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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 20 - 26, 08.06.2016


In this study, drying kinetics of non-pretreated and
pretreated Sarılop variety figs (Ficus carica L.) were investigated. In
experiments, figs were dried whole (unsliced and unpeeled) at 75°C.
Experimental moisture ratio curve was compared with Lewis, Page, Modified Page,
Henderson and Pabis, Logarithmic, Weibull distribution, Wang and Singh,
Two-term, Two-term exponential and Verma et al drying models. Drying of
non-pretreatment figs took 50h and model that best fit to the data of
experimental moisture ratio was Verma et al model. Drying of pretreatment figs
in the sucrose solution at 50°Brix concentration ratio and 50°C temperature
under vacuum with osmotic dehydration (130mbar (15min) + atmospheric pressure
(165min)) took 28h and it was found that the model best fit to the data of
experimental moisture ratio was Weibull distribution model. Drying of
pretreatment figs in the sucrose solution at 30°Brix concentration ratio and
50°C temperature under vacuum with osmotic dehydration (130mbar (15min) +
atmospheric pressure (165min)) took 38h and it was determined that the model
best fit to the data of experimental moisture ratio is Weibull distribution
model. Drying of pretreatment figs in the sucrose solution at 50°Brix
concentration ratio and 30°C temperature under vacuum with osmotic dehydration
(130mbar (15min) + atmospheric pressure (165min)) took 34h and it was seen that
the model best fit to the data of experimental moisture ratio was Weibull
distribution model. Drying of pretreatment figs in the sucrose solution at
50°Brix concentration ratio and 50°C temperature under atmospheric pressure
with osmotic dehydration (180 min) took 46h and it was found that the model
best fit to the data of experimental moisture ratio was Wang and Singh model.
Results show that osmotic dehydration shortened the drying period. Furthermore,
variables in the osmotic dehydration such as concentration ratio of solution,
solution temperature and vacuum affected the drying period.


  • Cooperatives General Directorate of Ministry of Customs and Trade, 2013 Yılı Kuru İncir Raporu, Şubat 2014.
  • Mujic, I., Kralj, M.B., Jokic, S., Jug, T., Subaric, D., Vidovic, S., Zivkovic, J., Jarni, K., "Characterisation of volatiles in dried white varieties figs (Ficus carica L.)", J Food Sci Technol, 51 (9), 1837-1846, 2014.
  • An, K., Li, H., Zhao, D., Ding, S., Tao, H., Wang, Z., "Effect of osmotic dehydration with pulsed vacuum on hot-air drying kinetics and quality attributes of cherry tomatoes", Drying Technology, 31, 698-706, 2013.
  • Zhao, Y., Xie, J., "Practical applications of vacuum impregnation in fruit and vegetable processing", Trends in Food Science and Technology, 15: 434-451, 2004.
  • Moreno, J., Simpson, R., Sayas, M., Segura, I., Aldana, O., Almonacid, S., "Influence of ohmic heating and vacuum impregnation on the osmotic dehydration kinetics and microstucture of pears (cv. Packham’s Triumph)", Journal of Food Engineering, 104: 621-627, 2011.
  • Hui, Y.H., Clary, C., Faid, M., Fasina, O., Noomhorn, A., Welti-Chanes, J., "Food drying science and technology: microbiology, chemistry, applications", DEStech Publications, 2008.
  • Eroğlu, E., Yıldız, H., "Gıdaların ozmotik kurutulmasında uygulanan yeni tekniklerin enerji verimliliği bakımından değerlendirilmesi", Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 6, 2: 41-48, 2011.
  • Gunhan, T., Demir, V., Hancioglu, E., Hepbasli, A., "Mathematical modelling of drying of bay leaves", Energy Conversion and Management, 46, 1667-1679, 2005.
  • Doymaz, İ., "Drying kinetics of black grapes treated with different solutions", Journal of Food Engineering, 76: 212-217, 2006.
  • Xanthopoulos, G., Yanniotis, S., Lambrinos, Gr., "Water diffusivity and drying kinetics of air drying of figs", Drying Technology, 27: 502-512, 2009.
  • Xanthopoulos, G., Yanniotis, S., Lambrinos, Gr., "Study of the drying behaviour in peeled and unpeeled whole figs", Journal of Food Enginnering, 97: 419-424, 2010.
  • Silva, J. M., Cantu, M. G., Rodrigues, V., Mazutti, M. A., "Influence of osmotic pre-treatment on convective drying kinetics of figs", International Journal of Food Engineering, 9 (2): 187-196, 2013.
  • AOAC, "Official method of analysis (13th ed.)", Washington, DC: Association of official analytical chemists, 1980.
  • Alibas, İ., "Microwave, air and combined microwave-air drying of grape leaves (Vitis vinifera L.) and the determination of some quality parameters", International Journal of Food Engineering, 10(1), 69-88, 2014.
  • Babalis, S.J., Papanicolaou, E., Kyriakis, N., Belessiotis, V.G., "Evaluation of thin-layer drying models for describing drying kinetics of figs (Ficus carica)", Journal of Food Engineering, 75, 205-214, 2006.
  • Doymaz, I., "Sun drying of figs: an experimental study", Journal of Food Enginnering, 71, 403-407, 2005.
  • Doymaz, I., Kıpcak, A.S., Pıskın, S., "Characteristics of thin-layer infrared drying of green bean", Czech J. Food Sci., 33, 83-90, 2015.
  • Babalis, S.J., Belessiotis, V.G., "Influence of the drying conditions on the drying constants and moisture difffusivity during the thin-layer drying of figs", Journal of Food Engineering, 65, 449-458, 2004.
  • Alibaş, İ., "Sıcak havayla kurutulan enginar (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus) dilimlerinin kuruma eğrilerinin tanımlanmasında yeni bir modelin geliştirilmesi ve mevcut modellerle kıyaslanması", Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University), 26 (1), 49-61, 2012.


