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Türkiye Demiryollarında Serbestleştirme

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 69, 4 - 37, 01.06.2018


Bu çalışma, Türkiye demiryolu taşımacılık faaliyetlerine yönelik olarak 2013 yılında yapılan serbestleştirmeyi ele almış ve serbestleşmenin etkileri bağlamında sektörün geleceğine yönelik öngörülerde bulunmuştur. Serbestleşme sonrası sektörün yeniden yapılandırılmasında, Almanya modeli benimsenerek dikey ayrıştırma yoluna gidilmiş ve bu modele uygun yeni kurum ve kurullar ihdas edilmiştir. Önümüzdeki yıllarda, yüksek hızlı tren ve banliyö hatlarında özel sektörün yolcu taşımacılığı yapacağı öngörülmektedir. Konvansiyonel trenler ise özel sektör açısından yolcu taşımacılığı için cazip değildir. Yük taşımacılığı pazarında faaliyet gösteren tren işletmecilerinin sayısının ve rekabetin artacağı öngörülmektedir


  • ALEXANDERSSON, G. ve K. RIGAS (2013), “Rail Liberalization in Sweden. Policy Development in a European Context”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, No: 6, s.88-98.
  • ASMILD, M., T. HOLVAD, J.L. HOUGAARD ve D. KRONBORG (2009), “Railway Reforms: Do They Influence Operating Efficiency?”, Transportation, No: 36(5), s.617-638.
  • ATİYAS, İ. ve B. ODER (2008), Türkiye’de Özelleştirmenin Hukuk ve Ekonomisi, TEPAV, Ankara.
  • BERGANTINO, A.S., C. CAPOZZA ve M. CAPURSO (2015), “The Impact of Open Access on Intra-and Inter-modal Rail Competition. A National Level Analysis in Italy”, Transport Policy, No: 39, s.77-86.
  • BERIA, P., E. QUINET, G. DE RUS ve C. SCHULZ (2012), “A Comparison of Rail Liberalisation Levels Across Four European Countries”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 36(1), s.110- 120.
  • BOŠKOVIĆ, B. ve M. BUGARINOVIĆ (2015), “Why and How to Manage the Process of Liberalization of a Regional Railway Market: South-Eastern European Case Ctudy”, Transport Policy, No: 41, s.1-10.
  • BOUGNA, E. ve Y. CROZET (2016), “Towards a Liberalised European Rail Transport: Analysing and Modelling the Impact of Competition on Productive Efficiency”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 59, s.358-367.
  • BUSU, C. ve M. BUSU (2015), “The Liberalization Process of the Railway Sector in Romania and European Union Countries”, Revista de Management Comparat International, No: 16(3), s.305- 313.
  • CAMPOS, J. (2001), “Lessons from Railway Reforms in Brazil and Mexico”, Transport Policy, No: 8(2), s.85-95.
  • CAMPOS, J. (2008), “Recent Changes in the Spanish Rail Model: the Role of Competition”, Review of Network Economics, No: 7(1), s.1-17.
  • CANTOS, P., J.M. PASTOR ve L. SERRANO (2010), “Vertical and Horizontal Separation in the European Railway Sector and Its Effects on Productivity”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, No: 44(2), s.139-160.
  • CANTOS, P., J.M. PASTOR ve L. SERRANO (2012), “Evaluating European Railway Deregulation Using Different Approaches”, Transport Policy, No: 24, s.67-72.
  • CHARANWANITWONG, T. ve A. FRASZCZYK (2018), “Rail Liberalisation in Europe and Lessons for Thailand: Policy Makers vs. Academic Views”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, No: 113, s.421-440.
  • DE FRANCESCO, F. ve G. CASTRO (2018), “Beyond Legal Transposition: Regulatory Agencies and De Facto Convergence of EU Rail Liberalization”, Journal of European Public Policy, No: 25(3), s.369-388.
  • DI GIULIO, M. (2016), “Reshaping State Structure and Strategy: The Reform of Railway Policy in Germany and Italy”, International Journal of Public Administration, No: 39(3), s.226-237.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (EC) (1996), White Paper: A Strategy for Revitalising the Community’s Railways, COM(96) 421, Final.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2001), White Paper: European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide, COM(2001) 370, Final.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2011), White Paper: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a Competitive and Resource Efficient Transport System, COM(2011) 144, Final.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2016), Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - Fifth Report on Monitoring Developments of the Rail Market, Brussels.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2017), EU Transport in Figures, Statistical Pocketbook 2016.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2018), transport/modes/rail/packages_en, Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2018.
  • EVERETT, S. (2006), “Deregulation and Reform of Rail in Australia: Some Emerging Constraints”, Transport Policy, No: 13(1), s.74-84.
  • FINGER, M. (2014), “Governance of Competition and Performance in European Railways: An Analysis of Five Cases”, Utilities Policy, No: 31, s.278-288.
  • FRIEBEL, G., M. IVALDI ve C. VIBES (2010), “Railway (De) Regulation: A European Efficiency Comparison”, Economica, No: 77(305), s.77-91.
  • GRUSHEVSKA, K., T. NOTTEBOOM ve A. SHKLIAR (2016), “Institutional Rail Reform: The Case of Ukrainian Railways”, Transport Policy, No: 46, s.7-19.
  • HOLVAD, T., J. PRESTON ve B. HUANG (2015), Review of Introduction of Competition in Railways in Europe, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, https://www.researchgate. net/publication/251821704_Review_of_Introduction_of_ Competition_in_Railways_in_Europe, Erişim Tarihi:10.07.2018.
  • IBM (2011), Rail Liberalization Index 2011, Market Opening: Comparison of the Rail Markets of the Member States of the European Union, Switzerland and Norway, Brussels.
