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Yıl 2022, , 0 - 0, 02.01.2023


Türkiye’de kendisini kim daha yoksun hissediyor? Bu yoksunluk algısının ortaya çıkmasında demografik etkenlerin rolü nedir? Bu çalışma en temelde bu sorulara bir cevap arayışıdır. Bu doğrultuda ilk olarak, göreli yoksunluk algısının dört modelini inceledik. Sırasıyla, Davis’in, Runciman’ın, Gurr’un ve Crosby’nin yoksunluğu açıklama modellerine yer verdik. Dört modelin de değindiği ortak nokta, göreli yoksunluk algısının en temelde bireysel veya grup düzeyinde meydana gelen sosyal karşılaştırmalara dayanması olmuştur. Yoksunluk algısı bir zihin durumunu ifade eder ve kişinin kendisinin ya da ait olduğu bir grubun bir referans noktasıyla karşılaştırıldığında dezavantajlı olduğu durumda ortaya çıkar. Türkiye’de insanlar arasındaki bu karşılaştırmalardaki en önemli referans noktalarından biri ise desteklenen siyasi parti türüdür. İkinci olarak, Türkiye’de siyasi parti türüne göre ortaya çıkan göreli yoksunluk algısının oluşumunda yaş ve eğitimin etkisi inceledik. Elde edilen analiz sonuçlarına göre, siyasi parti türüne göre ortaya çıkan göreli yoksunluk algısı yaş düzeyine bağlı olarak farklılaşmaktayken, eğitim düzeyine bağlı olarak farklılaşmamaktadır. 2002 krizini yaşamamış, 2002-2013 yılları arasındaki ekonomik gelişmeye tanık olmuş 18-24 yaş arası katılımcılar kendilerini daha yoksun ve mutsuz hissediyorlarken, 2002 krizini ve öncesindeki 80’li ve 90’lı yılları yaşamış olan daha yaşlı katılımcılar, gençlere göre daha az yoksunluk ve hoşnutsuzluk hissediyorlar.


