The aim of this study is to identify the link between foreign language learning motivation and English preparatory class students' participation in the extracurricular activities programmes. The differences between the motivation levels of the students based on their participation in the extracurricular activities are defined and students’ participation is also compared in terms of gender and education level. The study group consists of 340 students. The data were gathered by “Motivation Scale in English Language Learning”. Results indicated a significant difference between the students' motivation level towards English and participation in extracurricular activities in favour of the ones who attended these activities. It is also concluded that participation in extracurricular activities had a significantly positive impact on the students' attitude towards learning English. However, it was found out that there is not a significant relationship between the gender, education level and motivation level of the students participating in the extracurricular activities. The results have been discussed within the context of Socio-Educational Motivation Theory.
Bacon, C. K., & Kim, S. Y. (2018). “English is my only weapon”: Neoliberal language ideologies and youth metadiscourse in South Korea. Linguistics and Education, 48, 10-21.
Barnett, L. A. (2007). “Winners” and “Losers”: The effects of being allowed or denied entry into competitive extracurricular activities. Journal of Leisure Research, 39(2), 316-344.
Bartkus, K. R., Nemelka, B., Nemelka, M., & Gardner, P. (2012). Clarifying the meaning of extracurricular activity: A literature review of definitions. American Journal of Business Education, 5(6), 693-704.
Belaja, K., Boon Sai, G. T., & Wei Lin, A. L. (2012). Effects of the lecturer's transactional presence towards learners' intrinsic motivation in learning English as a second language through distance education. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 14(1), 77-97.
Berg, M. A. (2013). Evaluating a game design for language learning-exploiting psychological needs to increase motivation for learning. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Norway Science and Technology University, Norway.
Block, D., Gray, J., & Holborow, M. (2012). Neoliberalism and applied linguistics. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Bradford, A. (2007). Motivational orientations in under-researched FLL contexts: Findings from Indonesia. RELC Journal, 38(3), 302-323.
Bulut Özek, M., & Pektaş, M. (2016). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin İngilizce öğretiminde Dyned programını kullanmaya ilişkin tutum ve motivasyonları. Secondary school students’ attitude and motivations related to using Dyned learning English. Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Öğretmen Eğitimi Dergisi, 5(1), 32-38. Retrieved from
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. Demirel, F., & Kılıç, E. (2016). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Scientific Research Methods. Pegem Akademi.
Cooper, H., Valentine, J. C., Nye, B., & Lindsay, J. J. (1999). Relationships between five after-school activities and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(2), 369-378.
Council, B. & TEPAV (2014). Türkiye’deki devlet okullarında İngilizce dilinin öğretimine ilişkin ulusal ihtiyaç analizi. National needs assessment for the teaching of English in state schools in Turkey. Yorum Basın Yayın Sanayi Ltd. Şti, Ankara.
Çelik, S., & Bayraktar Çepni, S. (2020). Turkish university students’ experiences of learning English: Is English class a dark forest or a clear sky? Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 14(2), 97-118.
Çetintaş, B. (2010). Türkiye’de yabancı dil eğitim ve öğretiminin sürekliliği. The consistency of foreign language education and teaching in Turkey. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 6(1), 65-74.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Motivation, personality, and development within embedded social contexts: An overview of self-determination theory. In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of human motivation (p. 85–107). Oxford University Press.
Demydovych, O., & Holik, O. (2020). Speaking club as an interactive extracurricular activity in learning English for professional purposes at medical universities. Advanced Education, 7(14), 4-10.
Dörnyei, Z. (1990). Conceptualizing motivation in foreign language learning. Language Learning, 40, 46-78.
Dörnyei, Z. (2001). Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Education First. (2015). EF English Proficiency Index, 5th edition. (p. 67).
Education First. (2019). EF English Proficiency Index, 9th edition. (p. 52).
Enăchescu, V. (2019). Management of educational potential through extracurricular activities. Revista de Management Comparat International, 20(3), 317-322. 10.24818/RMCI.2019.3.317
Gao, X. (2008). The ‘English corner’ as an out-of-class learning activity. ELT Journal, 63(1), 60-67.
