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Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları

Year 2022, , 81 - 120, 29.06.2022


İnsanlardan kaynaklanan faaliyetler sonucunda okyanuslarda önemli oranda kirlenme ve yıkım oluşmuştur. Bu geniş ekosistem içerisinde insan kaynaklı kirlenmenin, yıkımın ve iklim değişikliğinin boyutları okyanus yaşamı ve onunla bağlantılı olarak yeryüzündeki yaşam üzerinde büyük bir tehlike oluşturmaktadır. Gerekli koruma faaliyetleri yapılmadığı sürece bu etkinin artması kaçınılmazdır. Bu bağlamda deniz çevresinin korunması kavramı son otuz yıl içerisinde önemli bir dönüşüm geçirmiştir. Kirliliğin önlenmesi ve kontrolüne odaklanan geleneksel yaklaşımın yerine büyük ölçüde daha geniş bir koruma yaklaşımını içerisinde barındıran, her bir deniz alanının kendine özgü niteliklerini dikkate alan bütün bir deniz ekosisteminin korunmasını amaçlayan ekosistem temelli bir yaklaşım ön plandadır. Devletlerin kendi deniz ülkelerinin deniz çevresinin korunmasına yönelik düzenlemelerle bu alanlara yönelik koruyucu tedbirler aldıkları görülmekle birlikte, kendi ulusal yargı yetkilerinin dışındaki açık deniz alanlarında bu korumanın yetersiz olduğu görülmektedir. Deniz yaşamına yönelik karşılaşılan bu sorunların çözümü noktasında kapsamı ve büyüklüğü farklı olmakla birlikte deniz koruma alanları bu işlevin yerine getirilmesi noktasında önemlidir. Deniz koruma alanlarının öncelikli hedefi okyanuslardaki biyolojik çeşitliliğinin korunmasıdır. Deniz koruma alanları bilim insanları tarafından, ilgili deniz alanının özelliklerinin dikkate alınarak, koruma alanının uygun bir şekilde planlanması ve etkili bir şekilde yönetilmesi halinde hassas ekosistemlerin korunması açısından uygun araçlar olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda Dünya’nın en büyük ortak kullanım alanı olan açık denizler konusunda çok daha etkin koruma rejimlerinin oluşturulması, yaşanan ve ileride yaşanılacak yıkım düşünüldüğünde acil bir sorun olarak insanlığın karşısında durmaktadır.


  • Birnie P, Boyle A and Redgwell C, International Law & The Environment (3th edn, Oxford 2009). google scholar
  • Güneş AM, Çevre Hukukunda İhtiyat İlkesi (1th edn Bilge Yayınevi 2012). google scholar
  • Hey E, International Environmental Law (1th edn, Edward Elgar Publishing 2016). google scholar
  • Kuran S, Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku, (4th edn, Beta Yayınevi 2014). google scholar
  • Rothwell DR and Stephens T, The International Law of the Sea, (1th edn Bloomsbury Publishing 2016). google scholar
  • Şimşek GE, Uluslararası Hukukta Doğal Hayatın Korunması, (1th edn, Beta Yayınevi 2016). google scholar
  • Balık G, ‘Uluslararası Deniz Hukukunda Deniz Çevresinin Korunması ve Özel Duyarlı Deniz Alanlarının Uluslararası Hukuktaki Dayanağı’ in Öztürk B and Keskin Ç (eds) Özel Duyarlı Deniz Alanları (Tüdav Egitim Yayınları 2005) 7-16. google scholar
  • Bratspies RM and Telesetsky A, ‘Marine Environmental Law: UNCLOS, Ocean Governance and Fisheries’ Roudledge Handbook of International Environmental Law in Alam S, Bhuiyan JH, Chowdhury T and Techera EJ (Roudledge 2012) 259-277. google scholar
  • Clark B and Clausen R, ‘Okyanus Krizi: Kapitalizm ve Deniz Ekosistemlerinin Bozulması’ (2008) Baysal B (çev) (19 Monthly Review 75-95. google scholar
  • Cremean D and Techera EJ, ‘Marine Pollution Law’ Roudledge Handbook of International Environmental Law in Alam S, Bhuiyan JHMD, Chowdhury TMR and Techera EJ (Roudledge 2012) 277-295. google scholar
  • Day J, Dudley N, Hockings M, Holmes G, Laffoley D, Stolton S, Wells S and Wenzel L, ‘ Guidelines for applying the IUCN protected area management categories to marine protected areas’(2019) (19) 8 Developing capacity for a protected planet Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series <> Erişim Tarihi 15 July 2021. google scholar