  • Callan, M. J., Kim, H., & Matthews, W. J. (2015), Age Differences in Social Comparison Tendency and Personal Relative Deprivations, Personality and Individual Differences 87: 196-199
  • Chambers, J. R., Swan, L. K., & Heesacker, M. (2014). Better of than we know: Distorted perceptions of incomes and income inequality in America. Psychological Science. 25(2): 613-618
  • Chen, X-Y., Wang X-Q., Liu, J-P., Dong, S-H., Zhu, J-C., & Huo, J-C. (2018). Effects of Relative Deprivation on Intention to Rebel: A Multiple Mediation Model. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 12. doi: 10.1017/prp.2017.25.
  • Crosby, F. (1976). A Model of Egoistical Relative Deprivation. Psychological Review (83):85–113.
  • Davis, J. A. (1959). A Formal Interpretation of the Theory of Relative Deprivation. Sociometry 22(4):280–96. doi: 10.2307/2786046.
  • Gurr, T. R. (1968a). A Causal Model of Civil Strife: A Comparative Analysis Using New Indices. The American Political Science Review 62(4):1104–24. doi: 10.2307/1953907.
  • Gurr, T. R. (1968b). Psychological Factors in Civil Violence. World Politics 20(2):245–78. doi: 10.2307/2009798.
  • Kim, H., Callan, M. J., Ana I. G., & William J. S. (2018). Social Comparison Processes in the Experience of Personal Relative Deprivation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48(9):519–32. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12531.
  • Kunst, J. R., & Obaidi, M. (2020). Understanding Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: the (Re)emerging Role of Relative Deprivation. Current Opinion in Psychology, 35: 55-59.
  • Lewis-Beck, M. S., & Nadeau, R. (2011). Economic Voting Theory: Testing New Dimensions. Electoral Studies 30(2):288–294. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2010.09.001.
  • Merton, R., & Alice, R. (1957). Contributions to the Theory of Reference Group Behavior. in Social Theory and Social Structure, edited by R. Merton. New York: Free Press.
  • Mishra, S., & Carleton R. N. (2015), Subjective Relative Deprivation is Associated with Poorer Physical and Mental Health. Social Science & Medicine 147: 144-149
  • Nieuwenhuis, J., van Ham, M., Yu, R., Branje, S., Meeus, W., & Hooimeijer, P. (2017). Being Poorer than the Rest of the Neighborhood: Relative Deprivation and Problem Behavior of Youth. J Youth Adolescence. 46: 1891-1904. doi:10.1007/s10964-017-0668-6
  • Ohmura, H. (2018). Economic Voting Using Egotropic Evaluation as an Information Cue: How Absolute and Relative Income Affects Socio-Economic Evaluations and Retrospection. Behaviormetrika 45(1): 57–89. doi: 10.1007/s41237-017-0040-x.
  • Öniş, Z. (2015). Monopolising the Centre: The AKP and the Uncertain Path of Turkish Democracy. The International Spectator, 50(2), 22–41. doi:10.1080/03932729.2015.1015335
  • Østby, G., Nordås, R., & Rød, J. K. (2009). Regional Inequalities and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Studies Quarterly 53(2): 301–24
  • Özdemir, F. (2018). The Fusion of Individual and Group Levels: The Case of Political Party Supporters within Extreme Pro-Group Action Process. Middle East Technical University, unpublished doctoral thesis.
  • Özdemir, F., & Özkan, T. (2020). Birey-Temelli ve Grup-Temelli Süreçlerin Kaynaşımı: Aşırı Fedakâr Grup-Yanlısı Davranış Sergileme Eğilimini Yordama. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 23(45): 78-93. doi: 10.31828/tpy1301996120200413m000019.
  • Özdemir, F., Tekeş, B., & Öner-Özkan, B. (2019). Birey Düzeyinde Göreli Yoksunluk ve Öznel Esenlik Arasındaki Dolaylı İlişki. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 34(84): 37-49. doi: 10.31828/tpd1300443320180811m000009.
  • Özsoy Boyunsuz, Ş. (2016). The AKP’S proposal for a “Turkish type of presidentialism” in comparative context. Turkish Studies, 17(1), 68–90. doi:10.1080/14683849.2015.1135064
  • Rauscher, E., Friedline, T., & Banerjee, M. (2017). We’re not rich, but we’re definitely not poor: Ypung children’s conceptions of social class. Children and Youth Services Review 83: 101-111
  • Runciman, W. G. (1966). Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-Century England. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Sagioglu, C., Forstmann, M., & Greitemeyer, T. (2019). Belief in Social Mobility Mitigates Hostility Resulting from Disadvantaged Social Standing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(4):541-556, doi:10.1177/0146167218789073
  • Smith, H. J., Pettigrew, T. F., Pippin, G. M., & Bialosiewicz, S. (2012). Relative Deprivation: A Theoretical and Meta-Analytic Review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, XX(X): 1-30, doi: 10.1177/1088868311430825
  • Sorokin, P. A. 1925. The Sociology of Revolution. J.B. Lippincott
  • Stouffer, S. A., Edward A. S., Leland C. D., Shirley A. S., & Robin M. W. (1949). The American Soldier: Adjustment during Army Life. (Studies in Social Psychology in World War II), Vol. 1. Oxford, England: Princeton Univ. Press.
  • Tilly, C. (1978). From Mobilization to Revolution. New York: Random House
  • Tuğal, C. (2009). Passive Revolution: Absorbing the Islamic Challenge to Capitalism. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  • Turam, B. (2007). Between Islam and the State. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Walker, I., & Mann, L. (1987). Unemployment, Relative Deprivation, and Social Protest. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 13(2): 275-283
  • Xu, G., Shen, H., & Bock, C. (2017). Perceived Violation of Rights and Interests and Collective Action Participation in China. Social Behavior and Personality. 45(5): 719-732. doi:10.2224/sbp.5872
  • Yeniçırak, H. (2022). The J-Curve Model: An Alternative Way of Understanding Collective Discontent in Turkey. İmgelem, 6 (10): 205-220.


