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Hofstede'nin Ulusal Kültür Çerçevesi ile İş Güvenliği Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Bir Literatür Taraması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 40 - 53, 30.06.2024


ILO'nun açıkladığı verilere göre her yıl ekonomik kayıp, yaralanma ve ölümle sonuçlanan 340 milyon iş kazası meydana gelmektedir. Literatürde, çalışma ortamının giderek çok kültürlü hale gelmesiyle önemi giderek artan ulusal kültür, iş güvenliğini etkileyen unsurlardan biri olarak gösterilmektedir. Bu araştırmada ulusal kültür ile iş güvenliği arasındaki ilişkiyi Hofstede'nin ulusal kültür boyutları üzerinden inceleyen 20 makale tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmalar, incelenen güvenlik faktörü, kullanılan yöntem, sektörleri ve ulaşılan sonuçlar açısından incelenmiştir. Buna göre güvenlik performansı ve güvenlik tutumları en çok çalışılan güvenlik boyutları, anketler en çok kullanılan yöntem ve inşaat, havacılık, petrol ve gaz ve denizcilik sektörleri en çok incelenen sektörler olmuştur. Çalışmaların çoğu, IDV'nin iş güvenliği üzerindeki olumsuz etkisi, MAS'ın olumsuz etkisi veya etkisizliği ve UAI ve LTO'nun olumlu etkisi lehine olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ancak, PDI'nin etkisi hakkında tam bir anlaşmazlık olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın ulusal kültür iş güvenliği ilişkisinin daha iyi anlaşılmasına katkı sağlaması ve böylece iş güvenliği ile ilgili politika geliştirme ve düzenlemede karar vericilere yol göstermesi beklenmektedir.


  • Alshahrani, A., Panuwatwanich, K., & Mohamed, S. Relationship between National Culture and Safety Behav-iour: Evidence from Petrochemical Employees in Saudi Arabia. In THE 2014 (5th) International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management. 2014: 312.
  • Anicich, E. M., Swaab, R. I., & Galinsky, A. D. Hierarchical cultural values predict success and mortality in high-stakes teams. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015; 112(5), 1338-1343.
  • Bardakçı, G. Uluslararası inşaat projelerinde ulusal kültürün iş sağlığı ve güvenliği uygulamalarına olan etkisi-nin incelenmesi. [Investigation of the impact of the of national culture on health and safety applications in international construction projects]. (Master's thesis, Anadolu Üniversitesi). 2016.
  • Barkema, H. G., & Vermeulen, F. What difference in the cultural backgrounds of partners are detrimental for international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies. 1997; 28, 845 – 864.
  • Bearden, W.O., Money, R.B., Nevins, J.L. Multidimensional versus unidimensional measures in assessing na-tional culture values: the Hofstede VSM 94 example. Journal of Business Research. 2006; 59, 195–203.
  • Bomel, L. Improving Health and Safety in Construction: Phase 1: Data Collection, Review and Structuring. Contract Research Report. 2001; 387, 2001.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. Revisions to the 2013 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) counts. [Cited 2022 3 April] Available from:
  • Burke, M. J., Chan-Serafin, S., Salvador, R., Smith, A. & Sarpy, S. A. The role of national culture and organiza-tional climate in safety training effectiveness. European journal of work and organizational psychology. 2008; 17(1), 133-152.
  • Chinese Cultural Connection. Chinese values and the search for culture-free dimensions of culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1987; 18, 143–164.
  • Chow, C. W., Lindquist, T. M., Wu, A. National culture, and the implementation of high-stretch performance standards: An exploratory study. Behavioral Research in Accounting. 2001; 13(1), 85-109.
  • Cox, S. & Flin, R. Safety Climate: Philosopher's Stone or Man of Straw? Work and Stress. 1998; 121, 189-201.
  • Fetscherin, M. Importance of Cultural and Risk Aspects in Music Piracy: A crossnational Comparison among University Students. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 2009; 10 (1), 42-55.
