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The Ottoman Surveys of Siphnos* (17th -18th Centuries) Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar)

Yıl 2005, , 51 - 69, 01.01.2005



  • An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300–1914, (eds) H. Inalcίk – D. Quataert, Cambridge University Press 1994, 113.
  • Aliprantis, Th.Ch., Treasures of Siphnos. Icons in the churches and monasteries, Athens 1979 (in Greek).
  • Balta, Evangelia, «Evidence for Viniculture from the Ottoman Tax Registers: 15th to 17th century», Türk Kültürü ήncelemeleri Dergisi 5, Istanbul 2001, 8-10.
  • --------, «Du document fiscal à l’économie agricole: les cultures à Santorin au XVIIIe s., in : Evangelia Balta, Problèmes et approches de l’histoire ottomane. Un itinéraire scientifique de Kayseri à Eέriboz, Istanbul, Isis Press 1997
  • --------, From the tax evidence to the agricultural economy: the crops on Santorini in the 18th century», Historika vol 3, iss. 6 (December 1986), 289 (in Greek). National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research, Athens 1996, 80-81 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Olive cultivation at the time of the Ottoman Conquest», Osmanlı Araştırmaları / Journal of Ottoman Studies 20 (2000), 143–154.
  • Dimitropoulos, D., Testimonies on the population of the Aegean islands, From 15th to the beginning of 19th century, National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research, Athens 2004, (in Greek).
  • --------, «Family and fiscal registers in the Aegean islands during the Ottoman period», Ta Historika 14, iss. 27 (1997), 338–340 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Limits and boundaries in the rural life of the Aegean islands during the years of Ottoman rule», Ta Historika 19/36 (2002), 3–22 (in Greek).
  • --------, Mykonos in the 17th century. Landowning relations and economic transactions, publ.
  • Neohellenic Research Centre of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, no. 64, Athens 1997.
  • Matha-Dematha, Nikolitsa, Habitat et rapports socio-économiques à Sifnos. Deuxième moitié du XIXe – début du XXe siècle (December 1992), vol. I, 3 (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Paris I-Sorbonne).
  • Ege Adaları’nίn idarî, Malî ve Sosyal Yapısı, ed. İdris Bostan, Ankara 2003, 78–79.
  • Ege Adalarının Egemenlik Devri Tarihçesi, (ed.) C. Küçük, Ankara 2001.
  • Gion, K.I., History of the island of Siphnos from most ancient times to the present day, with the description of its ancient gold, silver mines …, Syros 1876, 69 (photo-reproduced edition 1995) (in Greek).
  • Green, Molly, A Shared World. Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999.
  • Hauttecoeur, H., L’île de Siphnos, Brussels 1898 (reprint by the Bulletin de la Societé Royale Belge de Géographie), 13.
  • Kitab-i Bahriye Pirî Reis, publ. The Historical Research Foundation, Istanbul Research Center, Istanbul 1988, vol. IV
  • Liata, Eftychia, During the Ottoman period (17th-19th c.). Contribution to the study of the social and economic structures and the community system, publ. Research and Education Foundation of the Commercial Bank of Greece, Athens 1987 (in Greek)
  • Pardos, A., «Siphnos, the Patmos of the Cyclades in the 16th and 17th centuries», Proceedings of the Ist International Siphnian Conference (Siphnos, 25-28 June 1998), Athens 2001, 33-48 (in Greek).
  • Politi, Maria, «The manuscripts of the Vrysi Monastery of Siphnos». Proceedings of the I International Siphnian Conference (Siphnos, 25-28 June 1998), vol. II, Athens 2001(in Greek).
  • Petropoulos, G.A., Legal documents of Siphnos in the G. Maridakis Collection, 1684-1835, with contributions to the study of Postbyzantine Law, Academy of Athens, Monuments of Greek History, vol. 3, fasc. 1, Athens 1956 (in Greek).
  • Sphyroeras, V., «Documents of the island of Siphnos 1785-1820 from the Georgios S.
