Bu çaly?mada uluslararasy in?aat projelerinde yaygynlykla kullanylan tip sözle?me metinlerinden FIDIC Kyrmyzy Kitap Genel ?artlary'ndaki ve Türkiye'de kamu in?aat projelerinde kullanylmasy zorunlu olan Yapym Y?leri Genel ?artnamesi'ndeki (YYG?) sorumluluk ve risklerin da?ylymy, proje maliyetine etkileri orijininde kar?yla?tyrylmy?tyr. Bunun için Türkiye Müteahhitler Birli?i üyesi in?aat firmalaryna her iki sözle?me metni için hazyrlanan anketler uygulanmy?tyr. Yüklenici, müteahhit ve mühendisin sorumluluklary ve genel düzenlemelerin proje maliyetine etkisi ara?tyrylmy?tyr. Yapym Y?leri Genel ?artnamesi'nde bulunmayan teknik mü?avirlik müessesesinin FIDIC Kyrmyzy kitapta mühendise hangi sorumluluklary verdi?i incelenmi?tir. Her iki tip sözle?menin kar?yla?tyrylabilmesi için önemli hususlaryn altynyn çizildi?i anahtar diyagramlar olu?turulmu?tur. Çaly?ma bulgularyna göre, Türkiye'de kamu taahhüt i?lerinde çaly?an bir in?aat firmasynyn yüklendi?i sorumluluk ve risklerin (bütünün %66,7'si), FIDIC esasly uluslararasy yapym projelerine göre (bütünün %46,4'ü) önemli miktarda yüksek oldu?u anla?ylmy?tyr.
In this study, the distribution of liabilities and risks in Turkish General Conditions of Construction (GCC) which is mandatory to use for construction projects in Turkey and in FIDIC Red Book General Conditions of Contract which are type contract texts commonly used in international construction projects have been compared in the origin for the effects over the project cost. For this purpose, the questionnaires which have been prepared for both contract texts have been conducted over Turkish Contractors Association member construction companies. The effect of the liabilities of employer, contractor and engineer and the effects of general arrangements over the project cost have been analyzed. The liabilities over the engineer that have been saddled in FIDIC Red Book by the technical consultancy institution that is not available in Turkish General Conditions of Construction have been analyzed. In order to compare both types of contracts, key diagrams have been formed at which the important points have been underlined. According to the findings of the study, it has been understood that the liabilities and risks (66.7% of the whole part) assumed by a construction company which is active in public affairs in Turkey is much higher than the FIDIC basis international construction projects (46.4% of the whole part).
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Bilgisayar Mühendisliği |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Mart 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2010 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2 |