Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Sayı: 88, 87 - 97, 30.12.2020


Güvenlik, yaşam kalitesinin temel bir bileşeni olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda kişisel güvenlik memnuniyeti ise Kırgızistan'da öznel iyi oluşun hayati bir bileşeni haline gelir. Böylece kişisel düzeyde güvenlik araştırması, ülkelerdeki yerel yaşam koşullarına ve ulusal güvenliğe yönelik kişisel algı ve tutumları ölçecektir.
Bu makalenin amacı, Kırgızistan'da güvenlik tatmini ve öznel iyi oluş arasındaki bağlantıyı ve ilişkiyi incelemekle beraber güvenliğin öznel iyi oluş ile pozitif yönde ilişkili olduğu hipotezini desteklemektir. Söz konusu çalışma Kırgızistan için 2013 yılında Kırgızistan'da Yaşam anketi üzerine yapılmıştır.
Çalışma bulguları, bireylerin güvenlik algıları ve yaşam memnuniyetleri arasındaki ilişki bakımından tehlikeli yollardan kaçınanların öznel iyi oluş seviyesi daha düşük olduğu fakat bireylerin şiddet kurbanı olma, gece güvende yürüme, mahallede silah sesi duyma ve önceki yıla göre şiddetin artış göstermesi hakkındaki olumlu düşüncelerinin onların yaşam memnuniyeti üzerinde olumsuz etki yaratmadığı görülmüştür.
Bununla birlikte, yüksek eğitime sahip ve yaşlıların yaşam memnuniyeti diğerlerine göre daha düşük olduğu, Kırgız etnik yapısındakilerin, evlilerin, cinsiyet, çalışanların ve gerlir seviyesi yüksek olanların öznel iyi oluiş seviyesi daha yüksek olduğu açıklanmıştır.


  • Arı, E., & Yıldız, Z. Bireylerin Yaşam Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Sıralı Lojistik Reg-resyon Analizi İle İncelenmesi // Journal of International Social Research. – 2016. – Vol. 9(42). – P. 1362-1374.
  • Boes, S. & Winkelmann, R. Income and happiness: New results from generalized threshold and sequential models, 2004.
  • Cohen, M. The Effect of Crime on Life Satisfaction // The Journal of Legal Studies. – 2008. – Vol. 37(S2). – P. 325-353.
  • Cummins. Safety and subjective well-being: A perspective from the Australian unity well-being index. In D. Webb & E. Wills-Herrera (Eds.), Subjective well-being and security. – New York: Springer // Social Indicators Research Serie. – 2012. – Vol. 46.
  • Cummins, R. A., Eckersley, R., Pallant, J., van Vugt, J. & Misajon, R. Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing: The Australian unity wellbeing index // Social Indicators Research. – 2003. – Vol. 64. – P. 159-190.
  • Di Tella, R., MacCulloch, R. & Nopo, H. Happiness and beliefs in criminal environments. Research Department Publications 4605, InterAmerican Development Bank, Research Department, 2009.
  • Diener, E., Seligman, M. Beyond money: toward an economy of well-being // The Science of Weel-Being. – 2009. – Vol. 5(1). – P. 201-265.
  • Dolan P., Peasgood T., White M. Do we really know what makes us happy? A review of the economic literature on the factors associated with subjective well-being // Journal of Economic Psychology. – 2008. – No.29. – P. 94-122.
  • Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Luz E. Orozco, Clemente Forero-Pineda, Oscar Pardo, Venetta Andonova. The relationship between perceptions of insecurity, social capital and subjective well-being: Empirical evidences from areas of rural conflict in Colombia // The Journal of Socio-Economics. – 2011. – Vol. 40(1). – P. 88-96.
  • Franc, R., Prizmic-Larsen, Z., Lipovčan, L.K. Personal Security and Fear of Crime as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being. In: Webb D., Wills-Herrera E. (eds) Subjective Well-Being and Security // Social Indicators Research Series. – 2012. – Vol 46. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Frey, B. S. & Stutzer, A. Happiness, economy and institutions // The Economic Journal. – 2000. – Vol. 110(466). – P. 818-938.
  • Hanslmaier, M. Crime, fear and subjective well-being: How victimization and street crime affect fear and life satisfaction // European Journal of Criminology. – 2013. – Vol. 10(5). – P. 515-533.
  • Heliwell, J. Life satisfaction and quality of development // National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. – 2008. – No14507.
  • Maslow, A. H. A theory of human motivation // Psychological Review. – 1943. – Vol. 50(4). – P. 370-396.
  • McCullagh, P. & Nelder, J. A. Generalized linear models (2nd ed.). – London, UK: Chapman and Hall, 1989; Peterson, B. & Harrell, F. E. Jr. Partial proportional odds models for ordinal response variables // Applied Statistics. – 1990. – Vol. 39(2). – P. 205-217. doi:10.2307/2347760.
  • Michalos, A. C. ve Zumbo, B. D. Public services and the quality of life // Social Indicators Research. – 1999. – No.48. – P.125-156.
  • Moeller, V. Resilient or resigned? Criminal victimization and quality-of-life in South Africa // Social Indicators Research. – 2005. – Vol. 72(3). – P. 263-317.
  • Møller, V. Resilient or Resigned? Criminal Victimisation and Quality of Life in South Africa // Soc Indic Res. – 2005. – No.72. – P. 263-317.
  • Moore, S. C. The value of reducing fear: An analysis using the European Social Survey // Applied Economics. – 2006. – Vol. 38(1). – P. 115-117.
  • Paksoy, M. Davranış Bilimleri / Elma Basım Yayınevi editörü. İlk baskı. – İstanbul, 2013.
  • Sarracino, F. Determinants of subjective well-being in high and low-income countries: Do happiness equations differ across countries? // The Journal of Socio-Economics. – 2013. – Vol. 4251(66).
  • Van Praag, B., Frijters, P., Ferrer-i Carbonell, A. The anatomy of subjective well-being // Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization. – 2003. – Vol. 51(1). – P. 29-49.
  • Williams, Richard. Generalized ordered logit/partial proportional odds models for ordinal dependent variables // Stata Journal. – 2006. – No.6. – P. 58-82.
  • Williams, Richard. Understanding and interpreting generalized ordered logit models // The Journal of Mathematical Sociology. – 2016. – No.40. – P. 7-20.