  • Flin R, Mearns K, O’Connor P, Bryden R. Safety climate: Identifying the common features. Safety Science. 2000; 34:177–192
  • Gharpurea, S., Roya, S., Purang, P., & Bhattacharyya, S. Role of cultural dimensions in safety performance of global oil and gas industry. Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science. 2018; 5(1), 555653.
  • Habibnezhad, M., & Esmaeili, B. The influence of individual cultural values on construction workers’ risk per-ception. In 52nd ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings. 2016.
  • Hale A. Editorial: Culture’s confusions. Safety Science. 2000; 34:1–14.
  • Hanson, H.L. Surveillance of deaths on board Danish merchant ships 1986–93: implications for prevention. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1996; 53 (4),269–275.
  • Havold, J. I. Safety-culture in a Norwegian shipping company. Journal of safety research. 2005; 36(5): 441-458.
  • Havold, J. I. National cultures and safety orientation: A study of seafarers working for Norwegian shipping companies. Work & Stress. 2007; 21(2), 173-195.
  • Heinrich, H. W. Industrial Accident Prevention. A Scientific Approach. Industrial Accident Prevention. A Scien-tific Approach., (Second Edition). 1941.
  • Helmreich R.L., & Merrit A.C. Culture at Work in Aviation and Medicine: National, Organizational and Profes-sional Influences. Gower Technical Services, Inc. Columbus, Ohio, USA. 1998.
  • Helmreich, R.L. Building safety on three cultures of aviation. In: Proceedings of the IATA Human Factors Sem-inar. Bangkok, Thailand. 1999; 39–43.
  • Helmreich, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A., Klinect, J.R., & Merritt, A.C. Culture, error and crew resource management. Im-proving teamwork in organizations: Applications of resource management training. 2001; 305-331.
  • Hinze, J. W. Construction Safety. Prentice Hall Publications, New Jersey. 1997.
  • Hofstede, G. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA. 1980.
  • Hofstede, G. Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviours, institutions, and organizations across na-tions. In: (2nd ed.), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, USA. 2001; 79-123.
  • Hofstede, G., 1985. The interaction between national and organizational values systems. Journal of Manage-ment Studies. 1985; 22 (4), 347–357.
  • Hofstede, G., Bond, M.H., 1988. The Confucius connection: from cultural roots to economic growth. Organiza-tional Dynamics. 1988; 16, 4–21.
  • Hofstede, G., McCrae, R.R. Personality and culture revisited: linking traits and dimensions of culture. Cross-Cultural Research. 2004; 38 (1), 52–88.
  • House, R. J., Hanges, P. J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., & Gupta, V. Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2004.
  • Hsu, S. H., Lee, C. C., Wu, M. C., & Takano, K. The influence of organizational factors on safety in Taiwanese high-risk industries. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2010: 23(5), 646-653.
  • ILO. (International Labour Organization) The enormous burden of poor working conditions. [Cited 2022 11 March] Available from:
  • Inglehart, R., & Baker, W. E. Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values. Ameri-can Sociological Review. 2000; 65, 19 – 51.
  • Johnson C.W. & Shea C. The contribution of degraded modes of operation as a cause of incidents and acci-dents in air traffic management. In Proceedings of 25th International Systems Safety Conference. 2007.
  • Jones, M. L. Hofstede - Culturally Questionable? Faculty of Commerce- Papers. Oxford Business & Economics Conference, Oxford. UK. 2007. [Cited 2020 12 March] Available from:
  • Keiser, N. L. National Culture and Safety: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationships Between Hofstede's Cultural Value Dimensions and Workplace Safety Constructs (Doctoral dissertation). 2017.
  • Keser, A., Gökmen, Y., & Türen, U., The impacts of national culture on fatal occupational injuries. International Periodical For The Languages, Literature, and History of Turkish or Turkic. 2015; 10, 567-588.
