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Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes)

Yıl 2013, , 1 - 30, 01.07.2013


The Treaty of Edirne, concluded in 1829, placed in Russia’s hand the coastal area from Anapa to Poti, and the land between the Kuban valley and the region of Akhaltsikhе and Akhalkalaki. Expecting new military conflicts with the Sultan, Russia acted to preclude the eventual alliance between the Ottomans and the Circassians. In order to ensure the safety of the Russian trade, towns and quarantine ports, the Russian officials proposed the resettlement of the Circassians inside the Russian territory. However, the preliminary expenditure accounts prepared by a special Resettlement commission evinced as impossible the mass relocation. Conscious of the Russia’s highly contestable attempts to conquer the Northwest Caucasus, Prince Baryatinsky regarded the Circassian migration into the Ottoman Empire as an alternative less devastating for the Russian reputation and as a final solution to the year-long conflict. So, for the next 16 years, beginning in the autumn of 1858 onwards, the migration constituted the only reasonable attitude for both parties. My paper outlines the longer process of the Circassian colonization, economic integration and socialization in the Danube vilayet. It draws on archival sources such as state regulations, newspaper notes, tax registers and examples of the correspondence between the local, vilayet and central Ottoman government. The paper emphasizes the Ottoman efforts to avoid or to limit a mass humanitarian crisis, the free aid, in cash and kind, extended by all Sultan’s subjects and later by the already colonized Crimean refugees. It pays attention to the colonization process, the varying material status of the Circassians, their agricultural activity and education. It launches the suggestion that the Circassians’ adaptation to the new environment was slowed down by the Ottoman attempts to prevent excess budgetary expenditure, to economize a share of their tax revenues or quickly to recompense the offered state aid


  • BLIEV, Mark, Cherkesiya i Cherkesy XIX veka. Kratkiy ocherk istorii [Circassia and Circassians in 19th Century. A Comprehensive History], Moscow 2011.
  • BOBROVNİKOV, Vladimir, “Rossiyskie musulmany posle archivny revolyutzii: vzglyad s Kavkaza i iz Bolgarii” [Russian Muslims: Some notes on the Archives and Primary Sources in Caucasus and Bulgaria after 1989-1991], Ab Imperio, 4 (2008).
  • CHOCHİEV, Georgi , “Some Aspects of Social Adaptation of the North Caucasian Immigrants in the Ottoman Empire in the Second Half of the XIXth Century”, downloaded g_chochiev_immigrants_applications.pdf. the web site:
  • CHOCHIEV, Georgi-Bekir Koç, “Some Notes on the Settlement of Northern Caucasians in Eastern Anatolia and Their Adaptation Problems (the Second Half of the XIXth Century – the Beginning of the XXth Century)”, Journal of Asian History, 40 (2006), 1.
  • DOREV, Pancho, Dokumenti za balgarskata istoriya [Archival Sources about Bulgarian History], vol. 3, Sofia 1940.
  • DRAGANOVA, Slavka, Bekovskoto selo v navecherieto na Osvobojdenieto (statistichesko izsledvane spored osmanski danachni registri) [The Villages in the kaza of Berkofča on the eve of Russo-Ottoman War of 1877/78 in the light of Ottoman tax registers], Sofia 1985.
  • DRAGANOVA, Slavka, Kolichestven analiz na ovcevadstvoto v balgarskite zemi pod osmanska vlast ot sredata na XIX vek do Osvobojdenieto [Sheep Breeding in the Danube Vilayet, 1860s-1870s], Sofia 1993.
  • EPIFANTZEV, Andrey, “Prichiny porajeniya adygov v Kavkazkoy voyne” [On the Reasons for the Circassians’ defeat in the Caucasian War], downloaded from the web site:
  • EPIFANTZEV, Andrey, Kavkazskaya voyna, Genotzid, kotorogo ne bylo, Chast 4: Legendy i mify Kavkazskoy voyny [The Caucasian War and the Claims about Genocide. Part 4: Myths about the Caucasian War], downloaded from the web site: 22049.html.
  • FISHER, Alan, The Crimean Tatar, Hoover Press Publication, 1978.
  • HENZE, Paul, “Circassian Resistance to Russia”, The North Caucasus Barrier, Ed.: M. Benningen Broxup, London 1996.
  • HEYWOOD, C. J., “Medjidiyye”, Encyclopedia of Islam, , vol. 6, Leiden-Brill 2003.
  • IKONOMOV, Todor, Protokoli na Berlinskiya kongres [Protocols of the Congress of Berlin], Sofia 1885.
  • ISLA-OWEN, Sarah, The First “Circassian Exodus” to the Ottoman Empire (1858- 1867), and the Ottoman Response, Based on the Accounts of Contemporary British Observers, MA Near and Middle Studies, SOAS, London, 2007, downloaded from the web site: and-exile/1134-the-first-circassian-exodus.html.
  • KARPAT, Kemal, “Ottoman Urbanism: The Crimean Emigration to Dobruca and the Founding of Mecidiye, 1856-1878”, Studies on Ottoman Social and Political History, Selected Articles and Essays, Leiden-Brill 2002.
  • KARPAT, Kemal, “The Status of the Muslims under European Rule: The Eviction and Settlement of the Çerkes”, Studies on Ottoman Social and Political History, Selected Articles and Essays, Leiden-Brill 2002.
  • KING, Charles, The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus, Oxford 2008.
  • KINYAPINA, Nina,-Mark Bliev, Vladimir Degoev, Kavkaz i Srednaya Aziya vo vneshney politike Rossii. Vtoraya polovina XVIII-80-e gody XIX v. [Russian Inner Affairs, Caucasus and Central Asia from the Second Half of 18th Century to 1880s], Moscow 1984.
  • KOLARZ, Walter, Russia and her Colonies, North Haven, 1967.

Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes)

Yıl 2013, , 1 - 30, 01.07.2013


1829’da sonuçlanan Edirne Anlaşması, Anapa’dan Poti’ye kadar olan kıyı kesimini ve Kuban vadisi ile Ahıska ve Ahılkelek bölgesi arasında kalan toprağı Rus hâkimiyetine vermekteydi. Sultanla yeni askeri çatışmalar bekleyen Rusya, Osmanlılarla Çerkezler arasındaki muhtemel işbirliğini önlemeye çalışmaktaydı. Rus ticaretinin, şehirlerinin ve karantina limanlarının güvenliğini sağlamak amacıyla Rus yetkililer, Çerkezlerin Rusya’nın iç bölgelerine yerleştirilmesini önermekteydi. Ancak, özel bir iskân komisyonu tarafından hazırlanan ilk gider hesapları böylesine büyük bir yer değiştirmenin imkânsız olduğunu açığa vurmaktaydı. Rusya’nın Kuzey Kafkasya’yı zaptetmesinin oldukça şüpheli olacağının bilinciyle, Prens Baryatinsky, Çerkezlerin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na göçünü Rus itibarını daha az zedeleyici ve uzun yıllar süren çatışmayı kesin şekilde çözecek alternatif bir yol olarak addetmekteydi. Bu nedenle, 1858’in sonbaharından sonraki 16 yıl, göç, her iki taraf için de tek mantıklı tutumu oluşturmaktaydı