  • JENSEN, A. ve P. STELLING (2007), “Economic Impacts of Swedish Railway Deregulation: A Longitudinal Study”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, No: 43(5), s.516-534.
  • JONES, I. (2000), “The Evolution of Policy Towards On-Rail Competition in Great Britain”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, No: 34(3), s.371-384.
  • KARAMANOĞLU, C. (2012), Demiryolu Sektöründe Yapısal Reformlar ve Rekabet: Serbestleşme Öncesi Türkiye İçin Öneriler, Uzmanlık Tezi, Rekabet Kurumu, Ankara.
  • KARAYOLLARI GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ (KGM) (2018), Karayolu Ulaşım İstatistikleri 2016.
  • KLEINOVÁ, E. (2016), “Does Liberalization of the Railway Industry Lead to Higher Technical Effectiveness?”, Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, No: 6(1), s.67-76.
  • KUROSAKI, F. (2017), “A Study of Vertical Separation in Japanese Passenger Railways”, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Article in Press.
  • LAURINO, A., F. RAMELLA ve P. BERIA (2015), “The Economic Regulation of Railway Networks: A Worldwide Survey”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, No: 77, s.202- 212.
  • LINK, H. (2012), “Unbundling, Public Infrastructure Financing and Access Charge Regulation in the German Rail Sector”, Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, No: 2(3), s.63-71.
  • LUDVIGSEN, J. ve O. OSLAND (2009), “Liberalisation of Rail Freight Markets in the Old and New EU-Member States”, EJTIR, No: 9(1), s.31-45.
  • MIZUTANI, F. (2005), “Regulation and Deregulation in the Japanese Rail Industry”, CESifo DICE Report, No: 3(4), s.10-15.
  • NASH, C. (2008), “Passenger Railway Reform in the Last 20 Years - European Experience Reconsidered”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 22(1), s.61-70.
  • NASH, C. (2010), “European Rail Reform and Passenger Services - The Next Steps”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 29(1), s.204-211.
  • OBERMAUER, A. (2001), “National Railway Reform in Japan and the EU: Evaluation of Institutional Changes”, Japan Railway & Transport Review, No: 29, s.24-31.
  • PRESTON, J. ve D. ROBINS (2013), “Evaluating the Long Term Impacts of Transport Policy: The Case of Passenger Rail Privatization”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 39(1), s.14-20.
  • SÁNCHEZ, P.C., J.M.P. MONSÁLVEZ ve L.S. MARTÍNEZ (2012), Productivity and Deregulation in European Railways, Working Paper, No: 2012124, BBVA Foundation.
  • SANTOS, J., A. FURTADO ve R.C. MARQUES (2010), “Reform and Regulation of the Portuguese Rail Sector. What Has Failed?”, Utilities Policy, No: 18(2), s.94-102.
  • SHARIPOV, T. (2010), “Results So Far and Prospects of Kazakhstan Passenger Rail Franchising”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 29(1), s.19-35.
  • SOLAK, A.O. (2016), “Regulations in Scheduled Intercity Coach Transport Sector in Turkey”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, No: 8(8), s.33-42.
  • TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ DEVLET DEMİRYOLLARI (TCDD) (2005), 2000-2004 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2010), 2005-2009 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2014), 2009-2013 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2017a), 2012-2016 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2017b), Demiryolu Sektör Raporu 2016, Ankara.
  • TOMEŠ, Z. (2017), “Do European Reforms Increase Modal Shares of Railways?”, Transport Policy, No: 60, s.143-151.
  • TOMEŠ, Z., M. KVIZDA, M. JANDOVÁ ve V. REDERER (2016), “Open Access Passenger Rail Competition in the Czech Republic”, Transport Policy, No: 47, s.203-211.
  • TOMEŠ, Z., M. KVIZDA, T. NIGRIN ve D. SEIDENGLANZ (2014), “Competition in the Passenger Railway Market in the Czech Republic”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 48, s.270-276.
  • ULAŞTIRMA DENİZCİLİK VE HABERLEŞME BAKANLIĞI (UDHB) (2017), Ulaşan ve Erişen Türkiye 2017, Ankara.
  • VIGREN, A. (2017), “Competition in Swedish Passenger Railway: Entry in An Open Access Market and Its Effect on Prices”, Economics of Transportation, No: 11, s.49-59.
  • WILLIAMS, R., D. GREIG ve I. WALLIS (2005), Results of Railway Privatization in Australia and New Zealand, World Bank, Washington, DC. AB Mevzuatı
  • Council Directive 2012/34/EU, OJ L 343, 14.12.2012
  • Council Directive 91/440/EEC, OJ L 237, 24.8.1991.
  • Council Directive 95/18/EC, OJ L 143, 27.06.1995.
  • Council Directive 95/19/EC, OJ L 143, 27.06.1995. TC Mevzuatı
  • sayılı Türkiye Demiryolu Ulaştırmasının Serbestleştirilmesi Hakkında Kanun, 01.05.2013 tarih ve 28634 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • sayılı Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı’nın Teşkilat ve Görevleri Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararname, 01.11.2011 tarih ve 28102 (Mükerrer) sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu Altyapı Erişim ve Kapasite Tahsis Yönetmeliği, 02.05.2015 tarih ve 29343 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu Emniyet Yönetmeliği, 19.11.2015 tarih ve 29537 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu İşletmeciliği Yetkilendirme Yönetmeliği, 19.08.2016 tarih ve 29806 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu Yolcu Taşımacılığında Kamu Hizmeti Yükümlülüğü Yönetmeliği, 04.07.2016 tarih ve 2016/9005 Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı. İnternet Kaynakları
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 21.06.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 04.06.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 04.06.2018.

