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Three Notes on Lydian Saittai

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3, 188 - 196, 31.12.2017


The author offers three short notes on the history and epigraphy of Saittai in Lydia. It is proposed, first, to identify a small community in the conventus of Sardeis, attested in the Flavian conventus-list from Ephesos, with the village of *Morei (dative) known from inscriptions. The author then collects the evidence for individuals bearing the genticilian Octavius at Saittai, and suggests that they may descend from an attested Italian immigrant to Lydia of the 60s BC. Finally, it is propo-sed that two epitaphs from second-century Saittai should be considered as twin tombstones for the same individual, Dionysios son of Epaphrodeitos. 


  • AE Année épigraphique.
  • Badian 1980 E. Badian, A fundus at Fundi, AJPh 101, 1980, 470–482.
  • Bakır-Barthel – Müller 1979 S. Bakır-Barthel – H. Müller, Inschriften aus der Umgebung von Saittai (II), ZPE 36, 1979, 163–194.
  • BE Bulletin épigraphique, annually in REG.
  • Christol – Drew-Bear 1995 M. Christol – Th. Drew-Bear, Une famille d’Italiens en Lydie, ADerg 3, 1995, 117–132.
  • CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
  • Dittmann-Schöne 2001 I. Dittmann-Schöne, Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens, Regensberg 2001.
  • Drew-Bear 1980 Th. Drew-Bear, Recherches épigraphiques et philologiques, REA 82, 1980, 155–182.
  • Eberle – LeQuéré L. Eberle – É. LeQuéré, Landed Traders, Trading Agriculturalists? Land in the Economy of the Italian Diaspora in the Greek East, JRS forthcoming.
  • Filges 2006 A. Filges, Blaundos. Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet, Tübingen 2006.
  • Foss 1982 C. Foss, A neighbour of Sardis: the city of Tmolus and its successors, Classical Antiquity 1/2, 1982, 178–205, reprinted in History and Archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor (Aldershot, 1990), X.
  • Habicht 1975 Chr. Habicht, New Evidence on the Province of Asia, JRS 65,1975, 64–91.
  • Harland 2014 P. A. Harland, Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations and Commentary II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor, Berlin 2014.
  • Herrmann 1959 P. Herrmann, Neue Inschriften zur historischen Landeskunde von Lydien und angrenzenden Gebieten, Vienna 1959.
  • Herrmann 1962 P. Herrmann, Ergebnisse einer Reise in Nordostlydien, Vienna 1962.
  • Herrmann – Malay 2007 P. Herrmann – H. Malay, New Documents from Lydia, Vienna 2007.
  • I.Ephesos H. Wankel – R. Merkelbach et al., Die Inschriften von Ephesos (7 vols.), Bonn 1979–1981 (IGSK 11–17).
  • I.Smyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna (2 vols. in 3), Bonn 1982–1990 (IGSK 23–24).
  • Kolb 1990 F. Kolb, Sitzstufeninschriften aus dem Stadion von Saittai (Lydien), EA 15, 1990, 107–118.
  • LGPN A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names.
  • MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua.
  • Michel, Recueil Ch. Michel, Recueil d’inscriptions grecques, Brussels 1900.
  • Mitchell 1979 S. Mitchell, R.E.C.A.M. notes and studies no.5: A Roman family in Phrygia, AS 29, 1979, 13–22.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor (2 vols), Oxford 1993.
  • Naour 1981 Chr. Naour, Inscriptions du Moyen Hermos, ZPE 44, 1981, 11–44.
  • Naour 1983 Chr. Naour, Nouvelles inscriptions du Moyen Hermos, EA 2, 1983, 107–141.
  • van Nijf 1997 O. M. van Nijf, The Civic World of Professional Associations in the Roman East, Amsterdam 1997.
  • Petzl 2005 G. Petzl, Neue Inschriften aus Lydien (V), EA 38, 2005, 21–34.
  • Pfuhl – Möbius 1977–1979 E. Pfuhl – H. Möbius, Die Ostgriechischen Grabreliefs (2 vols), Mainz am Rhein 1977–1979.
  • Pont 2013 A.-V. Pont, Les groupes de voisinage dans les villes d’Asie Mineure occidentale à l’époque impériale’, in: P. Fröhlich – P. Hamon (eds.), Groupes et associations dans les cites grecques (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIe siècle apr. J.-C.), Geneva 2013, 129–56.
  • Ricl 2009 M. Ricl, Legal and social status of threptoi and related categories in narrative and documentary sources, in: H. M. Cotton – R. G. Hoyland – J. J. Price – D. J. Wasserstein (eds.), From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East, Cambridge 2009, 93–114.
  • Ricl 2016 M. Ricl, The cult of Meis Axiottenos in Lydia, in: M.-P. de Hoz – J. P. Sánchez Hernández – C. Molina Valero (eds.), Between Tarhuntas and Zeus Polieus: Cultural Crossroads in the Temples and Cults of Graeco-Roman Anatolia, Leuven 2016, 151–169.
  • Robert 1937 L. Robert, Études anatoliennes. Récherches sur les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937.
  • Robert 1948 L. Robert, Hellenica: Recueil d’épigraphie, de numismatique et d’antiquités grecques, Volume VI: Inscriptions grecques de Lydie, Paris 1948.
  • Robert 1963 L. Robert, Noms indigènes dans l’Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, Paris 1963.
  • Robert 1987 L. Robert, Documents d’Asie Mineure, Athens and Paris 1987.
  • Robert, OMS L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta. Epigraphie et antiquités grecques (7 vols.), Amsterdam 1969–1990.
  • RPC III M. Amandry – A. Burnett, Roman Provincial Coinage Volume III: Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (AD 96–138), London and Paris 2015.
  • RPC IV C. Howgego – V. Heuchert, Roman Provincial Coinage Volume IV: The Antonine Period (AD 138–192) (
  • Schuler 1998 Chr. Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemeinden im hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien, Munich 1998.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.
  • TAM Tituli Asiae Minoris.
  • Thonemann 2011 P. Thonemann, Eumenes II and Apollonioucharax, Gephyra 8, 2011, 19–30.
  • Thonemann 2015 P. Thonemann, The calendar of the Roman province of Asia, ZPE 196, 123–141.
  • Zimmermann 2002 C. Zimmermann, Handwerkervereine im griechischen Osten des Imperium Romanum, Mainz 2002.

