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Exploring the role of digital children's literature in the technology-based literacy instruction

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 102 - 108, 31.12.2013


The purpose of the study was to present a comprehensive review of researches and practices on digital children’s literature and technology-based literacy instruction in classroom. Studies on the technology based literacy instruction were investigated in word reading, phonological skills, fluency, and reading comprehension. The research questions that guided this study include: a) What role does digital children’s literature plays in literacy instruction? b) How can technology-based literacy instruction assist to teachers? d) What are the teachers’ beliefs, opinions, and motivators to use technology in classroom? Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two elementary teachers to gather more in-depth and specific information about the role of technology for literacy instruction. The primary objective of the interview is to record, analyze and interpret these two teachers’ experiences, opinions, and perspectives with regard to using technology in classroom. Open coding was used to find important points. The findings of study indicated that technology can enable students to do such things as develop word recognition, fluency, reading comprehension and motivation. Teachers have positive attitude and they are enthusiastic to use technology in the classroom. In the digital age, teachers need to consider use digital children’s literature in their own classrooms. This transformation in literacy holds great promise for normal readers as well as struggling readers.


  • Allington, R. L., & Cunningham, P. M. (1996). Scho- ols that work: Where all children read and write. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.
  • Alvermann, D.E., Moon, J.S., & Hagood, M.C. (1999). Popular culture in the classroom: Teaching and researching critical media literacy. Newark, DE, and Chicago, IL: International Reading Association and the National Reading Conference.
  • Calvani, A., Cartelli, A., Fini, A., & Ranieri, M. (2008). Models and instruments for assessing digital competence at school. Journal of e-Learning and Know- ledge Society, 4(3), 183-193.
  • De Jong, M. T., & Bus, A. G. (2002). Quality of bo- ok-reading matters for emergent readers: An experi- ment with the same book in a regular or electronic for- mat. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 145-155.
  • Ertem, I. S. (2009). Investigating the effects of ele- ctronic cd-rom storybooks and traditional print stor- ybooks on reading comprehension of fourth grade struggling readers. Unpublished doctoral dissertaion, University of Florida.
  • Ertem, I. S. (2010). The effect of electronic storybo- oks on struggling fourth-graders’ reading comprehensi- on. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Techno- logy, 9(4),140-155.
  • Graham, S., Harris, K., MacArthur, C. A., & Schwartz, S. S. (1991). Writing and writing instruction with students with learning disabilities: A review of a program of research. Learning Disability Quarterly, 14, 89-114.
  • Greenlee-Moore, M., & Smith, L. (1996). Interactive computer software: The effects on young children’s re- ading achievement. Reading Psychology, 17(1), 43–64.
  • Houston, C. (2011). Digital books for digital natives. Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children. 9(3), 39-42.
  • International Children’s Digital Library (n.d.). Ret- rieved from http://en.childrenslibrary.org
  • Labbo, L.D., & Kuhn, M.R. (2000). Weaving chains of affect and cognition: A young child’s understanding of CD-ROM talking books. Journal of Literacy Resear- ch, 32, 187-210.
  • Lewin, C. (2000). Exploring the effects of talking Manwah, NJ: Erlbaum. book software in UK primary classrooms, Journal of Research in Reading, 23(2), 149-157.
  • Lewis, R. B. (1998). Assistive technology and lear- ning disabilities: Today’s realities and tomorrow’s pro- mises. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31(1), 16-26.
  • Makebeliefscomix (n.d.). Retrieved from http:// www.makebeliefscomix.com
  • Matthew, K. (1997). A comparison of influence of interactive CD-ROM storybooks. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29(3), 263-276.
  • McKenna, M. C., Reinking, D., Labbo, L. D., & Kief- fer, R. D. (1999). The electronic transformation of lite- racy and its implications for the strugging reader. Rea- ding and Writing Quarterly, 15, 111-126.
  • Moody, A. K. (2010). Using electronic books in the classroom to enhance emergent literacy skills in young children. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 11(4), 22- 52.
  • New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multili- teracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review, 66(1), 60-92.
  • Olson, R.K., Wise, B.W., Ring, J., & Johnson, M. logy, 32(4), 389-401. (1997). Computer-based remedial training in phone- me awareness and phonological decoding: Effects on the post-training development on word recognition. Research in Reading, 23(2), 136-148. Scientific Studies of Reading, 1, 235-253.
  • Pearman, C. (2003). Effects of electronic texts on the independent reading comprehension of second grade students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas.
  • Pearman, C.J., & Lefever-Davis, S. (2006). Suppor- ting the essential elements with CD-ROM storybooks. Reading Horizons, 46(4), 301-313.
  • Reinking, D., McKenna, M. C., Labbo, L. D., & Kief- fer, R. D. (Eds.) (1998). Handbook of literacy and te- chnology transformations in a post-typographic world.
  • Roth, S. F., & Beck, I. L. (1987). Theoretical and ins- tructional implications of the assessment of two micro- computer word recognition programs. Reading Resear- ch Quarterly, 22(2), 197-218.
  • Scoresby, K. J. (1996). The effects of electronic story- book animations on third graders’ story recall. Unpub- lished doctoral dissertation, Brigham Young University.
  • Silver-Pacuilla, H., Ruedel, K., & Mistret, S. (2004). A review of technology-based approaches for reading instructions: Tools for researchers and vendors. (Natio- nal Center for Technology Innovation). Retrieved from http://www.cited.org/library/site/docs/AReviewTech- nology-BasedApproaches_final.pdf
  • Spear-Swerling, L., & Sternberg, R. (1996). Off track: When poor readers become “learning disabled.” New York: Westview Press.
  • Storyjumper (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www. storyjumper.com.
  • Trushell, J., Burrell, C., & Maitland, A. (2001). Year 5 pupils reading an interactive storybooks on CD ROM: Losing the plot? British Journal of Educational Techno
  • Underwood, J. (2000). A comparison of two types of computer support for reading development. Journal of
  • Unsworth, L. (2003). Reframing research and litera- cy pedagogy relating to CD narratives: Addressing radi- cal change in digital age literature for children. Issue in Educational Research, 13(2), 55-70.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 102 - 108, 31.12.2013



