan, R., Biklen, S., 2007. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. [59] Rowley, J., 2012. Conducting research interviews. Manage. Res. Rev. 35 (3/4), 260–271. [60] Chen, K., Chan, A.H., 2013. Use or non-use of gerontechnology—A qualitative study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 10 (10), 4645–4666. [61] Avila, C.C., Cieza, A., Anaya, C., Ayuso-Mateos, J.L., 2012. The patients’ perspective on relevant areas and problems in the bipolar spectrum disorder: Individual interviews using the international classification of functioning, disability and health as a reference tool. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabilit./Assoc. Acad. Physiatrists 91 (13), [62] Biggs, S.E., Banks, T.D., Davey, J.D., Freeman, J.E., 2013. Safety leaders’ perceptions of safety culture in a large Australasian construction organization. Safety Science 52, 3–12. [63] Teo, E.A.L., Ling, F.Y.Y., 2006. Developing a model to measure the effectiveness of safety management systems of construction sites. 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Yıl 2020, , 78 - 88, 30.06.2020


Occupational accidents in the construction industry constitute one of the major problems in Turkey. The industry alone is responsible for 32.0% of all fatal industrial accidents from 1992–2015. Beyond precautionary efforts, workers need to participate and cooperate in the construction process to reduce the high number of accidents. The objective of this study is to provide an in-depth understanding of the underlying causes and motivations that affect the compliance of workers in following occupational safety and health (OSH) rules. A total of 482 workers were surveyed in 2016–2017. Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure the reliability of the dataset. Ordinal logistic regression was conducted to determine the parameters that affect the compliance of workers in following OSH rules. Results show that most construction workers do not believe in the following findings: companies should provide OSH training before starting work; focusing on OSH would increase work efficiency and quality; OSH training is effective in preventing occupational accidents; OSH training is effective in reducing the frequency of occupational accidents; and OSH training is important for the safe use of equipment. Thus, the safety culture should be developed first in order for workers to gain awareness, adaptation and their sustainability.