  • Kopelman, R. E., Brief, A. P., & Guzzo, R. A. The role of climate and culture in productivity. In B. Schneider (Ed.), Organizational climate and culture San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1989; 282 – 318.
  • Lindeman N. 12 advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires 7 June 2023 [Cited 2023 17 December] Available from:
  • Lu C.S., Lai K, Lun Y.H.V., & Cheng T.C.E. Effects of national culture on human failures in container shipping: The moderating role of Confucian dynamism. Accid Anal Prev. 2012; 49: 457- 469.
  • Lu, C. S., Hsu, C. N., & Lee, C. H. The impact of seafarers' perceptions of national culture and leadership on safety attitude and safety behaviour in dry bulk shipping. International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy. 2016: 4, 75-87.
  • Lu, C.S., & Tsai, C.L. The effect of safety climate on seafarers’ safety behaviours in container shipping. Acci-dent Analysis & Prevention, 2010; 42 (6), 1999–2006.
  • Marine Department, The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Preliminary Inquiry No.2 of 2007, Report of Investigation into the Collision of the Hong Kong Registered container Carrier COSCO Busan with the Delta Tower of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. [Cited 2022 15 February] Available from:
  • Martinez-Fiestas, M., Rodríguez-Garzón, I., Delgado-Padial, A., & Lucas-Ruiz, V. Analysis of perceived risk among construction workers: a cross-cultural study and reflection on the Hofstede model. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics. 2017; 23(3), 307-317.
  • Mckenzie, J. Gibb, A.G.F. and Bouchlaghem N.M. Communication of Health and Safety in Design Phase. Im-plementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites. 1999.
  • Mearns, K. & Yule, S. The Role of National Culture in Determining Safety Performance Challenges for the Global Oil and Gas Industry. Safety Science. 2009: 47, 777-785.
  • Merchant, K.A., Chow, C.W., & Wu, A., Measurement, evaluation and reward of profit centre managers: a cross-cultural field study. Accounting, Organization and Society. 1995; 20 (7/8), 619–638.
  • Merritt, A. Culture in the cockpit: Do Hofstede’s Dimensions replicate? Journal of cross-cultural psychology. 2000: 31(3), 283-301.
  • Mohamed, S., Ali, T. H., & Tam, W. Y. V. 2009. National culture and safe work behaviour of construction workers in Pakistan. Safety science. 2009: 47(1), 29-35.
  • Moran, E. T., & Volkwein, J. F. The cultural approach to the formation of organizational climate. Human Rela-tions. 1992: 45, 19 – 47.
  • Nielsen, K. J., Hansen, C. D., Bloksgaard, L., Christensen, A. D., Jensen, S. Q., & Kyed, M. The impact of mascu-linity on safety oversights, safety priority and safety violations in two male-dominated occupations. Safety science. 2015: 76, 82-89.
  • Noort, M. C., Reader, T. W., Shorrock, S., & Kirwan, B. The relationship between national culture and safety culture: Implications for international safety culture assessments. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. 2016: 89(3), 515-538.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC). A Survey of Safety Culture in Hong Kong Construction In-dustry. [Cited 2022 21 February] Available from:
  • Okolie, K. C., & Okoye, P. U. Appraising the Influence of Cultural Determinants of Construction Workers Safety Perception and Behaviour in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Medical Science Research. 2013: 1, 11-24.
  • Okolie, K. C., & Okoye, P. U. Assessment of national culture dimensions and construction health and safety climate in Nigeria. Science Journal of Environmental Engineering Research. 2012: 1-6.
  • Okoye, P. U. The Influence of National Culture on Workers Safety Climate in the Nigerian Construction Indus-try. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Building, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria. 2010.
  • Özkan, T., & Lajunen, T. The role of personality, culture, and economy in unintentional fatalities: An aggregat-ed level analysis. Personality and individual differences. 2007; 43(3), 519-530.