  • Allington, R. L., & Cunningham, P. M. (1996). Scho- ols that work: Where all children read and write. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.
  • Alvermann, D.E., Moon, J.S., & Hagood, M.C. (1999). Popular culture in the classroom: Teaching and researching critical media literacy. Newark, DE, and Chicago, IL: International Reading Association and the National Reading Conference.
  • Calvani, A., Cartelli, A., Fini, A., & Ranieri, M. (2008). Models and instruments for assessing digital competence at school. Journal of e-Learning and Know- ledge Society, 4(3), 183-193.
  • De Jong, M. T., & Bus, A. G. (2002). Quality of bo- ok-reading matters for emergent readers: An experi- ment with the same book in a regular or electronic for- mat. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 145-155.
  • Ertem, I. S. (2009). Investigating the effects of ele- ctronic cd-rom storybooks and traditional print stor- ybooks on reading comprehension of fourth grade struggling readers. Unpublished doctoral dissertaion, University of Florida.
  • Ertem, I. S. (2010). The effect of electronic storybo- oks on struggling fourth-graders’ reading comprehensi- on. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Techno- logy, 9(4),140-155.
  • Graham, S., Harris, K., MacArthur, C. A., & Schwartz, S. S. (1991). Writing and writing instruction with students with learning disabilities: A review of a program of research. Learning Disability Quarterly, 14, 89-114.
  • Greenlee-Moore, M., & Smith, L. (1996). Interactive computer software: The effects on young children’s re- ading achievement. Reading Psychology, 17(1), 43–64.
  • Houston, C. (2011). Digital books for digital natives. Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children. 9(3), 39-42.
  • International Children’s Digital Library (n.d.). Ret- rieved from http://en.childrenslibrary.org
  • Labbo, L.D., & Kuhn, M.R. (2000). Weaving chains of affect and cognition: A young child’s understanding of CD-ROM talking books. Journal of Literacy Resear- ch, 32, 187-210.
  • Lewin, C. (2000). Exploring the effects of talking Manwah, NJ: Erlbaum. book software in UK primary classrooms, Journal of Research in Reading, 23(2), 149-157.
  • Lewis, R. B. (1998). Assistive technology and lear- ning disabilities: Today’s realities and tomorrow’s pro- mises. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31(1), 16-26.
  • Makebeliefscomix (n.d.). Retrieved from http:// www.makebeliefscomix.com
  • Matthew, K. (1997). A comparison of influence of interactive CD-ROM storybooks. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29(3), 263-276.
  • McKenna, M. C., Reinking, D., Labbo, L. D., & Kief- fer, R. D. (1999). The electronic transformation of lite- racy and its implications for the strugging reader. Rea- ding and Writing Quarterly, 15, 111-126.
  • Moody, A. K. (2010). Using electronic books in the classroom to enhance emergent literacy skills in young children. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 11(4), 22- 52.
  • New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multili- teracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review, 66(1), 60-92.
  • Olson, R.K., Wise, B.W., Ring, J., & Johnson, M. logy, 32(4), 389-401. (1997). Computer-based remedial training in phone- me awareness and phonological decoding: Effects on the post-training development on word recognition. Research in Reading, 23(2), 136-148. Scientific Studies of Reading, 1, 235-253.
  • Pearman, C. (2003). Effects of electronic texts on the independent reading comprehension of second grade students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas.
  • Pearman, C.J., & Lefever-Davis, S. (2006). Suppor- ting the essential elements with CD-ROM storybooks. Reading Horizons, 46(4), 301-313.
  • Reinking, D., McKenna, M. C., Labbo, L. D., & Kief- fer, R. D. (Eds.) (1998). Handbook of literacy and te- chnology transformations in a post-typographic world.
  • Roth, S. F., & Beck, I. L. (1987). Theoretical and ins- tructional implications of the assessment of two micro- computer word recognition programs. Reading Resear- ch Quarterly, 22(2), 197-218.
  • Scoresby, K. J. (1996). The effects of electronic story- book animations on third graders’ story recall. Unpub- lished doctoral dissertation, Brigham Young University.
  • Silver-Pacuilla, H., Ruedel, K., & Mistret, S. (2004). A review of technology-based approaches for reading instructions: Tools for researchers and vendors. (Natio- nal Center for Technology Innovation). Retrieved from http://www.cited.org/library/site/docs/AReviewTech- nology-BasedApproaches_final.pdf
  • Spear-Swerling, L., & Sternberg, R. (1996). Off track: When poor readers become “learning disabled.” New York: Westview Press.
  • Storyjumper (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www. storyjumper.com.
  • Trushell, J., Burrell, C., & Maitland, A. (2001). Year 5 pupils reading an interactive storybooks on CD ROM: Losing the plot? British Journal of Educational Techno
  • Underwood, J. (2000). A comparison of two types of computer support for reading development. Journal of
  • Unsworth, L. (2003). Reframing research and litera- cy pedagogy relating to CD narratives: Addressing radi- cal change in digital age literature for children. Issue in Educational Research, 13(2), 55-70.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

İhsan Ertem

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertem, İ. (2013). Exploring the role of digital children’s literature in the technology-based literacy instruction. Okuma Yazma Eğitimi Araştırmaları, 1(2), 102-108.

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Okuma Yazma Eğitimi Araştırmaları / Research in Reading & Writing Instruction Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.