  • [1] UNdata: National Accounts Database for the countries of the world. Accessed 01 February 2017 [2] European Commission, 2015. Consortium of the Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education, Country overview on the application of less widely used and taught languages Turkey. Project Number: 543164-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-KA2-KA2NW. [3] Hinze, J.W., 1997. Construction Safety, Prentice Hall Publications, New Jersey. [4] Ringen, K., Seegal, J., 1995. Safety and health in construction industry. Annual Review of Public Health. 16, 165–188. [5] Hyoung, J.I., Kwon, Y., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Su Ju, Y., Lee, H., 2009. The characteristics of fatal occupational injuries in Korea’s construction industry, 1997–2004. Safety Science. 47 (8), 1159–1162. [6] Cameron, I., Hare, B., Davies, R., 2008. Fatal and major construction accidents: a comparison between Scotland and the rest of Great Britain. Safety Science. 46, 692–708. [7] Ale, B.J.M., Bellamy, L.J., Baksteen, H., Damen, M., Goossens, L.H.J., Hale, A.R., Mud, M., Oh, J., Papazoglou, I.A., Whiston, J.Y., 2008. Accidents in the construction industry in the Netherlands: An analysis of accident reports using Storybuilder. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 93, 1523–1533. [8] Arquillos, A.L., Romero, J.C.R., Gibb, A., 2012. Analysis of construction accidents in Spain, 2003-2008. Journal of Safety Research. 43, 381–388. [9] Colak, B., Etiler, N., Bicer, U., 2004. Fatal occupational injuries in the construction sector in Kocaeli, Turkey, 1990-2001. Industrial Health. 42, 424-430. [10] Kartam, N.A., Flood, I., Koushki, P., 2000. Construction safety in Kuwait: issues, procedures, problems, and recommendations. Safety Science. 36, 163-184. [11] El-Mashaleh, M.S., Al-Smadi, B.M., Hyari, K.H., Rababeh, S.M., 2010. Safety management in the Jordanian construction industry. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering. 4(1) 47-54. [12] Chong, H.Y., Low, T.S., 2014. Accidents in Malaysian Construction industry: statistical data and court cases. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 20(3), 503–513. [13] ElSafty, A., ElSafty, A., Malek, M., 2012. Construction safety and occupational health education in Egypt, the EU, and US Firms. Open Journal of Civil Engineering. 2, 174-182. [14] Mohammed, Y.D., Ishak, M.B., 2013. Study of fatal and non-fatal accidents in construction sector. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering. 25(1):106-118. [15] Rahman, F., Ezaz, M.H., Halder, D., Mondal, P., 2015. Contributing factors affecting the safety in construction sites of Bangladesh. DOI: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-039-2-102 [16] Fabiano, B., Parentini, I., Ferraiolo, A., Pastorino, R., 1995. A Century of accidents in the Italian industry: Relationship with the production cycle. Safety Science, 2: 65-74. [17] Tam, C.M., Zeng, S.X., Deng, Z.M., 2004. Identifying elements of poor construction safety management in China. Safety Science. 42, 569–586. [18] Jannadi, O.A., Bu-Khamsin, M.S., 2002. Safety factors considered by industrial contractors in Saudi Arabia. Building and Environment. 37 (5), 539–547. [19] Kines, P., 2002. Construction workers’ falls through roofs: fatal versus serious injuries. Journal of Safety Research. 33, 195–208. [20] Aksorn, T., Hadikusumo, B.H.W., 2007. The unsafe acts and the decision-to-err factors of Thai construction workers. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 12 (1), 1–25. [21] Ore, T., Stout, N., 1996. Traumatic occupational fatalities in the US and Australian construction industries. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 30, 202–6. [22] Pollack, E.S., Griffin, M., Ringen, K., Weeks, J.L., 1996. Fatalities in the construction industry in the United States, 1992 and 1993. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 30, 325–30. [23] Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2001. Fatal occupational injuries-United States, 1980–97. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 50, 317–20. [24] Roudsari, B.S., Ghodsi, M., 2005. Occupational injuries in Tehran. Injury. 36, 33–39. [25] Tricco, A.C., Colantonio, A., Chipman, M., Liss, G., McLellan, B., 2006. Work-Related deaths and traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 20, 719–724. [26] Hallowell, M.R., 2012. Safety-knowledge management in American construction organizations. Journal of Management in Engineering 28 (2), 203–211. [27] Larsson, T.J., Field, B., 2002. The distribution of occupational injuries risks in the Victorian construction industry. Safety Science 40, 439–456. [28] Peckitt, S.J., Glendon, A.I., Booth, R.T., 2004. Societal influences on safety culture in the construction industry. In: Rowlinson, S. (Ed.), Construction Safety Management Systems. Spon Press, London. [29] McKenzie, J., Gibb, A.G.F., Bouchlaghem, N.M., 1999. Communication of health and safety in design phase. Implementation of safety and health on construction sites. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of CIB Working Commission W99. Honolulu, Hawaii. March 24-27 1999; 419-426. [30] Rowlinson, S., 2004. Overview of construction site safety issues. In: Rowlinson, S. (Ed.), Construction Safety Management Systems. Spon Press, London. [31] Che Hassan, C.R., Basha, O.J., Wan Hanafi, W.H., 2007. Perception of building construction workers towards safety, health and environment. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2(3):271-279. [32] Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association: OSH statistics in Japan. Accessed 01 February 2017 [33] Man, S.S, Chan, A.H.S., Wong, H.M., 2017. Risk-taking behaviors of Hong Kong construction workers-A thematic study. Safety Science. 98, 25–36. [34] Bomel Ltd., 2001. Improving Health and Safety in Construction Phase 1: Data Collection, Review and Structuring. Contract Research Report 386/2001. Sudbury: HSE Books. [35] Yi, J.S., Kim, Y.W., Kim, K.A., Koo, B., 2012. A suggested color scheme for reducing perception-related accidents on construction work sites. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 48, 185-92. [36] Barnard, M., 1995. Safety is the Engineers Responsibility -Fact of Fiction? A paper given by the Director of Health and Safety for Travers Morgan Ltd at the Institute of Civil Engineers on construction site safety and the CDM Regulations. 6th February, Pub: School of Business and Industrial Management. [37] Fang, D.P., Huang, X.Y., Hinze, J., 2004. Benchmarking studies on construction safety management in Chine. Journal of Construction Engineering Management. 130, 424-32. [38] Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Accidents Statistics by Sector until December 2014. Accessed 9 June 2015 [39] Unsar, S., Sut, N., 2009. General assessment of the occupational accidents that occurred in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2005. Safety Science. 47, 614–619. [40] Social Security Institution: Statistical Yearbook. Accessed 23 October 2017 [41] Pinto, A., Nunes, I.L., Ribeiro, R.A., 2011. Occupational risk assessment in construction industry-Overview and reflection. Safety Science. 49, 616–624. [42] Sawacha, E., Naoum, S., Fong, D., 1999. Factors affecting safety performance on construction sites. International Journal of Project Management. 17, 309–315. [43] Fabiano, B., Currò, F., Pastorino, R., 2004. A study of the relationship between occupational injuries and firm size and type in the Italian industry. Safety Science. 42, 587–600. [44] Chi, C.F., Chang, T.C., Ting, H.I., 2005. Accident patterns and prevention measures for fatal occupational falls in the construction industry. Applied Ergonomics. 36, 391–400. [45] Cheng, C.W., Leu, S.S., Lin, C.C., Fan, C., 2010. Characteristic analysis of occupational accidents at small construction enterprises. Safety Science. 48, 698–707. [46] Ismail, Z., Doostdar, S., Harun, Z., 2012. Factors influencing the implementation of a safety management system for construction sites. Safety Science. 50, 418–423. [47] Alarcon, L.F., Acuna, D., Diethelm, S., Pellicer, E., 2016. Strategies for improving safety performance in construction firms. Accident Analysis and Prevention 94, 107–118 [48] Givehchi, S., Hemmativaghef, E., Hoveidi, H., 2017. Association between safety leading indicators and safety climate levels. Journal of Safety Research 62, 23–32. [49] Amiri, M., Ardeshir, A., Zarandi, M.H.F., 2017. Fuzzy probabilistic expert system for occupational hazard assessment in construction. Safety Science 93, 16–28. [50] Liao, C.W., Perng, Y.H., 2008. Data mining for occupational injuries in the Taiwan construction industry. Safety Science 46, 1091-1102. [51] Irumba, R., 2014. Spatial analysis of construction accidents in Kampala, Uganda. Safety Science. 64, 109–120. [52] Wilkins, J.R., 2011. Construction workers’ perceptions of health and safety training programmes. 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Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Özge Akboğa Kale 0000-0002-3848-0578

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Akboğa Kale, Özge. “DETERMINATION OF POOR COMPLIANCE WITH OSH RULES OF CONSTRUCTION WORKERS USING ORDINAL REGRESSION MODEL”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 6, sy. 1 (Haziran 2020): 78-88.
MLA Akboğa Kale, Özge. “DETERMINATION OF POOR COMPLIANCE WITH OSH RULES OF CONSTRUCTION WORKERS USING ORDINAL REGRESSION MODEL”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, c. 6, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 78-88, doi:10.22531/muglajsci.660022.

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