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İÖ. 3. Yüzyılda Küçük Asya’da Komutan olarak görev yapan Ptolemaios’lar ve İkinci ve Üçüncü Suriye Savaşları sırasında Ephesos ve Mylasa’ya bir Bakış

Yıl 2016, Cilt: Suppl. 1, 211 - 233, 31.08.2016


Ptolemaios II Philadelphos ve Ptolemaios III
Euergetes’in hükümdarlıkları sırasında, pek çok kaynak aynı isimli kişilerin
Küçük Asya’nın batısında seçkin mevkilerde iş başında olduğunu göstermektedir.
Bu bağlamda, bilim insanları günümüze dek çoğunlukla Ptolemaios’lar
Hanedanlı’ğının önde gelen iki ya da tek bir temsilcisini tespit
edebilmişlerdir. Yaygın görüş onu, Lysimakhos ve II. Arsione’nin oğlu ve aynı
zamanda II. Ptolemaios’un evlatlığı ve halefi olarak tayin edilmiş olan
Ptolemaios olarak kabul et­mek­tedir. Bu kişinin, İÖ. 259 yılında isyan etmeden
önce İÖ. 260’lı yıllarda Ege donanmasında Pto­lemaios’ların başkumandanı olarak
görev yaptığına ve üvey babası tarafından affedildikten sonra İÖ. 246’da
Euergetes tarafından geri çağrılıncaya dek Telmessos’ta bir prensliğe
çekildiğine inanılmaktadır. Onun, Mylasa vatandaşları ile yerel dynast
Olympikhos arasında yak. İÖ. 244 yılındaki mektuplaş­ma­lar­da bahsi geçen
“Kardeş Ptolemaios” olduğu eğilimi ön plana çıkmaktadır. Athenaios’un
bildirdiğine göre, “Oğul Ptolemaios”, tıpkı “Andromakhos olarak da bilinen
Ptolemaios” gibi (P. Haun. 6) Ephe­sos’ta öldürülmüştür. Eğer bu eşleştirme
gerçekten de doğruysa, cinayet Telmessos’taki Ptolemaios’un yak. İÖ. 239
yılında son defa belgelenmesinin ardından gerçekleşmiştir. Yazar, bu
makalesinde bu ve benzeri kurgu
lamaları masaya yatırmakta
ve barındırdıkları sayısız anormallik ve tutarsızlıklara dikkat çeke­rek onları
kesin olarak reddetmektedir. II. Antiokhos, Antiokhos Hieraks ve II. Seleukos
döne­min­de Seleukoslar ve Ptolamioslar arasında karşılıklı ilişkilerden
yaptığı çok daha sağlam temeller üzerine otur­muş kurgulamalara dayanarak
yazar, aynı ismi taşıyan bu dört kişiyi birbirinden ayırmaktadır. Buna göre,
ilk Ptolemaios Lysimakhos ve II. Arsinoe’nin oğlu olup İÖ. 270’li yıllarda
kaynaklardan kaybol­muştur. İkincisi, yani “Oğul Ptolemaios” I. Arsione’nin
oğlu ve Euergetes’in öz kardeşi olup II. An­tiokhos 258 yılında Ephesos’u ele
geçirmek üzereyken kentte çıkan bir isyan sırasında ölmüştür. Üçün­cüsü, yani “Ptolemaios
epiklesin Andromakhos”, Philadelphos’un öz oğluydu ve bu yüzden Euer­ge­tes’in
kardeşi Ptolemaios ile özdeşti ve Andromakhos oğlu, İÖ. 251 yılında
İskenderiye’de Alek­sand­ros ve Theoi Adelphoi’un rahibi Ptolemaios’un ise
babasıydı. O da İ.S. 244 yılından bir süre sonra Ephe­sos’ta öldü. Dördüncüsü,
“Telmessos’taki Ptolemaios” ise Philadelphos ve I. Arsione’nin bir diğer oğ­luy­du
ve Theokritos’a göre II. Arsinoe tarafından evlat edinilmişti. Yazar, yaptığı
bu yeni özdeş­leş­tir­melerle hem İÖ. 3. yüzyılda yaşanan güç değişimleri ve
büyük olaylara hem de Seleukos ve Pto­lemaios Hanedanlıklarının tarihine dair
yaptığı yeni kurgulamaları büyük ölçüde pekiştirmektedir.


