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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 156 - 161, 19.12.2018


Bu çalışmada, yıkıcı olmayan öncül depremleri algılayacak düşük maliyetli bir deprem uyarı sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen sistem nesnelerin bir biriyle haberleştiği örnek bir IOT uygulamasıdır. Sistem de mikro denetleyici olarak arduino mega kullanılmıştır. Deprem uyarı sisteminin geliştirilme amacı deprem anında depremin başladığına ve bittiğine dair bilgiyi tweet olarak twitter’da duyurmak ve ortamdaki kişiler için sesli uyarı vermektir. Deprem anındaki titreşimleri algılamak için IMU ve piezo titreşim sensörleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca sistemin internete bağlanabilmesi için ESP8266 wifi modülü sisteme dahil edilmiştir. Sistem depremi algılayabilmek için IMU ve titreşim sensöründen gelen bilgileri değerlendirmektedir. IMU sensörü için x ve y olmak üzere iki eksendeki bilgiler değerlendirilmektedir. x veya y eksenindeki değişim 10 değerinden büyük ya da eşit ise ya da titreşim sensöründen gelen veri 694 değerinden büyük ise deprem uyarı sistemi tetiklenmektedir. Bu tetiklenme sonucunda wifi modül vasıtasıyla internete bağlanılarak depremin başladığına dair tweet atılmakta ve lokal olarak sesli uyarı verilmektedir. Sistemin tweet atma işlemini gerçekleştirmesi için ThingSpeak IoT analytics platform kullanılmaktadır. Sistem tetiklendiğinde gerekli bilgiler ThingSpeak platformuna gönderilmekte ve bu platform vasıtasıyla tweet atılması sağlanmaktadır. Ayrıca sistemin hassasiyeti eşik değerleri değiştirilerek ayarlanabilmektedir. Gerçek zamanlı çalışma sonuçlarına göre, geliştirilen sistemin depremi başarılı ve hassas bir şekilde algılayıp sesli olarak ve tweet atarak uyarı verdiği tespit edilmiştir.


  • Ahmad, N., Ghazilla, R. A. R. Khairi, N. M., Kasi, V., “Reviews on Various Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensor Applications”, International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 1(2), 2013.
  • Akkuş, S., 2016, “Secure Data Communication in Internet of Things Technology–Encrypted Data Communication Application Between Programmable Physical Platforms Using WEP Algorithm”, Marmara Technical Sciences Periodical, 3, 100-111.
  • Aktaş, F., Çeken, C. and Erdemli, Y. E., "IoT-based patient information monitoring system by using RFID technologies,” 2016 20th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT), Izmir, 1-4, 2016.
  • Aktaş, F., Çeken, C., Erdemli, Y. E., 2016, “Applications of Internet of Things Technology in the Medical Field”, Düzce University, Science and Technology Periodical, 4, 37-54.
  • Ashokkumar, K., Sam, B., Arshadprabhu, R., Britto, 2015, “Cloud Based Intelligent Transport System”, Procedia Computer Science, 50, 58-63.
  • Ashton, K., 2009. “That 'Internet of Things' Thing”. RFID Journal,, ziyaret tarihi:20.06.2018.
  • Batı, A. C., Coşkun, E., Gözüaçık, Ö., İlhan, G., Şahin, F. A., Uncuoğlu, U., Güngen M. A., Telli, A., “Smart Office Applications Based on Internet of Things for Improved Working Environment and Energy Efficiency”, 25. SIU 2017, 1-4, Antalya, 2017.
  • Böbrek, A., Kırbaş, İ., Güngör, T., “Development of Micro controlled Based Earthquake Early Warning System With P-Wave Basis”, International Burdur Earthquake & Environment Symposium (IBEES2015), Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur-Turkey, 7-9 May 2015.
  • Castillejo, P., Martinez, J.-F., Rodriguez-Molina, J., Cuerva, A., 2013, “Integration of wearable devices in a wireless sensor network for an e-health application”. IEEE Wireless Commun., 20(4), 38–49.
  • Cho, W.-T., Lai, Y.-X., .Lai, C.-F., Huang, Y.-M., 2013. Appliance-Aware Activity Recognition Mechanism for IoT Energy Management System. The Computer Journal, 56(8), 1020-1023.
