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Yıl 2024, , 105 - 116, 13.06.2024


The circular economy is emerging as a key approach to tackling environmental challenges. Organisations are using their expertise to improve their sustainability management in support of a circular economy. However, the role of green human resource management (GHRM) practices in the transition to a more circular economy remains somewhat unclear. Companies adopting green GHRM practices as part of their sustainability goals are implementing initiatives such as green recruitment and selection, green training and development, green performance appraisal, green compensation and incentives, and sustainable employee relations. This study seeks to refine and extend a more integrated approach that links green human resource management (GHRM) with the circular economy (CE).


  • Ahmad, S. (2015). Green human resource management: Policies and practices. Cogent business & management, 2(1), 1030817.
  • AlZgool, M. (2019). Nexus between GHRM and green management towards fostering green values. Management Science Letters, 9(12), 2073-2082.
  • Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of management, 17(1), 99-120.
  • Burger, M., Stavropoulos, S., Ramkumar, S., Dufourmont, J., & van Oort, F. (2019). The heterogeneous skill-base of circular economy employment. Research Policy, 48(1), 248-261.
  • Chaudhuri, A., Subramanian, N., & Dora, M. (2022). Circular economy and digital capabilities of SMEs for providing value to customers: Combined resource-based view and ambidexterity perspective. Journal of Business Research, 142, 32-44.
  • Chowdhury, S., Dey, P. K., Rodríguez-Espíndola, O., Parkes, G., Tuyet, N. T. A., Long, D. D., & Ha, T. P. (2022). Impact of organizational factors on the circular economy practices and sustainable performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. Journal of Business Research, 147, 362-378.
  • Darvazeh, S. S., Mooseloo, F. M., Aeini, S., Vandchali, H. R., & Tirkolaee, E. B. (2023). An integrated methodology for green human resource management in construction industry. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(60), 124619-124637.
  • EMF (2013). Towards the circular economy: Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition. Retrieved from assets/downloads/publications/Ellen-MacArthur-Foundation-Towards-the-CircularEconomy-vol.1.pdf.
  • EMF (2014). Towards the circular economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains. Retrieved from http://www. reports/ce2014.
  • EMF (2020). What is the circular economy?. [online] Available at:
  • Jabbour, C. J. C., Sarkis, J., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Renwick, D. W. S., Singh, S. K., Grebinevych, O., ... & Godinho Filho, M. (2019). Who is in charge? A review and a research agenda on the ‘human side’of the circular economy. Journal of cleaner production, 222, 793-801.
  • Jabbour, C. J. C., Seuring, S., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jugend, D., Fiorini, P. D. C., Latan, H., & Izeppi, W. C. (2020). Stakeholders, innovative business models for the circular economy and sustainable performance of firms in an emerging economy facing institutional voids. Journal of environmental management, 264, 110416.
  • Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management. Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1-56.
  • European commission (2015),
  • European Parliement(2023),,reducing%20waste%20to%20a%20minimum.
  • Fachada, J., Rebelo, T., Lourenço, P., Dimas, I., & Martins, H. (2022). Green human resource management: A bibliometric analysis. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 95.
  • Farooq, R., Zhang, Z., Talwar, S., & Dhir, A. (2022). Do green human resource management and self-efficacy facilitate green creativity? A study of luxury hotels and resorts. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(4), 824-845.
  • Freeman, R. E., Phillips, R., & Sisodia, R. (2020). Tensions in stakeholder theory. Business & Society, 59(2), 213-231.
  • Freudenreich, B., Lüdeke-Freund, F., & Schaltegger, S. (2020). A stakeholder theory perspective on business models: Value creation for sustainability. Journal of business ethics, 166(1), 3-18.
  • García‐Quevedo, J., Jové‐Llopis, E., & Martínez‐Ros, E. (2020). Barriers to the circular economy in European small and medium‐sized firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(6), 2450-2464.
  • Guerci, M., Longoni, A., & Luzzini, D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance–the mediating role of GHRM practices. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), 262-289.
  • Ghisellini, P., Cialani, C., & Ulgiati, S. (2016). A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner production, 114, 11-32.
  • Gholami, H., Rezaei, G., Saman, M. Z. M., Sharif, S., & Zakuan, N. (2016). State-of-the-art Green HRM System: Sustainability in the sports center in Malaysia using a multi-methods approach and opportunities for future research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 124, 142-163.