Lydia Kenti Saittai Üzerine Üç Not

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3, 188 - 196, 31.12.2017


Yazar, Lydia’daki Saittai kentinin tarihi ve epigrafisi hakkında üç not sunmaktadır. İlk olarak, Flavius dönemi Ephesos conventus listesinde belgelenen Sardeis conventus’undaki küçük bir topluluğun, yazıtlarda *Morei (dativus halinde) olarak geçen bir köy ile özdeşleştirilmesi önerilmektedir. Yazar daha sonra Saittai’da Octavius soy ismi taşıyan şahısların geçtiği belgeleri toplamakta ve onların İ.Ö. 60’lı yıllarda Lidya’ya göç ettiği bilinen İtalyan bir ailenin soyundan geldiğini önermektedir. Son olarak makalede Saittai’da ikinci yüzyıla tarihli iki mezar yazıtının aynı kişi, yani Epaphrodeitos oğlu Dionysios için dikilmiş ikiz mezar taşları olarak düşünülmesi gerektiği önerilmektedir.  


  • AE Année épigraphique.
  • Badian 1980 E. Badian, A fundus at Fundi, AJPh 101, 1980, 470–482.
  • Bakır-Barthel – Müller 1979 S. Bakır-Barthel – H. Müller, Inschriften aus der Umgebung von Saittai (II), ZPE 36, 1979, 163–194.
  • BE Bulletin épigraphique, annually in REG.
  • Christol – Drew-Bear 1995 M. Christol – Th. Drew-Bear, Une famille d’Italiens en Lydie, ADerg 3, 1995, 117–132.
  • CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
  • Dittmann-Schöne 2001 I. Dittmann-Schöne, Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens, Regensberg 2001.
  • Drew-Bear 1980 Th. Drew-Bear, Recherches épigraphiques et philologiques, REA 82, 1980, 155–182.
  • Eberle – LeQuéré L. Eberle – É. LeQuéré, Landed Traders, Trading Agriculturalists? Land in the Economy of the Italian Diaspora in the Greek East, JRS forthcoming.
  • Filges 2006 A. Filges, Blaundos. Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet, Tübingen 2006.
  • Foss 1982 C. Foss, A neighbour of Sardis: the city of Tmolus and its successors, Classical Antiquity 1/2, 1982, 178–205, reprinted in History and Archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor (Aldershot, 1990), X.
  • Habicht 1975 Chr. Habicht, New Evidence on the Province of Asia, JRS 65,1975, 64–91.
  • Harland 2014 P. A. Harland, Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations and Commentary II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor, Berlin 2014.
  • Herrmann 1959 P. Herrmann, Neue Inschriften zur historischen Landeskunde von Lydien und angrenzenden Gebieten, Vienna 1959.
  • Herrmann 1962 P. Herrmann, Ergebnisse einer Reise in Nordostlydien, Vienna 1962.
  • Herrmann – Malay 2007 P. Herrmann – H. Malay, New Documents from Lydia, Vienna 2007.
  • I.Ephesos H. Wankel – R. Merkelbach et al., Die Inschriften von Ephesos (7 vols.), Bonn 1979–1981 (IGSK 11–17).
  • I.Smyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna (2 vols. in 3), Bonn 1982–1990 (IGSK 23–24).
  • Kolb 1990 F. Kolb, Sitzstufeninschriften aus dem Stadion von Saittai (Lydien), EA 15, 1990, 107–118.
  • LGPN A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names.
  • MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua.
  • Michel, Recueil Ch. Michel, Recueil d’inscriptions grecques, Brussels 1900.
  • Mitchell 1979 S. Mitchell, R.E.C.A.M. notes and studies no.5: A Roman family in Phrygia, AS 29, 1979, 13–22.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor (2 vols), Oxford 1993.
  • Naour 1981 Chr. Naour, Inscriptions du Moyen Hermos, ZPE 44, 1981, 11–44.
  • Naour 1983 Chr. Naour, Nouvelles inscriptions du Moyen Hermos, EA 2, 1983, 107–141.