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 20 - 26, 08.06.2016


Bu çalışmada, önişlem uygulanmamış ile önişlem uygulanmış
Sarılop türü incirlerin (Ficus carica L.) kurutma kinetiği incelenmiştir.
Deneylerde, incirler bütün (dilimlenmemiş ve kabuğu soyulmamış) olarak 75°C'de
kurutulmuştur. Deneysel nem oranı eğrisi Lewis, Page, Modifiye edilmiş Page,
Henderson ve Pabis, Logaritmik, Weibull dağılımı, Wang ve Singh, İki terimli,
İki terimli eksponansiyel ve Verma vd kurutma modelleri ile
karşılaştırılmıştır. Önişlem uygulanmayan incirlerin kurutulması 50h sürmüş ve
deneysel nem oranı verilerine en uygun olanın Verma vd modeli olduğu tespit
edilmiştir. 50°Brix konsantrasyon oranındaki ve 50°C sıcaklığındaki sakaroz
çözeltisinde vakum altında ozmotik dehidrasyon (130mbar (15dk) + açık hava
basıncı (165dk)) önişlemi uygulanmış incirlerin kurutma işlemi 28h sürmüş ve
deneysel nem oranı verilerine en çok uyan modelin Weibull dağılımı modeli
olduğu bulunmuştur. 30°Brix çözelti oranındaki ve 50°C'deki sakaroz
çözeltisinde vakum altında ozmotik dehidrasyon (130mbar (15dk) + açık hava
basıncı (165dk) önişlemi uygulanmış incirlerin kurutma işleminin 38h sürdüğü ve
deneysel nem oranı verilerine en çok uyan modelin Weibull dağılımı modeli
olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 50°Brix çözelti oranındaki ve 30°C'deki sakaroz
çözeltisinde vakum altında ozmotik dehidrasyon (130mbar (15dk) + açık hava
basıncı (165dk)) önişlemi uygulanmış incirlerin kurutma işlemi 34h sürmüştür ve
deneysel nem oranı verilerine en çok uyanın Weibull dağılımı modeli olduğu
görülmüştür. 50°Brix çözelti oranındaki ve 50°C'deki sakaroz çözeltisinde açık
hava basıncında ozmotik dehidrasyon önişlemi (180dk) uygulanmış incirlerin
kurutma işleminin 46h sürdüğü ve deneysel nem oranı verilerine en çok uyanın
Wang ve Singh modeli olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar, ozmotik dehidrasyonun kurutma
süresini kısalttığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca, ozmotik dehidrasyonda çözelti
konsantrasyon oranı, çözelti sıcaklığı ve vakum değişkenlerinin kurutma
süresini etkilediğini göstermiştir.