  • Çakmak, B., Mercan, E., 2017, “A sample IoT Application in Agricultural Production and Tracking of Old Agricultural Workers”, Research Periodical for Aged People’s Problems (YSAD),10(1), 29-42.
  • Dalkılıç, H., Özcanhan, M., H., “Remote Control of an Embedded System Bases Model Mobile Vehicle with Smart Telephone -- AB 2016, January, 2016, Aydın.
  • Djajadi, A., 2016, Wijanarko, M., “Ambient Environmental Quality Monitoring Using IoT Sensor Network”, Internetworking Indonesia Journal, 8:1, 41-47.
  • Güngör, O., 2015, “Tracking of Unauthorized Use of Electricity via GSM”, EMO Scientific Periodical, 4(8), 29-33.
  • Hima, MS, Subha, J., Kalyani Devi G, Sankaran, K., Naveen S., 2016, “Earthquake Indicator Using Arduino”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 4(8), 40-43.
  • Jalamkar, D., Selvakumar, A.A., 2016, “Use of Internet of Things in a Humanoid Robot - A Review”, Advances in Robotics & Automation, 5:2. doi:10.4172/2168- 9695.1000149
  • Juang, H-S., Lum, K-Y., 2013, “Design and Control of a Two-Wheel Self-Balancing Robot using the Arduino Microcontroller Board”, 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) Hangzhou, China, June 12-14, 634-639.
  • Kerimoğlu, K., “Low-Cost Autopilot System Design for a Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, Master Thesis, Tobb Economy and Technology University, Technical Sciences Institute, Ankara, 2011.
  • Kim, S., Kim, H., B., “High Resolution Mobile Robot Obstacle Detection Using Low Directivity Ultrasonic Sensor Ring”, Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2010, Changsha, China, August 18-21, 2010.
  • Lubbe, A. J., & Kluge P., 2008, “Development and Testing of a Wireless Controlled Car Using the Internet as Communication Medium”. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 19(1): 137-147.
  • Novianta, M. A., Achmad, M.S.H., Setyaningsih, E., Rakhman, A., “Earthquake Datalogger Using Vibration and Local ULF Geomagnetic Field Measurement”, Engineering International Conference 2013 Proceeding, November 21st, Semarang, Indonesia, 2013.
  • Oral, O., Çakır, M., 2017, “Concept of Internet of Things and Production of a Sample Prototype”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Technical Sciences Institute Periodical, Special Issue 1: 172-177.
  • Pınar, D., “Analysis of Accelerometer Signals with Advanced Methods, Master Thesis”, Başkent University, Technical Sciences Institute, Ankara, 2017.
  • Pineño, O., 2014, “ArduiPod Box: A low-cost and open-source Skinner box using an iPod Touch and an Arduino microcontroller”, Behavior Research Methods, 46(1), 196-205.
  • Sarik J. and Kymissis I., 2010, “Lab kits using the Arduino prototyping platform,” in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, 1-5, October 27–30.
  • Thomas, A. M., Joseph, J.,Mathew, R., 2016, “Mobile Application for Automobile Management System”, Journal for Research, 2(2): 66-68,.
  • Vaishnavi, D., Sundari, E., Sangeetha, T.V., Shrinidhi, S., Saravanan, P., 2016, “Design and Development of Computational Intelligence for Enhanced Adaptive Cruise Control Using Arduino”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 852, 782-787.
  • Ya’acob, N., Adnan, S. F. S., Yusof, A. L., Azhar, A. E., Naim, N. F., Nur, N. M., Mahmon A., 2016, “RFID lab management system using Arduino microcontroller approach associate with webpage”, Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (2): 92-97.
  • Yalman, S., Haşıloğlu, A., “Development of Nurse Robot Which Makes Simultaneous Medication Distribution in Hospitals”, Medical technologies national congress, Bodrum, Muğla, 15-18 October 2015.
