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Onkolojik Hastalarda İnternal Jügüler Ven Yoluyla Venöz Port Implantasyonu- Tek Bir Genel Cerrahın Deneyimi

Yıl 2023, , 171 - 176, 19.12.2023


Santral venöz erişim tekrarlayan kemoterapi, hemodiyaliz, kan transfüzyonları, total parenteral beslenme ve kan örnekleri alımı gereken onkoloji hastaları için kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışma, genel anestezi altında ve ultrasonografi ve floroskopi rehberliğinde bir genel cerrahın Totally Implantable Access Port (TIAP) implantasyon deneyimini sunmayı ve erken ve geç komplikasyonları değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bir retrospektif çalışma, Ocak 2020 ile Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasında TIAP implantasyonu yapılan hastalar üzerinde yürütüldü. Solid tümörler için intravenöz kemoterapi uygulanan hastalar dahil edildi. İşlemlerin tamamı tek bir genel cerrah tarafından gerçekleştirdi. Bütün hastalara genel anestezi uygulandı ve bir perkütan Seldinger tekniği kullanıldı. Erken ve geç komplikasyonlar izlendi ve ilgili veriler toplandı. Çalışma, yaş ortancası 46 yıl, çoğunluğu kadın (%65.1) olan 186 hasta içeriyordu. Genel başarı oranı %99.5 idi. Erken ve geç komplikasyonlar sırasıyla vakaların %1.6'sında ve %5.9'unda meydana geldi. En yaygın geç komplikasyonlar port yerinde enfeksiyon (%1.6) ve semptomatik tromboz (%1.6) idi. Bir hastada oluşan port migrasyonu aynı gün düzeltildi. Pnömotoraks vakası gözlenmedi. Kemoterapisi sonlanan 92 hastada port çıkarıldı. TIAP implantasyonunun ultrasonografi ve floroskopi rehberliğinde ve genel anestezi altında bir genel cerrah tarafından gerçekleştirilmesi durumunda yüksek başarı oranı ve düşük komplikasyon oranı söz konusudur. Bu bulgular, özel bir hastane ortamında ve genel anestezi altında TIAP implantasyonunun güvenli ve etkili olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Çalışma, genel cerrahların onkoloji hastaları için etkili ve güvenli bir şekilde TIAP implantasyonunu gerçekleştirmelerini destekleyen bir kanıt olarak değerlendirilebilir. Böylelikle farklı klinik ortamlarda daha yaygın olarak kullanılmasını sağlayabilir.