  • Austin 2006 M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Con¬quest. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation, Cambridge 20062.
  • Bagnall 1976 R. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions outside Egypt, Leiden 1976.
  • Bengtson 1971 H. Bengtson, Die Inschriften von Labraunda und die Politik des Antigonos Doson, SBAW 1971.3, 14–20.
  • Bennett 2001–2013 Ch. Bennett, The Ptolemaic Dynasty. Published at the Tyndale House, 2001–2013. URL: htm (last visit: 3 Dec. 2013).
  • Berthold 1984 R. M. Berthold, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age, Ithaca 1984.
  • Billows 1995 R. A. Billows, Kings and Colonists, Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism, Lei¬den 1995.
  • Blümel 1992 W. Blümel, Brief des ptolemäischen Ministers Tlepolemos and die Stadt Kildara in Karien, EA 20, 1992, 127–133, Taf. 13–14.
  • Boffo 1985 L. Boffo, I re ellenistici e i centri religiosi dell’Asia Minore, Florence 1985.
  • Bouché-Leclercq 1913 A. Bouché-Leclercq, Histoire des Séleucides (323–64 avant J.-C.), 2 Vols., Paris 1913–1914.
  • Buraselis 1982 K. Buraselis, Das hellenistische Makedonien und die Ägäis, Munich 1982.
  • Bülow-Jacobsen 1979 A. Bülow-Jacobsen, P.Haun. 6. An Inspection of the Original, ZPE 36, 1979, 91–100.
  • Carney 2013 E. D. Carney, Arsinoë of Egypt and Macedon. A Royal Life, Oxford 2013.
  • Cohen 1978 G. M. Cohen, The Seleucid Colonies, Wiesbaden 1978.
  • Coşkun ca. 2015a A. Coşkun, The War of Brothers, the Third Syrian War, and the Battle of Ancyra (246–241 BC): a Re-Appraisal, (forthcoming) in: K. Erickson (ed.), War within the Family. Proceedings of Seleucid Study Day III. Panel at the VIIth Celtic Conference in Classics, Bordeaux, 5–8 September 2012, ca. 2015.
  • Coşkun ca. 2015b A. Coşkun, Laodike I, Berenike Phernophoros, Dynastic Murders, and the Out¬break of the Third Syrian War (253–246 BC), forthcoming in: idem/A. McAuley (eds.), Seleukid Royal Women: Roles and Representations. Pro¬ceedings of Seleucid Study Day IV, McGill University, Montreal Feb. 2013, ca. 2015.
  • Coşkun, in preparation A. Coşkun, Antiochos I Soter, the Galatians, and Seleukid Rule in Asia Minor before the Peace of Apamea, in preparation.
  • Crampa 1969 J. Crampa, Labraunda. Swedish Excavations and Researches. Vol. III, Part I: The Greek Inscriptions. Part I: 1–12 (Period of Olympichus), Lund 1969. (=ILabraunda)
  • Dignas 2002 B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Oxford 2002 (repr. 2004).
  • Ehling 2003 K. Ehling, Unruhen, Aufstände und Abfallbewegungen der Bevölkerung in Phö¬nikien, Syrien und Kilikien unter den Seleukiden, Historia 52, 2003, 300–36.
  • Erickson ca. 2015 K. Erickson, Antiochos Soter and the War of the Brothers, forthcoming in: K. Erickson (ed.): War within the Family. Proceedings of Seleucid Study Day III. Panel at the VIIth Celtic Conference in Classics, Bordeaux, 5–8 September 2012 (ca. 2015).
  • Grainger 1997 J. D. Grainger, A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer, Leiden 1997.
  • Grainger 2010 J. D. Grainger, The Syrian Wars, Leiden 2010.
  • Gygax 2000 M. D. Gygax, Ptolemaios, Bruder des Königs Ptolemaios III. Euergetes, und Mylasa: Bemerkungen zu I.Labraunda Nr. 3, Chiron 30, 2000, 353–366.