  • Ertör I, ‘ Meta Menzilinin Yeni Durağı Balık Çiftlikleri’ (2016) 138-139 Toplum ve Bilim Dergisi 51-67. google scholar
  • Freestone D, ‘The Limits of Sectoral and Regional Efforts to Designate High Seas Marine Protected Areas’,(2018) 112 AJIL Unbound 129-133. google scholar
  • Güneş ŞA, ‘Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi ve Deniz Çevresinin Korunması’ (2007) 56 (2) Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 1-37. google scholar
  • Kılıç S, ‘Türkiye Denizlerindeki Balık Stoklarının Yönetimi İçin Yeni Bir Kavram: ‘İhtiyatlı Balıkçılık Yönetimi’ (2014) (4) Yunus Araştırma Bülteni 85-97. google scholar
  • Long R, ‘Legal Aspects of Ecosystem Based Marine Management in Europe’ (2012) 26 Coastal and Ocean Planning and Management Ocean Yearbook 417-484. google scholar
  • Molenaar Eric J. & Alex G. Oude Elferink, Marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction The pioneering efforts under the OSPAR Convention, Utrecht Law Review, 5, 1, 2009, 5-20. google scholar
  • Oral N, ‘Protection Vulnarable of Marine Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdictio: Can International Law Meet the Challenge?’ Strati A, Govonueli M and Skourtos N (eds), Unresolved Issues and New Challenges to the Law of the Sea, (2006) 54 Martinus Nishoff Publishers, Publications on Ocean Devolopment 85-108. google scholar
  • Oral N, ‘Açık Denizler İçin Yeni Bir Uluslararası Anlaşma ve Deniz Koruma Alanları’ in Algan N and Gönülal O (eds) Ulusal Yetki Alanları Dışında Kalan Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Yönetilmesi, (Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Vakfı 2019) 1-7. google scholar
  • Puhg L, ‘Sometimes Crazy Gets The Job Done’ (UNEP org, 17 July 2017) sometimes-crazy-gets-the-job-done/ Erişim Tarihi 20 June 2021. google scholar
  • Reçber Sercan, ‘Okyanusların Korunması ve Ross Denizi Örneği’, VIII. Uluslararası İlişkiler Kongresi, Küresel ve Bölgesel Sistemde Devlet ve Devletdışı Aktörler Tam Metin Kitabı, (2016) 507-515. google scholar
  • Reeve LLN, Domino AR and Gjerde KM, ‘The Future of High Seas Marine Protected Areas’ (2012) 26 Ocean Governance For Marine Conservation Ocean Yearbook 265-290. google scholar
  • Salaa E, Lubchencob J, Colvertb KG, Novellic C, Robertsd C and Rashid Sumailae UR, ‘Assessing Real Progress Towards Effective Ocean Protection’ (2018) 91 Marine Policy 11-13. google scholar
  • Scott KN, ‘Conservation on the High Seas: Developing the Concept of the High Seas Marine Protected Areas’ (2012) (27) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 849-857. google scholar
  • Wang Y, ‘Reasonable Restrictions on Freedom of High Seas by “Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas”: An Empirical Research’ (2019) 12(2) Journal of East Asia and International Law 245-268. google scholar
  • Tanaka Y, ‘Reflections on High Seas Marine Protected Areas: A Comparative Analysis of the Mediterranean and the North-East Atlantic Models’ (2012) 81 Nordic Journal of International Law 295-326. google scholar
  • Vicuna FO, ‘The Effectiviness of the Decision-Making Machinery of CCAMLR An Assesment’, in Dahl AJ and Ostreng W The Antarctic Treaty System in World Politics (Palgrave Macmillan 1991) 21-36. google scholar
  • Wright G, Rochette J, Gjerde K and Isabel Seeger, ‘IDRRI Study, The long and winding road: negotiating a treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction’, (2018) 9< Catalogue%20Iddri/Etude/201808-Study_HauteMer-long%20and%20winding%20road.pdf Erişim Tarihi 25 June 2021. google scholar
  • Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Higly Migratory Fish Stocks (adopted 4 Agust 1995 enterden into force 11 December 2001) 2167 UNTS 3. google scholar
  • Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment& Development, Rio De Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 <> Erişim Tarihi 15 June 2021. google scholar