  • Google Trends (2014-2019),
  • Hameed, Z., Khan, I. U., Islam, T., Sheikh, Z., & Naeem, R. M. (2020). Do green HRM practices influence employees' environmental performance?. International Journal of Manpower, 41(7), 1061-1079.
  • Jabbour, C. J. C., Seuring, S., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jugend, D., Fiorini, P. D. C., Latan, H., & Izeppi, W. C. (2020). Stakeholders, innovative business models for the circular economy and sustainable performance of firms in an emerging economy facing institutional voids. Journal of environmental management, 264, 110416.
  • Kirchherr, J., Reike, D., & Hekkert, M. (2017). Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions. Resources, conservation and recycling, 127, 221-232.
  • Marcon, M., Provensi, T., Sehnem, S., Campos, L. M., & Queiroz, A. A. F. S. L. (2023). The internalisation of the circular economy and ESG in Brazilian B Corps from the perspective of the Stakeholder Theory. Sustainable Development, 31(5), 3513-3527.
  • Marjamaa, M., Salminen, H., Kujala, J., Tapaninaho, R., & Heikkinen, A. (2021). A sustainable circular economy: Exploring stakeholder interests in Finland. South Asian journal of business and management cases, 10(1), 50-62.
  • Marrucci, L., Daddi, T., & Iraldo, F. (2021). The contribution of green human resource management to the circular economy and performance of environmental certified organizations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128859.
  • Merli, R., Preziosi, M., & Acampora, A. (2018). How do scholars approach the circular economy? A systematic literature review. Journal of cleaner production, 178, 703-722.
  • Mies, A., & Gold, S. (2021). Mapping the social dimension of the circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 321, 128960.
  • Mishra, P. (2017). Green human resource management: A framework for sustainable organizational development in an emerging economy. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(5), 762-788.
  • Mousa, S. K., & Othman, M. (2020). The impact of green human resource management practices on sustainable performance in healthcare organizations: A conceptual framework. Journal of cleaner production, 243, 118595.
  • Murray, A., Skene, K., & Haynes, K. (2017). The circular economy: an interdisciplinary exploration of the concept and application in a global context. Journal of business ethics, 140, 369-380.
  • Nikolaou, I. E., Jones, N., & Stefanakis, A. (2021). Circular economy and sustainability: the past, the present and the future directions. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1, 1-20.
  • Obeidat, S. M., Al Bakri, A. A., & Elbanna, S. (2020). Leveraging “green” human resource practices to enable environmental and organizational performance: Evidence from the Qatari oil and gas industry. Journal of business ethics, 164, 371-388.
  • Opferkuch, K., Caeiro, S., Salomone, R., & Ramos, T. B. (2022). Circular economy disclosure in corporate sustainability reports: The case of European companies in sustainability rankings. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 436-456.
  • Ormazabal, M., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Puga-Leal, R., & Jaca, C. (2018). Circular economy in Spanish SMEs: challenges and opportunities. Journal of cleaner production, 185, 157-167.
  • Pham, N. T., Hoang, H. T., & Phan, Q. P. T. (2020). Green human resource management: a comprehensive review and future research agenda. International Journal of Manpower, 41(7), 845-878.
  • Ramus, C. A., & Steger, U. (2000). The roles of supervisory support behaviors and environmental policy in employee “Ecoinitiatives” at leading-edge European companies. Academy of Management journal, 43(4), 605-626.
  • Rehman Khan, S. A., Yu, Z., Sarwat, S., Godil, D. I., Amin, S., & Shujaat, S. (2022). The role of block chain technology in circular economy practices to improve organizational performance. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 25(4-5), 605-622.
  • Ren, S., Tang, G., & E Jackson, S. (2018). Green human resource management research in emergence: A review and future directions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35, 769-803.
  • Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., & Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International journal of management reviews, 15(1), 1-14.
  • Renwick, D. W., Jabbour, C. J., Muller-Camen, M., Redman, T., & Wilkinson, A. (2016). Contemporary developments in Green (environmental) HRM scholarship. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), 114-128.
  • Rincón-Moreno, J., Ormazábal, M., Álvarez, M. J., & Jaca, C. (2021). Advancing circular economy performance indicators and their application in Spanish companies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123605.
  • Sabokro, M., Masud, M. M., & Kayedian, A. (2021). The effect of green human resources management on company social responsibility, green psychological climate and employees’ green behavior. Journal of Cleaner Production, 313, 127963.