  • Gygax 2001 M. D. Gygax, Untersuchungen zu den lykischen Gemeinwesen in klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit, Bonn 2001.
  • Gygax 2002 M. D. Gygax, Zum Mitregenten des Ptolemaios II. Philadelphos, Historia 51, 2002, 49–56.
  • Habicht 1980 Ch. Habicht, Bemerkungen zum P. Haun. 6, ZPE 39, 1980, 1–5.
  • Hauben 1990 H. Hauben, L’expédition de Ptolémée III en Orient et la sédition domes¬tique de 245 av. J.-C., APF 36, 1990, 29–37.
  • Heinen 1972 H. Heinen, Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen Geschichte des 3. Jahr¬hun¬derts v. Chr. Zur Geschichte der Zeit des Ptolemaios Keraunos und zum Chremonideischen Krieg, Wiesbaden 1972.
  • Herzog 1930 R. Herzog, Griechische Königsbriefe, Hermes 65, 1930, 455–471.
  • Heuß 1975 A. Heuß, Die Freiheitserklärung von Mylasa in den Inschriften von Labran¬da, in: J. Bingen et al. (edd.), Le monde grec: pensée, littérature, histoire, docu¬ments , hommages à Claire Précaux, Bruxelles 1975, 403–415.
  • Higbie 2003 C. Higbie, The Lindian Chronicle and the Greek Creation of their Past, Oxford 2003.
  • Hölbl 1994 G. Hölbl, Geschichte des Ptolemäerreiches. Politik. Ideologie und religiöse Kul¬tur von Alexander dem Großen bis zur römischen Eroberung, Darmstadt 1994 (Cf.: A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, trans. by Tina Saavedra, London 2000).
  • Huß 1998 W. Huß, Ptolemaios der Sohn, ZPE 121, 1998, 229–250.
  • Huß 2001 W. Huß, Ägypten in hellenistischer Zeit, München 2001.
  • Kobes 1994 J. Kobes, Mylasa und Kildara in ptolemäischer Hand? Überlegungen zu zwei hellenistischen Inschriften aus Karien, EA 24, 1994, 1–6.
  • Kobes 1996 J. Kobes, „Kleine Könige.“ Untersuchungen zu den Lokaldynasten im helle¬nistischen Kleinasien (323–188 v.Chr.), St. Katharinen 1996.
  • Lehmann 1998 G. A. Lehmann, Expansionspolitik im Zeitalter des Hochhellenismus: Die Anfangsphase des ,Laodike-Krieges’ 246/5 v.Chr. in: Th. Hantos – G. A. Lehmann (edd.), Althistorisches Kolloquium zum Anlaß des 70. Geburtstags von Jochen Bleicken, Stuttgart 1998, 81–102.
  • Ma 1999 J. Ma, Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor, Oxford 1999.
  • Martinez-Sève 2002/3 L. Martinez-Sève, Laodike, femme d’Antiochos II: du roman à la récon¬struction historique, REG 116, 2002/3 (2004), 690–706.
  • Meadows 2013 A. Meadows, Two ‘Double’ Dedications at Ephesus and the Beginning of Ptolemaic Control of Ionia, Gephyra 10, 2013, 1–12.
  • Nourse 2002 K. L. Nourse, Women and the Early Development of Royal Power in the Hellenistic East, Diss. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 2002.
  • Oikonomides 1984a A. N. Oikonomides, The Death of Ptolemy “The Son” at Ephesos and P. Bouriant 6, ZPE 56, 1984, 148–150.
  • Oikonomides 1984b A. N. Oikonomides, Opron and the Sea-Battle of Andros. A Note in Ptole¬maic History and Prosopography, ZPE 56, 1984, 151–152.
  • P.Haun. I T. Larsen (ed.), Literarische Texte und ptolemäische Urkunden, Copen¬hagen 1942.
  • Piejko 1990 F. Piejko, Episodes from the Third Syrian War in a Gurob Papyrus, 246 BC, APF 36, 1990, 13–27.
