Araştırma Makalesi
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Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province

Yıl 2023, , 191 - 197, 19.12.2023


It was aimed to evaluate dental data obtained after dental examinations of 204 children aged 5-8 years and their mothers who lived in Muğla and applied to Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Dentistry, taking into account their place of residence, mother's education level and working status. To determine caries profile of primary dentition, dmft was used, and for permanent dentition, DMFT was used. They were asked to answer prepared questions. Results, consisting of formed index after intraoral examination and answers to questions, were statistically evaluated using IBM SPSS v23.0 (IBM Corp. 2015, Armonk, NY, US). Normality of variables is examined by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Due to variables do not follow a normal distribution, differences between index values per demographic variable were tested with Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test for independent groups. To make pairwise (multiple) comparison, we used Dunn’s test. Spearman correlation analysis was also applied. According to results obtained, it was observed that mother's education level had a significant effect on children's dmft and DMFT index values (p<0.05). As education level of mothers increased, caries profile of children decreased. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between mother's DMFT index value and child's dmft index value(p<0.05, r=0.017). Additionally, it was statistically determined that dmft index values of children with employed mothers significantly lower than those of children whose mothers unemployed(p<0.05). The study showed that mother's level of being affected by decay, education level, and employment status were effective on the level of children being affected by tooth decay.


  • 1. Pitts NB, Zero DT, Marsh PD, et al. Dental caries. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2017;3(1):1-16.
  • 2. Heinrich-Weltzien R, Monse B, Benzian H, et al. Association of dental caries and weight status in 6-to 7-year-old Filipino children. Clin Oral Invest. 2013;17(6):1515-23.
  • 3. Leal S, Bronkhorst E, Fan M, et al. Untreated cavitated dentine lesions: impact on children’s quality of life. Caries Res. 2012;46(2):102-6.
  • 4. Robert SH, Amid I, Nigel PB. Dental caries. Lancet. 2007;369(9555):51-9.
  • 5. Congiu G, Campus G, Lugliè PF. Early childhood caries (ECC) prevalence and background factors: a review. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2014;12(1):71-6.
  • 6. Begzati A, Bytyci A, Meqa K, et al. Mothers' behaviours and knowledge related to caries experience of their children. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2014;12(2):133-40.
  • 7. Case A, Paxson C. Parental behavior and child health. Health Aff. 2002;21(2):164-78.
  • 8. Bozorgmehr E, Hajizamani A, Malek Mohammadi T. Oral health behavior of parents as a predictor of oral health status of their children. Int Sch Res Notices. 2013;2013:741783.
  • 9. Klein H, Palmer CE. Studies on dental caries: V. Familial resemblance in the caries experience of siblings. Public Health Rep (1896-1970). 1938;53(31):1353-64.
  • 10. Anaise JZ. Measurement of dental caries experience‐modification of the DMFT index. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1984;12(1):43-6.
  • 11. Kamiab N, Kamalabadi YM, Fathollahi MS. DMFT of the first permanent molars, dmft and related factors among all first-grade primary school students in Rafsanjan Urban Area. J Dent. 2021;22(2):109.
  • 12. Kramer A-CA, Hakeberg M, Petzold M, et al. Demographic factors and dental health of Swedish children and adolescents. Acta Odontol Scand. 2016;74(3):178-85.
  • 13. Antunes JLF, Peres MA, Mello TRdC, et al. Multilevel assessment of determinants of dental caries experience in Brazil. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2006;34(2):146-52.
  • 14. Maserejian NN, Tavares MA, Hayes C, et al. Rural and urban disparities in caries prevalence in children with unmet dental needs: the New England Children's Amalgam Trial. J Public Health Dent. 2008;68(1):7-13.
  • 15. Vargas CM, Ronzio CR, Hayes KL. Oral health status of children and adolescents by rural residence, United States. J Rural Health. 2003;19(3):260-8.