Gardner, R. C., & Lambert, W. E. (1972). Attitudes and motivation in second-language learning. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House Publishers.
Gardner, R.C. (1985). Social psychology and second language learning: The role of attitudes motivation. London: Edward Arnold.
Gardner, R.C. (2001, February). Integrative Motivation: Past, Present and Future. Paper presented at Distinguished Lecturer Series, Tokyo, Temple University, Japan Campus.
Gardner, R. C. (2006). The socio-educational model of second language acquisition: A research paradigm. Eurosla yearbook, 6(1), 237-260.
Harter, S. (1981). A new self-report scale of intrinsic versus extrinsic orientation in the classroom: Motivational and informational components. Developmental Psychology, 17(3), 300-312.
Haznedar, B. (2010, November). Türkiye’de yabancı dil eğitimi: reformlar, yönelimler ve öğretmenlerimiz. Foreign language education in Turkey: reforms, trends and teachers Paper presented at International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Antalya, Turkey.
Henry, A. (2014). Swedish students’ beliefs about learning English in and outside of school. In Lasagabaster, Doiz & Sierra (Eds.), Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From Theory to Practice, 93-116.
Kartal, G., & Başol, H. Ç. (2019). Generic teacher competencies and the English language teacher education program in Turkey. Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 13(2), 133–154.
Kashefian-Naeeini,S., Aminlari, F. & Mousavi, H.(2018). An investigation into attitudes towards learning English and the motivation type (integrative vs. instrumental) in Iranian students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 6(3). 204-213.
Kassas, M. (2002). Environmental education: Biodiversity. Environmentalist, 22(4), 345-351.
Kelahmetoğlu, F., & Kaya, M. H. (2017). An experiential learning project at tertiary level EFL context. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 7(1), 453-458. Retrieved from
Kızıltepe, Z. (2000). Attitudes and motivation of Turkish EFL students towards second language learning. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 129-130, 141-168.
Kızıltepe, Z. (2003). Considering gender with attitudes and motivation of EFL students. Eğitim ve Bilim, 28(130), 75-82. Retrieved from
King, A. E., McQuarrie, F. A., & Brigham, S. M. (2020). Exploring the relationship between student success and participation in extracurricular activities. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 1-17.
Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Pergamon.
Kuimova M. V., & Polyushko, D. A. (2015). Dramatization of extracurricular activities as a means to enhance foreign language teaching. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 10(1), 72-73.
Kyriacou, C. & Zhu, D. (2008). Shangai pupils’ motivation towards learning English and the perceived influence of important others. Educational Studies, 34(2), 97-104.
Lamb, M., & Arisandy, F. E. (2020). The impact of online use of English on motivation to learn. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(1-2), 85-108.
Lu, M. (2011). Why do we need to learn English in Taiwan?”: English language ideologies in a country seeking internationalization. In Proceedings of the 16th conference of Pan-Pacific association of applied linguistics (pp. 153-160).
Maehr, M. L., & Midgley, C. (1991). Enhancing student motivation: A schoolwide approach. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 399-427.
McKillup, S. (2005). Statistics explained: An introductory guide for life scientists (Second edition). United States: Cambridge University Press.
Mehdiyev, E., Uğurlu, C., & Usta, H. (2017). İngilizce dil öğreniminde motivasyon ölçeği geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. The validity and reliability study of English language learning difficulties scale. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 13(3), 411-429.
Morris, F. (2001). Language learning motivation for the class of 2002: Why first-year Puerto Rican high school students learn English. Language and Education, 15(4), 269-278.
Moyer, M. (2018). English in times of crisis. Mobility and work among young Spaniards in London. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18(4), 424-435.
Murray, G. (2011). Imagination, metacognition and the L2 self in a self-access learning environment. In Murray, Gao & Lamb (Eds.), Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning (pp. 75-90).
Ohashi, L. (2016). Taking english outside of the classroom through social networking: reflections on a two-year project. CALL Communities and Culture–Short Papers From EUROCALL 2016, 345-350.
