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Şerê li Hember Daîşê, Tirkiye û Pêşeroja Kurdistana Iraqê

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 7, 11 - 41, 01.01.2017


Siyaseta Tirkiyê ya li hemberî herêma Kurdistana Iraqê di nav deh- panzdeh salên

dawî de çend caran guherî. Hukûmeta AK Partiyê di sala 2007an de dev ji helwesta

kevin a dewleta Tirkiyê berda û hêdî hêdî siyaseteke hê nerm û himêzkar şopand.

Di çarçova siyaseta nû de, Tirkiyê di warî aborî û siyasî de têkiliyên gellek xurt bi

hukûmeta Kurdistana Iraqê re danî. Di Îlona 2012an de Hukûmeta Kurdistanê bi

awayekî fermî beşdarî Kongreya AK Partiyê bû. Di sala 2013an de, Serokwezîr Erdogan

li Diyarbekir pêşwazî li Serokê Kurdistanê Mesut Barzanî kir û di heman salê de

petrola Kurdistanê li ser Tirkiyê, gihîşt bazarên dinyayê. Tirkiye û desthilatiya Kurd

ewqas nêzîkî hevdu bûn ku, vê têkilya wan a germ, desthilatiya navendî ya Iraqê

û Amerîka xembar kir. Di Hezîrana 2017an de, gava ku gava ku desthilatiya Kurd

biryara referandûma serxwebûnê stand, Tirkiye bi hişkî li hember derket û xwest

ku referandûm ji bo çend salan bê bipaşxistin. Piştî ku referandûm di 25ê Îlonê

de pêk hat, Tirkiye û Îranê sînorên xwe yê ezmanî li ber herêma Kurdistanê girtin.

Di 16ê Razberê de hêzên Iraqê û Heşdî Şabî ketin Kerkûkê û bi ketina Kerkûkê re,

serxwebûna aborî ya desthilatiya Kurd ket xeterê û Tirkiyê dest pê kir, cardin têkiliyên

xwe yên bi hukûmeta navendî ya Iraqê re xurt kir. Bi vî awayî têkiliyên herdu aliyan

ket serdemeke nû.