  • Convention on Biological Diversity (adopted 5 June 1992, entered into force 29 December 1993) 1760 UNTS 79. google scholar
  • Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 10 Semptember 1964) 516 UNTS 205. google scholar
  • Convention on the Continental Shelf (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 10 June 1964) 499 UNTS 311. google scholar
  • Convention on the High Seas (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 30 Semptember 1962) 450 UNTS 11. google scholar
  • Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 20 Marrch 1966) 559 UNTS 285. google scholar
  • Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (adopted 20 May 1980, entered into force 7 April 1982) 1329 UNTS 47 (CAMLR). google scholar
  • Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (adopted 22 September 1992, entered into force 25 March 1998) 2354 UNTS 64 ( OSPAR). google scholar
  • Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution (with annex and Protocols for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft and Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency (adopted 16 February 1976, entered into force 12 February 1978) 1102 UNTS 27. google scholar
  • Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution, <https://wedocs.unep. org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/35759/77ig9_inf3_bc_eng.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 20 June 2021. google scholar
  • Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Dıversity, Fifth Meeting Nairobi, 15-26 May 2000, <>cop>cop-05>offical>cop>05-23-en> Erişim Tarihi 22 June 2021. google scholar
  • CBD, COP 9 Decisions, Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 15 December 2018 Erişim Tarihi 14 June 2021. google scholar
  • CCAMLR Conservation Measures, Conservation Measure 91-03 (2009) Protection of the South Orkney Islands southern shelf, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • CCAMLR’s 35th. Annual Meeting More Than The Creation Of The World’s Largest MPA> Erişim Tarihi 27 May 2021. google scholar
  • Ecosystem Approaches, Oceans and Law of the Sea, Division for Ocean Affairs and the law of the sea, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, Bergen Declaration, 7-9> Erişim tarihi 28 June 2021. google scholar
  • Greenpeace, ‘What a Global Ocean Treaty means- and why it matters to all of us’(Greenpeace 17 September 2018) <> Erişim Tarihi 15 June 2021. google scholar
  • Guidance on the Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Management of Human Activities in the European Marine Environment. ICES Cooperative Research Report no. 273 <https://www.ices. dk/sites/pub/Publication%20Reports/Cooperative%20Research%20Report%20(CRR)/CRR273. pdf > Erişim tarihi 28 July 2021. google scholar
  • How MPAs Safeguard the High Seas Reserves protect biodiversity, build resilience to climate change, A Brief From the PEW Charatible Trusts, July 2019, 2. < research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2019/08/how-mpas-safeguard-the-high-seas.> Erişim Tarihi 17 July 2021. google scholar
  • International Convention (with annexes) for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954 (adopted 12 May 1954, entered into force 26 July 1958) 4714 UNTS ( OILPOL). google scholar
  • International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (adopted 29 November 1969, entered into force 6 May 1975) 970 UNTS 211. google scholar
  • International Convention for the regulation of Whaling (adopted 2 December 1946, entered into force 10 November 1948) 161 UNTS 72 (ICRW). google scholar