  • Yavuz, O. İ., Çetin, A., Eyecioğlu, Ö., “Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot”, EEB 2016 Electric-Electronic and Computer Symposium, Tokat TURKEY, 11-13 May 2016.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 156 - 161, 19.12.2018


In this study a low cost earthquake warning system has been developed that will detect non-destructive foreshocks. The developed system is an IOT application where objects communicate with each other. Arduino mega was used as the micro controller in the system. The purpose of developing earthquake warning system is to announce the information about the beginning and end of the earthquake at the instant of earthquake as a tweet in tweeter and to give audible alert for the persons in the environment. IMU and piezo vibration sensors were used to detect the vibrations at the moment of the earthquake. Also, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module was included in the system for the system to connect to the internet. The system evaluates the data from IMU and vibration sensors to detect the earthquake. For IMU sensor, data is evaluated in two axes; namely x and y. ıf the change in x- or y-axis is equal to or greater than 10 or the data from vibration sensor is greater than 694 then the earthquake warning system is triggered. As a result of this triggering the system connects to internet via Wi-Fi module, a tweet is sent to inform that the earthquake has started and audible alert is given locally. ThingSpeak IoT analytics platform is used for the system top send tweet. When the system is triggered, necessary data is sent to the ThingSpeak platform and tweet is sent through this platform. Also, system’s sensitivity threshold values can be changed and adjusted. According to the results of real-time operation, it has been determined that the developed system can detect the earthquake successfully and sensitively and provide audible alert and send tweet for warning.


  • Ahmad, N., Ghazilla, R. A. R. Khairi, N. M., Kasi, V., “Reviews on Various Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensor Applications”, International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 1(2), 2013.
  • Akkuş, S., 2016, “Secure Data Communication in Internet of Things Technology–Encrypted Data Communication Application Between Programmable Physical Platforms Using WEP Algorithm”, Marmara Technical Sciences Periodical, 3, 100-111.
  • Aktaş, F., Çeken, C. and Erdemli, Y. E., "IoT-based patient information monitoring system by using RFID technologies,” 2016 20th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT), Izmir, 1-4, 2016.
  • Aktaş, F., Çeken, C., Erdemli, Y. E., 2016, “Applications of Internet of Things Technology in the Medical Field”, Düzce University, Science and Technology Periodical, 4, 37-54.
  • Ashokkumar, K., Sam, B., Arshadprabhu, R., Britto, 2015, “Cloud Based Intelligent Transport System”, Procedia Computer Science, 50, 58-63.
  • Ashton, K., 2009. “That 'Internet of Things' Thing”. RFID Journal,, ziyaret tarihi:20.06.2018.
  • Batı, A. C., Coşkun, E., Gözüaçık, Ö., İlhan, G., Şahin, F. A., Uncuoğlu, U., Güngen M. A., Telli, A., “Smart Office Applications Based on Internet of Things for Improved Working Environment and Energy Efficiency”, 25. SIU 2017, 1-4, Antalya, 2017.
  • Böbrek, A., Kırbaş, İ., Güngör, T., “Development of Micro controlled Based Earthquake Early Warning System With P-Wave Basis”, International Burdur Earthquake & Environment Symposium (IBEES2015), Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur-Turkey, 7-9 May 2015.
  • Castillejo, P., Martinez, J.-F., Rodriguez-Molina, J., Cuerva, A., 2013, “Integration of wearable devices in a wireless sensor network for an e-health application”. IEEE Wireless Commun., 20(4), 38–49.
  • Cho, W.-T., Lai, Y.-X., .Lai, C.-F., Huang, Y.-M., 2013. Appliance-Aware Activity Recognition Mechanism for IoT Energy Management System. The Computer Journal, 56(8), 1020-1023.
  • Çakmak, B., Mercan, E., 2017, “A sample IoT Application in Agricultural Production and Tracking of Old Agricultural Workers”, Research Periodical for Aged People’s Problems (YSAD),10(1), 29-42.
  • Dalkılıç, H., Özcanhan, M., H., “Remote Control of an Embedded System Bases Model Mobile Vehicle with Smart Telephone -- AB 2016, January, 2016, Aydın.
  • Djajadi, A., 2016, Wijanarko, M., “Ambient Environmental Quality Monitoring Using IoT Sensor Network”, Internetworking Indonesia Journal, 8:1, 41-47.
  • Güngör, O., 2015, “Tracking of Unauthorized Use of Electricity via GSM”, EMO Scientific Periodical, 4(8), 29-33.
