Yıl 2015,
, 37 - 43, 21.04.2015
Aysel Sarı
Mahmut Bozkurt
İhsan Halıfeoglu
In this study, the changes in levels of fatty acids betweennewly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients and the control group were evealuated. In this study, 16:0, 16:1, 18:0 and 22:6 fatty acids levels of Type 2 diabetic group were found not to be statistically significant. The 18:2 fatty acid levels of Type 2 diabetic patients were lower than the control group and it was not found to be statistically significant. The 18:1 and 18:3 fatty acid levels of Type 2 diabetic patients were found to be statistically significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to the control group, the 20:3 and 20:4 fatty acid levels were found to be statistically significantly higher (p<0.001) compared to the control group.
- Koloğlu, S., (1996). Diabetes Mellitus. In: Endokrinoloji. 1. Baskı, Koloğlu S.ed Medikal Network, 367–386.
- MacFarlane, I.A., Bliss, M., Jackson, J.G.L., and Williams, G., (1997). The History of Diabetes Mellitus. In: Textbook of Diabetes. Volume 1. Second Edition. Pickup JC., Williams G., eds. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. 1.1-1.21.
- Wieland, D.M., Kotzka, J., and Goldstain, B.J., (2004). Tip 2 Diyabetin Patogenezi. Goldstain BJ, Wieland DM (editors). Cengiz Akman (Çeviri Editörü). Tip 2 Diyabet, 1.Baskı, İstanbul: And Danışmanlık Yayıncılık, 13–25.
- Cefalu, W.T., (2001). İnsülin Resistance: Cellular and Clinical Concepts. Exp Biol Med, 226, ss:13–26.
- Orhan, Y., (2001). Diabetes Mellitus. In: Endokrinoloji, Metabolizma ve Beslenme Hastalıkları, ed. Sencer E, Nobel, İstanbul, ss:246–86.
- Laakso, M., (2003). Tip 2 Diyabetin Patogenezi. In: Tip 2 Diyabet, ed. Goldstein BJ, Wieland DM, AND, İstanbul, pp.13–28.
- Candeğer, Y., Temel, Y., ve Imamoğlu, A., (2000). Tip 2 Diyabet Patogenezi, Klinik Özellikleri ve İzleme Ölçütleri. In: Diabetes Mellitus, Ed:, Gri Tasarım, pp:37-46.
- Hornstra, G., (1992). Effect of n–3 Fatty Acids on Eicosanoid Formation, İmplication for Platelrt Thrombotic Function. Agents Actions.37.145.
- Myrup, B., 1991). Platelet Aggregation and Fatty Acids Composition of Platelets in Type I Diabetes Mellitus. Clin Chim Acta 204 (1-3): 251.
- Axelord, L., (1988). Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Diabetes Mellitus. Circulation 70 (Supp II):288.
- Matthews, D., Hosker, J., Rudenski, A., Naylor, B., Treacher, D., and Turner, R., (1985). Homeostasis Model Assassment: İnsulin Resistance and Beta Cell Function from Plasma Glucose and İnsulin Concentration in Man. Diabetologia; 28: 412–419.
- Hara, A. and Radin, N.S., (1978). Lipid Extraction of Tissues with a Low-Toxicity Solvent, Analitical Biochemistry 90,420-426.
- Christie, W.W., (1992). Gas chromatography and Lipids, The Oil Pres Glaskow, 302.
- Mitrakou, A., Kelley, D., Mokan, M., Veneman, T., Pagburn, T., Reilly, J., and Gerich, J., (1992). J.Role of Reduced Suppression of Glucose Production and Diminished Early İnsulin Release İn İmpaired Glucose Tolerance. N Engl J Med. 326:22–29.
- Ludvic, B., Nolan, J.J., Baloga, J., Sacks, D., and Olefsky, J., (1995). Effect of Obesity on İnsulin Resistance in Normal Subject and Patients with NIDDM. Diabetes 44: 1121–1125.