  • 16. Yiğit Y, Yiğit EA. Muğla local food. TURAN-CSR Intern Sci. 2019;11(44):517-23.
  • 17. Marqués-Martínez L, Pérez-Bermejo M, Lairón-Peris AR, et al. Association between the severity of dental caries and the degree of adherence to the mediterranean diet in the pediatric population. Nutrients. 2022;14(17):3622.
  • 18. Kabil NS, Eltawil S. Prioritizing the risk factors of severe early childhood caries. Dent J. 2017;5(1):4.
  • 19. Organization WH. Oral health surveys: basic methods: World Health Organization. 2013.
  • 20. Abiola Adeniyi A, Eyitope Ogunbodede O, Sonny Jeboda O, et al. Do maternal factors influence the dental health status of Nigerian pre‐school children? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2009;19(6):448-54.
  • 21. Türkiye Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Profili. Sağlik Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Ağiz ve Diş Sağliği Dairesi Başkanliği. Erişim tarihi 04.02.2022,
  • 22. Lin T-H, Lin C-H, Pan T-M. The implication of probiotics in the prevention of dental caries. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018;102:577-86.
  • 23. İşgücü İstatistikleri, 2019 2020. TUIK.
  • 24. Okada M, Kawamura M, Kaihara Y, et al. Influence of parents’ oral health behaviour on oral health status of their school children: an exploratory study employing a causal modelling technique. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(2):101-8.
  • 25. Okada M, Kawamura M, Miura K. Influence of oral health attitude of mothers on the gingival health of their school age children. ASDC J Dent Child. 2001;68(5-6):379-83.
  • 26. Poutanen R, Lahti S, Seppä L, et al. Oral health-related knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and family characteristics among Finnish schoolchildren with and without active initial caries lesions. Acta Odontol Scand. 2007;65(2):87-96.
  • 27. Mattila ML, Paunio P, Rautava P, et al. Changes in dental health and dental health habits from 3 to 5 years of age. J Public Health Dent. 1998;58(4):270-4.
  • 28. Mascarenhas AK. Oral hygiene as a risk indicator of enamel and dentin caries. Community Dent Oral Epidemioly. 1998;26(5):331-9.
  • 29. Szatko F, Wierzbicka M, Dybizbanska E, et al. Oral health of Polish three-year-olds and mothers' oral health-related knowledge. Community Dent Health. 2004;21(2):175-80.
  • 30. Hallett K, O'Rourke P. Dental caries experience of preschool children from the north Brisbane region. Aust Dent J. 2002;47(4):331-8.
  • 31. Banu Ö, Tuğba K, Tirali E, et al. The association between mode of delivery and maternal factors and dental caries in children. ADO J Clin Sci. 2021;10(2):92-8.
  • 32. Shackleton N, Broadbent JM, Thornley S, et al. Inequalities in dental caries experience among 4‐year‐old New Zealand children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2018;46(3):288-96.
  • 33. El Tantawi M, Folayan MO, Mehaina M, et al. Prevalence and data availability of early childhood caries in 193 United Nations Countries, 2007–2017. Am J Public Health. 2018;108(8):1066-72.
  • 34. de Melo MMDC, de Souza WV, de Goes PSA. Increase in dental caries and change in the socioeconomic profile of families in a child cohort of the primary health care in Northeast Brazil. BMC oral health. 2019;19(1):1-10.
  • 35. Ghandeharı MM, Zeraati H, Jamshıdı SA. An epidemiologic survey on dmft amony 4-5 year old children of kindergartens under the supervision of behzisti organization in tehran (2003). J Islam Dent Assoc. 2004;16:15-21.
  • 36. Gökalp S, Doğan GB, Tekçiçek M, et al. Beş, on iki ve on beş yaş çocukların ağız diş sağlığı profili, Türkiye-2004. Hacettepe Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Derg. 2007;31(4):3-10.
  • 37. Levin KA, Davies CA, Douglas GV, et al. Urban-rural differences in dental caries of 5-year old children in Scotland. Soc Sci Med. 2010;71(11):2020-7.
