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The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum

Yıl 2019, , 52 - 58, 24.12.2019


In this article, the author presents and analyses a dedication on a limestone block unearthed during the excavations at Nysa ad Maeandrum in 2019. Found, not in situ, in the colonnaded street, the block was originally probably an architectural element of the hitherto unknown temple of Zeus. According to the text, the sculptor Eucharistos produced the front part of the temple (pronaon) together with a marble altar set up in front of it and the cult statue of Zeus. The words παρὰ ἑαυτοῦ ποιήσας ἀνέθηκε indicate that he also paid the expenses out of his own pocket. It seems that he had the financial resources for this euergetic act. In this context the status and wealth of sculptors in the cities of Western Asia Minor are examined. On the basis of the letter forms, Eucharistos’ dedication is to be dated to the 2nd or 3rd century AD.


  • Adak 2019 M. Adak, Civic Notables and their Honorific Titles in Roman Pamphylia and Pisidia, in: O. Tekin et al. (eds.), Philanthropy in Anatolia through the Ages. A symposium organized by AKMED, ANAMED, and GABAM in celebration of the 50th year of the Vehbi Koç Foundation, Istanbul 2019, 49–73 (in print).
  • Akdoğu Arca 2017 E. N. Akdoğu Arca, Nysa ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton–Kore Tapınağı’na Ait Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi, Cedrus 5, 2017, 185–198.
  • Anderson 2013 J. C. Anderson Jr., Roman Architecture in Provence, Cambridge 2013.
  • Bean – Mitford 1970 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968, Vienna 1970.
  • Behrwald 2003 R. Behrwald, Inscriptions from Pednelissus, Anatolian Studies 53, 2003, 117–130.
  • Borgia 2012 E. Borgia, Attestazioni epigrafiche di mestieri legati alla costruzione nell’Asia Minore romana e proto-bizantina: specializzazioni e ruolo sociale, in: S. Camporeale – H. Dessales– A. Pizzo (eds.), Arqueología de la Construcción III. Los procesos constructivos en el mundo romano: la economía de las obras, Madrid 2012, 53–68.
  • Claridge 2015 A. Claridge, Marble Carving Techniques, Workshops, and Artisans, in: E. A. Friedland – M. G. Sobocinski (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, New York 2015, 107–122.
  • Cousin – Deschamps 1894 G. Cousin – G. Deschamps, Voyage en Asie Mineure, BCH 18, 1894, 5–43.
  • Debord – Varinlioğlu 2018 P. Debord – E. Varinlioğlu (eds.), Hyllarima de Carie. État de la question, Bordeaux 2018.
  • Donderer 1996 M. Donderer, Zeugnisse Kleinasiens für Agone in den Bildenden Künsten, in: Fremde Zeiten. Festschrift für Jürgen Borchhardt, vol. I, Vienna, 1996, 329–338.
  • Erim – Reynolds 1991 K. T. Erim – J. J. M. Reynolds, Sculptors of Aphrodisias in the inscriptions of the city, in: Festschrift J. İnan, Istanbul 1989 [1991], 517–538.
  • Gökalp Özdil 2016 N. Gökalp Özdil, The Heavy Athlete M. Aurelius Eutychion from Nysa ad Maeandrum, Philia 2, 2016, 163–176.
  • Hellmann 1992 M. C. Hellmann, Recherches sur le vocabulaire de l’architecture grecque, d’après les inscriptions de Délos, Paris 1992.
  • Kadıoğlu 2016 M. Kadıoğlu, Der Gebrauch von Marmorsorten in der Architektur von Nysa und Teos, in: T. Ismaelli – G. Scardozzi (eds.), Ancient Quarries and Building Sites in Asia Minor. Research on Hierapolis in Phrygia and other cities in south-western Anatolia: archaeology, archaeometry, conservation, Bari 2016, 711–723.
  • Knackfuss 1924 H. Knackfuss, Der Südmarkt und die benachbarten Bauanlagen (Milet I, 7), Berlin 1924.
  • Lindner 1994 R. Lindner, Mythos und Identität: Studien zur Selbstdarstellung klein¬asiatischer Städte in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 1994.
  • Malay 1994 H. Malay, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum, Vienna 1994.
  • Özbil 2017 C. Özbil, Nysa Sikkeleri, Ankara 2017 (unpublished doctoral dissertation).
  • Öztaner et alii 2014 S. H. Öztaner – E. N. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil, Nysa ad Maeand-rum’daki Yeni Bulgular Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme, in: Ç. Aşkit et al. (eds.), In Memoriam Filiz Öktem, Ankara 2014, 225–246.
  • Pensabene – Gasparini 2015 P. Pensabene – E. Gasparini, Marble Quarries: Ancient Imperial Admi¬nistration and Modern Scientific Analyses, in: E. A. Friedland – M. G. Sobocinski (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, New York 2015, 93–106.
  • Regling 1913 K. Regling, Überblick über die Münzen von Nysa, in: W. von Diest (ed.), Nysa ad Maeandrum nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909, Berlin 1913, 70–103.
  • Ricl 2013 M. Ricl, Trapezonai in the sanctuary of Pluto and Kore at Acharaca, Ancient West and East 12, 2013, 295–302.
  • Robert 1960 L. Robert, Hellenica. Recueil d’épigraphie, de numismatique et d’antiquités grecques, vol. 11–12, Paris 1960.
  • Ruffing 2008 K. Ruffing, Die berufliche Spezialisierung in Handel und Handwerk. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Entwicklung und zu ihren Bedingungen in der römischen Kaiserzeit im östlischen Mittelmeerraum auf der Grundlage griechischer Inschriften und Papyri, Rahden 2008.
  • Schmalz 2009 G. C. R. Schmalz, Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens: A New Epigraphy and Prosopography, Leiden – Boston 2009.
  • Smith 2016 R. R. R. Smith, Aphrodisias, in: R. R. R. Smith – B. Ward-Perkins (eds.), The Last Statues of Antiquity, Oxford 2016, 145–159.
  • Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, The Wolfe Expedition in Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
  • Yegül – Favro 2019 F. Yegül – D. Favro, Roman Architecture and Urbanism. From the Origins to late Antiquity, Cambridge 2019.

