Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 4, 268 - 279, 13.10.2018
Kadir Abacı
Volkan Yamaçlı
In this paper, to improve voltage stability of the most critical bus of the New England 39 bus test system has proposed a new DC transmission line based on the VSC-HVDC (Voltage source converter-High Voltage Direct Current) instead of AC transmission line. The power transferred has been provided by the VSC-HVDC that have two steady state control modes to the critical bus. It is determined by the sensitivity analysis the most critical bus of the power system. In this bus the effect of heavy loading on long term voltage stability is investigated. In the modified test system for all situations, to improve of the voltage stability is determined the best suitable control strategy for the voltage source converters. Simulations are conducted in DIgSILENT Power Factory 15.0 software. The results of proposed test system compared and presented the base system that included AC transmission line.
- [1] Larsson, S. and Ek, E., (2003). The black-out in Southern Sweden Eastern Denmark. IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, USA, Proceedings, pp:1-5.
- [2] Andersson, G., Donalek, P., Farmer, R., Hatziargyriou, N., Kamwa, I., Martins, N., Kundur, P., Paserba, J., Pourbeik, P., Sanchez-Gasca, J., Schulz, R., Stankovic, A. Taylor, C., and Vittal, V., (2005). Causes of the 2003 Major Grid Blackouts in North America and Europe and Recommend Means to Improve System dynamic Performance. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:20, Issue:4, pp:1922-1928.
- [3] Sinha, A.K., and Hazarika, D., (2000). A comparative study of voltage stability indices in a power system. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume:22, Issue:8, pp:589-596.
- [4] Latorre, H.F., and Ghandari, M., (2009). Improvement voltage Stability using of VSC-HVDC. IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition: Asia and Pacific, South Korea, Proceedings, pp:1-4.
- [5] Kundur, P., (1994). Power System Stability and Control. New York, Mc-Graw Hill, ISBN:978-0070359581.
- [6] Cai, G., Zhang, Y., Chen, R., and Cai, Z., (2009). A Fast Corrective Load Shedding Control Scheme to Prevent AC/DC Systems Voltage Collapses. European Transaction on Electrical Power, Volume:19, Issue:6, pp:869-879.
- [7] Zeni, L., Johansson, H., Hansen, A.D, Sorensen, P.E., Hesselbæk, B., and Kjaer, P.C., (2013). Influence of Current Limitation on Voltage Stability with Sourced Converter HVDC, IEEE 4th Conference of Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Denmark, Proceedings, pp:1-5.
- [8] Safari Tirtashi, M.R., Svensson, J., and Samuelson, O., (2017). VSC-HVDC Application to improve the Long-term Voltage Stability. IEEE PowerTech, Manchester, Proceedings, pp:1-6.
- [9] Urquidez, O.A. and Xie, L., (2015). Singular Value Sensitivity Based Optimal Control of Embedded VSC-HVDC for Steady-State Voltage Stability Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:31, Issue:1, pp:216-225.
- [10] Liu, C., Zhang, B., Hou, Y., Wu, F.F., and Liu, Y., (2011). An Improved Approach for AC-DC Power Flow Calculation with Multi-Infeed DC Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:26, Issue:2, pp:862–869.
- [11] Arifoğlu, U., (2003). The Power Flow Algorithm for Balanced and Unbalanced Bipolar Multiterminal AC/DC Systems. Electric Power System research, Volume:64, Issue:3, pp:239-246.
- [12] Wang, X., Song, Y., and Irving, M., (2008). Modern Power Systems Analysis. Germany, Springer, ISBN:978-0-387-72853-7.
- [13] Smed, T., Andersson, G., Sheble, G.B., and Grigsby, L.L., (1991). A New Approach to AC/DC Power Flow. IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, Volume:6, Issue:3, pp:1238-1244.
- [14] Azimoh, L.C., Folly, K., Chowdhury, S.P., and Haddad, A., (2010). Investigation of Voltage and Transient Stability of HVAC network in hybrid with VSC-HVDC and HVDC link. 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UK, Proceedings, pp:1-6.
- [15] Zhang, L., Nee, H.P., and Harnefors, L., (2011). Analysis of Stability Limitations of a VSC-HVDC Link Using Power-Synchronization Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:26, Issue:3, pp:809-820.
- [16] DIgSILENT PowerFactory Version 14.
- [17] ABB, A., (2005). It's Time to Connect: Technical Description of HVDC Light Technology. Technical Report, ABB.
- [18] Shire, T.W., (2009). VSC-HVDC Based Network Reinforcement. MSc Thesis. Delft Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
- [19] Cole, S., (2010). Steady-state and Dynamic Modelling of VSC-HVDC Systems for Power System Simulation. PhD Thesis, Leuven Belgium: Katholieke University Leuven.
- [20] Gonzalez-Longatt, F.M., and Rueda, J.L., (2014). Power Factory Applications for Power System Analysis. Germany, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-12958-7.
- [21] Liu, Y., (2013). The Study on Hybrid Multi-Infeed HVDC Systems Connecting with Offshore Wind Farm, PhD Thesis, Denmark: Aalborg University Department of Energy Technology.
- [22] Kodsi, S.M.K., and Canizares, A.C., (2003). Modeling and Simulation of IEEE 14-Bus System with Facts Controllers. University of Waterloo, E&CE Department, Technical Report, 2003:3.
- [23] Mahdad, B., Bouktir, T., and Srairi, K., (2006). Strategy of Location and Control of FACTS Devices for Enhancing Power Quality. IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Spain, Proceedings, pp:1068-1072.