  • 38. Vargas CM, Monajemy N, Khurana P, et al. Oral health status of preschool children attending Head Start in Maryland, 2000. Pediatr Dent. 2002;24(3):257-63.
  • 39. Mattila M-L, Rautava P, Sillanpää M, et al. Caries in five-year-old children and associations with family-related factors. J Dent Res. 2000;79(3):875-81.
  • 40. Paunio P, Rautava P, Sillanpää M, et al. Dental health habits of 3‐year‐old Finnish children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1993;21(1):4-7.

Muğla İlinde 5-8 Yaş Grubu Çocukların ve Annelerinin Çürük Riski Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2023, , 191 - 197, 19.12.2023


Bu çalışmada Muğla ilinde yaşayan, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’ne müracaat etmiş 5-8 yaş arası 204 çocuk ve annesinin dental muayeneleri sonrasında elde edilen dental verilerin, yaşadıkları yer, annenin eğitim düzeyi ve çalışma durumu dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma grubu, çalışmanın amacı ve içeriği açıklandıktan sonra gönüllü katılım isteyen anne ve çocuklardan oluşturuldu. Süt dentisyonun çürük profilini belirlemek için dmft, daimi dentisyonunkinde DMFT kullanıldı. Annenin ve çocuğun ait olduğu ailenin yaşam şartlarının, annenin eğitim düzeyinin ve çalışma durumunun belirlenebilmesi için hazırlanan soruları yanıtlamaları istendi. Ağız içi muayene sonrası oluşturulan indeks ve yanıtlarından oluşan sonuçları IBM SPSS v23.0 (IBM Corp. 2015, Armonk, NY, US) kullanılarak istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Değişkenlerin normalliği Kolmogorov-Smirnov testi ile incelendi. Demografik değişkene göre indeks değerleri arasındaki farklar bağımsız gruplar için Mann-Whitney U-testi ve Kruskal-Wallis testi ile değerlendirildi. İkili karşılaştırmada Dunn testi kullanıldı. Ayrıca Spearman korelasyon analizi de uygulandı. Annelerin eğitim düzeyinin, çocukların dmft ve DMFT indeks değerleri üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu görüldü(p<0.05). Annelerin eğitim düzeyi yükseldikçe çocukların çürük profilinde azalma görüldü. Annelerin DMFT indeks değeri ile çocukların dmft indeks değeri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif korelasyon olduğu tespit edildi (p<0.05, r=0.017). Ayrıca çalışan annelerin çocuklarının dmft indeks değerlerinin çalışmayan annelerin çocuklarınkinden anlamlı derecede düşük olduğu istatistiksel olarak belirlendi(p<0.05). Çalışmada annenin çürükten etkilenme düzeyinin, eğitim düzeyinin ve çalışma durumunun çocukların diş çürüğünden etkilenme düzeyi üzerinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Ebeveynlerde özellikle annelerde ağız ve diş sağlığına yönelik bilgi ve tutum geliştirme girişimleri, gelecek neslin ağız sağlığının iyileştirilmesinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olacaktır.


  • 1. Pitts NB, Zero DT, Marsh PD, et al. Dental caries. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2017;3(1):1-16.
  • 2. Heinrich-Weltzien R, Monse B, Benzian H, et al. Association of dental caries and weight status in 6-to 7-year-old Filipino children. Clin Oral Invest. 2013;17(6):1515-23.
  • 3. Leal S, Bronkhorst E, Fan M, et al. Untreated cavitated dentine lesions: impact on children’s quality of life. Caries Res. 2012;46(2):102-6.
  • 4. Robert SH, Amid I, Nigel PB. Dental caries. Lancet. 2007;369(9555):51-9.
  • 5. Congiu G, Campus G, Lugliè PF. Early childhood caries (ECC) prevalence and background factors: a review. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2014;12(1):71-6.