Nysa ad Maeandrum’da Heykeltraş Eukharistos’un Adakları

Yıl 2019, , 52 - 58, 24.12.2019


Makalede yazar, 2019 yılı Nysa kazılarında 1 Nolu Sütunlu Cadde’de bulunmuş olan bir adak taşını tanıtmaktadır. Bu yazıta göre Eukharistos isimli bir heykeltraş, Zeus için bir kült heykeli, tapınağın pronaos bölümünü ve beyaz mermerden bir sunak yapmış ve adamıştır. Çalışmada kentteki mermer, dolayısıyla beyaz mermer kullanımı, Zeus kültünün kentteki varlığı ve yazıtta heykeltraş olarak ifade edilen kelime ve terminolojisi irdelenmektedir. Ayrıca, heykeltraşların sosyal statülerine dair mevcut veriler ışığında değerlendirme yapılmaktadır. Yazıt İ.S. II.–III. yüzyıla tarihlendirilmektedir. Yazıtın tarihlendirilmesine yönelik somut bir veri bulunmamakla beraber, harf karakteri ve kentin benzer yazıtlarının tarihleri doğrultusunda tahmin yürütülmektedir. Eukharistos’un yaptığı ve adadığı unsurlar, bu adak taşı adayıcısının, kentin hali vakti yerinde heykeltraşlarından birisi olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Adak 2019 M. Adak, Civic Notables and their Honorific Titles in Roman Pamphylia and Pisidia, in: O. Tekin et al. (eds.), Philanthropy in Anatolia through the Ages. A symposium organized by AKMED, ANAMED, and GABAM in celebration of the 50th year of the Vehbi Koç Foundation, Istanbul 2019, 49–73 (in print).
  • Akdoğu Arca 2017 E. N. Akdoğu Arca, Nysa ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton–Kore Tapınağı’na Ait Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi, Cedrus 5, 2017, 185–198.
  • Anderson 2013 J. C. Anderson Jr., Roman Architecture in Provence, Cambridge 2013.
  • Bean – Mitford 1970 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968, Vienna 1970.
  • Behrwald 2003 R. Behrwald, Inscriptions from Pednelissus, Anatolian Studies 53, 2003, 117–130.
  • Borgia 2012 E. Borgia, Attestazioni epigrafiche di mestieri legati alla costruzione nell’Asia Minore romana e proto-bizantina: specializzazioni e ruolo sociale, in: S. Camporeale – H. Dessales– A. Pizzo (eds.), Arqueología de la Construcción III. Los procesos constructivos en el mundo romano: la economía de las obras, Madrid 2012, 53–68.
  • Claridge 2015 A. Claridge, Marble Carving Techniques, Workshops, and Artisans, in: E. A. Friedland – M. G. Sobocinski (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, New York 2015, 107–122.
  • Cousin – Deschamps 1894 G. Cousin – G. Deschamps, Voyage en Asie Mineure, BCH 18, 1894, 5–43.
  • Debord – Varinlioğlu 2018 P. Debord – E. Varinlioğlu (eds.), Hyllarima de Carie. État de la question, Bordeaux 2018.
  • Donderer 1996 M. Donderer, Zeugnisse Kleinasiens für Agone in den Bildenden Künsten, in: Fremde Zeiten. Festschrift für Jürgen Borchhardt, vol. I, Vienna, 1996, 329–338.
  • Erim – Reynolds 1991 K. T. Erim – J. J. M. Reynolds, Sculptors of Aphrodisias in the inscriptions of the city, in: Festschrift J. İnan, Istanbul 1989 [1991], 517–538.
  • Gökalp Özdil 2016 N. Gökalp Özdil, The Heavy Athlete M. Aurelius Eutychion from Nysa ad Maeandrum, Philia 2, 2016, 163–176.
  • Hellmann 1992 M. C. Hellmann, Recherches sur le vocabulaire de l’architecture grecque, d’après les inscriptions de Délos, Paris 1992.
  • Kadıoğlu 2016 M. Kadıoğlu, Der Gebrauch von Marmorsorten in der Architektur von Nysa und Teos, in: T. Ismaelli – G. Scardozzi (eds.), Ancient Quarries and Building Sites in Asia Minor. Research on Hierapolis in Phrygia and other cities in south-western Anatolia: archaeology, archaeometry, conservation, Bari 2016, 711–723.