  • Okyanusların en büyük sorunu plastik kirliliği, 18.02.2017, Erişim Tarihi 2 June 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commision Protecting and Conserving the North East Atlantic and its Resources,> Erişim Tarihi 28 June 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commission < biodiversity-committee/> Erişim Tarihi 26 July 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commission, Criteria for the Identification of Species and Habitats in Need of Protection and their Method of Application, 12 December 2018, < agreements?q=Identification.pdf.)> Erişim Tarihi 26 July 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commission, Quality Status Report 2010 <> Erişim tarihi 28 June 2021. google scholar
  • Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (adopted 17 February 1978, entered into force 2 October 1983) 1340,1341 UNTS 61,3. google scholar
  • Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversıty in the Mediterranean, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • Ptotected Planet <> Erişim Tarihi 29 July 2021. google scholar
  • United Nations Conference on the Environment, 5-16 June 1972, Stockolm. < en/conferences/environment/stockholm1972> Erişim Tarihi 28 May 2021. google scholar
  • United Nations Conference on Environment& Development, Rio De Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 <> Erişim Tarihi 15 June 2021. google scholar
  • United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, “Developing and Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Ocean-related Activities” < bckgrd_ecosystem_approach.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • UNGA Res 62/215 (22 December 2007). google scholar
  • UNGA Res 72/249 (19 January 2018). google scholar
  • UNGA, A/75/L.96, 09.06.2021, < > Erişim Tarihi 16 June 2021. google scholar
  • Torrey Canyon, International Maritime Commitee, < uploads/2018/06/TORREY-CANYON-1.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 21 October 2021. google scholar
  • The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill A Report to the President,< spill%20RTP.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 21 October 2021. google scholar
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  • World Charter for Nature, UNGA res 37/7 (28 October 1982) < record/39295> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar 30x30: NRDC’s Commitment to Protect Nature and Life on Earth, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar

Protection of the High Seas and Marine Protected Areas

Year 2022, , 81 - 120, 29.06.2022


Significant pollution and destruction have taken place in the oceans as a result of human activities. Human-induced pollution in this vast ecosystem, destruction and dimensions of climate change pose a great danger to ocean life and thus life on earth. It is inevitable that this effect will increase unless the necessary measures are taken. The concept of protection of the marine environment has undergone a significant transformation in the last three decades. An approach that includes a broader conservation approach, takes into account the unique characteristics of each marine area, and aims to protect the entire marine ecosystem, is adopted. Although it is seen that the states are taking protective measures for these areas with the regulations for the protection of the environments of their own marine territory, these measures appear to be insufficient in offshore areas outside the states’ national jurisdictions. When it comes to solving these problems for marine life, marine protection areas are important in terms of fulfilling this function, although their scope and size differ. Marine protection areas are considered by scientists as suitable tools for the protection of sensitive ecosystems in the case of appropriate planning and effective management of the protected area, taking into account the characteristics of the marine area concerned. The creation of much more effective protection regimes on the high seas which are the world’s largest communal area, stands before humanity as an urgent problem, considering the current and future destruction going on.