- Vendrell, J., Broch, M., Vilarrasa, N., Molina, A., Gomez, J.M., Gutierrez, C., Simon, I., Soler, J., and Richart, C., (2004). Resistin, Adiponectin, Ghrelin, Leptin, and Proinflammatory Cytokines: Relationships in Obesity. Obes Res.12(6):962–71.
- Silha, J.V., Krsek, M., Skrha, J., Sucharda, P., Nyomba, B.L., and Murphy, L.J., (2003). Plasma Resistin, Leptin and Adiponectin Levels in Lean and Obese Subjects: Correlations with İnsulin Resistance. Eur J Endocrinol. 149(4):331–5.
- Kern, P.A., Subramanian, R., Chunling, L.I., Linda, W,, and Gouri, R., (2001). Adipose Tissue Tumor Necrosis Factor and İnterlleukin–6 Expression in Human Obesity and İnsulin Resistance. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 280: E745-E751.
- Kopelman, P.G. and Stock, M.J., (1998). Clinical Obesity, pp:311–348.
- Frayn, K.N., Williams, C.M., and Arner, P., (1996). Are İncreased Plasma Non-Esterified Fatty Acid Concentrations A Risk Marker for Coronary Heart Disease and Other Chronic Diseases. Clinical Sciense 90, 243–253.
- Boden, G., (1997.) Role of Fatty Acids in the Pathogenesis of İnsulin Resistance and NIDDM. Diabetes 46, 3–10.
- Randle, P.J., Garland, P.B., Hales, C.N., and Newsholme, C.A., (1963). The glucose fatty acids cycle. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1, 785–789.
- Abate, N., Garg, A., Peshock, RM., and ets., (1996). Relationship of Generalized and Regional Adiposity to İnsulin Sensitivity in Men with NIDDM. Diabetes 45, 1684–1693.
- Horrobin, D.F., (1989). Essential Fatty Acids and the Complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Wiener Klinische Woechenschrift. 101(8):289.
- Malasamos, T.H., (1991). Biolological of n–3 Fatty Acids in Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 14(12):1160.
- Mimouni, V., (1992). Spontaneous Diabetes in Bio-Brerding Rats: Evidence for İnsulin Dependent Liver Microsomal Delta–9 Stearic Acid Desaturation. Diabete Metab. 18(2): 91.
- Miettinen, T.A. and Tilvis, R.S., (1981). Effect of Fish Oil on Serum Lipids and Fatty Acids of Red Cells and Platelets in Type Diabetes Mellitus. Circulation 70(supp II).
- Tilvis, R.S. and Miettinen, T.A, (1985). Fatty Acids Composotions Serum Lipids Erythrocytes and Plateletes in Type II Diabetec Women. J.Clin Endocr Metab. 61(4): 741.
- Janes, D.B. and Carter, R.D., (1983). Low Phospholipid Arachidonic Acid Valves in Diabetic Plateletes Br. Med. J 286:173.
- Tilvis, R.S and Taskinem, M., (1988). Effect of İnsulin Treatment on Fatty Acids of Plasma and Erythrocyte Membrane Lipids in Type 2 Diabetes. Clin Chim Acta 171:293.
- Colwel, J., Wincour, P., Lopes-Virella, M., and Haluska, P., (1983). New Concepts about The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis in Diabetes Mellitus. Am. J. Med.75: pp.67-80.
- Holman, R.T., Jhonsan, S.B., Gerrard, J.M., Mauer, S.M., Kupcho-Sandberg, S.M., and Brown., D.M., (1983). Aracihidonic Acid Deficiency in The Streptozotocin-İnduced Diabetes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80, pp:2375-2379.