Yıl 2022, , 0 - 0, 02.01.2023


Who feels more deprived in Turkey? What is the role of demographic factors in this perception of deprivation? This study is a search for an answer to these questions. Accordingly, we first examined four models of relative deprivation perception. We considered Davis's, Runciman's, Gurr's, and Crosby's models of explaining relative deprivation. The common point addressed by all four models is that the perception of relative deprivation is based on social comparisons that occur at the individual or group level. Therefore, the perception of deprivation refers to a state of mind and occurs when a person is at a disadvantage when comparing himself/herself to a reference point. In Turkey, one of the most important reference points in social comparisons is the type of political party supported. Secondly, we examined the effect of age and education level on the perception of individual-based relative deprivation, which varies according to the type of political party in Turkey. The results obtained in the present analyses show that the perception of relative deprivation varies according to the age level but does not differ depending on educational level. Participants aged 18-24 who did not experience the 2002 crisis feel more deprived and unhappy. However, older respondents who experienced the 2002 crisis and the preceding 80s and 90s feel less deprivation and discontent than younger people.


  • Callan, M. J., Kim, H., & Matthews, W. J. (2015), Age Differences in Social Comparison Tendency and Personal Relative Deprivations, Personality and Individual Differences 87: 196-199
  • Chambers, J. R., Swan, L. K., & Heesacker, M. (2014). Better of than we know: Distorted perceptions of incomes and income inequality in America. Psychological Science. 25(2): 613-618
  • Chen, X-Y., Wang X-Q., Liu, J-P., Dong, S-H., Zhu, J-C., & Huo, J-C. (2018). Effects of Relative Deprivation on Intention to Rebel: A Multiple Mediation Model. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 12. doi: 10.1017/prp.2017.25.
  • Crosby, F. (1976). A Model of Egoistical Relative Deprivation. Psychological Review (83):85–113.
  • Davis, J. A. (1959). A Formal Interpretation of the Theory of Relative Deprivation. Sociometry 22(4):280–96. doi: 10.2307/2786046.
  • Gurr, T. R. (1968a). A Causal Model of Civil Strife: A Comparative Analysis Using New Indices. The American Political Science Review 62(4):1104–24. doi: 10.2307/1953907.
  • Gurr, T. R. (1968b). Psychological Factors in Civil Violence. World Politics 20(2):245–78. doi: 10.2307/2009798.
  • Kim, H., Callan, M. J., Ana I. G., & William J. S. (2018). Social Comparison Processes in the Experience of Personal Relative Deprivation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48(9):519–32. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12531.
  • Kunst, J. R., & Obaidi, M. (2020). Understanding Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: the (Re)emerging Role of Relative Deprivation. Current Opinion in Psychology, 35: 55-59.
  • Lewis-Beck, M. S., & Nadeau, R. (2011). Economic Voting Theory: Testing New Dimensions. Electoral Studies 30(2):288–294. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2010.09.001.
  • Merton, R., & Alice, R. (1957). Contributions to the Theory of Reference Group Behavior. in Social Theory and Social Structure, edited by R. Merton. New York: Free Press.
  • Mishra, S., & Carleton R. N. (2015), Subjective Relative Deprivation is Associated with Poorer Physical and Mental Health. Social Science & Medicine 147: 144-149
  • Nieuwenhuis, J., van Ham, M., Yu, R., Branje, S., Meeus, W., & Hooimeijer, P. (2017). Being Poorer than the Rest of the Neighborhood: Relative Deprivation and Problem Behavior of Youth. J Youth Adolescence. 46: 1891-1904. doi:10.1007/s10964-017-0668-6