  • Birnie P, Boyle A and Redgwell C, International Law & The Environment (3th edn, Oxford 2009). google scholar
  • Güneş AM, Çevre Hukukunda İhtiyat İlkesi (1th edn Bilge Yayınevi 2012). google scholar
  • Hey E, International Environmental Law (1th edn, Edward Elgar Publishing 2016). google scholar
  • Kuran S, Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku, (4th edn, Beta Yayınevi 2014). google scholar
  • Rothwell DR and Stephens T, The International Law of the Sea, (1th edn Bloomsbury Publishing 2016). google scholar
  • Şimşek GE, Uluslararası Hukukta Doğal Hayatın Korunması, (1th edn, Beta Yayınevi 2016). google scholar
  • Balık G, ‘Uluslararası Deniz Hukukunda Deniz Çevresinin Korunması ve Özel Duyarlı Deniz Alanlarının Uluslararası Hukuktaki Dayanağı’ in Öztürk B and Keskin Ç (eds) Özel Duyarlı Deniz Alanları (Tüdav Egitim Yayınları 2005) 7-16. google scholar
  • Bratspies RM and Telesetsky A, ‘Marine Environmental Law: UNCLOS, Ocean Governance and Fisheries’ Roudledge Handbook of International Environmental Law in Alam S, Bhuiyan JH, Chowdhury T and Techera EJ (Roudledge 2012) 259-277. google scholar
  • Clark B and Clausen R, ‘Okyanus Krizi: Kapitalizm ve Deniz Ekosistemlerinin Bozulması’ (2008) Baysal B (çev) (19 Monthly Review 75-95. google scholar
  • Cremean D and Techera EJ, ‘Marine Pollution Law’ Roudledge Handbook of International Environmental Law in Alam S, Bhuiyan JHMD, Chowdhury TMR and Techera EJ (Roudledge 2012) 277-295. google scholar
  • Day J, Dudley N, Hockings M, Holmes G, Laffoley D, Stolton S, Wells S and Wenzel L, ‘ Guidelines for applying the IUCN protected area management categories to marine protected areas’(2019) (19) 8 Developing capacity for a protected planet Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series <> Erişim Tarihi 15 July 2021. google scholar
  • Ertör I, ‘ Meta Menzilinin Yeni Durağı Balık Çiftlikleri’ (2016) 138-139 Toplum ve Bilim Dergisi 51-67. google scholar
  • Freestone D, ‘The Limits of Sectoral and Regional Efforts to Designate High Seas Marine Protected Areas’,(2018) 112 AJIL Unbound 129-133. google scholar
  • Güneş ŞA, ‘Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi ve Deniz Çevresinin Korunması’ (2007) 56 (2) Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 1-37. google scholar
  • Kılıç S, ‘Türkiye Denizlerindeki Balık Stoklarının Yönetimi İçin Yeni Bir Kavram: ‘İhtiyatlı Balıkçılık Yönetimi’ (2014) (4) Yunus Araştırma Bülteni 85-97. google scholar
  • Long R, ‘Legal Aspects of Ecosystem Based Marine Management in Europe’ (2012) 26 Coastal and Ocean Planning and Management Ocean Yearbook 417-484. google scholar
  • Molenaar Eric J. & Alex G. Oude Elferink, Marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction The pioneering efforts under the OSPAR Convention, Utrecht Law Review, 5, 1, 2009, 5-20. google scholar
  • Oral N, ‘Protection Vulnarable of Marine Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdictio: Can International Law Meet the Challenge?’ Strati A, Govonueli M and Skourtos N (eds), Unresolved Issues and New Challenges to the Law of the Sea, (2006) 54 Martinus Nishoff Publishers, Publications on Ocean Devolopment 85-108. google scholar
  • Oral N, ‘Açık Denizler İçin Yeni Bir Uluslararası Anlaşma ve Deniz Koruma Alanları’ in Algan N and Gönülal O (eds) Ulusal Yetki Alanları Dışında Kalan Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Yönetilmesi, (Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Vakfı 2019) 1-7. google scholar
  • Puhg L, ‘Sometimes Crazy Gets The Job Done’ (UNEP org, 17 July 2017) sometimes-crazy-gets-the-job-done/ Erişim Tarihi 20 June 2021. google scholar
  • Reçber Sercan, ‘Okyanusların Korunması ve Ross Denizi Örneği’, VIII. Uluslararası İlişkiler Kongresi, Küresel ve Bölgesel Sistemde Devlet ve Devletdışı Aktörler Tam Metin Kitabı, (2016) 507-515. google scholar
  • Reeve LLN, Domino AR and Gjerde KM, ‘The Future of High Seas Marine Protected Areas’ (2012) 26 Ocean Governance For Marine Conservation Ocean Yearbook 265-290. google scholar
  • Salaa E, Lubchencob J, Colvertb KG, Novellic C, Robertsd C and Rashid Sumailae UR, ‘Assessing Real Progress Towards Effective Ocean Protection’ (2018) 91 Marine Policy 11-13. google scholar
  • Scott KN, ‘Conservation on the High Seas: Developing the Concept of the High Seas Marine Protected Areas’ (2012) (27) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 849-857. google scholar