  • 6. Begzati A, Bytyci A, Meqa K, et al. Mothers' behaviours and knowledge related to caries experience of their children. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2014;12(2):133-40.
  • 7. Case A, Paxson C. Parental behavior and child health. Health Aff. 2002;21(2):164-78.
  • 8. Bozorgmehr E, Hajizamani A, Malek Mohammadi T. Oral health behavior of parents as a predictor of oral health status of their children. Int Sch Res Notices. 2013;2013:741783.
  • 9. Klein H, Palmer CE. Studies on dental caries: V. Familial resemblance in the caries experience of siblings. Public Health Rep (1896-1970). 1938;53(31):1353-64.
  • 10. Anaise JZ. Measurement of dental caries experience‐modification of the DMFT index. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1984;12(1):43-6.
  • 11. Kamiab N, Kamalabadi YM, Fathollahi MS. DMFT of the first permanent molars, dmft and related factors among all first-grade primary school students in Rafsanjan Urban Area. J Dent. 2021;22(2):109.
  • 12. Kramer A-CA, Hakeberg M, Petzold M, et al. Demographic factors and dental health of Swedish children and adolescents. Acta Odontol Scand. 2016;74(3):178-85.
  • 13. Antunes JLF, Peres MA, Mello TRdC, et al. Multilevel assessment of determinants of dental caries experience in Brazil. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2006;34(2):146-52.
  • 14. Maserejian NN, Tavares MA, Hayes C, et al. Rural and urban disparities in caries prevalence in children with unmet dental needs: the New England Children's Amalgam Trial. J Public Health Dent. 2008;68(1):7-13.
  • 15. Vargas CM, Ronzio CR, Hayes KL. Oral health status of children and adolescents by rural residence, United States. J Rural Health. 2003;19(3):260-8.
  • 16. Yiğit Y, Yiğit EA. Muğla local food. TURAN-CSR Intern Sci. 2019;11(44):517-23.
  • 17. Marqués-Martínez L, Pérez-Bermejo M, Lairón-Peris AR, et al. Association between the severity of dental caries and the degree of adherence to the mediterranean diet in the pediatric population. Nutrients. 2022;14(17):3622.
  • 18. Kabil NS, Eltawil S. Prioritizing the risk factors of severe early childhood caries. Dent J. 2017;5(1):4.
  • 19. Organization WH. Oral health surveys: basic methods: World Health Organization. 2013.
  • 20. Abiola Adeniyi A, Eyitope Ogunbodede O, Sonny Jeboda O, et al. Do maternal factors influence the dental health status of Nigerian pre‐school children? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2009;19(6):448-54.
  • 21. Türkiye Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Profili. Sağlik Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Ağiz ve Diş Sağliği Dairesi Başkanliği. Erişim tarihi 04.02.2022,
  • 22. Lin T-H, Lin C-H, Pan T-M. The implication of probiotics in the prevention of dental caries. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018;102:577-86.
  • 23. İşgücü İstatistikleri, 2019 2020. TUIK.
  • 24. Okada M, Kawamura M, Kaihara Y, et al. Influence of parents’ oral health behaviour on oral health status of their school children: an exploratory study employing a causal modelling technique. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(2):101-8.
  • 25. Okada M, Kawamura M, Miura K. Influence of oral health attitude of mothers on the gingival health of their school age children. ASDC J Dent Child. 2001;68(5-6):379-83.
  • 26. Poutanen R, Lahti S, Seppä L, et al. Oral health-related knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and family characteristics among Finnish schoolchildren with and without active initial caries lesions. Acta Odontol Scand. 2007;65(2):87-96.
  • 27. Mattila ML, Paunio P, Rautava P, et al. Changes in dental health and dental health habits from 3 to 5 years of age. J Public Health Dent. 1998;58(4):270-4.
  • 28. Mascarenhas AK. Oral hygiene as a risk indicator of enamel and dentin caries. Community Dent Oral Epidemioly. 1998;26(5):331-9.