  • Pidgeon N. Safety culture: Key theoretical issues. Work &Stress, 1998; 12:202–216.
  • Pidgeon N., & O’Leary M. Man-made disasters: why technology and organizations fail. Safety Science. 2000; 34(1-3): 15-30.
  • Reader, T. W., Noort, M. C., Shorrock, S., & Kirwan, B. Safety sans Frontieres: an international safety culture model. Risk analysis. 2015: 35(5), 770-789.
  • Ringov, D., Zollo, M. Corporate responsibility from a socio-institutional perspective: the impact of national culture on corporate social performance. Corporate Governance. 2007; 7 (4), 476–485.
  • Rundmo T. Safety climate, attitudes and risk perception in Norsk Hydro. Saf Sci. 2000;34(1–3):47–59.
  • Safeopedia, Safety. [Cited 2022 05 March] Available from: https://www.safeopedia. com/definition/1104/safety- occupational-health-and-safety
  • Samovar, L. A., Poster, R. E. & Jain, N.C. Understanding Intercultural Communication. Wadsworth. Belmont, C. A. 1981.
  • Schneider, S. C. National vs. corporate culture: Implications for human resource management. Human Re-source Management. 1988; 27, 231 – 246.
  • Schwartz, S. H. A theory of cultural values and some implications for work. Applied Psychology: An Interna-tional Review. 1999; 48, 23 – 47.
  • Sjoberg, L., Moen, B., and Rundmo, T. Explaining Risk Perception: An Evaluation of the Psychometric Para-digm in Risk Perception Research. Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology: C. Rotunde, Trondheim, Nor-way. 2004.
  • Spangenberg, S., Baarts, C., Dyreborg, J., Jensen, L., Kines, P., & Mikkelsen, K.L. Factors contributing to the differences in work-related injury rates between Danish and Swedish construction workers. Safety Science. 2003; 41, 517–530.
  • Taylor, E. B. Primitive Culture: Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Lan-guage, Art and Custom, 1st American from the 2nd English Edition, Henry Holt and Company, New York. 1874.
  • Theotokas, I., & Progoulake, M. Cultural diversity, manning strategies and management practices in Greek shipping, Maritime Policy and Management. 2007; Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 383-403.
  • Trenchlesspedia, Safety Training, [Cited 2022 05 March] Available from: /definition/3110/safety-training
  • Trinadis, H. C. The many dimensions of culture. Academy of Management Executive. 2004; 18,88 – 93.
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  • Yeganesh H., Zhan S., & Sauers D. The applicability of widely employed frameworks in cross-cultural manage-ment research. Journal of Academic Research in Economics. 2009; 1(1): 1-24.
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A Literature Review on the Relationship Between Hofstede’s National Culture Framework and Occupational Safety

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 40 - 53, 30.06.2024


According to data released by ILO, 340 million occupational accidents leading to economic losses, injuries, and deaths occur annually. In the literature, national culture, whose importance gradually increases with the working environment increasingly multicultural, was indicated as one of the factors that affect occupational safety. In this study, 20 articles examining the relationship between national culture and occupational safety over Hofstede's national culture dimensions were identified. These studies were reviewed in terms of the safety factor they examined, the method used, the sector and the results obtained. In addition, the studies were discussed in detail in terms of the effect of national culture on occupational safety. Accordingly, safety performance and safety attitudes were the most studied safety dimensions, questionnaires were the most used method and construction, aviation, oil and gas, and shipping sectors were the most examined sectors. Most of the studies were identified to be in favour of the negative effect of IDV on occupational safety, the negative effect or ineffectiveness of MAS, and the positive effect of UAI and LTO. However, there was a total disagreement about the impact of PDI. This study is expected to provide a better understanding of the national culture and occupational safety relationships, thereby guiding decision-makers in policy development and regulation related to occupational safety.


  • Alshahrani, A., Panuwatwanich, K., & Mohamed, S. Relationship between National Culture and Safety Behav-iour: Evidence from Petrochemical Employees in Saudi Arabia. In THE 2014 (5th) International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management. 2014: 312.