  • PP Prosopographia Ptolemaica, ed. by W. Peremans, E. Van’t Dack et al., 10 vols., Leuven 1950–2002. Lemmata have been accessed through the database Tris¬megistos – People (see below). Cf. also: Clarysse, W. et al. (eds.): Pro¬so¬po¬graphia Ptolemaica, Leuven 2009. URL: http://prosptol.arts.kuleuven.
  • Ramsey, forthcoming G. Ramsey, Seleucid Land and Native Populations: Laodike II and the Competition for Power in Asia Minor and Babylonia, in: R. Oetjen – F. X. Ryan (eds.): Seleukeia: Studies in Seleucid History, Archaeology and Numis¬matics in Honor of Getzel M. Cohen, Berlin (forthcoming).
  • Ravazzolo 1996 C. Ravazzolo, Tolemeo Figlio di Tolemeo II Filadelfeo, Studi Ellenistici 8, 1996, 123–143.
  • Reger 1985/93 G. Reger, The Date of the Battle of Kos, AJAH 10, 1985 (1993), 155–177.
  • Reger 1994 G. Reger, The Political History of the Kyklades, 260–200 BC, Historia 43, 1994, 32–69.
  • Rigsby 1996 K. J. Rigsby, Asylia. Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World, Berkeley CA 1996.
  • Robert 1966 L. Robert, Documents de l᾿Asie Mineure méridionale. Inscriptions, monnaies et géographie. Hautes Études du monde gréco-romain 2, Geneva 1966.
  • Robert – Robert 1970 L. Robert – J. Robert, Labraunda, BE 83, 1970, 448–454 no. 542–553.
  • Segre 1938 M. Segre, Iscrizioni di Licia, Clara Rhodos 9, 1938, 181–209.
  • Segre 1942/43 M. Segre, Una genealogia di Tolemei e le Imagines Maiorum, Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 19, 1942/43, 269–280.
  • Seibert 1976 J. Seibert, Die Schlacht bei Ephesos, Historia 25, 1976, 45–61.
  • Trismegistos Trismegistos. An interdisciplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources dealing with Egypt and the Nile valley between roughly 800 BC and AD 800. Under the Direction of Marc Depauw, K. U. Leuven, last update: 20 Dec. 2013. URL: (last visit: 29 Dec. 2013) – For searching names or persons, click “People”.
  • Tunny 2000 J. A. Tunny, Ptolemy “the Son” Reconsidered: Are there too Many Pto¬lemies?, ZPE 131, 2000, 83–92.
  • van der Spek/Finkel, BCHP 11 B. van der Spek – I. Finkel, Ptolemy III Chronicle (BCHP 11), at the web¬site URL: iii/bchp_ptolemy_iii_01.html (10 June 2013)
  • Virgilio 2001 B. Virgilio, Re, città et tempio nelle iscrizioni di Labraunda, Studi Ellenistici 8, 2001, 39–56.
  • Virgilio 2003 B. Virgilio, Lancia, Diadema e porpora. Il re e la regalità ellenistica. Seconda edizione rinnovata e ampliata con una Appendice documentaria, Pisa 2003.
  • Walbank 1988 F. Walbank, From the Battle of Ipsus to the Death of Antigonos Doson, in: N. G. L. Hammond – F. Walbank (eds.), A History of Macedonia III, Ox¬ford 1988, 199–364.
  • Wiemer 2002 H.-U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie. Untersuchungen zur Ge¬schich¬te des hellenistischen Rhodos, Berlin 2002.
  • Will 1979 É. Will, Histoire politique du monde hellénistique, 323–30 av. J.-C., Vol 1, Nancy 19792.
  • Wörrle 1978 M. Wörrle, Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens II: Pto¬le¬maios II und Telmessos, Chiron 8, 1978, 201–246.

Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars

Yıl 2016, Cilt: Suppl. 1, 211 - 233, 31.08.2016


During the rules of Ptolemy II Philadelphos and
Ptolemy III Euergetes, several sources attest namesakes operating in western
Asia Minor in distinguished positions. On this basis, scho­lars have so far
identified mostly two or even one single prominent representative(s) of the
House of the Ptolemies. The prevailing unitarian reconstruction regards him as
Ptolemy, son of Lysi­machos and Arsinoe II, and at the same time as the
adoptive son and designated successor of Pto­lemy II, he is believed to have
functioned as Ptolemaic commander-in-chief of the Aegean fleet in the 260s BC,
before revolting in Ephesos in 259, pardoned by his adoptive father, he would
have retired to a principality in Telmessos until his recall by Euergetes in
246. He tends to be identified with ‘Ptolemy the Brother’ mentioned in the
correspondence between the local dynast Olympichos and the citizens of Mylasa
in ca. 244. ‘Ptolemy the Son’ is reported to have been killed in Ephesos by
Athenaios, just as a certain ‘Ptolemy epiklesin Andromachos’ (P. Haun. 6). If
indeed identical, his murder occurred after the last attestation of ‘Ptolemy of
Telmessos’ in ca. 239. This and similar reconstructions have always been
fraught with numerous inconsistencies and anomalies, but can now firmly be
rejected based on more reliable reconstructions of Seleukid-Ptolemaic interactions
under Antiochos II, Antiochos Hierax and Seleukos II. As a result, we should
distinguish four namesakes: first, Ptolemy, son of Arsinoe II and Lysimachos,
who vanished from our sources in the 270s. Second, ‘Ptolemy the Son’, born to
Arsinoe I and full brother of Euergetes, who died in a revolt in Ephesos while
Antiochos II was about to capture the city in 258. Third, ‘Ptolemy epi­klesin
Andromachos’ was a natural son of Philadelphos, thus identical with ‘Ptolemy
the Brot­her’ of Euergetes, he was the father of Ptolemy, son of Andromachos
and priest of Alexander and the Theoi Adelphoi in Alexandria 251/50, he also
died in Ephesos sometime after 244. Fourth, ‘Ptolemy of Telmessos’ was another
son of Philadelphos and Arsinoe I, later adopted by Arsinoe II, as attested by
Theokritos. These new identifications substantially impact our reconstruction
of major events and changes of power in 3rd-century Asia Minor as well as of
the dynastic histories of the Seleukids and Ptolemies.


  • Austin 2006 M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Con¬quest. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation, Cambridge 20062.
  • Bagnall 1976 R. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions outside Egypt, Leiden 1976.
  • Bengtson 1971 H. Bengtson, Die Inschriften von Labraunda und die Politik des Antigonos Doson, SBAW 1971.3, 14–20.
  • Bennett 2001–2013 Ch. Bennett, The Ptolemaic Dynasty. Published at the Tyndale House, 2001–2013. URL: htm (last visit: 3 Dec. 2013).
  • Berthold 1984 R. M. Berthold, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age, Ithaca 1984.
  • Billows 1995 R. A. Billows, Kings and Colonists, Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism, Lei¬den 1995.
  • Blümel 1992 W. Blümel, Brief des ptolemäischen Ministers Tlepolemos and die Stadt Kildara in Karien, EA 20, 1992, 127–133, Taf. 13–14.
  • Boffo 1985 L. Boffo, I re ellenistici e i centri religiosi dell’Asia Minore, Florence 1985.
  • Bouché-Leclercq 1913 A. Bouché-Leclercq, Histoire des Séleucides (323–64 avant J.-C.), 2 Vols., Paris 1913–1914.
  • Buraselis 1982 K. Buraselis, Das hellenistische Makedonien und die Ägäis, Munich 1982.
  • Bülow-Jacobsen 1979 A. Bülow-Jacobsen, P.Haun. 6. An Inspection of the Original, ZPE 36, 1979, 91–100.
  • Carney 2013 E. D. Carney, Arsinoë of Egypt and Macedon. A Royal Life, Oxford 2013.
  • Cohen 1978 G. M. Cohen, The Seleucid Colonies, Wiesbaden 1978.
  • Coşkun ca. 2015a A. Coşkun, The War of Brothers, the Third Syrian War, and the Battle of Ancyra (246–241 BC): a Re-Appraisal, (forthcoming) in: K. Erickson (ed.), War within the Family. Proceedings of Seleucid Study Day III. Panel at the VIIth Celtic Conference in Classics, Bordeaux, 5–8 September 2012, ca. 2015.