  • BLIEV, Mark, Cherkesiya i Cherkesy XIX veka. Kratkiy ocherk istorii [Circassia and Circassians in 19th Century. A Comprehensive History], Moscow 2011.
  • BOBROVNİKOV, Vladimir, “Rossiyskie musulmany posle archivny revolyutzii: vzglyad s Kavkaza i iz Bolgarii” [Russian Muslims: Some notes on the Archives and Primary Sources in Caucasus and Bulgaria after 1989-1991], Ab Imperio, 4 (2008).
  • CHOCHİEV, Georgi , “Some Aspects of Social Adaptation of the North Caucasian Immigrants in the Ottoman Empire in the Second Half of the XIXth Century”, downloaded g_chochiev_immigrants_applications.pdf. the web site:
  • CHOCHIEV, Georgi-Bekir Koç, “Some Notes on the Settlement of Northern Caucasians in Eastern Anatolia and Their Adaptation Problems (the Second Half of the XIXth Century – the Beginning of the XXth Century)”, Journal of Asian History, 40 (2006), 1.
  • DOREV, Pancho, Dokumenti za balgarskata istoriya [Archival Sources about Bulgarian History], vol. 3, Sofia 1940.
  • DRAGANOVA, Slavka, Bekovskoto selo v navecherieto na Osvobojdenieto (statistichesko izsledvane spored osmanski danachni registri) [The Villages in the kaza of Berkofča on the eve of Russo-Ottoman War of 1877/78 in the light of Ottoman tax registers], Sofia 1985.
  • DRAGANOVA, Slavka, Kolichestven analiz na ovcevadstvoto v balgarskite zemi pod osmanska vlast ot sredata na XIX vek do Osvobojdenieto [Sheep Breeding in the Danube Vilayet, 1860s-1870s], Sofia 1993.
  • EPIFANTZEV, Andrey, “Prichiny porajeniya adygov v Kavkazkoy voyne” [On the Reasons for the Circassians’ defeat in the Caucasian War], downloaded from the web site:
  • EPIFANTZEV, Andrey, Kavkazskaya voyna, Genotzid, kotorogo ne bylo, Chast 4: Legendy i mify Kavkazskoy voyny [The Caucasian War and the Claims about Genocide. Part 4: Myths about the Caucasian War], downloaded from the web site: 22049.html.
  • FISHER, Alan, The Crimean Tatar, Hoover Press Publication, 1978.
  • HENZE, Paul, “Circassian Resistance to Russia”, The North Caucasus Barrier, Ed.: M. Benningen Broxup, London 1996.
  • HEYWOOD, C. J., “Medjidiyye”, Encyclopedia of Islam, , vol. 6, Leiden-Brill 2003.
  • IKONOMOV, Todor, Protokoli na Berlinskiya kongres [Protocols of the Congress of Berlin], Sofia 1885.
  • ISLA-OWEN, Sarah, The First “Circassian Exodus” to the Ottoman Empire (1858- 1867), and the Ottoman Response, Based on the Accounts of Contemporary British Observers, MA Near and Middle Studies, SOAS, London, 2007, downloaded from the web site: and-exile/1134-the-first-circassian-exodus.html.
  • KARPAT, Kemal, “Ottoman Urbanism: The Crimean Emigration to Dobruca and the Founding of Mecidiye, 1856-1878”, Studies on Ottoman Social and Political History, Selected Articles and Essays, Leiden-Brill 2002.
  • KARPAT, Kemal, “The Status of the Muslims under European Rule: The Eviction and Settlement of the Çerkes”, Studies on Ottoman Social and Political History, Selected Articles and Essays, Leiden-Brill 2002.
  • KING, Charles, The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus, Oxford 2008.
  • KINYAPINA, Nina,-Mark Bliev, Vladimir Degoev, Kavkaz i Srednaya Aziya vo vneshney politike Rossii. Vtoraya polovina XVIII-80-e gody XIX v. [Russian Inner Affairs, Caucasus and Central Asia from the Second Half of 18th Century to 1880s], Moscow 1984.
  • KOLARZ, Walter, Russia and her Colonies, North Haven, 1967.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Margarita Dobreva Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013

Kaynak Göster

APA Dobreva, M. (2013). Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 33(33), 1-30.
AMA Dobreva M. Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. Temmuz 2013;33(33):1-30. doi:10.1501/OTAM_0000000612
Chicago Dobreva, Margarita. “Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and Social Integration (preliminary Notes)”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 33, sy. 33 (Temmuz 2013): 1-30.
EndNote Dobreva M (01 Temmuz 2013) Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 33 33 1–30.
IEEE M. Dobreva, “Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes)”, OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, c. 33, sy. 33, ss. 1–30, 2013, doi: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000612.
ISNAD Dobreva, Margarita. “Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and Social Integration (preliminary Notes)”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 33/33 (Temmuz 2013), 1-30.
JAMA Dobreva M. Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. 2013;33:1–30.
MLA Dobreva, Margarita. “Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and Social Integration (preliminary Notes)”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, c. 33, sy. 33, 2013, ss. 1-30, doi:10.1501/OTAM_0000000612.
Vancouver Dobreva M. Circassian Colonization in the Danube Vilayet and social integration (preliminary notes). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. 2013;33(33):1-30.