Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4, 85 - 98, 27.10.2020
Mehmet Turan
Erdal Zengin
- Al-Khabbaz, Y.S.S.M., Sihimada, T., and Hasegawa, M., (2008). The Effect of Backpack Heaviness on Trunk-lower Extremity Muscle Activities and Trunk Posture, Gait & Posture, 28(2):297-302. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2008.01.002.
- Brackley, H.M. and Stevenson, J.M., (2004). Are Children’s Backpack Weight Limits Enough?: A Critical Review of the Relevant Literature. Spine, 29(19):2184-2190.
- Connolly, B.H. diğerleri.., (2008). Effects of Backpack Carriage on Gait Parameters in Children, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 20(4), 347-355 DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e31818a0f8f.
- Demir, Y.P., Çırak, Y., Dalkılınç, M., Yılmaz, G.D., Uraş, İ. ve Kömürcü, M., (2012). İlkokul Çocuklarında Çanta Taşıma, Bilgisayar Kullanma Alışkanlığı ve Postür. Ankara Medical Journal, 12(4).
- Dockrella, S., (2017). Schoolbeg Carriage and Schoolbeg-Related Musculoskeletal Pain in Primary School Children in Ireland, A Report for the Joint Committee on Children and Youth Affairs. 1-6.
- Dockrella, S., Simmsb, C., and Blakec, C., (2015).Schoolbag Carriage And Schoolbag-Related Musculoskeletal Discomfort Among Primary School Children. Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society, 51, 281-290.
- Daneshmandi, H., Rahmani-Nia, F., and Hosseini, S.H., (2008). Effect of Carrying School Backpacks on Cardio-Respiratory Changes in Adolescent Students. Sport Sci Health, 4, 7–14. DOI 10.1007/s11332-008-0060-8.
- Dockrella, S., Kanea , C., and O’Keeffe, E., (2006). Schoolbag Weight and the Effects of Schoolbag Carriage on Secondary School Students. School of Physiotherapy, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, http://www.iea.cc/ECEE/pdfs/art0212.pdf, (Er.Tarihi: 15.10.2017).
- Fidan, N.K., (2008). İlköğretimde Araç Gereç Kullanımına İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi, 1(1):48-61.
- Geraldine, I., Sheir-Neiss, P.D., Richard, W., Kruse, D.O., Tariq Rahman, P.D., Lisa, P., Jacobson, S.D., Jennifer, A., and Pelli, M.S., (2003). Association of Backpack Use and Back Pain in Adolescents, Spine. 28(9).
- Gündüz, H. ve Özarslan, N., (2016). Farklı Yaş Kategorilerinde İlkokula Başlayan Öğrencilerin Okul Olgunluğu ve Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre Okula Uyum Problemleri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1):212-230.
- Hong, Y. and Brueggemann, G.P., (2000). Changes in Gait Patterns in 10-Year-Old Boys with Increasing Loads When Walking on A Treadmill. Gait & posture, 11(3):254-259.
- Janakiraman, B., (2014). School Bags and Musculoskeletal Pain Among Elementary School Children In Chennai City, International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 6:302-309 ISSN: 2348-991X.
- Kabilmiharbi, N. and Santhirasegaram, T., (2017). A Study on Relationship Between Carrying Schoolbags and The Prevalence of Neck and Back Pain Among 7–9 Year Old Students, MATEC Web of Conferences 87, 02013. DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20178702013.
- Kistnet, F., Fiebert, I., and Roach, K., (2012).Effect of Backpack Load Carriage on Cervical Posture in Primary Schoolchildren. Work, 41(1):99-108.
- Lai, J.P.H. and Jones, A.Y.M., (2001). The Effect Of Shoulder-Girdle Loading by A School Bag on Lung Volumes in Chinese Primary School Children. Early human development, 62(1):79-86.
- MEGEP, (2009). Çocuk Gelişimi ve Eğitimi Çocuğun Gelişimi, http://megep.meb.gov.tr/mte_program_modul/moduller_pdf/Geli%C5%9Fim.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2017).