  • Schöggl, J. P., Stumpf, L., & Baumgartner, R. J. (2020). The narrative of sustainability and circular economy-A longitudinal review of two decades of research. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 163, 105073.
  • Shah, K. J., Pan, S. Y., Lee, I., Kim, H., You, Z., Zheng, J. M., & Chiang, P. C. (2021). Green transportation for sustainability: Review of current barriers, strategies, and innovative technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 326, 129392.
  • Shahzad, M. A., Jianguo, D., & Junaid, M. (2023). Impact of green HRM practices on sustainable performance: mediating role of green innovation, green culture, and green employees’ behavior. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(38), 88524-88547.
  • Shobhana, N., Amudha, R., Alamelu, R., Rengarajan, V., Dinesh, S., & Nalini, R. (2022, February). Green Human Resource Management [GHRM] Practices in Pursuit of Reinvigorating Environmental Performance in IT Firms: A SEM approach. In 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Singh, S. K., Gupta, S., Busso, D., & Kamboj, S. (2021). Top management knowledge value, knowledge sharing practices, open innovation and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research, 128, 788-798.
  • Wilkinson, A. (1992). The other side of quality:‘soft’issues and the human resource dimension. Total Quality Management, 3(3), 323-330.
  • Yahya, A. A., & Zargar, P. (2023). Achieving Corporate Sustainability through Green Human Resource Management: The Role of CSR in the Banking Industry of a Developing Country. Sustainability, 15(14), 10834.


Yıl 2024, , 105 - 116, 13.06.2024


Döngüsel ekonomi, çevresel sorunlara çözüm bulmak için temel bir yaklaşım haline gelmiştir. Organizasyonlar, sürdürülebilirlik faaliyetlerini geliştirmek ve döngüsel ekonomiyi desteklemek için uzmanlıklarını kullanmaya başlamışlardır. Ancak, daha döngüsel bir ekonomiye geçişte yeşil insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamalarının önemi hala belirsizdir. Sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri kapsamında yeşil insan kaynakları uygulamalarını benimseyen şirketler, yeşil işe alım ve seçim, yeşil eğitim ve gelişim, yeşil performans değerlendirme, yeşil ücretlendirme ve teşvikler ile sürdürülebilir çalışan ilişkileri gibi önlemleri hayata geçirirler. Bu çalışmada, yeşil insan kaynakları yönetimi (GHRM) ve döngüsel ekonomi (CE) arasında daha bütünleşik bir yaklaşım geliştirilip genişletilmekte ve incelenmektedir.


  • Ahmad, S. (2015). Green human resource management: Policies and practices. Cogent business & management, 2(1), 1030817.
  • AlZgool, M. (2019). Nexus between GHRM and green management towards fostering green values. Management Science Letters, 9(12), 2073-2082.
  • Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of management, 17(1), 99-120.
  • Burger, M., Stavropoulos, S., Ramkumar, S., Dufourmont, J., & van Oort, F. (2019). The heterogeneous skill-base of circular economy employment. Research Policy, 48(1), 248-261.
  • Chaudhuri, A., Subramanian, N., & Dora, M. (2022). Circular economy and digital capabilities of SMEs for providing value to customers: Combined resource-based view and ambidexterity perspective. Journal of Business Research, 142, 32-44.
  • Chowdhury, S., Dey, P. K., Rodríguez-Espíndola, O., Parkes, G., Tuyet, N. T. A., Long, D. D., & Ha, T. P. (2022). Impact of organizational factors on the circular economy practices and sustainable performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. Journal of Business Research, 147, 362-378.
  • Darvazeh, S. S., Mooseloo, F. M., Aeini, S., Vandchali, H. R., & Tirkolaee, E. B. (2023). An integrated methodology for green human resource management in construction industry. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(60), 124619-124637.
  • EMF (2013). Towards the circular economy: Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition. Retrieved from assets/downloads/publications/Ellen-MacArthur-Foundation-Towards-the-CircularEconomy-vol.1.pdf.
  • EMF (2014). Towards the circular economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains. Retrieved from http://www. reports/ce2014.
  • EMF (2020). What is the circular economy?. [online] Available at:
  • Jabbour, C. J. C., Sarkis, J., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Renwick, D. W. S., Singh, S. K., Grebinevych, O., ... & Godinho Filho, M. (2019). Who is in charge? A review and a research agenda on the ‘human side’of the circular economy. Journal of cleaner production, 222, 793-801.