  • Anicich, E. M., Swaab, R. I., & Galinsky, A. D. Hierarchical cultural values predict success and mortality in high-stakes teams. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015; 112(5), 1338-1343.
  • Bardakçı, G. Uluslararası inşaat projelerinde ulusal kültürün iş sağlığı ve güvenliği uygulamalarına olan etkisi-nin incelenmesi. [Investigation of the impact of the of national culture on health and safety applications in international construction projects]. (Master's thesis, Anadolu Üniversitesi). 2016.
  • Barkema, H. G., & Vermeulen, F. What difference in the cultural backgrounds of partners are detrimental for international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies. 1997; 28, 845 – 864.
  • Bearden, W.O., Money, R.B., Nevins, J.L. Multidimensional versus unidimensional measures in assessing na-tional culture values: the Hofstede VSM 94 example. Journal of Business Research. 2006; 59, 195–203.
  • Bomel, L. Improving Health and Safety in Construction: Phase 1: Data Collection, Review and Structuring. Contract Research Report. 2001; 387, 2001.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. Revisions to the 2013 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) counts. [Cited 2022 3 April] Available from:
  • Burke, M. J., Chan-Serafin, S., Salvador, R., Smith, A. & Sarpy, S. A. The role of national culture and organiza-tional climate in safety training effectiveness. European journal of work and organizational psychology. 2008; 17(1), 133-152.
  • Chinese Cultural Connection. Chinese values and the search for culture-free dimensions of culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1987; 18, 143–164.
  • Chow, C. W., Lindquist, T. M., Wu, A. National culture, and the implementation of high-stretch performance standards: An exploratory study. Behavioral Research in Accounting. 2001; 13(1), 85-109.
  • Cox, S. & Flin, R. Safety Climate: Philosopher's Stone or Man of Straw? Work and Stress. 1998; 121, 189-201.
  • Fetscherin, M. Importance of Cultural and Risk Aspects in Music Piracy: A crossnational Comparison among University Students. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 2009; 10 (1), 42-55.
  • Flin R, Mearns K, O’Connor P, Bryden R. Safety climate: Identifying the common features. Safety Science. 2000; 34:177–192
  • Gharpurea, S., Roya, S., Purang, P., & Bhattacharyya, S. Role of cultural dimensions in safety performance of global oil and gas industry. Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science. 2018; 5(1), 555653.
  • Habibnezhad, M., & Esmaeili, B. The influence of individual cultural values on construction workers’ risk per-ception. In 52nd ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings. 2016.
  • Hale A. Editorial: Culture’s confusions. Safety Science. 2000; 34:1–14.
  • Hanson, H.L. Surveillance of deaths on board Danish merchant ships 1986–93: implications for prevention. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1996; 53 (4),269–275.
  • Havold, J. I. Safety-culture in a Norwegian shipping company. Journal of safety research. 2005; 36(5): 441-458.
  • Havold, J. I. National cultures and safety orientation: A study of seafarers working for Norwegian shipping companies. Work & Stress. 2007; 21(2), 173-195.
  • Heinrich, H. W. Industrial Accident Prevention. A Scientific Approach. Industrial Accident Prevention. A Scien-tific Approach., (Second Edition). 1941.
  • Helmreich R.L., & Merrit A.C. Culture at Work in Aviation and Medicine: National, Organizational and Profes-sional Influences. Gower Technical Services, Inc. Columbus, Ohio, USA. 1998.
  • Helmreich, R.L. Building safety on three cultures of aviation. In: Proceedings of the IATA Human Factors Sem-inar. Bangkok, Thailand. 1999; 39–43.
  • Helmreich, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A., Klinect, J.R., & Merritt, A.C. Culture, error and crew resource management. Im-proving teamwork in organizations: Applications of resource management training. 2001; 305-331.