  • Ohmura, H. (2018). Economic Voting Using Egotropic Evaluation as an Information Cue: How Absolute and Relative Income Affects Socio-Economic Evaluations and Retrospection. Behaviormetrika 45(1): 57–89. doi: 10.1007/s41237-017-0040-x.
  • Öniş, Z. (2015). Monopolising the Centre: The AKP and the Uncertain Path of Turkish Democracy. The International Spectator, 50(2), 22–41. doi:10.1080/03932729.2015.1015335
  • Østby, G., Nordås, R., & Rød, J. K. (2009). Regional Inequalities and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Studies Quarterly 53(2): 301–24
  • Özdemir, F. (2018). The Fusion of Individual and Group Levels: The Case of Political Party Supporters within Extreme Pro-Group Action Process. Middle East Technical University, unpublished doctoral thesis.
  • Özdemir, F., & Özkan, T. (2020). Birey-Temelli ve Grup-Temelli Süreçlerin Kaynaşımı: Aşırı Fedakâr Grup-Yanlısı Davranış Sergileme Eğilimini Yordama. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 23(45): 78-93. doi: 10.31828/tpy1301996120200413m000019.
  • Özdemir, F., Tekeş, B., & Öner-Özkan, B. (2019). Birey Düzeyinde Göreli Yoksunluk ve Öznel Esenlik Arasındaki Dolaylı İlişki. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 34(84): 37-49. doi: 10.31828/tpd1300443320180811m000009.
  • Özsoy Boyunsuz, Ş. (2016). The AKP’S proposal for a “Turkish type of presidentialism” in comparative context. Turkish Studies, 17(1), 68–90. doi:10.1080/14683849.2015.1135064
  • Rauscher, E., Friedline, T., & Banerjee, M. (2017). We’re not rich, but we’re definitely not poor: Ypung children’s conceptions of social class. Children and Youth Services Review 83: 101-111
  • Runciman, W. G. (1966). Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-Century England. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Sagioglu, C., Forstmann, M., & Greitemeyer, T. (2019). Belief in Social Mobility Mitigates Hostility Resulting from Disadvantaged Social Standing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(4):541-556, doi:10.1177/0146167218789073
  • Smith, H. J., Pettigrew, T. F., Pippin, G. M., & Bialosiewicz, S. (2012). Relative Deprivation: A Theoretical and Meta-Analytic Review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, XX(X): 1-30, doi: 10.1177/1088868311430825
  • Sorokin, P. A. 1925. The Sociology of Revolution. J.B. Lippincott
  • Stouffer, S. A., Edward A. S., Leland C. D., Shirley A. S., & Robin M. W. (1949). The American Soldier: Adjustment during Army Life. (Studies in Social Psychology in World War II), Vol. 1. Oxford, England: Princeton Univ. Press.
  • Tilly, C. (1978). From Mobilization to Revolution. New York: Random House
  • Tuğal, C. (2009). Passive Revolution: Absorbing the Islamic Challenge to Capitalism. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  • Turam, B. (2007). Between Islam and the State. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Walker, I., & Mann, L. (1987). Unemployment, Relative Deprivation, and Social Protest. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 13(2): 275-283
  • Xu, G., Shen, H., & Bock, C. (2017). Perceived Violation of Rights and Interests and Collective Action Participation in China. Social Behavior and Personality. 45(5): 719-732. doi:10.2224/sbp.5872
  • Yeniçırak, H. (2022). The J-Curve Model: An Alternative Way of Understanding Collective Discontent in Turkey. İmgelem, 6 (10): 205-220.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Hasan Yeniçırak 0000-0001-8769-6669

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeniçırak, H. (2023). WHO FEELS MORE DEPRIVED: THE EFFECT OF AGE AND EDUCATION ON PERCEPTION OF DEPRIVATION. Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(2).

Nişantaşı Üniversitesi kurumsal yayınıdır.