  • Maridakis Collection», Annual of the Medieval Archive of the Academy of Athens 17 (1967), 5-44 (in Greek).
  • Slot, B.J., «Catholic churches of Kimolos and the surrounding islands. History of the Western nautical communities of the Southwest Cyclades and of their churches», Kimoliaka 5 (1975), 5–304 (in Greek).
  • --------, Archipelagus Turbatus, Les Cyclades entre colonisation latine et occupation ottomane c. 1500-1718, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, 1982.
  • --------, «The Frankish Archipelago», Byzantinische Forschungen XVI (1991), 195–207.
  • --------, «Siphnos, a singular island economy (15th-17th century)», Proceedings of Ist International Siphnian Conference (25–28 June 1998), Athens 2001, vol. II, 59–72 (in Greek).
  • Symeonidis, S.M., History of Siphnos from Prehistoric Times, Athens 2002. (in Greek).
  • --------, «Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegiac Monastery of Prophet Elijah “in the location at the hill of the high of the mountains of Siphnos”», Siphniaka 2 (1992), 21–102 (in Greek)
  • --------, «Fifteen dowry contracts of Siphnos», Siphnaika 1 (1991), 80-109 In Greek).
  • --------, «Unpublished legal documents of Siphnos. Another eight dowry contracts, eleven wills», Siphnaika 2 (1992), 103–140 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Vasileios Logothetis. The merchant-magnate of Siphnos and the Cyclades», Siphnaika 6 91996–1998), 7–78 (in Greek). ------------, «Consuls of foreign states in Siphnos», Siphnaika 7 (1999), 61–78 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegiac Monastery of Prophet Elijah [more recent evidence», Siphniaka 7 (1999), 155–161 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Information on the history of the convents of Siphnos, of the Theologian of “Mongou” and Chrysostom at Phyteia (pre 1650–1834)», Siphniaka 8 (2000), 5–9 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Society and education on Siphnos during the Ottoman period (1537–1821)», Siphnaika 5 (1995), 19, 24 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Relations between Catholics and Orthodox of Siphnos during the second quarter of the 17th century. The role of the Athonite dependencies on the island», Siphnaika 9 (2001), 94 ff. (in Greek).
  • --------, «Vincenzo Castelli. Report on the Latin Church on Siphnos [in August 1711]», Siphniaka 9 (2001), 178,183 (in Greek).
  • --------, Monasteries of Siphnos: St John the Theologian of Mongo, St John Chrysostom at Phyteia, St Artemios of Simonopetra, Athens 1984 (in Greek).
  • ------------, Our Lady Vrysiani, that is contribution to the history of the Holy Monastery of the Birth of the Virgin, in Siphnos, Athens 1966 (in Greek);
  • --------, «Historical Archive of Siphnos», Siphniaka 2 (1992), 159-174 (in Greek).
  • ------------, «The notaries (kantzillierides) of Siphnos. The institution and the persons», Siphniaka 7 (1999), 15 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Economy and trade of Siphnos during the second half of the 17th century», Siphniaka 9 (2001), 68 (in Greek).
  • S.M. Symeonidis – G.N. Theodorou, «Catalogue of loose documents in the private collection of G. Gaitanos», Siphnaika 2 (1992), 7-18 (in Greek).
  • Tzakou , Anastasia E., Central Settlements of Siphnos. Form and development in a traditional system, Athens 1979 (in Greek).
  • Vakalopoulos, K. A., «Some informations on the islands Syra, Samos, Siphnos and Naxos in 1828», Mnemosyne 6 (1976–77), 270, note 4 (in Greek).
  • Vitalis, Archimandrite Ph., «Prophet Elijah Hypsilos and John the Theologian Mongou», Annual of the Society of Cycladic Studies 5 (1965), 125-138 (in Greek).
  • Zachariadou, Elizabeth A., Ten Ottoman documents on the Great Church, 1483-1567, ed. ed. National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research, Athens 1996, 80-81 (in Greek)

Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar)

Yıl 2005, , 51 - 69, 01.01.2005


Bu calışma, 1670 ve 1671 tarihli iki Tapu Tahrir Defteri’ne (Tapu Kadastro 105, Tapu Kadastro 180) ve bir Cizye Defteri’ne (Maliyeden Müdevver 4856) dayanmaktadır. Diğer Ege adları ile birlikte Liva-ί Cezayir’e bağlı bir liva olan Sifnos adası, Kapudan Mustafa Paşa’nın hassı idi. Adadaki dört yerleşimde ―Kastro, Stavri, Artemonas ve Exambela― en az 560 hane kayıtlıydı ve ayrıca adada 6 manastır vardı. Vergi tahsildarlarının kayıtlarına göre, hayvancılık ve arıcılık sınırlıydı, buna mukabil adada daha ziyade şarap, hububat, pamuk, zeytinyağı, bakliyat ve meyve üretilmekteydi


  • An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300–1914, (eds) H. Inalcίk – D. Quataert, Cambridge University Press 1994, 113.
  • Aliprantis, Th.Ch., Treasures of Siphnos. Icons in the churches and monasteries, Athens 1979 (in Greek).
  • Balta, Evangelia, «Evidence for Viniculture from the Ottoman Tax Registers: 15th to 17th century», Türk Kültürü ήncelemeleri Dergisi 5, Istanbul 2001, 8-10.
  • --------, «Du document fiscal à l’économie agricole: les cultures à Santorin au XVIIIe s., in : Evangelia Balta, Problèmes et approches de l’histoire ottomane. Un itinéraire scientifique de Kayseri à Eέriboz, Istanbul, Isis Press 1997
  • --------, From the tax evidence to the agricultural economy: the crops on Santorini in the 18th century», Historika vol 3, iss. 6 (December 1986), 289 (in Greek). National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research, Athens 1996, 80-81 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Olive cultivation at the time of the Ottoman Conquest», Osmanlı Araştırmaları / Journal of Ottoman Studies 20 (2000), 143–154.
  • Dimitropoulos, D., Testimonies on the population of the Aegean islands, From 15th to the beginning of 19th century, National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research, Athens 2004, (in Greek).
  • --------, «Family and fiscal registers in the Aegean islands during the Ottoman period», Ta Historika 14, iss. 27 (1997), 338–340 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Limits and boundaries in the rural life of the Aegean islands during the years of Ottoman rule», Ta Historika 19/36 (2002), 3–22 (in Greek).
  • --------, Mykonos in the 17th century. Landowning relations and economic transactions, publ.
  • Neohellenic Research Centre of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, no. 64, Athens 1997.
  • Matha-Dematha, Nikolitsa, Habitat et rapports socio-économiques à Sifnos. Deuxième moitié du XIXe – début du XXe siècle (December 1992), vol. I, 3 (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Paris I-Sorbonne).
  • Ege Adaları’nίn idarî, Malî ve Sosyal Yapısı, ed. İdris Bostan, Ankara 2003, 78–79.
  • Ege Adalarının Egemenlik Devri Tarihçesi, (ed.) C. Küçük, Ankara 2001.
  • Gion, K.I., History of the island of Siphnos from most ancient times to the present day, with the description of its ancient gold, silver mines …, Syros 1876, 69 (photo-reproduced edition 1995) (in Greek).
  • Green, Molly, A Shared World. Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999.
  • Hauttecoeur, H., L’île de Siphnos, Brussels 1898 (reprint by the Bulletin de la Societé Royale Belge de Géographie), 13.
  • Kitab-i Bahriye Pirî Reis, publ. The Historical Research Foundation, Istanbul Research Center, Istanbul 1988, vol. IV
  • Liata, Eftychia, During the Ottoman period (17th-19th c.). Contribution to the study of the social and economic structures and the community system, publ. Research and Education Foundation of the Commercial Bank of Greece, Athens 1987 (in Greek)
  • Pardos, A., «Siphnos, the Patmos of the Cyclades in the 16th and 17th centuries», Proceedings of the Ist International Siphnian Conference (Siphnos, 25-28 June 1998), Athens 2001, 33-48 (in Greek).
  • Politi, Maria, «The manuscripts of the Vrysi Monastery of Siphnos». Proceedings of the I International Siphnian Conference (Siphnos, 25-28 June 1998), vol. II, Athens 2001(in Greek).
  • Petropoulos, G.A., Legal documents of Siphnos in the G. Maridakis Collection, 1684-1835, with contributions to the study of Postbyzantine Law, Academy of Athens, Monuments of Greek History, vol. 3, fasc. 1, Athens 1956 (in Greek).
  • Sphyroeras, V., «Documents of the island of Siphnos 1785-1820 from the Georgios S.
  • Maridakis Collection», Annual of the Medieval Archive of the Academy of Athens 17 (1967), 5-44 (in Greek).
  • Slot, B.J., «Catholic churches of Kimolos and the surrounding islands. History of the Western nautical communities of the Southwest Cyclades and of their churches», Kimoliaka 5 (1975), 5–304 (in Greek).
  • --------, Archipelagus Turbatus, Les Cyclades entre colonisation latine et occupation ottomane c. 1500-1718, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, 1982.