Rail Liberalisation in Turkey

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 69, 4 - 37, 01.06.2018


This study focuses on Turkish railways liberalization adopted in 2013 and predicts for the future of the industry in the context of the effects of liberalization. After the liberalization, the industry was restructured, the German model was adopted and vertical separation was carried out, and new models and institutions were established. It is expected/predicted that private train operators will operate on high-speed trains and suburban lines for passenger transportation in the coming years. Conventional trains are not attractive for the private sector in terms of passenger transport. The number of private train operators in the freight market and competition will increase


  • ALEXANDERSSON, G. ve K. RIGAS (2013), “Rail Liberalization in Sweden. Policy Development in a European Context”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, No: 6, s.88-98.
  • ASMILD, M., T. HOLVAD, J.L. HOUGAARD ve D. KRONBORG (2009), “Railway Reforms: Do They Influence Operating Efficiency?”, Transportation, No: 36(5), s.617-638.
  • ATİYAS, İ. ve B. ODER (2008), Türkiye’de Özelleştirmenin Hukuk ve Ekonomisi, TEPAV, Ankara.
  • BERGANTINO, A.S., C. CAPOZZA ve M. CAPURSO (2015), “The Impact of Open Access on Intra-and Inter-modal Rail Competition. A National Level Analysis in Italy”, Transport Policy, No: 39, s.77-86.
  • BERIA, P., E. QUINET, G. DE RUS ve C. SCHULZ (2012), “A Comparison of Rail Liberalisation Levels Across Four European Countries”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 36(1), s.110- 120.
  • BOŠKOVIĆ, B. ve M. BUGARINOVIĆ (2015), “Why and How to Manage the Process of Liberalization of a Regional Railway Market: South-Eastern European Case Ctudy”, Transport Policy, No: 41, s.1-10.
  • BOUGNA, E. ve Y. CROZET (2016), “Towards a Liberalised European Rail Transport: Analysing and Modelling the Impact of Competition on Productive Efficiency”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 59, s.358-367.
  • BUSU, C. ve M. BUSU (2015), “The Liberalization Process of the Railway Sector in Romania and European Union Countries”, Revista de Management Comparat International, No: 16(3), s.305- 313.
  • CAMPOS, J. (2001), “Lessons from Railway Reforms in Brazil and Mexico”, Transport Policy, No: 8(2), s.85-95.
  • CAMPOS, J. (2008), “Recent Changes in the Spanish Rail Model: the Role of Competition”, Review of Network Economics, No: 7(1), s.1-17.
  • CANTOS, P., J.M. PASTOR ve L. SERRANO (2010), “Vertical and Horizontal Separation in the European Railway Sector and Its Effects on Productivity”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, No: 44(2), s.139-160.
  • CANTOS, P., J.M. PASTOR ve L. SERRANO (2012), “Evaluating European Railway Deregulation Using Different Approaches”, Transport Policy, No: 24, s.67-72.
  • CHARANWANITWONG, T. ve A. FRASZCZYK (2018), “Rail Liberalisation in Europe and Lessons for Thailand: Policy Makers vs. Academic Views”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, No: 113, s.421-440.
  • DE FRANCESCO, F. ve G. CASTRO (2018), “Beyond Legal Transposition: Regulatory Agencies and De Facto Convergence of EU Rail Liberalization”, Journal of European Public Policy, No: 25(3), s.369-388.
