The multi-pond coastal solar salterns consist of a series of conjunctive
saltponds, with a gradient of salinities ranging from seawater to NaCl
precipitation. This region is anthropogenic supralittoral zones exploited for
sea salt, which becomes progressively concentrated by evaporation. In this study, some biological
characteristics of Çamaltı saltern was investigated, whic is the biggest marine
coastal solar saltworks in Turkey. The Çamaltı saltern is a variable and dynamic
ecosystem where 30-35 tons of water of water per minute are constantly
circulating. Çamaltı saltworks was opened in 1863 and located the north
of İzmir. It is 28km away from the city center. Generally, the saltworks
contains of four divisions, namely the first and second saltworks, water ponds,
and cristalisation ponds. Anually, the saltworks give 600000 tons of salt,
which makes 35-40% of the salt produced in Turkey. Solar saltworks activities
are normally ordinarily in wetlands, more specifically in salt swamps rich in
biodiversity and represent distingtive biological systems which make them
environmentally relevant. Many species
live, feed and reproduce in a salt marsh and in a solar saltworks area. It
provides biological diversity, including bacteria, macro and microalgae,
Artemia, plants, birds, reptiles, fish and invertebrates and contribute to
flood prevention and improved water management.