  • --------, «The Frankish Archipelago», Byzantinische Forschungen XVI (1991), 195–207.
  • --------, «Siphnos, a singular island economy (15th-17th century)», Proceedings of Ist International Siphnian Conference (25–28 June 1998), Athens 2001, vol. II, 59–72 (in Greek).
  • Symeonidis, S.M., History of Siphnos from Prehistoric Times, Athens 2002. (in Greek).
  • --------, «Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegiac Monastery of Prophet Elijah “in the location at the hill of the high of the mountains of Siphnos”», Siphniaka 2 (1992), 21–102 (in Greek)
  • --------, «Fifteen dowry contracts of Siphnos», Siphnaika 1 (1991), 80-109 In Greek).
  • --------, «Unpublished legal documents of Siphnos. Another eight dowry contracts, eleven wills», Siphnaika 2 (1992), 103–140 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Vasileios Logothetis. The merchant-magnate of Siphnos and the Cyclades», Siphnaika 6 91996–1998), 7–78 (in Greek). ------------, «Consuls of foreign states in Siphnos», Siphnaika 7 (1999), 61–78 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegiac Monastery of Prophet Elijah [more recent evidence», Siphniaka 7 (1999), 155–161 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Information on the history of the convents of Siphnos, of the Theologian of “Mongou” and Chrysostom at Phyteia (pre 1650–1834)», Siphniaka 8 (2000), 5–9 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Society and education on Siphnos during the Ottoman period (1537–1821)», Siphnaika 5 (1995), 19, 24 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Relations between Catholics and Orthodox of Siphnos during the second quarter of the 17th century. The role of the Athonite dependencies on the island», Siphnaika 9 (2001), 94 ff. (in Greek).
  • --------, «Vincenzo Castelli. Report on the Latin Church on Siphnos [in August 1711]», Siphniaka 9 (2001), 178,183 (in Greek).
  • --------, Monasteries of Siphnos: St John the Theologian of Mongo, St John Chrysostom at Phyteia, St Artemios of Simonopetra, Athens 1984 (in Greek).
  • ------------, Our Lady Vrysiani, that is contribution to the history of the Holy Monastery of the Birth of the Virgin, in Siphnos, Athens 1966 (in Greek);
  • --------, «Historical Archive of Siphnos», Siphniaka 2 (1992), 159-174 (in Greek).
  • ------------, «The notaries (kantzillierides) of Siphnos. The institution and the persons», Siphniaka 7 (1999), 15 (in Greek).
  • --------, «Economy and trade of Siphnos during the second half of the 17th century», Siphniaka 9 (2001), 68 (in Greek).
  • S.M. Symeonidis – G.N. Theodorou, «Catalogue of loose documents in the private collection of G. Gaitanos», Siphnaika 2 (1992), 7-18 (in Greek).
  • Tzakou , Anastasia E., Central Settlements of Siphnos. Form and development in a traditional system, Athens 1979 (in Greek).
  • Vakalopoulos, K. A., «Some informations on the islands Syra, Samos, Siphnos and Naxos in 1828», Mnemosyne 6 (1976–77), 270, note 4 (in Greek).
  • Vitalis, Archimandrite Ph., «Prophet Elijah Hypsilos and John the Theologian Mongou», Annual of the Society of Cycladic Studies 5 (1965), 125-138 (in Greek).
  • Zachariadou, Elizabeth A., Ten Ottoman documents on the Great Church, 1483-1567, ed. ed. National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research, Athens 1996, 80-81 (in Greek)
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Evangelia Balta Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005

Kaynak Göster

APA Balta, E. (2005). Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 18(18), 51-69.
AMA Balta E. Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. Ocak 2005;18(18):51-69. doi:10.1501/OTAM_0000000386
Chicago Balta, Evangelia. “Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar)”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 18, sy. 18 (Ocak 2005): 51-69.
EndNote Balta E (01 Ocak 2005) Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 18 18 51–69.
IEEE E. Balta, “Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar)”, OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 18, ss. 51–69, 2005, doi: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000386.
ISNAD Balta, Evangelia. “Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar)”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 18/18 (Ocak 2005), 51-69.
JAMA Balta E. Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. 2005;18:51–69.
MLA Balta, Evangelia. “Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar)”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 18, 2005, ss. 51-69, doi:10.1501/OTAM_0000000386.
Vancouver Balta E. Siphnos Osmanlı Tahrirleri (17.-18. Yüzyıllar). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. 2005;18(18):51-69.