  • Coşkun ca. 2015b A. Coşkun, Laodike I, Berenike Phernophoros, Dynastic Murders, and the Out¬break of the Third Syrian War (253–246 BC), forthcoming in: idem/A. McAuley (eds.), Seleukid Royal Women: Roles and Representations. Pro¬ceedings of Seleucid Study Day IV, McGill University, Montreal Feb. 2013, ca. 2015.
  • Coşkun, in preparation A. Coşkun, Antiochos I Soter, the Galatians, and Seleukid Rule in Asia Minor before the Peace of Apamea, in preparation.
  • Crampa 1969 J. Crampa, Labraunda. Swedish Excavations and Researches. Vol. III, Part I: The Greek Inscriptions. Part I: 1–12 (Period of Olympichus), Lund 1969. (=ILabraunda)
  • Dignas 2002 B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Oxford 2002 (repr. 2004).
  • Ehling 2003 K. Ehling, Unruhen, Aufstände und Abfallbewegungen der Bevölkerung in Phö¬nikien, Syrien und Kilikien unter den Seleukiden, Historia 52, 2003, 300–36.
  • Erickson ca. 2015 K. Erickson, Antiochos Soter and the War of the Brothers, forthcoming in: K. Erickson (ed.): War within the Family. Proceedings of Seleucid Study Day III. Panel at the VIIth Celtic Conference in Classics, Bordeaux, 5–8 September 2012 (ca. 2015).
  • Grainger 1997 J. D. Grainger, A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer, Leiden 1997.
  • Grainger 2010 J. D. Grainger, The Syrian Wars, Leiden 2010.
  • Gygax 2000 M. D. Gygax, Ptolemaios, Bruder des Königs Ptolemaios III. Euergetes, und Mylasa: Bemerkungen zu I.Labraunda Nr. 3, Chiron 30, 2000, 353–366.
  • Gygax 2001 M. D. Gygax, Untersuchungen zu den lykischen Gemeinwesen in klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit, Bonn 2001.
  • Gygax 2002 M. D. Gygax, Zum Mitregenten des Ptolemaios II. Philadelphos, Historia 51, 2002, 49–56.
  • Habicht 1980 Ch. Habicht, Bemerkungen zum P. Haun. 6, ZPE 39, 1980, 1–5.
  • Hauben 1990 H. Hauben, L’expédition de Ptolémée III en Orient et la sédition domes¬tique de 245 av. J.-C., APF 36, 1990, 29–37.
  • Heinen 1972 H. Heinen, Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen Geschichte des 3. Jahr¬hun¬derts v. Chr. Zur Geschichte der Zeit des Ptolemaios Keraunos und zum Chremonideischen Krieg, Wiesbaden 1972.
  • Herzog 1930 R. Herzog, Griechische Königsbriefe, Hermes 65, 1930, 455–471.
  • Heuß 1975 A. Heuß, Die Freiheitserklärung von Mylasa in den Inschriften von Labran¬da, in: J. Bingen et al. (edd.), Le monde grec: pensée, littérature, histoire, docu¬ments , hommages à Claire Précaux, Bruxelles 1975, 403–415.
  • Higbie 2003 C. Higbie, The Lindian Chronicle and the Greek Creation of their Past, Oxford 2003.
  • Hölbl 1994 G. Hölbl, Geschichte des Ptolemäerreiches. Politik. Ideologie und religiöse Kul¬tur von Alexander dem Großen bis zur römischen Eroberung, Darmstadt 1994 (Cf.: A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, trans. by Tina Saavedra, London 2000).
  • Huß 1998 W. Huß, Ptolemaios der Sohn, ZPE 121, 1998, 229–250.
  • Huß 2001 W. Huß, Ägypten in hellenistischer Zeit, München 2001.
  • Kobes 1994 J. Kobes, Mylasa und Kildara in ptolemäischer Hand? Überlegungen zu zwei hellenistischen Inschriften aus Karien, EA 24, 1994, 1–6.
  • Kobes 1996 J. Kobes, „Kleine Könige.“ Untersuchungen zu den Lokaldynasten im helle¬nistischen Kleinasien (323–188 v.Chr.), St. Katharinen 1996.