  • Hima, MS, Subha, J., Kalyani Devi G, Sankaran, K., Naveen S., 2016, “Earthquake Indicator Using Arduino”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 4(8), 40-43.
  • Jalamkar, D., Selvakumar, A.A., 2016, “Use of Internet of Things in a Humanoid Robot - A Review”, Advances in Robotics & Automation, 5:2. doi:10.4172/2168- 9695.1000149
  • Juang, H-S., Lum, K-Y., 2013, “Design and Control of a Two-Wheel Self-Balancing Robot using the Arduino Microcontroller Board”, 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) Hangzhou, China, June 12-14, 634-639.
  • Kerimoğlu, K., “Low-Cost Autopilot System Design for a Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, Master Thesis, Tobb Economy and Technology University, Technical Sciences Institute, Ankara, 2011.
  • Kim, S., Kim, H., B., “High Resolution Mobile Robot Obstacle Detection Using Low Directivity Ultrasonic Sensor Ring”, Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2010, Changsha, China, August 18-21, 2010.
  • Lubbe, A. J., & Kluge P., 2008, “Development and Testing of a Wireless Controlled Car Using the Internet as Communication Medium”. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 19(1): 137-147.
  • Novianta, M. A., Achmad, M.S.H., Setyaningsih, E., Rakhman, A., “Earthquake Datalogger Using Vibration and Local ULF Geomagnetic Field Measurement”, Engineering International Conference 2013 Proceeding, November 21st, Semarang, Indonesia, 2013.
  • Oral, O., Çakır, M., 2017, “Concept of Internet of Things and Production of a Sample Prototype”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Technical Sciences Institute Periodical, Special Issue 1: 172-177.
  • Pınar, D., “Analysis of Accelerometer Signals with Advanced Methods, Master Thesis”, Başkent University, Technical Sciences Institute, Ankara, 2017.
  • Pineño, O., 2014, “ArduiPod Box: A low-cost and open-source Skinner box using an iPod Touch and an Arduino microcontroller”, Behavior Research Methods, 46(1), 196-205.
  • Sarik J. and Kymissis I., 2010, “Lab kits using the Arduino prototyping platform,” in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, 1-5, October 27–30.
  • Thomas, A. M., Joseph, J.,Mathew, R., 2016, “Mobile Application for Automobile Management System”, Journal for Research, 2(2): 66-68,.
  • Vaishnavi, D., Sundari, E., Sangeetha, T.V., Shrinidhi, S., Saravanan, P., 2016, “Design and Development of Computational Intelligence for Enhanced Adaptive Cruise Control Using Arduino”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 852, 782-787.
  • Ya’acob, N., Adnan, S. F. S., Yusof, A. L., Azhar, A. E., Naim, N. F., Nur, N. M., Mahmon A., 2016, “RFID lab management system using Arduino microcontroller approach associate with webpage”, Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (2): 92-97.
  • Yalman, S., Haşıloğlu, A., “Development of Nurse Robot Which Makes Simultaneous Medication Distribution in Hospitals”, Medical technologies national congress, Bodrum, Muğla, 15-18 October 2015.
  • Yavuz, O. İ., Çetin, A., Eyecioğlu, Ö., “Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot”, EEB 2016 Electric-Electronic and Computer Symposium, Tokat TURKEY, 11-13 May 2016.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdulkadir Karacı 0000-0002-2430-1372

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karacı, A. (2018). IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 4(2), 156-161.
AMA Karacı A. IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION. MJST. Aralık 2018;4(2):156-161. doi:10.22531/muglajsci.442492
Chicago Karacı, Abdulkadir. “IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 4, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 156-61.
EndNote Karacı A (01 Aralık 2018) IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 4 2 156–161.
IEEE A. Karacı, “IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION”, MJST, c. 4, sy. 2, ss. 156–161, 2018, doi: 10.22531/muglajsci.442492.
ISNAD Karacı, Abdulkadir. “IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 4/2 (Aralık 2018), 156-161.
MLA Karacı, Abdulkadir. “IOT-BASED EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, c. 4, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 156-61, doi:10.22531/muglajsci.442492.

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