Yıl 2015,
, 37 - 43, 21.04.2015
Aysel Sarı
Mahmut Bozkurt
İhsan Halıfeoglu
Bu çalışmada yeni tanı konmuş tip 2 diabetik hastalar ile kontrol grubu arasında yağ asitleri düzeylerindeki değişimleri değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada, Tip 2 diabetik grubunun 16:0, 16:1, 18:0 ve 22:6 yağ asitleri düzeyleri istatiksel olarak anlamsız bulunmuştur. Tip 2 diabetik hasta grubunun 18:2 yağ asitleri düzeyleri kontrol gurubuna daha göre düşük çıkmış ve istatiksel olarak anlamsız bulunmuştur. Diabetik hasta grubunun 18:1 ve 18:3 yağ asidi düzeyleri ise kontrol grubuna göre istatiksel olarak (p<0.05) anlamlı düşük bulunmuş, 20:3 ve 20:4 yağ asidi düzeyleri ise kontrol grubuna göre istatiksel olarak (p<0.001) anlamlı yüksek bulunmuştur
- Koloğlu, S., (1996). Diabetes Mellitus. In: Endokrinoloji. 1. Baskı, Koloğlu S.ed Medikal Network, 367–386.
- MacFarlane, I.A., Bliss, M., Jackson, J.G.L., and Williams, G., (1997). The History of Diabetes Mellitus. In: Textbook of Diabetes. Volume 1. Second Edition. Pickup JC., Williams G., eds. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. 1.1-1.21.
- Wieland, D.M., Kotzka, J., and Goldstain, B.J., (2004). Tip 2 Diyabetin Patogenezi. Goldstain BJ, Wieland DM (editors). Cengiz Akman (Çeviri Editörü). Tip 2 Diyabet, 1.Baskı, İstanbul: And Danışmanlık Yayıncılık, 13–25.
- Cefalu, W.T., (2001). İnsülin Resistance: Cellular and Clinical Concepts. Exp Biol Med, 226, ss:13–26.
- Orhan, Y., (2001). Diabetes Mellitus. In: Endokrinoloji, Metabolizma ve Beslenme Hastalıkları, ed. Sencer E, Nobel, İstanbul, ss:246–86.
- Laakso, M., (2003). Tip 2 Diyabetin Patogenezi. In: Tip 2 Diyabet, ed. Goldstein BJ, Wieland DM, AND, İstanbul, pp.13–28.
- Candeğer, Y., Temel, Y., ve Imamoğlu, A., (2000). Tip 2 Diyabet Patogenezi, Klinik Özellikleri ve İzleme Ölçütleri. In: Diabetes Mellitus, Ed:, Gri Tasarım, pp:37-46.
- Hornstra, G., (1992). Effect of n–3 Fatty Acids on Eicosanoid Formation, İmplication for Platelrt Thrombotic Function. Agents Actions.37.145.
- Myrup, B., 1991). Platelet Aggregation and Fatty Acids Composition of Platelets in Type I Diabetes Mellitus. Clin Chim Acta 204 (1-3): 251.
- Axelord, L., (1988). Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Diabetes Mellitus. Circulation 70 (Supp II):288.
- Matthews, D., Hosker, J., Rudenski, A., Naylor, B., Treacher, D., and Turner, R., (1985). Homeostasis Model Assassment: İnsulin Resistance and Beta Cell Function from Plasma Glucose and İnsulin Concentration in Man. Diabetologia; 28: 412–419.
- Hara, A. and Radin, N.S., (1978). Lipid Extraction of Tissues with a Low-Toxicity Solvent, Analitical Biochemistry 90,420-426.
- Christie, W.W., (1992). Gas chromatography and Lipids, The Oil Pres Glaskow, 302.
- Mitrakou, A., Kelley, D., Mokan, M., Veneman, T., Pagburn, T., Reilly, J., and Gerich, J., (1992). J.Role of Reduced Suppression of Glucose Production and Diminished Early İnsulin Release İn İmpaired Glucose Tolerance. N Engl J Med. 326:22–29.