  • Lehmann 1998 G. A. Lehmann, Expansionspolitik im Zeitalter des Hochhellenismus: Die Anfangsphase des ,Laodike-Krieges’ 246/5 v.Chr. in: Th. Hantos – G. A. Lehmann (edd.), Althistorisches Kolloquium zum Anlaß des 70. Geburtstags von Jochen Bleicken, Stuttgart 1998, 81–102.
  • Ma 1999 J. Ma, Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor, Oxford 1999.
  • Martinez-Sève 2002/3 L. Martinez-Sève, Laodike, femme d’Antiochos II: du roman à la récon¬struction historique, REG 116, 2002/3 (2004), 690–706.
  • Meadows 2013 A. Meadows, Two ‘Double’ Dedications at Ephesus and the Beginning of Ptolemaic Control of Ionia, Gephyra 10, 2013, 1–12.
  • Nourse 2002 K. L. Nourse, Women and the Early Development of Royal Power in the Hellenistic East, Diss. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 2002.
  • Oikonomides 1984a A. N. Oikonomides, The Death of Ptolemy “The Son” at Ephesos and P. Bouriant 6, ZPE 56, 1984, 148–150.
  • Oikonomides 1984b A. N. Oikonomides, Opron and the Sea-Battle of Andros. A Note in Ptole¬maic History and Prosopography, ZPE 56, 1984, 151–152.
  • P.Haun. I T. Larsen (ed.), Literarische Texte und ptolemäische Urkunden, Copen¬hagen 1942.
  • Piejko 1990 F. Piejko, Episodes from the Third Syrian War in a Gurob Papyrus, 246 BC, APF 36, 1990, 13–27.
  • PP Prosopographia Ptolemaica, ed. by W. Peremans, E. Van’t Dack et al., 10 vols., Leuven 1950–2002. Lemmata have been accessed through the database Tris¬megistos – People (see below). Cf. also: Clarysse, W. et al. (eds.): Pro¬so¬po¬graphia Ptolemaica, Leuven 2009. URL: http://prosptol.arts.kuleuven.
  • Ramsey, forthcoming G. Ramsey, Seleucid Land and Native Populations: Laodike II and the Competition for Power in Asia Minor and Babylonia, in: R. Oetjen – F. X. Ryan (eds.): Seleukeia: Studies in Seleucid History, Archaeology and Numis¬matics in Honor of Getzel M. Cohen, Berlin (forthcoming).
  • Ravazzolo 1996 C. Ravazzolo, Tolemeo Figlio di Tolemeo II Filadelfeo, Studi Ellenistici 8, 1996, 123–143.
  • Reger 1985/93 G. Reger, The Date of the Battle of Kos, AJAH 10, 1985 (1993), 155–177.
  • Reger 1994 G. Reger, The Political History of the Kyklades, 260–200 BC, Historia 43, 1994, 32–69.
  • Rigsby 1996 K. J. Rigsby, Asylia. Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World, Berkeley CA 1996.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Altay Coşkun

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: Suppl. 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşkun, A. (2016). Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars. PHILIA, Suppl. 1, 211-233.
AMA Coşkun A. Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars. PHILIA. Ağustos 2016;Suppl. 1:211-233.
Chicago Coşkun, Altay. “Ptolemaioi As Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa During the Second and Third Syrian Wars”. PHILIA Suppl. 1, Ağustos (Ağustos 2016): 211-33.
EndNote Coşkun A (01 Ağustos 2016) Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars. PHILIA Suppl. 1 211–233.
IEEE A. Coşkun, “Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars”, PHILIA, c. Suppl. 1, ss. 211–233, 2016.
ISNAD Coşkun, Altay. “Ptolemaioi As Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa During the Second and Third Syrian Wars”. PHILIA SUPPL. 1 (Ağustos 2016), 211-233.
JAMA Coşkun A. Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:211–233.
MLA Coşkun, Altay. “Ptolemaioi As Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa During the Second and Third Syrian Wars”. PHILIA, c. Suppl. 1, 2016, ss. 211-33.
Vancouver Coşkun A. Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:211-33.