Traumatic Papillary Muscle Rupture Mimicking Infective Endocarditis
Yıl 2024,
, 38 - 39, 30.04.2024
Hande İştar
Buğra Harmandar
Blunt trauma due to motor vehicle accident may result in severe cardiac valve injury. The most part of lesions are about aortic and mitral valves. Acute on-set cardiac valve insufficiency may cause severe dyspnea or cardiac failure. Tricuspid valve injury due to blunt trauma is extremely rare and clinical manifestation is silent in majority of all cases. In case of echocardiographic evaluation, patient can be diagnosed easily with cardiac valve injury. Here we introduce a 46 year-old male patient suffering tricupid papillary muscle rupture and its successful surgical repair. Fever and a mass on the valve caused by multitrauma may mimic infective endocarditis.
We would thank to Dr. Volkan Doğan, Dr. Ayça Nair for their support in peroperative cardiac evaluation.
- 1. Ismailov RM, Weiss HB, Ness RB, et al. Blunt cardiac injury associated with cardiac valve insufficiency: Trauma links to chronic disease? Injury. 2005;36(9):1022–8.
- 2. Chu JJ, Wu MY, Weng CF, et al. Repair of traumatic tricuspid regurgitation. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2013;29:185-7.
- 3. Dounis G, Matsakas E, Poularas J, et al. Traumatic tricuspid insufficiency: A case report with a review of the literature. Eur J Emerg Med. 2002;9(3):258-61.
- 4. Meel R, Ngutshane B, Gonçalves R, et al. A case of severe tricuspid regurgitation related to traumatic papillary muscle rupture. Case Rep Cardiol. 2020;3:1–5.
- 5. Bamira DG, Dwivedi A, Bhatla P, et al. Unusual cause of severe tricuspid regurgitation: Tricuspid leaflet annular tear following remote motor vehicle accident. JACC Case Rep. 2020;2(14):2156–61.
- 6. Stoica B, Paun S, Tanase I, et al. Traumatic tricuspid valve rupture after blunt chest trauma - A case report and review of the literature. Chirurgia 2015;110(5):467–70.
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Enfektif Endokarditi Taklit Eden Travmatik Papiller Kas Rüptürü
Yıl 2024,
, 38 - 39, 30.04.2024
Hande İştar
Buğra Harmandar
Motorlu taşıt kazalarında künt travma, kalp kapakçıklarının ciddi bir şekilde yaralanmasına sebep olabilir. Sıklıkla mitral ve aort kapak etkilenir. Akut kalp kapakçığı hasarı, ciddi dispne ve kalp yetmezliğine yol açabilir. Triküspit kapağın etkilenmesi oldukça nadirdir. Klinik tablo çoğu vakada sessiz ilerleyebilir. Ekokardiyografi ile hastalar kolayca tanı alabilir. Olgu sunumumuzda, 46 yaşında erkek hastada triküspit kapak papiller kas rüptürü ve başarılı cerrahi tedavisi sunulmaktadır. Ateş ve kalp kapakçığı üzerindeki kitle görünümü efektif endokarditi taklit edebilir.
- 1. Ismailov RM, Weiss HB, Ness RB, et al. Blunt cardiac injury associated with cardiac valve insufficiency: Trauma links to chronic disease? Injury. 2005;36(9):1022–8.
- 2. Chu JJ, Wu MY, Weng CF, et al. Repair of traumatic tricuspid regurgitation. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2013;29:185-7.
- 3. Dounis G, Matsakas E, Poularas J, et al. Traumatic tricuspid insufficiency: A case report with a review of the literature. Eur J Emerg Med. 2002;9(3):258-61.
- 4. Meel R, Ngutshane B, Gonçalves R, et al. A case of severe tricuspid regurgitation related to traumatic papillary muscle rupture. Case Rep Cardiol. 2020;3:1–5.
- 5. Bamira DG, Dwivedi A, Bhatla P, et al. Unusual cause of severe tricuspid regurgitation: Tricuspid leaflet annular tear following remote motor vehicle accident. JACC Case Rep. 2020;2(14):2156–61.
- 6. Stoica B, Paun S, Tanase I, et al. Traumatic tricuspid valve rupture after blunt chest trauma - A case report and review of the literature. Chirurgia 2015;110(5):467–70.
- 7. Khurana S, Puri R, Wong D, et al. Latent tricuspid valve rupture after motor vehicle accident and routine echocardiography in all chest-wall traumas. Tex Heart Inst J. 2009;36(6):615–7.