Ojima, S., Matsuba-Kurita, H., Nakamura, N., Hoshino, T., & Hagiwara, H. (2011). Age and amount of exposure to a foreign language during childhood: Behavioral and erp data on the semantic comprehension of spoken English by Japanese children. Neuroscience Research, 70(2), 197-205.
Paek, S. H., Park, H., Runco, M. A., & Choe, H. S. (2016). The contribution of ideational behavior to creative extracurricular activities. Creativity Research Journal, 28(2), 144-148.
Pintrich, P. R., & Schunk, D. H. (2002). Motivation in education: theory, research, and applications. Merrill.
Reva, A. (2012). The role of extracurricular activities in foreign language learning in university settings. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Saskatchewan University, Canada.
Sarı, M. (2012). An investigation of high school students’ participation in extracurricular activities. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 5(1), 72-89. Retrieved from
Saricoban, G. (2012). Foreign Language Education Policies in Turkey. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 2643–2648.
Sengkey, V. G., & Galag, E. H. (2018). Student attitudes and motivation in learning English. Catalyst, 17, 115-122.
Soner, O. (2007). Türkiye’de yabanci dil eğitiminin dünü bugünü. Öneri Dergisi, 7 (28), 397-404. DOI: 10.14783/maruoneri.684553
Stearns, E., & Glennie, E. J. (2010). Opportunities to participate: extracurricular activities’ distribution across and academic correlates in high schools. Social Science Research, 39(2), 296-309.
Tatar, S. (2017). An overview of research on second/foreign language learner motivation and future directions. Çukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 46(2), 697-710. Doi: 10.14812/cuefd.282067
Taylan, H. (2017). The factors that affect language learning motivation of adult learners who learn english as a foreign language in Turkish university context. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(14), 411-430. Doi:10.7827/Turkishstudies.11395
Ulum, Ö. G., & Uzun, K. (2020). Critical perspective of English teaching and learning in Turkey. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(2), 456-460.
Van Marsenille, A. T. M. A. (2015). Informal language learning: The perspective of higher education students in Brussels. A Case Study. (Unpublished EdD thesis). The Open University.
Yashima, T. (2000). Orientations and motivations in foreign language learning: A study of Japanese college students. JACET Bulletin. 31, 121-133.
Bacon, C. K., & Kim, S. Y. (2018). “English is my only weapon”: Neoliberal language ideologies and youth metadiscourse in South Korea. Linguistics and Education, 48, 10-21.
Barnett, L. A. (2007). “Winners” and “Losers”: The effects of being allowed or denied entry into competitive extracurricular activities. Journal of Leisure Research, 39(2), 316-344.
Bartkus, K. R., Nemelka, B., Nemelka, M., & Gardner, P. (2012). Clarifying the meaning of extracurricular activity: A literature review of definitions. American Journal of Business Education, 5(6), 693-704.
Belaja, K., Boon Sai, G. T., & Wei Lin, A. L. (2012). Effects of the lecturer's transactional presence towards learners' intrinsic motivation in learning English as a second language through distance education. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 14(1), 77-97.
Berg, M. A. (2013). Evaluating a game design for language learning-exploiting psychological needs to increase motivation for learning. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Norway Science and Technology University, Norway.
Block, D., Gray, J., & Holborow, M. (2012). Neoliberalism and applied linguistics. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Bradford, A. (2007). Motivational orientations in under-researched FLL contexts: Findings from Indonesia. RELC Journal, 38(3), 302-323.
Bulut Özek, M., & Pektaş, M. (2016). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin İngilizce öğretiminde Dyned programını kullanmaya ilişkin tutum ve motivasyonları. Secondary school students’ attitude and motivations related to using Dyned learning English. Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Öğretmen Eğitimi Dergisi, 5(1), 32-38. Retrieved from
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. Demirel, F., & Kılıç, E. (2016). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Scientific Research Methods. Pegem Akademi.
Cooper, H., Valentine, J. C., Nye, B., & Lindsay, J. J. (1999). Relationships between five after-school activities and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(2), 369-378.