  • ABD ile Gizli Menbiç Anlaşması (20016, 06.07.). Milliyet.
  • A Complicated Alliance with Turkey. (2016, 25 August). The Newyork Times.
  • After Turkey’s Syria Incursions, Questions Grow Over Exit Strategy. (2016, Septermber 1.)
  • AK Partili Çelik: Kurdistan’ı Tanırız Demedim. (2014, 30 Haziran). Akyol, T. (2016, 01.09.). Firat Kalkanı. Hurriyet.
  • Atalay’dan Haşimi Açıklaması. (2012, 10.05.) Sabah. gundem/2012/05/10/atalaydan-hasimi-aciklamasi
  • Arango, T. (2016, Sept.1.). Kurds Fear the Us Will Again Betray Them in Syria. The New York Times.
  • Bagımsız Kurdistan’a Macaristan’dan destek. (2015, 11.05.). İlke Haber. http://www.ilkehaber. com/haber/bagimsiz-kurdistana-macaristandan-destek-32601.htm
  • Bagımsız Kurt Devletini Tanıyacagını Açıklayan İlk Ulke. (2016, 07.02.). Bitlisname. ilk-ulke/
  • Barkey, H. J. (25 August, 2016). Washington Tightrope Act in Syria. Foreing Affairs. Barzani ve Perver Diyarbakir’da. (16 Kasım 2013). Hurriyet.
  • Barzani: ABD ve Avrupa bagımsız Kurdistan’a karşı değil. (2016, 16.04.). Ufkumuz. http:// htm
  • Bengio, O. (2016, August 14.) Meet the kurds, a historcally oppressed people who will get their own state. Tablet.
  • Bozarslan, M. E. (2001). “Tarihteki İlk Turkçe Ansiklopedi’de Kurdistan ve Kurdler”, Deng Yayınları, İstanbul, r. 151.
  • Cockburn, P. (2016, March). “End Times for the Caliphate?” London Review of Books, Vol.38, No:5, 3.
  • Şerê li Hember Daîşê, Tirkiye û Pêşeroja Kurdistana Iraqê 36 Issue 7 Year 4 2017
  • Cokckburn, P. (2016, 24 August). Turkey’s foray into Syria to take on Isis is a gamble in a very dangerous game. Independent.
  • Cokckburn, P. (2016, 03.September.) Syrian Kurds vow to fight to the death to stop Turkey ‘invading’ their territory. Independent.
  • Çagatay Soner and Tylyer, Evans. (2012, October). Turkey’s Changing Relation With Iraq, Kurdistan Up, Baghdat Down. Policy Focus, r. 1.
  • Çalışlar, O. (2016, 05.03.). PYD siyaseti değişmez mi? Hürriyet. http://sosyal.hurriyet.
  • Darbe girişimi - Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye Gülen çağrısı: İade edin. (2016, 16 Temmuz). BBC Türkçe.
  • Davutoglu: Bagımsız Kurdistan bölge için tehlike. (2015, 14.01.) İlke Haber.
  • Dobbins, James, Jones, Seth G., Runkle, Benjamin, Mohandas, Siddharth. (2009). Occupying Iraq a history of the coalition provisional authority, Rand Corporation.
  • Dunn, Michael C. (2015). The Arab World and the Kurds. cgp/pdf/dunn.pdf, Erşim:10.11.2015
  • Duran, A. E. (.2014, 04.07.). “Türkiye, ‘Kürdistan’a hazır mı? Deutsche Welle Türkçe. Duran Kalkan: Iran’ın parçalanmasina karşiyiz. (2016, 10.05.). Bashaber. http://bas-haber. com/tr/news/14416/duran-kalkan-rakin-parcalanmasina-karsiyiz
  • Ed Dûrî, Abdülazîz, “Bağdat” Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, cilt:4, r. 433, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfi İslam Araştirmalari Merkezi.
  • Egypt’s president Sisi warns Iraqi Kurdistan’s secession would splinter Mideast. (2014, July 7.). Ekurddaily.
  • Elî Ewnî’den Salih Muslim’e: Kanımızı kole olmak için mi doktuk? (2016, 15.06.). Basnews.