  • 1. Biffi R, Orsi F, Pozzi S, et al. No impact of central venous insertion site on oncology patients' quality of life and psychological distress. A randomized three-arm trial. Support Care Cancer. 2011;19(10):1573-80.
  • 2. Kim JH, Jeon UB, Jang JY, et al. Radiologic placement of Hickman catheters using intravenous sedation in pediatric patients under 20 kg. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022:18;101(7):e28857.
  • 3. Ready AR, Downing R, Fielding JW, et al. Venous access using the Hickman catheter. Eur J Surg Oncol. 1985;11(2):155-7.
  • 4. Sagor G, Mitchemere P, Layfield J, et al. Prolonged access to the venous system using the Hickman right atrial catheter. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1983;65(1):47-9.
  • 5. Suttorp M, Wüstemann M, Rister M. Use of the Broviac/Hickman catheter in pediatric oncology. Klin Padiatr. 1988;200(1):49-56.
  • 6. Groeger JS, Lucas AB, Thaler HT, et al. Infectious morbidity associated with long-term use of venous access devices in patients with cancer. Ann Intern Med. 1993;119(12):1168-74.
  • 7. Darbyshire PJ, Weightman NC, Speller DC. Problems associated with indwelling central venous catheters. Arch Dis Child. 1985;60(2):129-34.
  • 8. Lazarus HM, Lowder JN, Herzig RH. Occlusion and infection in Broviac catheters during intensive cancer therapy. Cancer. 1983;52:2342-8.
  • 9. Ingram J, Weitzman S, Greenberg M, et al. Complications of indwelling venous access lines in the pediatric hematology patient: A prospective comparison of external catheters and subcutaneous ports. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 1991;13:130-6.
  • 10. Hsu CC, Kwan GN, Evans-Barns H, et al. Venous cutdown versus the Seldinger technique for placement of totally implantable venous access ports. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016;2016(8):CD008942.
  • 11. Sugawara S, Sone M, Sakamoto N, et al. Guidelines for central venous port placement and management (Abridged Translation of the Japanese Version). Interv Radiol (Higashimatsuyama). 2023;8(2):105-17.
  • 12. Reeves AR, Shashadri R, Trerotola SO. Recent trends in central venous catheter placement: a comparison of interventional radiology with other specialties. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2001;12:1211–4.
  • 13. National Institute for Clinical Excellence Guidance on the use of ultrasound locating devices for placing central venous catheters. NICE, London. 2002.
  • 14. Biffi R, De Braud F, Orsi F, et al. Totally implantable central venous access ports for long-term chemotherapy. A prospective study analyzing complications and costs in 333 devices with a minimum 180 days of follow-up. Ann Oncol. 1998;9:767–73.
  • 15. Kock HJ, Pietsch M, Krause U, et al. Implantable vascular access system. Experience in 1500 patients with totally implanted central venous port system. World J Surg. 1998;22(1):12–6.
  • 16. Maňásek V, Charvát J, Chovanec V, et al. Indications for venous access in oncology - recommendations of national professional societies and current state in the Czech Republic. Klin Onkol. 2021;34(3):192-201.
  • 17. Rubin DS, Apfelbaum JL, Tung A. Trends in central venous catheter insertions by anesthesia providers: An analysis of the medicare physician supplier procedure summary from 2007 to 2016. Anesth Analg. 2020;130(4):1026-34.
  • 18. Almasi-Sperling V, Hieber S, Lermann J, et al. Femoral placement of totally implantable venous access ports in patients with bilateral breast cancer. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2016;76(1):53-8. 19. Miao J, Ji L, Lu J, et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing ultrasound-guided procedure with the Seldinger's technique for placement of implantable venous ports. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2014;70(1):559-63.
  • 20. Jeon SB, Jeon Y, Han KW, et al. An analysis of the outcomes of totally implantable access port implantation performed by surgical residents. Korean J Clin Oncol. 2021;17(1):15-22.
  • 21. Ding X, Ding F, Wang Y, et al. Shanghai Cooperation Group on Central Venous Access Vascular Access Committee of the Solid Tumor Theranostics Committee, Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association. Shanghai expert consensus on totally implantable access ports 2019. J Interv Med. 2019;2(4):141-5.
  • 22. Ahn SJ, Kim HC, Chung JW, et al. Ultrasound and fluoroscopy-guided placement of central venous ports via internal jugular vein: Retrospective analysis of 1254 port implantations at a single center. Korean J Radiol. 2012;13:314–23.
  • 23. Nocito A, Wildi S, Rufibach K, et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing venous cutdown with the Seldinger technique for placement of implantable venous access ports. Br J Surg. 2009;96:1129–34.
  • 24. Kim DH, Ryu DY, Jung HJ, et al. Evaluation of complications of totally implantable central venous port system insertion. Exp Ther Med. 2019;17:2013–8.
  • 25. Yip D, Funaki B. Subcutaneous chest ports via the internal jugular vein. Acta Radiol. 2002;43(4):371.
  • 26. D'Souza PC, Kumar S, Kakaria A, et al. Complications and Management of Totally Implantable Central Venous Access Ports in Cancer Patients at a University Hospital in Oman. Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2021;21:e103-9.
  • 27. Caridi JG, Hawkins IF Jr, Wiechmann BN, et al. Sonographic guidance when using the right internal jugular vein for central vein access. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1998;171:1259–63.
  • 28. Kuo YS, Schwartz B, Santiago J, et al. How often should a port-A-cath be flushed? Cancer Invest. 2005;23(7):582-5.
  • 29. Machat S, Eisenhuber E, Pfarl G, et al. Complications of central venous port systems: a pictorial review. Insights into Imaging, 2019;10:86.
  • 30. Biffi R, Pozzi S, Agazzi A. Use of totally implantable central venous access ports for high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: results of a monocentre series of 376 patients. Ann Oncol. 2004;15:296–300.
  • 31. Bademler S, Üçüncü M, Yıldırım İ, et al. Risk factors for complications in cancer patients with totally implantable access ports: A retrospective study and review of the literature. J Int Med Res. 2019;47(2):702-9.
  • 32. Scordamaglia RE, Romairone S, Scabini E, et al. Totally implantable central venous access devices: results of a monocentre series of 1610 port implantations performed under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. Eur Surg. 2012;44(2):116–9.
  • 33. Cil BE, Canyigit M, Peynircioglu B, et al. Subcutaneous venous port implantation in adult patients: a single center experience. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2006;12:93–8.
  • 34. Cil BE, Canyigit M, Peynircioglu B, et al. Subcutaneous venous port implantation in adult patients: a single center experience. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2006;12:93–8.
  • 35. Scordamaglia RE, Romairone S, Scabini E, et al. Totally implantable central venous access devices: results of a monocentre series of 1610 port implantations performed under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. Eur Surg. 2012;44(2):116–9.

Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience

Yıl 2023, , 171 - 176, 19.12.2023


Central venous access is pivotal for patients undergoing repetitive chemotherapy, hemodialysis, blood transfusions, total parenteral nutrition, and blood tests. This study aims to present the single-center experience of a general surgeon in Totally Implantable Access Port (TIAP) implantation under general anesthesia using ultrasonography and fluoroscopy guidance and assess early and late complications. A retrospective study was conducted on patients who underwent TIAP implantation between January 2020 and December 2022. Patients eligible for intravenous chemotherapy with solid tumors were included. A single general surgeon performed the procedures. General anesthesia was administered in all patients, and a percutaneous Seldinger technique was utilized. Early and late complications were monitored, and relevant data were collected. The study comprised 186 patients with a median age of 46, predominantly female (65.1%). The overall success rate was 99.5%. Early and late complications occurred in 1.6% and 5.9% of cases. The most common late complications were pocket infection (1.6%) and symptomatic thrombosis (1.6%). Port migration occurred in one patient but was promptly corrected. No pneumothorax cases were observed. Port removal was performed in 92 patients upon chemotherapy completion. Implantation of TIAPs under general anesthesia, guided by ultrasound and fluoroscopy, resulted in a high success rate and low complication rate when performed by a skilled general surgeon. These findings underscore the safety and efficacy of TIAP implantation under general anesthesia in a private hospital setting. The study contributes to the growing body of evidence supporting general surgeons in providing effective and safe TIAP implantation for oncology patients, potentially expanding its availability in diverse clinical settings.