Council, B. & TEPAV (2014). Türkiye’deki devlet okullarında İngilizce dilinin öğretimine ilişkin ulusal ihtiyaç analizi. National needs assessment for the teaching of English in state schools in Turkey. Yorum Basın Yayın Sanayi Ltd. Şti, Ankara.
Çelik, S., & Bayraktar Çepni, S. (2020). Turkish university students’ experiences of learning English: Is English class a dark forest or a clear sky? Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 14(2), 97-118.
Çetintaş, B. (2010). Türkiye’de yabancı dil eğitim ve öğretiminin sürekliliği. The consistency of foreign language education and teaching in Turkey. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 6(1), 65-74.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Motivation, personality, and development within embedded social contexts: An overview of self-determination theory. In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of human motivation (p. 85–107). Oxford University Press.
Demydovych, O., & Holik, O. (2020). Speaking club as an interactive extracurricular activity in learning English for professional purposes at medical universities. Advanced Education, 7(14), 4-10.
Dörnyei, Z. (1990). Conceptualizing motivation in foreign language learning. Language Learning, 40, 46-78.
Dörnyei, Z. (2001). Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Education First. (2015). EF English Proficiency Index, 5th edition. (p. 67).
Education First. (2019). EF English Proficiency Index, 9th edition. (p. 52).
Enăchescu, V. (2019). Management of educational potential through extracurricular activities. Revista de Management Comparat International, 20(3), 317-322. 10.24818/RMCI.2019.3.317
Gao, X. (2008). The ‘English corner’ as an out-of-class learning activity. ELT Journal, 63(1), 60-67.
Gardner, R. C., & Lambert, W. E. (1972). Attitudes and motivation in second-language learning. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House Publishers.
Gardner, R.C. (1985). Social psychology and second language learning: The role of attitudes motivation. London: Edward Arnold.
Gardner, R.C. (2001, February). Integrative Motivation: Past, Present and Future. Paper presented at Distinguished Lecturer Series, Tokyo, Temple University, Japan Campus.
Gardner, R. C. (2006). The socio-educational model of second language acquisition: A research paradigm. Eurosla yearbook, 6(1), 237-260.
Harter, S. (1981). A new self-report scale of intrinsic versus extrinsic orientation in the classroom: Motivational and informational components. Developmental Psychology, 17(3), 300-312.
Haznedar, B. (2010, November). Türkiye’de yabancı dil eğitimi: reformlar, yönelimler ve öğretmenlerimiz. Foreign language education in Turkey: reforms, trends and teachers Paper presented at International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Antalya, Turkey.
Henry, A. (2014). Swedish students’ beliefs about learning English in and outside of school. In Lasagabaster, Doiz & Sierra (Eds.), Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From Theory to Practice, 93-116.
Kartal, G., & Başol, H. Ç. (2019). Generic teacher competencies and the English language teacher education program in Turkey. Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 13(2), 133–154.
Kashefian-Naeeini,S., Aminlari, F. & Mousavi, H.(2018). An investigation into attitudes towards learning English and the motivation type (integrative vs. instrumental) in Iranian students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 6(3). 204-213.
Kassas, M. (2002). Environmental education: Biodiversity. Environmentalist, 22(4), 345-351.
Kelahmetoğlu, F., & Kaya, M. H. (2017). An experiential learning project at tertiary level EFL context. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 7(1), 453-458. Retrieved from
Kızıltepe, Z. (2000). Attitudes and motivation of Turkish EFL students towards second language learning. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 129-130, 141-168.
Kızıltepe, Z. (2003). Considering gender with attitudes and motivation of EFL students. Eğitim ve Bilim, 28(130), 75-82. Retrieved from
King, A. E., McQuarrie, F. A., & Brigham, S. M. (2020). Exploring the relationship between student success and participation in extracurricular activities. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 1-17.
Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Pergamon.
Kuimova M. V., & Polyushko, D. A. (2015). Dramatization of extracurricular activities as a means to enhance foreign language teaching. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 10(1), 72-73.