  • Erdogan: Mudahale Etme Hakkımız Var. (2012, 25 Temmuz). Hurriyet.
  • Erdoğan İlk Kez “Kürdistan” dedi. (2013, 17 Kasım). Mynet. guncel/erdogan-ilk-kez-kurdistan-dedi--862637-1
  • Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye ‘PYD’ tepkisi: Bu nasıl Ortaklık? (2016, 10 Şubat). BBC Türkçe. Galbraith, Peter W. (2006). The End Of Irak, How American Incompetence Created a War Without End, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, New York.
  • Genel Energy courts Turkey with Kurdish gas to reduce reliance on Russia. (2016, April 28.). Hurriyet Daily News.
  • Goran’dan Barzani’ye: Referandum ve bağımsızlık konuşamayız. (2016, 27.07.). http://
  • Gresh, A. (1998), “Turkish- İsrael- Syrian Relations and Their İmpact on the Middle East”, The Middle East Journal, vol. 52, Number 2, Spring.
  • Hawramy, Fazel. (2014, 24.12.). “Exclusive: Senior Kurdish rebel leader warns Iraq must stay united to defeat ‘savage’ Isis,” The Guardian, world/2014/dec/24/pkk-kurdish-leader-cemil-bayik-iraq-syria-isis
  • Hurriyet, 2001, 16 Mayıs.
  • Hurriyet, 2016, 19 Ağustos.
  • Iraq: Forcible Expulsion of Ethnic Minorities. (2003, Mar.). vol. 15, no. 3(E) (New York: Human Rights Watch,).
  • İran’dan Bagımsız Kurdistan’a ret. (2016, 10 Mayıs). Cumhuriyet.
  • Israel supports Kurdistan independence, Israeli envoy to U.S. says. (2016, March 5). Ekurddaily. IŞİD Musul’da kontrolü ele geçirdi. (2014, 10.07.). Hürriyet.
  • “İran: 2. İsrail, Kürdistan’a izin vermeyiz,” israil-kurdistana-izin-vermeyiz/
  • İran Şaşırtmadı: bağımsız Kurdistana Karşıyız. (2014, 02.07.). İlke Haber. http://www.
  • Jones, D. (2014, 06.05.). Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan Seal 50-Year Energy Deal. VOA. http://
  • Kalin, İ. (2016, 31,08.). Rusya ve ABD’ye gerekli bilgilendirme yapıldı. Suputnik Turkiye. Katzman, K. & Humud, C. E., (2016, March 9). Iraq: Politics and Governance, Congressional Research Service, ,
  • Katzman K. & Humud, C. E. (2016, March 9,). Iraq: Politics and Governance, Congressional Research Service,
  • Kıran, A. (2001). Turkiye’nin Kuzey Irak Politikası, Birikim, Ağustos, Sayı: 148.
  • Kıran, A. (2016). Yeni Bir Ortadogu ve Kurtler, Nas Yayınları, İstabul, r.129.
  • Kıran, A. (2014, 07.07.). Türkiye-Kurdistan İttifakı ve Yeni Ortadogu. Nêrînaazad. http:// K.Irak’tan Türkiye’ye yeni boru hattı. (2013, 31 Ekim). Aljazeere Turk. http://www.aljazeera.
  • Kronoji: IŞİD’in Musul İşgali. (2014, 12.07.). Aljazeera Turk. haber/kronoloji-isidin-musul-isgali
  • Kurdistan ever closer to independence. (21 February 2015). The Economist. Magnier, Elijah J., Putin and Erdogan have agreed on a restricted road map in Syria: the Kurds and Nusra will be the main losers. Middle East Politics, https://elijahjm.wordpress. com/2016/08/30/putin-and-erdogan-have-agreed-on-a-restricted-road-map-insyria- the-kurds-and-nusra-will-be-the-main-losers/
  • Malanczuk, P. (1997). “Akehurtst’s Modern Intrudoction to International Law”, Seventh Revised Edition, Routledge, r. 88.
  • Maliki: YNK ve Goran Bagımsız Kurdistan’a karşı. (15.08.2016). AmedToday. http://www. html