  • Hinze, J. W. Construction Safety. Prentice Hall Publications, New Jersey. 1997.
  • Hofstede, G. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA. 1980.
  • Hofstede, G. Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviours, institutions, and organizations across na-tions. In: (2nd ed.), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, USA. 2001; 79-123.
  • Hofstede, G., 1985. The interaction between national and organizational values systems. Journal of Manage-ment Studies. 1985; 22 (4), 347–357.
  • Hofstede, G., Bond, M.H., 1988. The Confucius connection: from cultural roots to economic growth. Organiza-tional Dynamics. 1988; 16, 4–21.
  • Hofstede, G., McCrae, R.R. Personality and culture revisited: linking traits and dimensions of culture. Cross-Cultural Research. 2004; 38 (1), 52–88.
  • House, R. J., Hanges, P. J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., & Gupta, V. Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2004.
  • Hsu, S. H., Lee, C. C., Wu, M. C., & Takano, K. The influence of organizational factors on safety in Taiwanese high-risk industries. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2010: 23(5), 646-653.
  • ILO. (International Labour Organization) The enormous burden of poor working conditions. [Cited 2022 11 March] Available from:
  • Inglehart, R., & Baker, W. E. Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values. Ameri-can Sociological Review. 2000; 65, 19 – 51.
  • Johnson C.W. & Shea C. The contribution of degraded modes of operation as a cause of incidents and acci-dents in air traffic management. In Proceedings of 25th International Systems Safety Conference. 2007.
  • Jones, M. L. Hofstede - Culturally Questionable? Faculty of Commerce- Papers. Oxford Business & Economics Conference, Oxford. UK. 2007. [Cited 2020 12 March] Available from:
  • Keiser, N. L. National Culture and Safety: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationships Between Hofstede's Cultural Value Dimensions and Workplace Safety Constructs (Doctoral dissertation). 2017.
  • Keser, A., Gökmen, Y., & Türen, U., The impacts of national culture on fatal occupational injuries. International Periodical For The Languages, Literature, and History of Turkish or Turkic. 2015; 10, 567-588.
  • Kopelman, R. E., Brief, A. P., & Guzzo, R. A. The role of climate and culture in productivity. In B. Schneider (Ed.), Organizational climate and culture San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1989; 282 – 318.
  • Lindeman N. 12 advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires 7 June 2023 [Cited 2023 17 December] Available from:
  • Lu C.S., Lai K, Lun Y.H.V., & Cheng T.C.E. Effects of national culture on human failures in container shipping: The moderating role of Confucian dynamism. Accid Anal Prev. 2012; 49: 457- 469.
  • Lu, C. S., Hsu, C. N., & Lee, C. H. The impact of seafarers' perceptions of national culture and leadership on safety attitude and safety behaviour in dry bulk shipping. International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy. 2016: 4, 75-87.
  • Lu, C.S., & Tsai, C.L. The effect of safety climate on seafarers’ safety behaviours in container shipping. Acci-dent Analysis & Prevention, 2010; 42 (6), 1999–2006.
  • Marine Department, The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Preliminary Inquiry No.2 of 2007, Report of Investigation into the Collision of the Hong Kong Registered container Carrier COSCO Busan with the Delta Tower of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. [Cited 2022 15 February] Available from:
  • Martinez-Fiestas, M., Rodríguez-Garzón, I., Delgado-Padial, A., & Lucas-Ruiz, V. Analysis of perceived risk among construction workers: a cross-cultural study and reflection on the Hofstede model. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics. 2017; 23(3), 307-317.
  • Mckenzie, J. Gibb, A.G.F. and Bouchlaghem N.M. Communication of Health and Safety in Design Phase. Im-plementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites. 1999.
  • Mearns, K. & Yule, S. The Role of National Culture in Determining Safety Performance Challenges for the Global Oil and Gas Industry. Safety Science. 2009: 47, 777-785.