- Milli Eğitim İstatistikleri Örgün Eğitim 2012-2013. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Resmi İstatistik Programı Yayını. 2013. Ankara. ISBN 978-975-11-3744-9.
- Moore, M.J., White, G.L., and Moore, D.L., (2007). Association of Relative Backpack Weight with Reported Pain, Pain Sites, Medical Utilization, and Lost School Time in Children and Adolescent. J Sch Health. 77(5):232-9.
- Mosaad, D. and Abdel-aziem, A.A., (2015). Backpack Carriage Effect on Head Posture and Ground Reaction Forces in School Children. Work, 52(1):203-9. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-152043.
- Negrini, S. and Carabalona, R., (2002). Backpacks on! Schoolchildren’s Perceptions of Load, Associations with Back Pain and Factors Determining The Load. Spine, 27(2):187-195.
- Pau, M., Mandaresu, S., Leban, B., and Nussbaum, M.A., (2014). Short-Term Effects of Backpack Carriage on Plantar Pressure and Gait in Schoolchildren. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 25(2):406-412.
- Pau, M., Corona, F., Leban, B., and Priolo, E., (2010). Postural Sway and Foot-Ground Relationship are Significantly Modified by Backpack Carriage during Upright Stance: A Study on Primary School Children, Innovation in Aging, 1. DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.1307.
- Paua, M. and Paub, M., (2010). Postural Sway Modifications İnduced by Backpack Carriage in Primary School Children: A Case Study in Italy. Ergonomics. 53(7):872–88.
- Paula, A.J.F., Silva, J.C.P., and Silva, J.C.R.P., (2015). The İnfluence of Load İmposed by the Backpack School in Children and Teens in Brazil. Procedia Manufacturing (Elsevier), 3:5350–5357.
- Ramprasad, M. and Alias, J., (2010).Raghuveer AK. Effect of Backpack Weight on Postural Angles in Preadolescent Children. Indian Pediatr, 47(7):575-80.
- Saleem, A., diğerleri., (2016). A Study of School Bag Weight and Back Pain among Primary School Children in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, Epidemiology (Sunnyvale). February; 6(1):222. DOI:10.4172/2161-1165.1000222.
- Sato, T., Ito, T., Hirano, T., Morita, O., Kikuchi, R., Endo, N., and Tanabe, N., (2011). Low Back Pain in Childhood and Adolescence: Assessment of Sports Activities. Eur Spine J. 20:94–99.
- Shasmin, H.N., Osman, N.A., Razali, R., Usman, J., and Abas, W.A.B., (2007). A Preliminary Study of Acceptable Load Carriage for Primary School Children, IFMBE Proceedings (15):171-174.
- Taimela, S., Kujala, U., Salminen, J.J., and Viljanen, T., (1997). The Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Children and Adolescents. A nationwide, cohort-based questionnaire survey in Finland. Spine. 22:1132-1136.
- van Gent, C., Dols, J.J., Carolien, M., Sing, R.A.H., and De Vet, H.C., (2003). The Weight of Schoolbags and the Occurrence of Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain in Young Adolescents. Spine, 28(9):916-921.
- Yavuz, C., (2019). Does Internet Addiction Predict Happiness for The Students of Sports High School?. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1).
İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Çanta ve Benzeri Eşyaları Kullanma Durumuna İlişkin Bir Araştırma
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4, 85 - 98, 27.10.2020
Mehmet Turan
Erdal Zengin
Araştırma 2016 yılında Elazığ ilinde 5 ilkokulda öğrenim gören toplam 910 ilkokul öğrencisi üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırma tarama modelinde olup, betimsel bir nitelik arz etmektedir. Araştırma sonucunda; öğrencilerin en az 106 cm, en fazla 152 cm olmak üzere, ortalama boy uzunluğu 128.46cm olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yine öğrencilerin en az 16 kg, en fazla 65.60 kg olmak üzere, ortalama kilo durumu 28.48 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yine öğrencilerin en az 1 kg, en fazla 8.90 kg ve ortalama 3.56 kg ağırlığında çanta taşıdıkları tespit edilmiştir. Öğrenci kilo ve taşıdıkları çanta ağırlığı oranlaması sonucunda; öğrencilerin vücut kilosunun %8’i oranında çanta ağırlığına sahip olduğu ve bu durumun bazı öğrencilerin fizyolojik gelişimleri açısından önemli sorunlar oluşturabileceği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin çantasında ortalama 5.32 adet kitap ve ortalama 4.39 adet defter bulunduğu da tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda öğrencilerin %63.5’inin beslenme çantasına; %87.8’inin suluk; %99.2’sinin kalemlik ve %2.4’ünün de resim çantasına sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir.
- Al-Khabbaz, Y.S.S.M., Sihimada, T., and Hasegawa, M., (2008). The Effect of Backpack Heaviness on Trunk-lower Extremity Muscle Activities and Trunk Posture, Gait & Posture, 28(2):297-302. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2008.01.002.
- Brackley, H.M. and Stevenson, J.M., (2004). Are Children’s Backpack Weight Limits Enough?: A Critical Review of the Relevant Literature. Spine, 29(19):2184-2190.
- Connolly, B.H. diğerleri.., (2008). Effects of Backpack Carriage on Gait Parameters in Children, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 20(4), 347-355 DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e31818a0f8f.
- Demir, Y.P., Çırak, Y., Dalkılınç, M., Yılmaz, G.D., Uraş, İ. ve Kömürcü, M., (2012). İlkokul Çocuklarında Çanta Taşıma, Bilgisayar Kullanma Alışkanlığı ve Postür. Ankara Medical Journal, 12(4).
- Dockrella, S., (2017). Schoolbeg Carriage and Schoolbeg-Related Musculoskeletal Pain in Primary School Children in Ireland, A Report for the Joint Committee on Children and Youth Affairs. 1-6.
- Dockrella, S., Simmsb, C., and Blakec, C., (2015).Schoolbag Carriage And Schoolbag-Related Musculoskeletal Discomfort Among Primary School Children. Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society, 51, 281-290.
- Daneshmandi, H., Rahmani-Nia, F., and Hosseini, S.H., (2008). Effect of Carrying School Backpacks on Cardio-Respiratory Changes in Adolescent Students. Sport Sci Health, 4, 7–14. DOI 10.1007/s11332-008-0060-8.
- Dockrella, S., Kanea , C., and O’Keeffe, E., (2006). Schoolbag Weight and the Effects of Schoolbag Carriage on Secondary School Students. School of Physiotherapy, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, http://www.iea.cc/ECEE/pdfs/art0212.pdf, (Er.Tarihi: 15.10.2017).
- Fidan, N.K., (2008). İlköğretimde Araç Gereç Kullanımına İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi, 1(1):48-61.
- Geraldine, I., Sheir-Neiss, P.D., Richard, W., Kruse, D.O., Tariq Rahman, P.D., Lisa, P., Jacobson, S.D., Jennifer, A., and Pelli, M.S., (2003). Association of Backpack Use and Back Pain in Adolescents, Spine. 28(9).
- Gündüz, H. ve Özarslan, N., (2016). Farklı Yaş Kategorilerinde İlkokula Başlayan Öğrencilerin Okul Olgunluğu ve Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre Okula Uyum Problemleri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1):212-230.
- Hong, Y. and Brueggemann, G.P., (2000). Changes in Gait Patterns in 10-Year-Old Boys with Increasing Loads When Walking on A Treadmill. Gait & posture, 11(3):254-259.
- Janakiraman, B., (2014). School Bags and Musculoskeletal Pain Among Elementary School Children In Chennai City, International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 6:302-309 ISSN: 2348-991X.
- Kabilmiharbi, N. and Santhirasegaram, T., (2017). A Study on Relationship Between Carrying Schoolbags and The Prevalence of Neck and Back Pain Among 7–9 Year Old Students, MATEC Web of Conferences 87, 02013. DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20178702013.