  • Şerê li Hember Daîşê, Tirkiye û Pêşeroja Kurdistana Iraqê
  • Mesut Barzani: Türkiye yardım etti, açıklamadık. (2014, 14 Ekim). Hurriyet. Adla, M. (2017, 07.11.). War i n Iraq: Masoud Barzanî, ex-Kurdîsh Leader, Says U.S. Knew in Advance About Iraqi Assault on Kirkuk. Newsweek.
  • Munir, M. (2016, 4 Agustos). Gebersek de kurtulsak diye yalvaracaklar. T24. http://t24.,15179
  • Munyar, V. (2016, 7 Şubat). Irak’taki hataya düşmek istemiyoruz. Hurriyet.
  • Natali, D. (2012, June 6). Baghdad and Erbil Clash over Oil. al-Monitor. http://www.almonitor. com/pulse/originals/2012/almonitor/iraqs-energy-imbroglio.html.
  • Okumuş, O. (2014, 01.08.). Turkey energy deal with KRG lacks transparency. Al- Monitor. Ozturk E. (2016, 07.06.). Sınırda IŞİD olacağına PYD olsun. Hurriyet.
  • Okumuş, O. (2014, 01.08.). Turkey energy deal with KRG lacks transparency. Al- Monitor. Ryan, M. (2016, 24 August). In Syrian border battle, Pentagon touts role of fighters from troubled train-and-equip program. The Washington Post.
  • Sandholtz, W. (2008). “The Iraq War and Internatinal Law” International Law, Edited by: David Armstrong, Routlege, r. 223.
  • Serdaroglu, O. (2015, 31 August). The Turkish-Kurdish energy deal could pave way for Iraq’s breakup. Middle East Eye, energy-deal-could-pave-way-iraq-s-breakup-617359973
  • Schmitt Eric and Bilefsky Dan. (2016, July 16). Turkey Interrupts US Air Mission Against ISIS at Major Base. The New York Times.
  • Sheppard, David, Reed John and Anjli Raval. (2015, August 23). “Israel turns to Kurds for three-quarters of its oil supplies,” Financial Times.
  • Talabany, N. (2007, Winter). Who Own Kirkuk? The Kurdish Case. Middle East Quarterly, r. 75-78
  • Tayiz, K. (2016, 13 Şubat). Turkiye’nin PYD politikasi yanlış mi? Akşam.
  • Tekerek, T. (2013, 29.07.). Asker Suriye’ye Girerse Donemez. Taraf.
  • The Guardian. 2014, 24 December.
  • Turkler Bağımsız Kurdistan’a Nasıl Bakıyor? Çarpıcı Sonuçlar. (2016, 03.03.). Bitlisname. sonuclar/
  • Turkey expects US to fulfill promise, withdraw PYD from Manbij. (2016, August 15). Daliy Sabah.
  • Turkey Ponders Northern Iraq Measures, Talabani ‘Regrets’ Threats. (2007, April 11). Journal of Turkish Weekly. iraq-measures-talabani-regrets-threats.html.
  • Turkey: Suicide bomber kills more than 50 at wedding. (2016, 22 August). Aljazeere,
  • 160820204150494.htm l Tol, G. (2016, August 26). Is Turkey a US Ally Against ISIS? The New York Times. UN Charter, Chapter III, Article: 4
  • Uslu, E. (2013, September 12.). An independent Kurdistan? Not if the US can help it. Almonitor.
  • Yayla, A. (2016, 12.02.). Turkiye’nin PYD politikasi yanlış mi? Yeni Yüzyil.
  • Yezdani, İ. (2012, July 31). Turkey Gives al-Hashemi, His Team Residence Permit. Hurriyet Daily News, residence-permit.aspx?pageID=238&nID=26723&NewsCatID=359
  • Zaman, A. (2016, 20 Ocak). Irak Kürdistanı ekonomik çöküşün eşiğinde mi? Al- Monitor.
  • Zaman, A. (2016, 03.04.). Tam bir açmaz: Türkiye-ABD ilişkileri, IŞİD-YPG-PKK üçgenine sıkıştı.
  • Zaman, A. (2016, 26.08.). ABD Suriyeli Kürtleri ‘Sattı’ mı?