  • Knackfuss 1924 H. Knackfuss, Der Südmarkt und die benachbarten Bauanlagen (Milet I, 7), Berlin 1924.
  • Lindner 1994 R. Lindner, Mythos und Identität: Studien zur Selbstdarstellung klein¬asiatischer Städte in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 1994.
  • Malay 1994 H. Malay, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum, Vienna 1994.
  • Özbil 2017 C. Özbil, Nysa Sikkeleri, Ankara 2017 (unpublished doctoral dissertation).
  • Öztaner et alii 2014 S. H. Öztaner – E. N. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil, Nysa ad Maeand-rum’daki Yeni Bulgular Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme, in: Ç. Aşkit et al. (eds.), In Memoriam Filiz Öktem, Ankara 2014, 225–246.
  • Pensabene – Gasparini 2015 P. Pensabene – E. Gasparini, Marble Quarries: Ancient Imperial Admi¬nistration and Modern Scientific Analyses, in: E. A. Friedland – M. G. Sobocinski (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, New York 2015, 93–106.
  • Regling 1913 K. Regling, Überblick über die Münzen von Nysa, in: W. von Diest (ed.), Nysa ad Maeandrum nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909, Berlin 1913, 70–103.
  • Ricl 2013 M. Ricl, Trapezonai in the sanctuary of Pluto and Kore at Acharaca, Ancient West and East 12, 2013, 295–302.
  • Robert 1960 L. Robert, Hellenica. Recueil d’épigraphie, de numismatique et d’antiquités grecques, vol. 11–12, Paris 1960.
  • Ruffing 2008 K. Ruffing, Die berufliche Spezialisierung in Handel und Handwerk. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Entwicklung und zu ihren Bedingungen in der römischen Kaiserzeit im östlischen Mittelmeerraum auf der Grundlage griechischer Inschriften und Papyri, Rahden 2008.
  • Schmalz 2009 G. C. R. Schmalz, Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens: A New Epigraphy and Prosopography, Leiden – Boston 2009.
  • Smith 2016 R. R. R. Smith, Aphrodisias, in: R. R. R. Smith – B. Ward-Perkins (eds.), The Last Statues of Antiquity, Oxford 2016, 145–159.
  • Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, The Wolfe Expedition in Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
  • Yegül – Favro 2019 F. Yegül – D. Favro, Roman Architecture and Urbanism. From the Origins to late Antiquity, Cambridge 2019.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dilbilim
Bölüm Makaleler

Nuray Gökalp Özdil 0000-0001-7611-8732

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökalp Özdil, N. (2019). The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum. PHILIA, 5, 52-58.
AMA Gökalp Özdil N. The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum. PHILIA. Aralık 2019;5:52-58. doi:10.36991/PHILIA.201905
Chicago Gökalp Özdil, Nuray. “The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa Ad Maeandrum”. PHILIA 5, Aralık (Aralık 2019): 52-58.
EndNote Gökalp Özdil N (01 Aralık 2019) The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum. PHILIA 5 52–58.
IEEE N. Gökalp Özdil, “The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum”, PHILIA, c. 5, ss. 52–58, 2019, doi: 10.36991/PHILIA.201905.
ISNAD Gökalp Özdil, Nuray. “The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa Ad Maeandrum”. PHILIA 5 (Aralık 2019), 52-58.
JAMA Gökalp Özdil N. The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum. PHILIA. 2019;5:52–58.
MLA Gökalp Özdil, Nuray. “The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa Ad Maeandrum”. PHILIA, c. 5, 2019, ss. 52-58, doi:10.36991/PHILIA.201905.
Vancouver Gökalp Özdil N. The Sculptor Eucharistos and His Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum. PHILIA. 2019;5:52-8.