  • van Nijf 1997 O. M. van Nijf, The Civic World of Professional Associations in the Roman East, Amsterdam 1997.
  • Petzl 2005 G. Petzl, Neue Inschriften aus Lydien (V), EA 38, 2005, 21–34.
  • Pfuhl – Möbius 1977–1979 E. Pfuhl – H. Möbius, Die Ostgriechischen Grabreliefs (2 vols), Mainz am Rhein 1977–1979.
  • Pont 2013 A.-V. Pont, Les groupes de voisinage dans les villes d’Asie Mineure occidentale à l’époque impériale’, in: P. Fröhlich – P. Hamon (eds.), Groupes et associations dans les cites grecques (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIe siècle apr. J.-C.), Geneva 2013, 129–56.
  • Ricl 2009 M. Ricl, Legal and social status of threptoi and related categories in narrative and documentary sources, in: H. M. Cotton – R. G. Hoyland – J. J. Price – D. J. Wasserstein (eds.), From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East, Cambridge 2009, 93–114.
  • Ricl 2016 M. Ricl, The cult of Meis Axiottenos in Lydia, in: M.-P. de Hoz – J. P. Sánchez Hernández – C. Molina Valero (eds.), Between Tarhuntas and Zeus Polieus: Cultural Crossroads in the Temples and Cults of Graeco-Roman Anatolia, Leuven 2016, 151–169.
  • Robert 1937 L. Robert, Études anatoliennes. Récherches sur les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937.
  • Robert 1948 L. Robert, Hellenica: Recueil d’épigraphie, de numismatique et d’antiquités grecques, Volume VI: Inscriptions grecques de Lydie, Paris 1948.
  • Robert 1963 L. Robert, Noms indigènes dans l’Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, Paris 1963.
  • Robert 1987 L. Robert, Documents d’Asie Mineure, Athens and Paris 1987.
  • Robert, OMS L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta. Epigraphie et antiquités grecques (7 vols.), Amsterdam 1969–1990.
  • RPC III M. Amandry – A. Burnett, Roman Provincial Coinage Volume III: Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (AD 96–138), London and Paris 2015.
  • RPC IV C. Howgego – V. Heuchert, Roman Provincial Coinage Volume IV: The Antonine Period (AD 138–192) (
  • Schuler 1998 Chr. Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemeinden im hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien, Munich 1998.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.
  • TAM Tituli Asiae Minoris.
  • Thonemann 2011 P. Thonemann, Eumenes II and Apollonioucharax, Gephyra 8, 2011, 19–30.
  • Thonemann 2015 P. Thonemann, The calendar of the Roman province of Asia, ZPE 196, 123–141.
  • Zimmermann 2002 C. Zimmermann, Handwerkervereine im griechischen Osten des Imperium Romanum, Mainz 2002.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Peter Thonemann

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Thonemann, P. (2017). Three Notes on Lydian Saittai. PHILIA, 3, 188-196.
AMA Thonemann P. Three Notes on Lydian Saittai. PHILIA. Aralık 2017;3:188-196.
Chicago Thonemann, Peter. “Three Notes on Lydian Saittai”. PHILIA 3, Aralık (Aralık 2017): 188-96.
EndNote Thonemann P (01 Aralık 2017) Three Notes on Lydian Saittai. PHILIA 3 188–196.
IEEE P. Thonemann, “Three Notes on Lydian Saittai”, PHILIA, c. 3, ss. 188–196, 2017.
ISNAD Thonemann, Peter. “Three Notes on Lydian Saittai”. PHILIA 3 (Aralık 2017), 188-196.
JAMA Thonemann P. Three Notes on Lydian Saittai. PHILIA. 2017;3:188–196.
MLA Thonemann, Peter. “Three Notes on Lydian Saittai”. PHILIA, c. 3, 2017, ss. 188-96.
Vancouver Thonemann P. Three Notes on Lydian Saittai. PHILIA. 2017;3:188-96.