The War Against ISIL, Turkey and Future of Iraqi Kurdistan

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 7, 11 - 41, 01.01.2017


Turkey’s policy towards Kurdistan region of Iraq has been

changed a few times within the last ten-fifteen years.In 2007, the government of AK Party (Justice and Development Party) has shifted

previous attitudes of Turkish state towards the Iraqi Kurds and step by step began

to pursue a moderate and inclusive policy regarding the Iraqi Kurds. Within the

frame of a new approach, Turkey has built tight economic and political relations

with Kurdistan Regional Government. In September 2012, the Kurdistan Regional

Government has been officially invited by AK Party to attend its congress. In 2013

the Prime Minister Erdoğan, welcomed the President Barzani at Diyarbakir very

warmly and Kurdish petrol began to be exported to the international markets at

the same year via Turkey. The close relations between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan

concerned both Iraqi Central Government and even USA. In June 2017, because of

the fact that Kurdish authority decided to arrange an independence referendum,

Turkey fiercly opposed that decision and asked Kurds to postpone it for a few years.

When the independence referendum took place on its scheduled time, namely on

25 September, Turkey and Iran closed their air spaces to Kurdistan region. At 16

October of 2017, the Iraqi forces and Popular Mobilization Force (Haşdi Şabi) entered

Kirkuk city and with the fall of Kirkuk, the economic independence of Kurdish

administration fell into danger. After that happened, Turkey began to strengthen

her relations with Iraqi Central Government. Thus a new era began in the relations