  • Cooperatives General Directorate of Ministry of Customs and Trade, 2013 Yılı Kuru İncir Raporu, Şubat 2014.
  • Mujic, I., Kralj, M.B., Jokic, S., Jug, T., Subaric, D., Vidovic, S., Zivkovic, J., Jarni, K., "Characterisation of volatiles in dried white varieties figs (Ficus carica L.)", J Food Sci Technol, 51 (9), 1837-1846, 2014.
  • An, K., Li, H., Zhao, D., Ding, S., Tao, H., Wang, Z., "Effect of osmotic dehydration with pulsed vacuum on hot-air drying kinetics and quality attributes of cherry tomatoes", Drying Technology, 31, 698-706, 2013.
  • Zhao, Y., Xie, J., "Practical applications of vacuum impregnation in fruit and vegetable processing", Trends in Food Science and Technology, 15: 434-451, 2004.
  • Moreno, J., Simpson, R., Sayas, M., Segura, I., Aldana, O., Almonacid, S., "Influence of ohmic heating and vacuum impregnation on the osmotic dehydration kinetics and microstucture of pears (cv. Packham’s Triumph)", Journal of Food Engineering, 104: 621-627, 2011.
  • Hui, Y.H., Clary, C., Faid, M., Fasina, O., Noomhorn, A., Welti-Chanes, J., "Food drying science and technology: microbiology, chemistry, applications", DEStech Publications, 2008.
  • Eroğlu, E., Yıldız, H., "Gıdaların ozmotik kurutulmasında uygulanan yeni tekniklerin enerji verimliliği bakımından değerlendirilmesi", Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 6, 2: 41-48, 2011.
  • Gunhan, T., Demir, V., Hancioglu, E., Hepbasli, A., "Mathematical modelling of drying of bay leaves", Energy Conversion and Management, 46, 1667-1679, 2005.
  • Doymaz, İ., "Drying kinetics of black grapes treated with different solutions", Journal of Food Engineering, 76: 212-217, 2006.
  • Xanthopoulos, G., Yanniotis, S., Lambrinos, Gr., "Water diffusivity and drying kinetics of air drying of figs", Drying Technology, 27: 502-512, 2009.
  • Xanthopoulos, G., Yanniotis, S., Lambrinos, Gr., "Study of the drying behaviour in peeled and unpeeled whole figs", Journal of Food Enginnering, 97: 419-424, 2010.
  • Silva, J. M., Cantu, M. G., Rodrigues, V., Mazutti, M. A., "Influence of osmotic pre-treatment on convective drying kinetics of figs", International Journal of Food Engineering, 9 (2): 187-196, 2013.
  • AOAC, "Official method of analysis (13th ed.)", Washington, DC: Association of official analytical chemists, 1980.
  • Alibas, İ., "Microwave, air and combined microwave-air drying of grape leaves (Vitis vinifera L.) and the determination of some quality parameters", International Journal of Food Engineering, 10(1), 69-88, 2014.
  • Babalis, S.J., Papanicolaou, E., Kyriakis, N., Belessiotis, V.G., "Evaluation of thin-layer drying models for describing drying kinetics of figs (Ficus carica)", Journal of Food Engineering, 75, 205-214, 2006.
  • Doymaz, I., "Sun drying of figs: an experimental study", Journal of Food Enginnering, 71, 403-407, 2005.
  • Doymaz, I., Kıpcak, A.S., Pıskın, S., "Characteristics of thin-layer infrared drying of green bean", Czech J. Food Sci., 33, 83-90, 2015.
  • Babalis, S.J., Belessiotis, V.G., "Influence of the drying conditions on the drying constants and moisture difffusivity during the thin-layer drying of figs", Journal of Food Engineering, 65, 449-458, 2004.
  • Alibaş, İ., "Sıcak havayla kurutulan enginar (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus) dilimlerinin kuruma eğrilerinin tanımlanmasında yeni bir modelin geliştirilmesi ve mevcut modellerle kıyaslanması", Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University), 26 (1), 49-61, 2012.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Utkucan Şahin

Harun Kemal Öztürk

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, U., & Öztürk, H. K. (2016). EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus carica L.). Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1), 20-26.
AMA Şahin U, Öztürk HK. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus carica L.). MJST. Haziran 2016;2(1):20-26. doi:10.22531/muglajsci.269967
Chicago Şahin, Utkucan, ve Harun Kemal Öztürk. “EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus Carica L.)”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 2, sy. 1 (Haziran 2016): 20-26.
EndNote Şahin U, Öztürk HK (01 Haziran 2016) EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus carica L.). Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 2 1 20–26.
IEEE U. Şahin ve H. K. Öztürk, “EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus carica L.)”, MJST, c. 2, sy. 1, ss. 20–26, 2016, doi: 10.22531/muglajsci.269967.
ISNAD Şahin, Utkucan - Öztürk, Harun Kemal. “EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus Carica L.)”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 2/1 (Haziran 2016), 20-26.
MLA Şahin, Utkucan ve Harun Kemal Öztürk. “EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DRYING KINETICS OF PRETREATED AND NON-PRETREATED FIGS (Ficus Carica L.)”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, c. 2, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 20-26, doi:10.22531/muglajsci.269967.

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