Yıl 2020, Sayı: 88, 87 - 97, 30.12.2020


The safety is a fundamental component of quality of life. In addition personal safety satisfaction becomes the vital component of subjective well-being in Kyrgyzstan. The investigation of safety on personal level will measure personal perceptions and attitudes toward local living conditions in the countries and national security, respectively.
The aim of this paper is to examine the connection and relationship between safety satisfaction and subjective well-being in Kyrgyzstan, support the hypothesis that safety positively correlated with subjective well-being. Our study conducted on Life in Kyrgyzstan survey for 2013 for Kyrgyzstan.
According to results of ordered logit model in Kyrgyzstan self-well-being of graduates of Higher Education and older people is lower than others. In contrast, marital and employment status, level of income and being Kyrgyz is positively effect on self-well-being. Self-well-being of people who avoid using dangerous roads is lower than others.


  • Arı, E., & Yıldız, Z. Bireylerin Yaşam Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Sıralı Lojistik Reg-resyon Analizi İle İncelenmesi // Journal of International Social Research. – 2016. – Vol. 9(42). – P. 1362-1374.
  • Boes, S. & Winkelmann, R. Income and happiness: New results from generalized threshold and sequential models, 2004.
  • Cohen, M. The Effect of Crime on Life Satisfaction // The Journal of Legal Studies. – 2008. – Vol. 37(S2). – P. 325-353.
  • Cummins. Safety and subjective well-being: A perspective from the Australian unity well-being index. In D. Webb & E. Wills-Herrera (Eds.), Subjective well-being and security. – New York: Springer // Social Indicators Research Serie. – 2012. – Vol. 46.
  • Cummins, R. A., Eckersley, R., Pallant, J., van Vugt, J. & Misajon, R. Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing: The Australian unity wellbeing index // Social Indicators Research. – 2003. – Vol. 64. – P. 159-190.
  • Di Tella, R., MacCulloch, R. & Nopo, H. Happiness and beliefs in criminal environments. Research Department Publications 4605, InterAmerican Development Bank, Research Department, 2009.
  • Diener, E., Seligman, M. Beyond money: toward an economy of well-being // The Science of Weel-Being. – 2009. – Vol. 5(1). – P. 201-265.
  • Dolan P., Peasgood T., White M. Do we really know what makes us happy? A review of the economic literature on the factors associated with subjective well-being // Journal of Economic Psychology. – 2008. – No.29. – P. 94-122.
  • Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Luz E. Orozco, Clemente Forero-Pineda, Oscar Pardo, Venetta Andonova. The relationship between perceptions of insecurity, social capital and subjective well-being: Empirical evidences from areas of rural conflict in Colombia // The Journal of Socio-Economics. – 2011. – Vol. 40(1). – P. 88-96.
  • Franc, R., Prizmic-Larsen, Z., Lipovčan, L.K. Personal Security and Fear of Crime as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being. In: Webb D., Wills-Herrera E. (eds) Subjective Well-Being and Security // Social Indicators Research Series. – 2012. – Vol 46. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Frey, B. S. & Stutzer, A. Happiness, economy and institutions // The Economic Journal. – 2000. – Vol. 110(466). – P. 818-938.
  • Hanslmaier, M. Crime, fear and subjective well-being: How victimization and street crime affect fear and life satisfaction // European Journal of Criminology. – 2013. – Vol. 10(5). – P. 515-533.
