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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 44 Sayı: 1, 239 - 257, 24.06.2022


Bu makale Avrupa Birliği’nin Türkiye’yle düzensiz göç alanında sürdürdüğü iş birliği girişimlerinin
Avrupa siyasal söyleminde meşru kılınmasında rol oynayan söylemsel stratejileri incelemektedir.
Makalede AB-Türkiye Mülteci Anlaşması olarak da bilinen 18 Mart 2016 tarihli sözleşmeye ilişkin
Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda yürütülen tartışmalar analiz edilmektedir. Çalışmada, kuramsal olarak ‘Eleştirel
Söylem Analizi’ne bina edilmiş ve Bilişsel Dilbilimin analiz araçlarını da kullanan disiplinlerarası bir
araştırma yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Makalenin nihai amacı AB’nin göç ve iltica politikalarına meşruiyet
kazandırılmasında önemli rol oynayan söylemsel araç ve stratejilere ışık tutmaktır. Makale, Eleştirel Söylem
Analizi yazınında giderek daha fazla yer tutan söylemsel meşruiyet araştırmalarına eklemlenerek göç ve
mülteci politikaları örneğinde yeni bulgular sunmaktadır.


  • Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.
  • Carrera, S., Blockmans, S., Gros, D. & Guild, E. (2015). The EU’s response to the refugee crisis: Taking stock and setting policy priorities. CEPS Essay, No. 20 (December). Retrieved from: files/EU%20Response%20to%20the%202015%20Refugee%20Crisis_0.pdf
  • Catalano, T. & Musolff, A. (2019). “‘Taking the shackles off ’: Metaphor and metonymy of migrant children and border officials in the U.S”. Metaphorik.de29. Retrieved from: journal/29/taking-shackles-metaphor-and-metonymy-migrant-children-and-border-officials-us.html
  • Chilton, P. (2004). Analysing political discourse: Theory and practice. London: Routledge.
  • Chilton, P. (2019). Cognitive linguistics. In W. Brekhus, & G. Ignatow (Eds.), Oxford handbook of cognitive sociology, Oxford University Press, 243–270.
  • European Parliament (2 February 2016). Refugee emergency, external borders control and future of Schengen – Respect for the international principle of non-refoulement – Financing refugee facility for Turkey – Increased racist hatred and violence against refugees and migrants across Europe (debate). Strasbourg Revised edition. Retrieved from: 02-ITM-010_EN.html
  • European Parliament (13 April 2016). Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 17 and 18 March 2016 and outcome of the EU-Turkey summit (debate). Strasbourg Revised edition. Retrieved from: https://
  • Hart, C. (2010). Critical discourse analysis and cognitive science: New perspectives on immigration discourse, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • International Organization for Migration. (2015). Over 3,770 migrants have died trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe in 2015. Retrieved from: died-trying-cross-mediterranean-europe-2015
  • Provera, M. (2016). The EU-Turkey deal: Analysis and considerations, Working Paper. Brussels: Jesuit Refugee Service Europe. Retrieved from: Turkey_Deal_policy_analysis_2016-04-30.pdf
  • Reisigl, M., & Wodak, R. (2001). Discourse and discrimination: Rhetorics of racism and antisemitism. London: Routledge.
  • Reyes, A. (2011). Strategies of legitimization in political discourse: From words to actions. Discourse & Society, 22(6), 781-807.
  • Reyes, A. (2018). (De) Legitimizing language uses in language ideological debates online. In A. S. Ross &D. J. Rivers (Eds.), Discourses of (De) Legitimization Participatory Culture in Digital Contexts. Routledge. 17- 35
  • Rheindorf, M., & Wodak, R. (2018). Borders, fences, and limits – Protecting Austria from refugees: Metadiscursive negotiation of meaning in the current refugee crisis. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 16(1-2), 15-38.
  • Rojo, M. L., & Van Dijk, T.A. (1997). There was a problem, and it was solved! Legitimating the expulsion of ‘illegal’ immigrants in Spanish parliamentary discourse. Discourse & Society, 8(4), 523–567.
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2021). The EU’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis: A battleground among many Europes. European Politics and Society, 22(5), 808-823.
  • Tekin, B. Ç. (2010). Representations and othering in discourse. The construction of Turkey in the EU context. Amsterdam:John Benjamins.