  • Wang Y, ‘Reasonable Restrictions on Freedom of High Seas by “Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas”: An Empirical Research’ (2019) 12(2) Journal of East Asia and International Law 245-268. google scholar
  • Tanaka Y, ‘Reflections on High Seas Marine Protected Areas: A Comparative Analysis of the Mediterranean and the North-East Atlantic Models’ (2012) 81 Nordic Journal of International Law 295-326. google scholar
  • Vicuna FO, ‘The Effectiviness of the Decision-Making Machinery of CCAMLR An Assesment’, in Dahl AJ and Ostreng W The Antarctic Treaty System in World Politics (Palgrave Macmillan 1991) 21-36. google scholar
  • Wright G, Rochette J, Gjerde K and Isabel Seeger, ‘IDRRI Study, The long and winding road: negotiating a treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction’, (2018) 9< Catalogue%20Iddri/Etude/201808-Study_HauteMer-long%20and%20winding%20road.pdf Erişim Tarihi 25 June 2021. google scholar
  • Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Higly Migratory Fish Stocks (adopted 4 Agust 1995 enterden into force 11 December 2001) 2167 UNTS 3. google scholar
  • Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment& Development, Rio De Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 <> Erişim Tarihi 15 June 2021. google scholar
  • Convention on Biological Diversity (adopted 5 June 1992, entered into force 29 December 1993) 1760 UNTS 79. google scholar
  • Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 10 Semptember 1964) 516 UNTS 205. google scholar
  • Convention on the Continental Shelf (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 10 June 1964) 499 UNTS 311. google scholar
  • Convention on the High Seas (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 30 Semptember 1962) 450 UNTS 11. google scholar
  • Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas (adopted 29 April 1958, entered into force 20 Marrch 1966) 559 UNTS 285. google scholar
  • Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (adopted 20 May 1980, entered into force 7 April 1982) 1329 UNTS 47 (CAMLR). google scholar
  • Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (adopted 22 September 1992, entered into force 25 March 1998) 2354 UNTS 64 ( OSPAR). google scholar
  • Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution (with annex and Protocols for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft and Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency (adopted 16 February 1976, entered into force 12 February 1978) 1102 UNTS 27. google scholar
  • Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution, <https://wedocs.unep. org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/35759/77ig9_inf3_bc_eng.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 20 June 2021. google scholar
  • Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Dıversity, Fifth Meeting Nairobi, 15-26 May 2000, <>cop>cop-05>offical>cop>05-23-en> Erişim Tarihi 22 June 2021. google scholar
  • CBD, COP 9 Decisions, Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 15 December 2018 Erişim Tarihi 14 June 2021. google scholar
  • CCAMLR Conservation Measures, Conservation Measure 91-03 (2009) Protection of the South Orkney Islands southern shelf, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • CCAMLR’s 35th. Annual Meeting More Than The Creation Of The World’s Largest MPA> Erişim Tarihi 27 May 2021. google scholar
  • Ecosystem Approaches, Oceans and Law of the Sea, Division for Ocean Affairs and the law of the sea, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, Bergen Declaration, 7-9> Erişim tarihi 28 June 2021. google scholar
  • Greenpeace, ‘What a Global Ocean Treaty means- and why it matters to all of us’(Greenpeace 17 September 2018) <> Erişim Tarihi 15 June 2021. google scholar
  • Guidance on the Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Management of Human Activities in the European Marine Environment. ICES Cooperative Research Report no. 273 <https://www.ices. dk/sites/pub/Publication%20Reports/Cooperative%20Research%20Report%20(CRR)/CRR273. pdf > Erişim tarihi 28 July 2021. google scholar
  • How MPAs Safeguard the High Seas Reserves protect biodiversity, build resilience to climate change, A Brief From the PEW Charatible Trusts, July 2019, 2. < research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2019/08/how-mpas-safeguard-the-high-seas.> Erişim Tarihi 17 July 2021. google scholar