  • Heliwell, J. Life satisfaction and quality of development // National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. – 2008. – No14507.
  • Maslow, A. H. A theory of human motivation // Psychological Review. – 1943. – Vol. 50(4). – P. 370-396.
  • McCullagh, P. & Nelder, J. A. Generalized linear models (2nd ed.). – London, UK: Chapman and Hall, 1989; Peterson, B. & Harrell, F. E. Jr. Partial proportional odds models for ordinal response variables // Applied Statistics. – 1990. – Vol. 39(2). – P. 205-217. doi:10.2307/2347760.
  • Michalos, A. C. ve Zumbo, B. D. Public services and the quality of life // Social Indicators Research. – 1999. – No.48. – P.125-156.
  • Moeller, V. Resilient or resigned? Criminal victimization and quality-of-life in South Africa // Social Indicators Research. – 2005. – Vol. 72(3). – P. 263-317.
  • Møller, V. Resilient or Resigned? Criminal Victimisation and Quality of Life in South Africa // Soc Indic Res. – 2005. – No.72. – P. 263-317.
  • Moore, S. C. The value of reducing fear: An analysis using the European Social Survey // Applied Economics. – 2006. – Vol. 38(1). – P. 115-117.
  • Paksoy, M. Davranış Bilimleri / Elma Basım Yayınevi editörü. İlk baskı. – İstanbul, 2013.
  • Sarracino, F. Determinants of subjective well-being in high and low-income countries: Do happiness equations differ across countries? // The Journal of Socio-Economics. – 2013. – Vol. 4251(66).
  • Van Praag, B., Frijters, P., Ferrer-i Carbonell, A. The anatomy of subjective well-being // Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization. – 2003. – Vol. 51(1). – P. 29-49.
  • Williams, Richard. Generalized ordered logit/partial proportional odds models for ordinal dependent variables // Stata Journal. – 2006. – No.6. – P. 58-82.
  • Williams, Richard. Understanding and interpreting generalized ordered logit models // The Journal of Mathematical Sociology. – 2016. – No.40. – P. 7-20.


Yıl 2020, Sayı: 88, 87 - 97, 30.12.2020


Безопасность является основной составляющей качества жизни. В связи с этим удовлетворенность личной безопасностью становится жизненно важным компонентом субъективного благополучия в Кыргызстане. По этой причине исследование безопасности на личном уровне позволит измерить личное восприятие и отношение к местным условиям жизни в стране и национальной безопасности.
Цель данной статьи – изучить взаимосвязь между удовлетворенностью безопасностью и субъективным благополучием в Кыргызстане, тем самым подтвердить гипотезу о том, что безопасность положительно коррелирует с субъективным благополучием. Данное исследование проводилось на основе материалов опроса «Жизнь в Кыргызстане» за 2013 г.
Полученные результаты показывают, что с точки зрения взаимосвязи между восприятием людьми безопасности и удовлетворенностью жизнью, такие переменные, как «люди стали жертвами насилия», «безопасно ходить ночью», «слышать стрельбу по соседству» и «увеличение насилия по сравнению с предыдущим годом», не оказывают негативного влияния на субьективное благополучие, в то время как переменная «избегание опасных дорог» снижает уровень субьективного благополучия.
С демографической точки зрения было доказано, что переменные «высшее образование» и «возраст» уменьшают субективное благополучие, в то время как переменные «кыргызская национальность», «семейное положение», «пол», «занятость» и «доход» положительно влияют на субьективное благополучие.