  • Tekin, B. Ç. (2017). Düzensiz göçün yönetimi konusunda varılan Türkiye-AB mutabakatının Avrupa Birliği’nin uluslararası kimliği üzerindeki etkileri. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 39(2), 57-80.
  • Tekin, B. Ç. (2019). A reappraisal of EU-Turkey cooperation on migration management: The unintended consequences. In G. Bayındır Goularas, I. Z. Türkan & İ. E. Önel (Eds.), Refugee crises and migration policies: from local to global (p. 45-61). Lanham: Lexington Books.
  • Wodak, R. (2017). Strangers in Europe: A discourse-historical approach to the legitimation of immigration control 2015/16. In S. Zhao, E. Djonov, A. Björkvall & M. Boeriis (Eds.), Advancing multimodal and critical discourse studies (p. 31-49). Routledge.
  • Vaara, E. (2014). Struggles over legitimacy in the Eurozone crisis: Discursive legitimation strategies and their ideological underpinnings. Discourse & Society, 25(4), 500-518.
  • Van Leeuwen T. (1996). The grammar of legitimation. London: School of Media and London School of Printing.
  • Van Leeuwen T. (2007). Legitimation in discourse and communication. Discourse & Communication 1(1), 91– 112.
  • Van Leeuwen T.J., & Wodak, R. (1999). Legitimizing immigration control: A discourse-historical analysis. Discourse Studies 1(1), 83-118.
  • Van der Valk, I. (2003). Right-wing parliamentary discourse on immigration in France. Discourse & Society 14(3), 309-48.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (1997). Political discourse and racism. Describing others in western parliaments. In S.H. Riggins (Ed.), The Language and Politics of Exclusion: Others in Discourse (p. 31–64). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (1998). Ideology: A multidisciplinary approach. London: SAGE.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2005). War rhetoric of a little ally: Political implicatures and Aznar’s legitimatization of the war in Iraq. Journal of language and politics, 4(1), 65-91.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 44 Sayı: 1, 239 - 257, 24.06.2022


This study explores the legitimation strategies employed in European political discourse on EU’s migration
cooperation with Turkey. More specifically, this paper elucidates factors that shape argumentation in
European parliamentary debates on 18 March 2016 EU-Turkey Statement, also known as the EU-Turkey
Refugee Deal. Adopting an interdisciplinary research methodology rooted in Critical Discourse Analysis
and using analytical tools of Cognitive Linguistics, this study aims to provide empirical insights into the
legitimation of migration and asylum policies. This study connects to the growing body of literature on
discursive legitimation in an attempt to extend the existing set of categories of legitimation proposed in
earlier studies.


  • Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.
  • Carrera, S., Blockmans, S., Gros, D. & Guild, E. (2015). The EU’s response to the refugee crisis: Taking stock and setting policy priorities. CEPS Essay, No. 20 (December). Retrieved from: files/EU%20Response%20to%20the%202015%20Refugee%20Crisis_0.pdf
  • Catalano, T. & Musolff, A. (2019). “‘Taking the shackles off ’: Metaphor and metonymy of migrant children and border officials in the U.S”. Metaphorik.de29. Retrieved from: journal/29/taking-shackles-metaphor-and-metonymy-migrant-children-and-border-officials-us.html
  • Chilton, P. (2004). Analysing political discourse: Theory and practice. London: Routledge.
  • Chilton, P. (2019). Cognitive linguistics. In W. Brekhus, & G. Ignatow (Eds.), Oxford handbook of cognitive sociology, Oxford University Press, 243–270.
  • European Parliament (2 February 2016). Refugee emergency, external borders control and future of Schengen – Respect for the international principle of non-refoulement – Financing refugee facility for Turkey – Increased racist hatred and violence against refugees and migrants across Europe (debate). Strasbourg Revised edition. Retrieved from: 02-ITM-010_EN.html
  • European Parliament (13 April 2016). Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 17 and 18 March 2016 and outcome of the EU-Turkey summit (debate). Strasbourg Revised edition. Retrieved from: https://
  • Hart, C. (2010). Critical discourse analysis and cognitive science: New perspectives on immigration discourse, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • International Organization for Migration. (2015). Over 3,770 migrants have died trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe in 2015. Retrieved from: died-trying-cross-mediterranean-europe-2015
  • Provera, M. (2016). The EU-Turkey deal: Analysis and considerations, Working Paper. Brussels: Jesuit Refugee Service Europe. Retrieved from: Turkey_Deal_policy_analysis_2016-04-30.pdf
  • Reisigl, M., & Wodak, R. (2001). Discourse and discrimination: Rhetorics of racism and antisemitism. London: Routledge.