  • 29. Szatko F, Wierzbicka M, Dybizbanska E, et al. Oral health of Polish three-year-olds and mothers' oral health-related knowledge. Community Dent Health. 2004;21(2):175-80.
  • 30. Hallett K, O'Rourke P. Dental caries experience of preschool children from the north Brisbane region. Aust Dent J. 2002;47(4):331-8.
  • 31. Banu Ö, Tuğba K, Tirali E, et al. The association between mode of delivery and maternal factors and dental caries in children. ADO J Clin Sci. 2021;10(2):92-8.
  • 32. Shackleton N, Broadbent JM, Thornley S, et al. Inequalities in dental caries experience among 4‐year‐old New Zealand children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2018;46(3):288-96.
  • 33. El Tantawi M, Folayan MO, Mehaina M, et al. Prevalence and data availability of early childhood caries in 193 United Nations Countries, 2007–2017. Am J Public Health. 2018;108(8):1066-72.
  • 34. de Melo MMDC, de Souza WV, de Goes PSA. Increase in dental caries and change in the socioeconomic profile of families in a child cohort of the primary health care in Northeast Brazil. BMC oral health. 2019;19(1):1-10.
  • 35. Ghandeharı MM, Zeraati H, Jamshıdı SA. An epidemiologic survey on dmft amony 4-5 year old children of kindergartens under the supervision of behzisti organization in tehran (2003). J Islam Dent Assoc. 2004;16:15-21.
  • 36. Gökalp S, Doğan GB, Tekçiçek M, et al. Beş, on iki ve on beş yaş çocukların ağız diş sağlığı profili, Türkiye-2004. Hacettepe Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Derg. 2007;31(4):3-10.
  • 37. Levin KA, Davies CA, Douglas GV, et al. Urban-rural differences in dental caries of 5-year old children in Scotland. Soc Sci Med. 2010;71(11):2020-7.
  • 38. Vargas CM, Monajemy N, Khurana P, et al. Oral health status of preschool children attending Head Start in Maryland, 2000. Pediatr Dent. 2002;24(3):257-63.
  • 39. Mattila M-L, Rautava P, Sillanpää M, et al. Caries in five-year-old children and associations with family-related factors. J Dent Res. 2000;79(3):875-81.
  • 40. Paunio P, Rautava P, Sillanpää M, et al. Dental health habits of 3‐year‐old Finnish children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1993;21(1):4-7.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ozgul Cartı Dörterler 0000-0002-8123-7629

Ayşegül Demirbaş 0000-0003-1563-5378

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Cartı Dörterler, O., & Demirbaş, A. (2023). Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi, 10(3), 191-197.
AMA Cartı Dörterler O, Demirbaş A. Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province. MMJ. Aralık 2023;10(3):191-197. doi:10.47572/muskutd.1304425
Chicago Cartı Dörterler, Ozgul, ve Ayşegül Demirbaş. “Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 10, sy. 3 (Aralık 2023): 191-97.
EndNote Cartı Dörterler O, Demirbaş A (01 Aralık 2023) Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 10 3 191–197.
IEEE O. Cartı Dörterler ve A. Demirbaş, “Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province”, MMJ, c. 10, sy. 3, ss. 191–197, 2023, doi: 10.47572/muskutd.1304425.
ISNAD Cartı Dörterler, Ozgul - Demirbaş, Ayşegül. “Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 10/3 (Aralık 2023), 191-197.
JAMA Cartı Dörterler O, Demirbaş A. Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province. MMJ. 2023;10:191–197.
MLA Cartı Dörterler, Ozgul ve Ayşegül Demirbaş. “Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 191-7, doi:10.47572/muskutd.1304425.
Vancouver Cartı Dörterler O, Demirbaş A. Caries Risk Determination of 5-8 Year Old Children and Their Mothers in Muğla Province. MMJ. 2023;10(3):191-7.