- Ludvic, B., Nolan, J.J., Baloga, J., Sacks, D., and Olefsky, J., (1995). Effect of Obesity on İnsulin Resistance in Normal Subject and Patients with NIDDM. Diabetes 44: 1121–1125.
- Vendrell, J., Broch, M., Vilarrasa, N., Molina, A., Gomez, J.M., Gutierrez, C., Simon, I., Soler, J., and Richart, C., (2004). Resistin, Adiponectin, Ghrelin, Leptin, and Proinflammatory Cytokines: Relationships in Obesity. Obes Res.12(6):962–71.
- Silha, J.V., Krsek, M., Skrha, J., Sucharda, P., Nyomba, B.L., and Murphy, L.J., (2003). Plasma Resistin, Leptin and Adiponectin Levels in Lean and Obese Subjects: Correlations with İnsulin Resistance. Eur J Endocrinol. 149(4):331–5.
- Kern, P.A., Subramanian, R., Chunling, L.I., Linda, W,, and Gouri, R., (2001). Adipose Tissue Tumor Necrosis Factor and İnterlleukin–6 Expression in Human Obesity and İnsulin Resistance. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 280: E745-E751.
- Kopelman, P.G. and Stock, M.J., (1998). Clinical Obesity, pp:311–348.
- Frayn, K.N., Williams, C.M., and Arner, P., (1996). Are İncreased Plasma Non-Esterified Fatty Acid Concentrations A Risk Marker for Coronary Heart Disease and Other Chronic Diseases. Clinical Sciense 90, 243–253.
- Boden, G., (1997.) Role of Fatty Acids in the Pathogenesis of İnsulin Resistance and NIDDM. Diabetes 46, 3–10.
- Randle, P.J., Garland, P.B., Hales, C.N., and Newsholme, C.A., (1963). The glucose fatty acids cycle. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1, 785–789.
- Abate, N., Garg, A., Peshock, RM., and ets., (1996). Relationship of Generalized and Regional Adiposity to İnsulin Sensitivity in Men with NIDDM. Diabetes 45, 1684–1693.
- Horrobin, D.F., (1989). Essential Fatty Acids and the Complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Wiener Klinische Woechenschrift. 101(8):289.
- Malasamos, T.H., (1991). Biolological of n–3 Fatty Acids in Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 14(12):1160.
- Mimouni, V., (1992). Spontaneous Diabetes in Bio-Brerding Rats: Evidence for İnsulin Dependent Liver Microsomal Delta–9 Stearic Acid Desaturation. Diabete Metab. 18(2): 91.
- Miettinen, T.A. and Tilvis, R.S., (1981). Effect of Fish Oil on Serum Lipids and Fatty Acids of Red Cells and Platelets in Type Diabetes Mellitus. Circulation 70(supp II).
- Tilvis, R.S. and Miettinen, T.A, (1985). Fatty Acids Composotions Serum Lipids Erythrocytes and Plateletes in Type II Diabetec Women. J.Clin Endocr Metab. 61(4): 741.
- Janes, D.B. and Carter, R.D., (1983). Low Phospholipid Arachidonic Acid Valves in Diabetic Plateletes Br. Med. J 286:173.
- Tilvis, R.S and Taskinem, M., (1988). Effect of İnsulin Treatment on Fatty Acids of Plasma and Erythrocyte Membrane Lipids in Type 2 Diabetes. Clin Chim Acta 171:293.
- Colwel, J., Wincour, P., Lopes-Virella, M., and Haluska, P., (1983). New Concepts about The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis in Diabetes Mellitus. Am. J. Med.75: pp.67-80.
- Holman, R.T., Jhonsan, S.B., Gerrard, J.M., Mauer, S.M., Kupcho-Sandberg, S.M., and Brown., D.M., (1983). Aracihidonic Acid Deficiency in The Streptozotocin-İnduced Diabetes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80, pp:2375-2379.