  • Reyes, A. (2011). Strategies of legitimization in political discourse: From words to actions. Discourse & Society, 22(6), 781-807.
  • Reyes, A. (2018). (De) Legitimizing language uses in language ideological debates online. In A. S. Ross &D. J. Rivers (Eds.), Discourses of (De) Legitimization Participatory Culture in Digital Contexts. Routledge. 17- 35
  • Rheindorf, M., & Wodak, R. (2018). Borders, fences, and limits – Protecting Austria from refugees: Metadiscursive negotiation of meaning in the current refugee crisis. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 16(1-2), 15-38.
  • Rojo, M. L., & Van Dijk, T.A. (1997). There was a problem, and it was solved! Legitimating the expulsion of ‘illegal’ immigrants in Spanish parliamentary discourse. Discourse & Society, 8(4), 523–567.
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2021). The EU’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis: A battleground among many Europes. European Politics and Society, 22(5), 808-823.
  • Tekin, B. Ç. (2010). Representations and othering in discourse. The construction of Turkey in the EU context. Amsterdam:John Benjamins.
  • Tekin, B. Ç. (2017). Düzensiz göçün yönetimi konusunda varılan Türkiye-AB mutabakatının Avrupa Birliği’nin uluslararası kimliği üzerindeki etkileri. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 39(2), 57-80.
  • Tekin, B. Ç. (2019). A reappraisal of EU-Turkey cooperation on migration management: The unintended consequences. In G. Bayındır Goularas, I. Z. Türkan & İ. E. Önel (Eds.), Refugee crises and migration policies: from local to global (p. 45-61). Lanham: Lexington Books.
  • Wodak, R. (2017). Strangers in Europe: A discourse-historical approach to the legitimation of immigration control 2015/16. In S. Zhao, E. Djonov, A. Björkvall & M. Boeriis (Eds.), Advancing multimodal and critical discourse studies (p. 31-49). Routledge.
  • Vaara, E. (2014). Struggles over legitimacy in the Eurozone crisis: Discursive legitimation strategies and their ideological underpinnings. Discourse & Society, 25(4), 500-518.
  • Van Leeuwen T. (1996). The grammar of legitimation. London: School of Media and London School of Printing.
  • Van Leeuwen T. (2007). Legitimation in discourse and communication. Discourse & Communication 1(1), 91– 112.
  • Van Leeuwen T.J., & Wodak, R. (1999). Legitimizing immigration control: A discourse-historical analysis. Discourse Studies 1(1), 83-118.
  • Van der Valk, I. (2003). Right-wing parliamentary discourse on immigration in France. Discourse & Society 14(3), 309-48.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (1997). Political discourse and racism. Describing others in western parliaments. In S.H. Riggins (Ed.), The Language and Politics of Exclusion: Others in Discourse (p. 31–64). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (1998). Ideology: A multidisciplinary approach. London: SAGE.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2005). War rhetoric of a little ally: Political implicatures and Aznar’s legitimatization of the war in Iraq. Journal of language and politics, 4(1), 65-91.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Beyza Çağatay Tekin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8482-137X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 44 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tekin, B. Ç. (2022). THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 44(1), 239-257.
AMA Tekin BÇ. THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2022;44(1):239-257. doi:10.14780/muiibd.1135583
Chicago Tekin, Beyza Çağatay. “THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 44, sy. 1 (Haziran 2022): 239-57.
EndNote Tekin BÇ (01 Haziran 2022) THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 44 1 239–257.
IEEE B. Ç. Tekin, “THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE”, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, c. 44, sy. 1, ss. 239–257, 2022, doi: 10.14780/muiibd.1135583.
ISNAD Tekin, Beyza Çağatay. “THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 44/1 (Haziran 2022), 239-257.
MLA Tekin, Beyza Çağatay. “THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, c. 44, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 239-57, doi:10.14780/muiibd.1135583.
Vancouver Tekin BÇ. THE DISCURSIVE LEGITIMATION OF THE EU-TURKEY REFUGEE DEAL IN EUROPEAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 2022;44(1):239-57.