  • Jabbour, C. J. C., Seuring, S., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jugend, D., Fiorini, P. D. C., Latan, H., & Izeppi, W. C. (2020). Stakeholders, innovative business models for the circular economy and sustainable performance of firms in an emerging economy facing institutional voids. Journal of environmental management, 264, 110416.
  • Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management. Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1-56.
  • European commission (2015),
  • European Parliement(2023),,reducing%20waste%20to%20a%20minimum.
  • Fachada, J., Rebelo, T., Lourenço, P., Dimas, I., & Martins, H. (2022). Green human resource management: A bibliometric analysis. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 95.
  • Farooq, R., Zhang, Z., Talwar, S., & Dhir, A. (2022). Do green human resource management and self-efficacy facilitate green creativity? A study of luxury hotels and resorts. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(4), 824-845.
  • Freeman, R. E., Phillips, R., & Sisodia, R. (2020). Tensions in stakeholder theory. Business & Society, 59(2), 213-231.
  • Freudenreich, B., Lüdeke-Freund, F., & Schaltegger, S. (2020). A stakeholder theory perspective on business models: Value creation for sustainability. Journal of business ethics, 166(1), 3-18.
  • García‐Quevedo, J., Jové‐Llopis, E., & Martínez‐Ros, E. (2020). Barriers to the circular economy in European small and medium‐sized firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(6), 2450-2464.
  • Guerci, M., Longoni, A., & Luzzini, D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance–the mediating role of GHRM practices. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), 262-289.
  • Ghisellini, P., Cialani, C., & Ulgiati, S. (2016). A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner production, 114, 11-32.
  • Gholami, H., Rezaei, G., Saman, M. Z. M., Sharif, S., & Zakuan, N. (2016). State-of-the-art Green HRM System: Sustainability in the sports center in Malaysia using a multi-methods approach and opportunities for future research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 124, 142-163.
  • Google Trends (2014-2019),
  • Hameed, Z., Khan, I. U., Islam, T., Sheikh, Z., & Naeem, R. M. (2020). Do green HRM practices influence employees' environmental performance?. International Journal of Manpower, 41(7), 1061-1079.
  • Jabbour, C. J. C., Seuring, S., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jugend, D., Fiorini, P. D. C., Latan, H., & Izeppi, W. C. (2020). Stakeholders, innovative business models for the circular economy and sustainable performance of firms in an emerging economy facing institutional voids. Journal of environmental management, 264, 110416.
  • Kirchherr, J., Reike, D., & Hekkert, M. (2017). Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions. Resources, conservation and recycling, 127, 221-232.
  • Marcon, M., Provensi, T., Sehnem, S., Campos, L. M., & Queiroz, A. A. F. S. L. (2023). The internalisation of the circular economy and ESG in Brazilian B Corps from the perspective of the Stakeholder Theory. Sustainable Development, 31(5), 3513-3527.
  • Marjamaa, M., Salminen, H., Kujala, J., Tapaninaho, R., & Heikkinen, A. (2021). A sustainable circular economy: Exploring stakeholder interests in Finland. South Asian journal of business and management cases, 10(1), 50-62.
  • Marrucci, L., Daddi, T., & Iraldo, F. (2021). The contribution of green human resource management to the circular economy and performance of environmental certified organizations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128859.
  • Merli, R., Preziosi, M., & Acampora, A. (2018). How do scholars approach the circular economy? A systematic literature review. Journal of cleaner production, 178, 703-722.
  • Mies, A., & Gold, S. (2021). Mapping the social dimension of the circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 321, 128960.
  • Mishra, P. (2017). Green human resource management: A framework for sustainable organizational development in an emerging economy. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(5), 762-788.
  • Mousa, S. K., & Othman, M. (2020). The impact of green human resource management practices on sustainable performance in healthcare organizations: A conceptual framework. Journal of cleaner production, 243, 118595.
  • Murray, A., Skene, K., & Haynes, K. (2017). The circular economy: an interdisciplinary exploration of the concept and application in a global context. Journal of business ethics, 140, 369-380.
  • Nikolaou, I. E., Jones, N., & Stefanakis, A. (2021). Circular economy and sustainability: the past, the present and the future directions. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1, 1-20.