  • Arı, E., & Yıldız, Z. Bireylerin Yaşam Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Sıralı Lojistik Reg-resyon Analizi İle İncelenmesi // Journal of International Social Research. – 2016. – Vol. 9(42). – P. 1362-1374.
  • Boes, S. & Winkelmann, R. Income and happiness: New results from generalized threshold and sequential models, 2004.
  • Cohen, M. The Effect of Crime on Life Satisfaction // The Journal of Legal Studies. – 2008. – Vol. 37(S2). – P. 325-353.
  • Cummins. Safety and subjective well-being: A perspective from the Australian unity well-being index. In D. Webb & E. Wills-Herrera (Eds.), Subjective well-being and security. – New York: Springer // Social Indicators Research Serie. – 2012. – Vol. 46.
  • Cummins, R. A., Eckersley, R., Pallant, J., van Vugt, J. & Misajon, R. Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing: The Australian unity wellbeing index // Social Indicators Research. – 2003. – Vol. 64. – P. 159-190.
  • Di Tella, R., MacCulloch, R. & Nopo, H. Happiness and beliefs in criminal environments. Research Department Publications 4605, InterAmerican Development Bank, Research Department, 2009.
  • Diener, E., Seligman, M. Beyond money: toward an economy of well-being // The Science of Weel-Being. – 2009. – Vol. 5(1). – P. 201-265.
  • Dolan P., Peasgood T., White M. Do we really know what makes us happy? A review of the economic literature on the factors associated with subjective well-being // Journal of Economic Psychology. – 2008. – No.29. – P. 94-122.
  • Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Luz E. Orozco, Clemente Forero-Pineda, Oscar Pardo, Venetta Andonova. The relationship between perceptions of insecurity, social capital and subjective well-being: Empirical evidences from areas of rural conflict in Colombia // The Journal of Socio-Economics. – 2011. – Vol. 40(1). – P. 88-96.
  • Franc, R., Prizmic-Larsen, Z., Lipovčan, L.K. Personal Security and Fear of Crime as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being. In: Webb D., Wills-Herrera E. (eds) Subjective Well-Being and Security // Social Indicators Research Series. – 2012. – Vol 46. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Frey, B. S. & Stutzer, A. Happiness, economy and institutions // The Economic Journal. – 2000. – Vol. 110(466). – P. 818-938.
  • Hanslmaier, M. Crime, fear and subjective well-being: How victimization and street crime affect fear and life satisfaction // European Journal of Criminology. – 2013. – Vol. 10(5). – P. 515-533.
  • Heliwell, J. Life satisfaction and quality of development // National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. – 2008. – No14507.
  • Maslow, A. H. A theory of human motivation // Psychological Review. – 1943. – Vol. 50(4). – P. 370-396.
  • McCullagh, P. & Nelder, J. A. Generalized linear models (2nd ed.). – London, UK: Chapman and Hall, 1989; Peterson, B. & Harrell, F. E. Jr. Partial proportional odds models for ordinal response variables // Applied Statistics. – 1990. – Vol. 39(2). – P. 205-217. doi:10.2307/2347760.
  • Michalos, A. C. ve Zumbo, B. D. Public services and the quality of life // Social Indicators Research. – 1999. – No.48. – P.125-156.
  • Moeller, V. Resilient or resigned? Criminal victimization and quality-of-life in South Africa // Social Indicators Research. – 2005. – Vol. 72(3). – P. 263-317.
  • Møller, V. Resilient or Resigned? Criminal Victimisation and Quality of Life in South Africa // Soc Indic Res. – 2005. – No.72. – P. 263-317.
  • Moore, S. C. The value of reducing fear: An analysis using the European Social Survey // Applied Economics. – 2006. – Vol. 38(1). – P. 115-117.
  • Paksoy, M. Davranış Bilimleri / Elma Basım Yayınevi editörü. İlk baskı. – İstanbul, 2013.
  • Sarracino, F. Determinants of subjective well-being in high and low-income countries: Do happiness equations differ across countries? // The Journal of Socio-Economics. – 2013. – Vol. 4251(66).
  • Van Praag, B., Frijters, P., Ferrer-i Carbonell, A. The anatomy of subjective well-being // Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization. – 2003. – Vol. 51(1). – P. 29-49.
  • Williams, Richard. Generalized ordered logit/partial proportional odds models for ordinal dependent variables // Stata Journal. – 2006. – No.6. – P. 58-82.
  • Williams, Richard. Understanding and interpreting generalized ordered logit models // The Journal of Mathematical Sociology. – 2016. – No.40. – P. 7-20.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mahmut Erdoğan Bu kişi benim

Ainura Turdalıeva Bu kişi benim

Razia Abdıeva Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 88

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, M., Turdalıeva, A., & Abdıeva, R. (2020). KIRGIZİSTAN’DA ÖZNEL REFAH VE GÜVENLİK. Reforma, 4(88), 87-97.