Kyriacou, C. & Zhu, D. (2008). Shangai pupils’ motivation towards learning English and the perceived influence of important others. Educational Studies, 34(2), 97-104.
Lamb, M., & Arisandy, F. E. (2020). The impact of online use of English on motivation to learn. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(1-2), 85-108.
Lu, M. (2011). Why do we need to learn English in Taiwan?”: English language ideologies in a country seeking internationalization. In Proceedings of the 16th conference of Pan-Pacific association of applied linguistics (pp. 153-160).
Maehr, M. L., & Midgley, C. (1991). Enhancing student motivation: A schoolwide approach. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 399-427.
McKillup, S. (2005). Statistics explained: An introductory guide for life scientists (Second edition). United States: Cambridge University Press.
Mehdiyev, E., Uğurlu, C., & Usta, H. (2017). İngilizce dil öğreniminde motivasyon ölçeği geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. The validity and reliability study of English language learning difficulties scale. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 13(3), 411-429.
Morris, F. (2001). Language learning motivation for the class of 2002: Why first-year Puerto Rican high school students learn English. Language and Education, 15(4), 269-278.
Moyer, M. (2018). English in times of crisis. Mobility and work among young Spaniards in London. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18(4), 424-435.
Murray, G. (2011). Imagination, metacognition and the L2 self in a self-access learning environment. In Murray, Gao & Lamb (Eds.), Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning (pp. 75-90).
Ohashi, L. (2016). Taking english outside of the classroom through social networking: reflections on a two-year project. CALL Communities and Culture–Short Papers From EUROCALL 2016, 345-350.
Ojima, S., Matsuba-Kurita, H., Nakamura, N., Hoshino, T., & Hagiwara, H. (2011). Age and amount of exposure to a foreign language during childhood: Behavioral and erp data on the semantic comprehension of spoken English by Japanese children. Neuroscience Research, 70(2), 197-205.
Paek, S. H., Park, H., Runco, M. A., & Choe, H. S. (2016). The contribution of ideational behavior to creative extracurricular activities. Creativity Research Journal, 28(2), 144-148.
Pintrich, P. R., & Schunk, D. H. (2002). Motivation in education: theory, research, and applications. Merrill.
Reva, A. (2012). The role of extracurricular activities in foreign language learning in university settings. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Saskatchewan University, Canada.
Sarı, M. (2012). An investigation of high school students’ participation in extracurricular activities. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 5(1), 72-89. Retrieved from
Saricoban, G. (2012). Foreign Language Education Policies in Turkey. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 2643–2648.
Sengkey, V. G., & Galag, E. H. (2018). Student attitudes and motivation in learning English. Catalyst, 17, 115-122.
Soner, O. (2007). Türkiye’de yabanci dil eğitiminin dünü bugünü. Öneri Dergisi, 7 (28), 397-404. DOI: 10.14783/maruoneri.684553
Stearns, E., & Glennie, E. J. (2010). Opportunities to participate: extracurricular activities’ distribution across and academic correlates in high schools. Social Science Research, 39(2), 296-309.
Tatar, S. (2017). An overview of research on second/foreign language learner motivation and future directions. Çukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 46(2), 697-710. Doi: 10.14812/cuefd.282067
Taylan, H. (2017). The factors that affect language learning motivation of adult learners who learn english as a foreign language in Turkish university context. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(14), 411-430. Doi:10.7827/Turkishstudies.11395
Ulum, Ö. G., & Uzun, K. (2020). Critical perspective of English teaching and learning in Turkey. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(2), 456-460.
Van Marsenille, A. T. M. A. (2015). Informal language learning: The perspective of higher education students in Brussels. A Case Study. (Unpublished EdD thesis). The Open University.
Yashima, T. (2000). Orientations and motivations in foreign language learning: A study of Japanese college students. JACET Bulletin. 31, 121-133.
Albayrak, H., & Şener, T. (2021). The Relationship between Participation in Extracurricular Activities and Motivation of Foreign Language Learning. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 8(2), 122-132.