  • Merchant, K.A., Chow, C.W., & Wu, A., Measurement, evaluation and reward of profit centre managers: a cross-cultural field study. Accounting, Organization and Society. 1995; 20 (7/8), 619–638.
  • Merritt, A. Culture in the cockpit: Do Hofstede’s Dimensions replicate? Journal of cross-cultural psychology. 2000: 31(3), 283-301.
  • Mohamed, S., Ali, T. H., & Tam, W. Y. V. 2009. National culture and safe work behaviour of construction workers in Pakistan. Safety science. 2009: 47(1), 29-35.
  • Moran, E. T., & Volkwein, J. F. The cultural approach to the formation of organizational climate. Human Rela-tions. 1992: 45, 19 – 47.
  • Nielsen, K. J., Hansen, C. D., Bloksgaard, L., Christensen, A. D., Jensen, S. Q., & Kyed, M. The impact of mascu-linity on safety oversights, safety priority and safety violations in two male-dominated occupations. Safety science. 2015: 76, 82-89.
  • Noort, M. C., Reader, T. W., Shorrock, S., & Kirwan, B. The relationship between national culture and safety culture: Implications for international safety culture assessments. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. 2016: 89(3), 515-538.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC). A Survey of Safety Culture in Hong Kong Construction In-dustry. [Cited 2022 21 February] Available from:
  • Okolie, K. C., & Okoye, P. U. Appraising the Influence of Cultural Determinants of Construction Workers Safety Perception and Behaviour in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Medical Science Research. 2013: 1, 11-24.
  • Okolie, K. C., & Okoye, P. U. Assessment of national culture dimensions and construction health and safety climate in Nigeria. Science Journal of Environmental Engineering Research. 2012: 1-6.
  • Okoye, P. U. The Influence of National Culture on Workers Safety Climate in the Nigerian Construction Indus-try. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Building, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria. 2010.
  • Özkan, T., & Lajunen, T. The role of personality, culture, and economy in unintentional fatalities: An aggregat-ed level analysis. Personality and individual differences. 2007; 43(3), 519-530.
  • Pidgeon N. Safety culture: Key theoretical issues. Work &Stress, 1998; 12:202–216.
  • Pidgeon N., & O’Leary M. Man-made disasters: why technology and organizations fail. Safety Science. 2000; 34(1-3): 15-30.
  • Reader, T. W., Noort, M. C., Shorrock, S., & Kirwan, B. Safety sans Frontieres: an international safety culture model. Risk analysis. 2015: 35(5), 770-789.
  • Ringov, D., Zollo, M. Corporate responsibility from a socio-institutional perspective: the impact of national culture on corporate social performance. Corporate Governance. 2007; 7 (4), 476–485.
  • Rundmo T. Safety climate, attitudes and risk perception in Norsk Hydro. Saf Sci. 2000;34(1–3):47–59.
  • Safeopedia, Safety. [Cited 2022 05 March] Available from: https://www.safeopedia. com/definition/1104/safety- occupational-health-and-safety
  • Samovar, L. A., Poster, R. E. & Jain, N.C. Understanding Intercultural Communication. Wadsworth. Belmont, C. A. 1981.
  • Schneider, S. C. National vs. corporate culture: Implications for human resource management. Human Re-source Management. 1988; 27, 231 – 246.
  • Schwartz, S. H. A theory of cultural values and some implications for work. Applied Psychology: An Interna-tional Review. 1999; 48, 23 – 47.
  • Sjoberg, L., Moen, B., and Rundmo, T. Explaining Risk Perception: An Evaluation of the Psychometric Para-digm in Risk Perception Research. Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology: C. Rotunde, Trondheim, Nor-way. 2004.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği
Bölüm Derleme Makale

Serkan Yıldız 0000-0002-6020-1993

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, S. (2024). A Literature Review on the Relationship Between Hofstede’s National Culture Framework and Occupational Safety. OHS ACADEMY, 7(1), 40-53.