  • 1. Biffi R, Orsi F, Pozzi S, et al. No impact of central venous insertion site on oncology patients' quality of life and psychological distress. A randomized three-arm trial. Support Care Cancer. 2011;19(10):1573-80.
  • 2. Kim JH, Jeon UB, Jang JY, et al. Radiologic placement of Hickman catheters using intravenous sedation in pediatric patients under 20 kg. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022:18;101(7):e28857.
  • 3. Ready AR, Downing R, Fielding JW, et al. Venous access using the Hickman catheter. Eur J Surg Oncol. 1985;11(2):155-7.
  • 4. Sagor G, Mitchemere P, Layfield J, et al. Prolonged access to the venous system using the Hickman right atrial catheter. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1983;65(1):47-9.
  • 5. Suttorp M, Wüstemann M, Rister M. Use of the Broviac/Hickman catheter in pediatric oncology. Klin Padiatr. 1988;200(1):49-56.
  • 6. Groeger JS, Lucas AB, Thaler HT, et al. Infectious morbidity associated with long-term use of venous access devices in patients with cancer. Ann Intern Med. 1993;119(12):1168-74.
  • 7. Darbyshire PJ, Weightman NC, Speller DC. Problems associated with indwelling central venous catheters. Arch Dis Child. 1985;60(2):129-34.
  • 8. Lazarus HM, Lowder JN, Herzig RH. Occlusion and infection in Broviac catheters during intensive cancer therapy. Cancer. 1983;52:2342-8.
  • 9. Ingram J, Weitzman S, Greenberg M, et al. Complications of indwelling venous access lines in the pediatric hematology patient: A prospective comparison of external catheters and subcutaneous ports. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 1991;13:130-6.
  • 10. Hsu CC, Kwan GN, Evans-Barns H, et al. Venous cutdown versus the Seldinger technique for placement of totally implantable venous access ports. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016;2016(8):CD008942.
  • 11. Sugawara S, Sone M, Sakamoto N, et al. Guidelines for central venous port placement and management (Abridged Translation of the Japanese Version). Interv Radiol (Higashimatsuyama). 2023;8(2):105-17.
  • 12. Reeves AR, Shashadri R, Trerotola SO. Recent trends in central venous catheter placement: a comparison of interventional radiology with other specialties. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2001;12:1211–4.
  • 13. National Institute for Clinical Excellence Guidance on the use of ultrasound locating devices for placing central venous catheters. NICE, London. 2002.
  • 14. Biffi R, De Braud F, Orsi F, et al. Totally implantable central venous access ports for long-term chemotherapy. A prospective study analyzing complications and costs in 333 devices with a minimum 180 days of follow-up. Ann Oncol. 1998;9:767–73.
  • 15. Kock HJ, Pietsch M, Krause U, et al. Implantable vascular access system. Experience in 1500 patients with totally implanted central venous port system. World J Surg. 1998;22(1):12–6.
  • 16. Maňásek V, Charvát J, Chovanec V, et al. Indications for venous access in oncology - recommendations of national professional societies and current state in the Czech Republic. Klin Onkol. 2021;34(3):192-201.
  • 17. Rubin DS, Apfelbaum JL, Tung A. Trends in central venous catheter insertions by anesthesia providers: An analysis of the medicare physician supplier procedure summary from 2007 to 2016. Anesth Analg. 2020;130(4):1026-34.
  • 18. Almasi-Sperling V, Hieber S, Lermann J, et al. Femoral placement of totally implantable venous access ports in patients with bilateral breast cancer. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2016;76(1):53-8. 19. Miao J, Ji L, Lu J, et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing ultrasound-guided procedure with the Seldinger's technique for placement of implantable venous ports. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2014;70(1):559-63.
  • 20. Jeon SB, Jeon Y, Han KW, et al. An analysis of the outcomes of totally implantable access port implantation performed by surgical residents. Korean J Clin Oncol. 2021;17(1):15-22.
  • 21. Ding X, Ding F, Wang Y, et al. Shanghai Cooperation Group on Central Venous Access Vascular Access Committee of the Solid Tumor Theranostics Committee, Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association. Shanghai expert consensus on totally implantable access ports 2019. J Interv Med. 2019;2(4):141-5.
  • 22. Ahn SJ, Kim HC, Chung JW, et al. Ultrasound and fluoroscopy-guided placement of central venous ports via internal jugular vein: Retrospective analysis of 1254 port implantations at a single center. Korean J Radiol. 2012;13:314–23.
  • 23. Nocito A, Wildi S, Rufibach K, et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing venous cutdown with the Seldinger technique for placement of implantable venous access ports. Br J Surg. 2009;96:1129–34.
  • 24. Kim DH, Ryu DY, Jung HJ, et al. Evaluation of complications of totally implantable central venous port system insertion. Exp Ther Med. 2019;17:2013–8.
  • 25. Yip D, Funaki B. Subcutaneous chest ports via the internal jugular vein. Acta Radiol. 2002;43(4):371.
  • 26. D'Souza PC, Kumar S, Kakaria A, et al. Complications and Management of Totally Implantable Central Venous Access Ports in Cancer Patients at a University Hospital in Oman. Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2021;21:e103-9.
  • 27. Caridi JG, Hawkins IF Jr, Wiechmann BN, et al. Sonographic guidance when using the right internal jugular vein for central vein access. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1998;171:1259–63.
  • 28. Kuo YS, Schwartz B, Santiago J, et al. How often should a port-A-cath be flushed? Cancer Invest. 2005;23(7):582-5.
  • 29. Machat S, Eisenhuber E, Pfarl G, et al. Complications of central venous port systems: a pictorial review. Insights into Imaging, 2019;10:86.
  • 30. Biffi R, Pozzi S, Agazzi A. Use of totally implantable central venous access ports for high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: results of a monocentre series of 376 patients. Ann Oncol. 2004;15:296–300.
  • 31. Bademler S, Üçüncü M, Yıldırım İ, et al. Risk factors for complications in cancer patients with totally implantable access ports: A retrospective study and review of the literature. J Int Med Res. 2019;47(2):702-9.
  • 32. Scordamaglia RE, Romairone S, Scabini E, et al. Totally implantable central venous access devices: results of a monocentre series of 1610 port implantations performed under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. Eur Surg. 2012;44(2):116–9.
  • 33. Cil BE, Canyigit M, Peynircioglu B, et al. Subcutaneous venous port implantation in adult patients: a single center experience. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2006;12:93–8.
  • 34. Cil BE, Canyigit M, Peynircioglu B, et al. Subcutaneous venous port implantation in adult patients: a single center experience. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2006;12:93–8.
  • 35. Scordamaglia RE, Romairone S, Scabini E, et al. Totally implantable central venous access devices: results of a monocentre series of 1610 port implantations performed under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. Eur Surg. 2012;44(2):116–9.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Muharrem Öner 0000-0002-6835-584X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Öner, M. (2023). Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi, 10(3), 171-176.
AMA Öner M. Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience. MMJ. Aralık 2023;10(3):171-176. doi:10.47572/muskutd.1328420
Chicago Öner, Muharrem. “Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 10, sy. 3 (Aralık 2023): 171-76.
EndNote Öner M (01 Aralık 2023) Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 10 3 171–176.
IEEE M. Öner, “Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience”, MMJ, c. 10, sy. 3, ss. 171–176, 2023, doi: 10.47572/muskutd.1328420.
ISNAD Öner, Muharrem. “Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 10/3 (Aralık 2023), 171-176.
JAMA Öner M. Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience. MMJ. 2023;10:171–176.
MLA Öner, Muharrem. “Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 171-6, doi:10.47572/muskutd.1328420.
Vancouver Öner M. Implantation of Totally Implantable Access Ports via The Internal Jugular Vein in Oncological Patients - A Single General Surgeon Experience. MMJ. 2023;10(3):171-6.