- Kistnet, F., Fiebert, I., and Roach, K., (2012).Effect of Backpack Load Carriage on Cervical Posture in Primary Schoolchildren. Work, 41(1):99-108.
- Lai, J.P.H. and Jones, A.Y.M., (2001). The Effect Of Shoulder-Girdle Loading by A School Bag on Lung Volumes in Chinese Primary School Children. Early human development, 62(1):79-86.
- MEGEP, (2009). Çocuk Gelişimi ve Eğitimi Çocuğun Gelişimi, http://megep.meb.gov.tr/mte_program_modul/moduller_pdf/Geli%C5%9Fim.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2017).
- Milli Eğitim İstatistikleri Örgün Eğitim 2012-2013. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Resmi İstatistik Programı Yayını. 2013. Ankara. ISBN 978-975-11-3744-9.
- Moore, M.J., White, G.L., and Moore, D.L., (2007). Association of Relative Backpack Weight with Reported Pain, Pain Sites, Medical Utilization, and Lost School Time in Children and Adolescent. J Sch Health. 77(5):232-9.
- Mosaad, D. and Abdel-aziem, A.A., (2015). Backpack Carriage Effect on Head Posture and Ground Reaction Forces in School Children. Work, 52(1):203-9. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-152043.
- Negrini, S. and Carabalona, R., (2002). Backpacks on! Schoolchildren’s Perceptions of Load, Associations with Back Pain and Factors Determining The Load. Spine, 27(2):187-195.
- Pau, M., Mandaresu, S., Leban, B., and Nussbaum, M.A., (2014). Short-Term Effects of Backpack Carriage on Plantar Pressure and Gait in Schoolchildren. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 25(2):406-412.
- Pau, M., Corona, F., Leban, B., and Priolo, E., (2010). Postural Sway and Foot-Ground Relationship are Significantly Modified by Backpack Carriage during Upright Stance: A Study on Primary School Children, Innovation in Aging, 1. DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.1307.
- Paua, M. and Paub, M., (2010). Postural Sway Modifications İnduced by Backpack Carriage in Primary School Children: A Case Study in Italy. Ergonomics. 53(7):872–88.
- Paula, A.J.F., Silva, J.C.P., and Silva, J.C.R.P., (2015). The İnfluence of Load İmposed by the Backpack School in Children and Teens in Brazil. Procedia Manufacturing (Elsevier), 3:5350–5357.
- Ramprasad, M. and Alias, J., (2010).Raghuveer AK. Effect of Backpack Weight on Postural Angles in Preadolescent Children. Indian Pediatr, 47(7):575-80.
- Saleem, A., diğerleri., (2016). A Study of School Bag Weight and Back Pain among Primary School Children in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, Epidemiology (Sunnyvale). February; 6(1):222. DOI:10.4172/2161-1165.1000222.
- Sato, T., Ito, T., Hirano, T., Morita, O., Kikuchi, R., Endo, N., and Tanabe, N., (2011). Low Back Pain in Childhood and Adolescence: Assessment of Sports Activities. Eur Spine J. 20:94–99.
- Shasmin, H.N., Osman, N.A., Razali, R., Usman, J., and Abas, W.A.B., (2007). A Preliminary Study of Acceptable Load Carriage for Primary School Children, IFMBE Proceedings (15):171-174.
- Taimela, S., Kujala, U., Salminen, J.J., and Viljanen, T., (1997). The Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Children and Adolescents. A nationwide, cohort-based questionnaire survey in Finland. Spine. 22:1132-1136.
- van Gent, C., Dols, J.J., Carolien, M., Sing, R.A.H., and De Vet, H.C., (2003). The Weight of Schoolbags and the Occurrence of Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain in Young Adolescents. Spine, 28(9):916-921.
- Yavuz, C., (2019). Does Internet Addiction Predict Happiness for The Students of Sports High School?. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1).