of Turkey and Iraqi Kurds


  • ABD ile Gizli Menbiç Anlaşması (20016, 06.07.). Milliyet.
  • A Complicated Alliance with Turkey. (2016, 25 August). The Newyork Times.
  • After Turkey’s Syria Incursions, Questions Grow Over Exit Strategy. (2016, Septermber 1.)
  • AK Partili Çelik: Kurdistan’ı Tanırız Demedim. (2014, 30 Haziran). Akyol, T. (2016, 01.09.). Firat Kalkanı. Hurriyet.
  • Atalay’dan Haşimi Açıklaması. (2012, 10.05.) Sabah. gundem/2012/05/10/atalaydan-hasimi-aciklamasi
  • Arango, T. (2016, Sept.1.). Kurds Fear the Us Will Again Betray Them in Syria. The New York Times.
  • Bagımsız Kurdistan’a Macaristan’dan destek. (2015, 11.05.). İlke Haber. http://www.ilkehaber. com/haber/bagimsiz-kurdistana-macaristandan-destek-32601.htm
  • Bagımsız Kurt Devletini Tanıyacagını Açıklayan İlk Ulke. (2016, 07.02.). Bitlisname. ilk-ulke/
  • Barkey, H. J. (25 August, 2016). Washington Tightrope Act in Syria. Foreing Affairs. Barzani ve Perver Diyarbakir’da. (16 Kasım 2013). Hurriyet.
  • Barzani: ABD ve Avrupa bagımsız Kurdistan’a karşı değil. (2016, 16.04.). Ufkumuz. http:// htm
  • Bengio, O. (2016, August 14.) Meet the kurds, a historcally oppressed people who will get their own state. Tablet.
  • Bozarslan, M. E. (2001). “Tarihteki İlk Turkçe Ansiklopedi’de Kurdistan ve Kurdler”, Deng Yayınları, İstanbul, r. 151.
  • Cockburn, P. (2016, March). “End Times for the Caliphate?” London Review of Books, Vol.38, No:5, 3.
  • Şerê li Hember Daîşê, Tirkiye û Pêşeroja Kurdistana Iraqê 36 Issue 7 Year 4 2017
  • Cokckburn, P. (2016, 24 August). Turkey’s foray into Syria to take on Isis is a gamble in a very dangerous game. Independent.
  • Cokckburn, P. (2016, 03.September.) Syrian Kurds vow to fight to the death to stop Turkey ‘invading’ their territory. Independent.
  • Çagatay Soner and Tylyer, Evans. (2012, October). Turkey’s Changing Relation With Iraq, Kurdistan Up, Baghdat Down. Policy Focus, r. 1.
  • Çalışlar, O. (2016, 05.03.). PYD siyaseti değişmez mi? Hürriyet. http://sosyal.hurriyet.
  • Darbe girişimi - Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye Gülen çağrısı: İade edin. (2016, 16 Temmuz). BBC Türkçe.
  • Davutoglu: Bagımsız Kurdistan bölge için tehlike. (2015, 14.01.) İlke Haber.
  • Dobbins, James, Jones, Seth G., Runkle, Benjamin, Mohandas, Siddharth. (2009). Occupying Iraq a history of the coalition provisional authority, Rand Corporation.
  • Dunn, Michael C. (2015). The Arab World and the Kurds. cgp/pdf/dunn.pdf, Erşim:10.11.2015
  • Duran, A. E. (.2014, 04.07.). “Türkiye, ‘Kürdistan’a hazır mı? Deutsche Welle Türkçe. Duran Kalkan: Iran’ın parçalanmasina karşiyiz. (2016, 10.05.). Bashaber. http://bas-haber. com/tr/news/14416/duran-kalkan-rakin-parcalanmasina-karsiyiz
  • Ed Dûrî, Abdülazîz, “Bağdat” Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, cilt:4, r. 433, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfi İslam Araştirmalari Merkezi.
  • Egypt’s president Sisi warns Iraqi Kurdistan’s secession would splinter Mideast. (2014, July 7.). Ekurddaily.
  • Elî Ewnî’den Salih Muslim’e: Kanımızı kole olmak için mi doktuk? (2016, 15.06.). Basnews.
  • Erdogan: Mudahale Etme Hakkımız Var. (2012, 25 Temmuz). Hurriyet.
  • Erdoğan İlk Kez “Kürdistan” dedi. (2013, 17 Kasım). Mynet. guncel/erdogan-ilk-kez-kurdistan-dedi--862637-1
  • Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye ‘PYD’ tepkisi: Bu nasıl Ortaklık? (2016, 10 Şubat). BBC Türkçe. Galbraith, Peter W. (2006). The End Of Irak, How American Incompetence Created a War Without End, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, New York.
  • Genel Energy courts Turkey with Kurdish gas to reduce reliance on Russia. (2016, April 28.). Hurriyet Daily News.
  • Goran’dan Barzani’ye: Referandum ve bağımsızlık konuşamayız. (2016, 27.07.). http://
  • Gresh, A. (1998), “Turkish- İsrael- Syrian Relations and Their İmpact on the Middle East”, The Middle East Journal, vol. 52, Number 2, Spring.
  • Hawramy, Fazel. (2014, 24.12.). “Exclusive: Senior Kurdish rebel leader warns Iraq must stay united to defeat ‘savage’ Isis,” The Guardian, world/2014/dec/24/pkk-kurdish-leader-cemil-bayik-iraq-syria-isis
  • Hurriyet, 2001, 16 Mayıs.
  • Hurriyet, 2016, 19 Ağustos.
  • Iraq: Forcible Expulsion of Ethnic Minorities. (2003, Mar.). vol. 15, no. 3(E) (New York: Human Rights Watch,).
  • İran’dan Bagımsız Kurdistan’a ret. (2016, 10 Mayıs). Cumhuriyet.
  • Israel supports Kurdistan independence, Israeli envoy to U.S. says. (2016, March 5). Ekurddaily. IŞİD Musul’da kontrolü ele geçirdi. (2014, 10.07.). Hürriyet.
  • “İran: 2. İsrail, Kürdistan’a izin vermeyiz,” israil-kurdistana-izin-vermeyiz/
  • İran Şaşırtmadı: bağımsız Kurdistana Karşıyız. (2014, 02.07.). İlke Haber. http://www.