  • Obeidat, S. M., Al Bakri, A. A., & Elbanna, S. (2020). Leveraging “green” human resource practices to enable environmental and organizational performance: Evidence from the Qatari oil and gas industry. Journal of business ethics, 164, 371-388.
  • Opferkuch, K., Caeiro, S., Salomone, R., & Ramos, T. B. (2022). Circular economy disclosure in corporate sustainability reports: The case of European companies in sustainability rankings. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 436-456.
  • Ormazabal, M., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Puga-Leal, R., & Jaca, C. (2018). Circular economy in Spanish SMEs: challenges and opportunities. Journal of cleaner production, 185, 157-167.
  • Pham, N. T., Hoang, H. T., & Phan, Q. P. T. (2020). Green human resource management: a comprehensive review and future research agenda. International Journal of Manpower, 41(7), 845-878.
  • Ramus, C. A., & Steger, U. (2000). The roles of supervisory support behaviors and environmental policy in employee “Ecoinitiatives” at leading-edge European companies. Academy of Management journal, 43(4), 605-626.
  • Rehman Khan, S. A., Yu, Z., Sarwat, S., Godil, D. I., Amin, S., & Shujaat, S. (2022). The role of block chain technology in circular economy practices to improve organizational performance. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 25(4-5), 605-622.
  • Ren, S., Tang, G., & E Jackson, S. (2018). Green human resource management research in emergence: A review and future directions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35, 769-803.
  • Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., & Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International journal of management reviews, 15(1), 1-14.
  • Renwick, D. W., Jabbour, C. J., Muller-Camen, M., Redman, T., & Wilkinson, A. (2016). Contemporary developments in Green (environmental) HRM scholarship. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), 114-128.
  • Rincón-Moreno, J., Ormazábal, M., Álvarez, M. J., & Jaca, C. (2021). Advancing circular economy performance indicators and their application in Spanish companies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123605.
  • Sabokro, M., Masud, M. M., & Kayedian, A. (2021). The effect of green human resources management on company social responsibility, green psychological climate and employees’ green behavior. Journal of Cleaner Production, 313, 127963.
  • Schöggl, J. P., Stumpf, L., & Baumgartner, R. J. (2020). The narrative of sustainability and circular economy-A longitudinal review of two decades of research. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 163, 105073.
  • Shah, K. J., Pan, S. Y., Lee, I., Kim, H., You, Z., Zheng, J. M., & Chiang, P. C. (2021). Green transportation for sustainability: Review of current barriers, strategies, and innovative technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 326, 129392.
  • Shahzad, M. A., Jianguo, D., & Junaid, M. (2023). Impact of green HRM practices on sustainable performance: mediating role of green innovation, green culture, and green employees’ behavior. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(38), 88524-88547.
  • Shobhana, N., Amudha, R., Alamelu, R., Rengarajan, V., Dinesh, S., & Nalini, R. (2022, February). Green Human Resource Management [GHRM] Practices in Pursuit of Reinvigorating Environmental Performance in IT Firms: A SEM approach. In 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Singh, S. K., Gupta, S., Busso, D., & Kamboj, S. (2021). Top management knowledge value, knowledge sharing practices, open innovation and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research, 128, 788-798.
  • Wilkinson, A. (1992). The other side of quality:‘soft’issues and the human resource dimension. Total Quality Management, 3(3), 323-330.
  • Yahya, A. A., & Zargar, P. (2023). Achieving Corporate Sustainability through Green Human Resource Management: The Role of CSR in the Banking Industry of a Developing Country. Sustainability, 15(14), 10834.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme , İş Sistemleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Doğan Başar 0000-0002-7570-7444

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Başar, D. (2024). EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi(Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue), 105-116.
AMA Başar D. EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2024;(Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue):105-116. doi:10.14780/muiibd.1459745
Chicago Başar, Doğan. “EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, sy. Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue (Haziran 2024): 105-16.
EndNote Başar D (01 Haziran 2024) EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue 105–116.
IEEE D. Başar, “EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY”, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, sy. Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue, ss. 105–116, Haziran 2024, doi: 10.14780/muiibd.1459745.
ISNAD Başar, Doğan. “EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue (Haziran 2024), 105-116.
MLA Başar, Doğan. “EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, sy. Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue, 2024, ss. 105-16, doi:10.14780/muiibd.1459745.
Vancouver Başar D. EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY: GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A CATALYST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 2024(Sustainability and Green Economics Special Issue):105-16.