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 4, 268 - 279, 13.10.2018
Kadir Abacı
Volkan Yamaçlı
this paper, to improve voltage stability of the most critical bus of the New
England 39 bus test system has proposed a new DC transmission line based on the
VSC-HVDC (Voltage source converter-High Voltage Direct Current) instead of AC
transmission line. The power transferred has been provided by the VSC-HVDC that
have two steady state control modes to the critical bus. It is determined by
the sensitivity analysis the most critical bus of the power system. In this bus
the effect of heavy loading on long term voltage stability is investigated. In
the modified test system for all situations, to improve of the voltage
stability is determined the best suitable control strategy for the voltage
source converters. Simulations are conducted in DIgSILENT Power Factory 15.0
software. The results of proposed test system compared and presented the base
system that included AC transmission line.
- [1] Larsson, S. and Ek, E., (2003). The black-out in Southern Sweden Eastern Denmark. IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, USA, Proceedings, pp:1-5.
- [2] Andersson, G., Donalek, P., Farmer, R., Hatziargyriou, N., Kamwa, I., Martins, N., Kundur, P., Paserba, J., Pourbeik, P., Sanchez-Gasca, J., Schulz, R., Stankovic, A. Taylor, C., and Vittal, V., (2005). Causes of the 2003 Major Grid Blackouts in North America and Europe and Recommend Means to Improve System dynamic Performance. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:20, Issue:4, pp:1922-1928.
- [3] Sinha, A.K., and Hazarika, D., (2000). A comparative study of voltage stability indices in a power system. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume:22, Issue:8, pp:589-596.
- [4] Latorre, H.F., and Ghandari, M., (2009). Improvement voltage Stability using of VSC-HVDC. IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition: Asia and Pacific, South Korea, Proceedings, pp:1-4.
- [5] Kundur, P., (1994). Power System Stability and Control. New York, Mc-Graw Hill, ISBN:978-0070359581.
- [6] Cai, G., Zhang, Y., Chen, R., and Cai, Z., (2009). A Fast Corrective Load Shedding Control Scheme to Prevent AC/DC Systems Voltage Collapses. European Transaction on Electrical Power, Volume:19, Issue:6, pp:869-879.
- [7] Zeni, L., Johansson, H., Hansen, A.D, Sorensen, P.E., Hesselbæk, B., and Kjaer, P.C., (2013). Influence of Current Limitation on Voltage Stability with Sourced Converter HVDC, IEEE 4th Conference of Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Denmark, Proceedings, pp:1-5.
- [8] Safari Tirtashi, M.R., Svensson, J., and Samuelson, O., (2017). VSC-HVDC Application to improve the Long-term Voltage Stability. IEEE PowerTech, Manchester, Proceedings, pp:1-6.
- [9] Urquidez, O.A. and Xie, L., (2015). Singular Value Sensitivity Based Optimal Control of Embedded VSC-HVDC for Steady-State Voltage Stability Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:31, Issue:1, pp:216-225.
- [10] Liu, C., Zhang, B., Hou, Y., Wu, F.F., and Liu, Y., (2011). An Improved Approach for AC-DC Power Flow Calculation with Multi-Infeed DC Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:26, Issue:2, pp:862–869.
- [11] Arifoğlu, U., (2003). The Power Flow Algorithm for Balanced and Unbalanced Bipolar Multiterminal AC/DC Systems. Electric Power System research, Volume:64, Issue:3, pp:239-246.
- [12] Wang, X., Song, Y., and Irving, M., (2008). Modern Power Systems Analysis. Germany, Springer, ISBN:978-0-387-72853-7.
- [13] Smed, T., Andersson, G., Sheble, G.B., and Grigsby, L.L., (1991). A New Approach to AC/DC Power Flow. IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, Volume:6, Issue:3, pp:1238-1244.
- [14] Azimoh, L.C., Folly, K., Chowdhury, S.P., and Haddad, A., (2010). Investigation of Voltage and Transient Stability of HVAC network in hybrid with VSC-HVDC and HVDC link. 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UK, Proceedings, pp:1-6.
- [15] Zhang, L., Nee, H.P., and Harnefors, L., (2011). Analysis of Stability Limitations of a VSC-HVDC Link Using Power-Synchronization Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume:26, Issue:3, pp:809-820.
- [16] DIgSILENT PowerFactory Version 14.
- [17] ABB, A., (2005). It's Time to Connect: Technical Description of HVDC Light Technology. Technical Report, ABB.
- [18] Shire, T.W., (2009). VSC-HVDC Based Network Reinforcement. MSc Thesis. Delft Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
- [19] Cole, S., (2010). Steady-state and Dynamic Modelling of VSC-HVDC Systems for Power System Simulation. PhD Thesis, Leuven Belgium: Katholieke University Leuven.
- [20] Gonzalez-Longatt, F.M., and Rueda, J.L., (2014). Power Factory Applications for Power System Analysis. Germany, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-12958-7.
- [21] Liu, Y., (2013). The Study on Hybrid Multi-Infeed HVDC Systems Connecting with Offshore Wind Farm, PhD Thesis, Denmark: Aalborg University Department of Energy Technology.
- [22] Kodsi, S.M.K., and Canizares, A.C., (2003). Modeling and Simulation of IEEE 14-Bus System with Facts Controllers. University of Waterloo, E&CE Department, Technical Report, 2003:3.
- [23] Mahdad, B., Bouktir, T., and Srairi, K., (2006). Strategy of Location and Control of FACTS Devices for Enhancing Power Quality. IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Spain, Proceedings, pp:1068-1072.