  • Jones, D. (2014, 06.05.). Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan Seal 50-Year Energy Deal. VOA. http://
  • Kalin, İ. (2016, 31,08.). Rusya ve ABD’ye gerekli bilgilendirme yapıldı. Suputnik Turkiye. Katzman, K. & Humud, C. E., (2016, March 9). Iraq: Politics and Governance, Congressional Research Service, ,
  • Katzman K. & Humud, C. E. (2016, March 9,). Iraq: Politics and Governance, Congressional Research Service,
  • Kıran, A. (2001). Turkiye’nin Kuzey Irak Politikası, Birikim, Ağustos, Sayı: 148.
  • Kıran, A. (2016). Yeni Bir Ortadogu ve Kurtler, Nas Yayınları, İstabul, r.129.
  • Kıran, A. (2014, 07.07.). Türkiye-Kurdistan İttifakı ve Yeni Ortadogu. Nêrînaazad. http:// K.Irak’tan Türkiye’ye yeni boru hattı. (2013, 31 Ekim). Aljazeere Turk. http://www.aljazeera.
  • Kronoji: IŞİD’in Musul İşgali. (2014, 12.07.). Aljazeera Turk. haber/kronoloji-isidin-musul-isgali
  • Kurdistan ever closer to independence. (21 February 2015). The Economist. Magnier, Elijah J., Putin and Erdogan have agreed on a restricted road map in Syria: the Kurds and Nusra will be the main losers. Middle East Politics, https://elijahjm.wordpress. com/2016/08/30/putin-and-erdogan-have-agreed-on-a-restricted-road-map-insyria- the-kurds-and-nusra-will-be-the-main-losers/
  • Malanczuk, P. (1997). “Akehurtst’s Modern Intrudoction to International Law”, Seventh Revised Edition, Routledge, r. 88.
  • Maliki: YNK ve Goran Bagımsız Kurdistan’a karşı. (15.08.2016). AmedToday. http://www. html
  • Şerê li Hember Daîşê, Tirkiye û Pêşeroja Kurdistana Iraqê
  • Mesut Barzani: Türkiye yardım etti, açıklamadık. (2014, 14 Ekim). Hurriyet. Adla, M. (2017, 07.11.). War i n Iraq: Masoud Barzanî, ex-Kurdîsh Leader, Says U.S. Knew in Advance About Iraqi Assault on Kirkuk. Newsweek.
  • Munir, M. (2016, 4 Agustos). Gebersek de kurtulsak diye yalvaracaklar. T24. http://t24.,15179
  • Munyar, V. (2016, 7 Şubat). Irak’taki hataya düşmek istemiyoruz. Hurriyet.
  • Natali, D. (2012, June 6). Baghdad and Erbil Clash over Oil. al-Monitor. http://www.almonitor. com/pulse/originals/2012/almonitor/iraqs-energy-imbroglio.html.
  • Okumuş, O. (2014, 01.08.). Turkey energy deal with KRG lacks transparency. Al- Monitor. Ozturk E. (2016, 07.06.). Sınırda IŞİD olacağına PYD olsun. Hurriyet.
  • Okumuş, O. (2014, 01.08.). Turkey energy deal with KRG lacks transparency. Al- Monitor. Ryan, M. (2016, 24 August). In Syrian border battle, Pentagon touts role of fighters from troubled train-and-equip program. The Washington Post.
  • Sandholtz, W. (2008). “The Iraq War and Internatinal Law” International Law, Edited by: David Armstrong, Routlege, r. 223.
  • Serdaroglu, O. (2015, 31 August). The Turkish-Kurdish energy deal could pave way for Iraq’s breakup. Middle East Eye, energy-deal-could-pave-way-iraq-s-breakup-617359973
  • Schmitt Eric and Bilefsky Dan. (2016, July 16). Turkey Interrupts US Air Mission Against ISIS at Major Base. The New York Times.
  • Sheppard, David, Reed John and Anjli Raval. (2015, August 23). “Israel turns to Kurds for three-quarters of its oil supplies,” Financial Times.
  • Talabany, N. (2007, Winter). Who Own Kirkuk? The Kurdish Case. Middle East Quarterly, r. 75-78
  • Tayiz, K. (2016, 13 Şubat). Turkiye’nin PYD politikasi yanlış mi? Akşam.
  • Tekerek, T. (2013, 29.07.). Asker Suriye’ye Girerse Donemez. Taraf.
  • The Guardian. 2014, 24 December.
  • Turkler Bağımsız Kurdistan’a Nasıl Bakıyor? Çarpıcı Sonuçlar. (2016, 03.03.). Bitlisname. sonuclar/
  • Turkey expects US to fulfill promise, withdraw PYD from Manbij. (2016, August 15). Daliy Sabah.
  • Turkey Ponders Northern Iraq Measures, Talabani ‘Regrets’ Threats. (2007, April 11). Journal of Turkish Weekly. iraq-measures-talabani-regrets-threats.html.
  • Turkey: Suicide bomber kills more than 50 at wedding. (2016, 22 August). Aljazeere,
  • 160820204150494.htm l Tol, G. (2016, August 26). Is Turkey a US Ally Against ISIS? The New York Times. UN Charter, Chapter III, Article: 4
  • Uslu, E. (2013, September 12.). An independent Kurdistan? Not if the US can help it. Almonitor.
  • Yayla, A. (2016, 12.02.). Turkiye’nin PYD politikasi yanlış mi? Yeni Yüzyil.
  • Yezdani, İ. (2012, July 31). Turkey Gives al-Hashemi, His Team Residence Permit. Hurriyet Daily News, residence-permit.aspx?pageID=238&nID=26723&NewsCatID=359
  • Zaman, A. (2016, 20 Ocak). Irak Kürdistanı ekonomik çöküşün eşiğinde mi? Al- Monitor.
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Abdullah Kıran

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıran, A. (2017). The War Against ISIL, Turkey and Future of Iraqi Kurdistan. Nubihar Akademi, 2(7), 11-41.

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