  • International Convention (with annexes) for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954 (adopted 12 May 1954, entered into force 26 July 1958) 4714 UNTS ( OILPOL). google scholar
  • International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (adopted 29 November 1969, entered into force 6 May 1975) 970 UNTS 211. google scholar
  • International Convention for the regulation of Whaling (adopted 2 December 1946, entered into force 10 November 1948) 161 UNTS 72 (ICRW). google scholar
  • Okyanusların en büyük sorunu plastik kirliliği, 18.02.2017, Erişim Tarihi 2 June 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commision Protecting and Conserving the North East Atlantic and its Resources,> Erişim Tarihi 28 June 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commission < biodiversity-committee/> Erişim Tarihi 26 July 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commission, Criteria for the Identification of Species and Habitats in Need of Protection and their Method of Application, 12 December 2018, < agreements?q=Identification.pdf.)> Erişim Tarihi 26 July 2021. google scholar
  • OSPAR Commission, Quality Status Report 2010 <> Erişim tarihi 28 June 2021. google scholar
  • Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (adopted 17 February 1978, entered into force 2 October 1983) 1340,1341 UNTS 61,3. google scholar
  • Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversıty in the Mediterranean, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • Ptotected Planet <> Erişim Tarihi 29 July 2021. google scholar
  • United Nations Conference on the Environment, 5-16 June 1972, Stockolm. < en/conferences/environment/stockholm1972> Erişim Tarihi 28 May 2021. google scholar
  • United Nations Conference on Environment& Development, Rio De Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 <> Erişim Tarihi 15 June 2021. google scholar
  • United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, “Developing and Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Ocean-related Activities” < bckgrd_ecosystem_approach.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
  • UNGA Res 62/215 (22 December 2007). google scholar
  • UNGA Res 72/249 (19 January 2018). google scholar
  • UNGA, A/75/L.96, 09.06.2021, < > Erişim Tarihi 16 June 2021. google scholar
  • Torrey Canyon, International Maritime Commitee, < uploads/2018/06/TORREY-CANYON-1.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 21 October 2021. google scholar
  • The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill A Report to the President,< spill%20RTP.pdf> Erişim Tarihi 21 October 2021. google scholar
  • World Oceans Day 2020: New IAEA Research Records Dramatic Increase in Microplastic Pollution in Eastern Tropical Pasific Ocean <> Erişim Tarihi 22 June 2021. google scholar
  • World Charter for Nature, UNGA res 37/7 (28 October 1982) < record/39295> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar 30x30: NRDC’s Commitment to Protect Nature and Life on Earth, <> Erişim Tarihi 30 June 2021. google scholar
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Articles

Sercan Reçber 0000-0001-7834-7969

Publication Date June 29, 2022
Submission Date August 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Reçber, S. (2022). Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları. Public and Private International Law Bulletin, 42(1), 81-120.
AMA Reçber S. Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları. PPIL. June 2022;42(1):81-120. doi:10.26650/ppil.2022.42.1.981605
Chicago Reçber, Sercan. “Açık Denizlerin Korunması Ve Deniz Koruma Alanları”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 42, no. 1 (June 2022): 81-120.
EndNote Reçber S (June 1, 2022) Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 42 1 81–120.
IEEE S. Reçber, “Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları”, PPIL, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 81–120, 2022, doi: 10.26650/ppil.2022.42.1.981605.
ISNAD Reçber, Sercan. “Açık Denizlerin Korunması Ve Deniz Koruma Alanları”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 42/1 (June 2022), 81-120.
JAMA Reçber S. Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları. PPIL. 2022;42:81–120.
MLA Reçber, Sercan. “Açık Denizlerin Korunması Ve Deniz Koruma Alanları”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin, vol. 42, no. 1, 2022, pp. 81-120, doi:10.26650/ppil.2022.42.1.981605.
Vancouver Reçber S. Açık Denizlerin Korunması ve Deniz Koruma Alanları. PPIL. 2022;42(1):81-120.