  • DI GIULIO, M. (2016), “Reshaping State Structure and Strategy: The Reform of Railway Policy in Germany and Italy”, International Journal of Public Administration, No: 39(3), s.226-237.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (EC) (1996), White Paper: A Strategy for Revitalising the Community’s Railways, COM(96) 421, Final.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2001), White Paper: European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide, COM(2001) 370, Final.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2011), White Paper: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a Competitive and Resource Efficient Transport System, COM(2011) 144, Final.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2016), Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - Fifth Report on Monitoring Developments of the Rail Market, Brussels.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2017), EU Transport in Figures, Statistical Pocketbook 2016.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2018), transport/modes/rail/packages_en, Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2018.
  • EVERETT, S. (2006), “Deregulation and Reform of Rail in Australia: Some Emerging Constraints”, Transport Policy, No: 13(1), s.74-84.
  • FINGER, M. (2014), “Governance of Competition and Performance in European Railways: An Analysis of Five Cases”, Utilities Policy, No: 31, s.278-288.
  • FRIEBEL, G., M. IVALDI ve C. VIBES (2010), “Railway (De) Regulation: A European Efficiency Comparison”, Economica, No: 77(305), s.77-91.
  • GRUSHEVSKA, K., T. NOTTEBOOM ve A. SHKLIAR (2016), “Institutional Rail Reform: The Case of Ukrainian Railways”, Transport Policy, No: 46, s.7-19.
  • HOLVAD, T., J. PRESTON ve B. HUANG (2015), Review of Introduction of Competition in Railways in Europe, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, https://www.researchgate. net/publication/251821704_Review_of_Introduction_of_ Competition_in_Railways_in_Europe, Erişim Tarihi:10.07.2018.
  • IBM (2011), Rail Liberalization Index 2011, Market Opening: Comparison of the Rail Markets of the Member States of the European Union, Switzerland and Norway, Brussels.
  • JENSEN, A. ve P. STELLING (2007), “Economic Impacts of Swedish Railway Deregulation: A Longitudinal Study”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, No: 43(5), s.516-534.
  • JONES, I. (2000), “The Evolution of Policy Towards On-Rail Competition in Great Britain”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, No: 34(3), s.371-384.
  • KARAMANOĞLU, C. (2012), Demiryolu Sektöründe Yapısal Reformlar ve Rekabet: Serbestleşme Öncesi Türkiye İçin Öneriler, Uzmanlık Tezi, Rekabet Kurumu, Ankara.
  • KARAYOLLARI GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ (KGM) (2018), Karayolu Ulaşım İstatistikleri 2016.
  • KLEINOVÁ, E. (2016), “Does Liberalization of the Railway Industry Lead to Higher Technical Effectiveness?”, Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, No: 6(1), s.67-76.
  • KUROSAKI, F. (2017), “A Study of Vertical Separation in Japanese Passenger Railways”, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Article in Press.
  • LAURINO, A., F. RAMELLA ve P. BERIA (2015), “The Economic Regulation of Railway Networks: A Worldwide Survey”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, No: 77, s.202- 212.
  • LINK, H. (2012), “Unbundling, Public Infrastructure Financing and Access Charge Regulation in the German Rail Sector”, Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, No: 2(3), s.63-71.
  • LUDVIGSEN, J. ve O. OSLAND (2009), “Liberalisation of Rail Freight Markets in the Old and New EU-Member States”, EJTIR, No: 9(1), s.31-45.
  • MIZUTANI, F. (2005), “Regulation and Deregulation in the Japanese Rail Industry”, CESifo DICE Report, No: 3(4), s.10-15.
  • NASH, C. (2008), “Passenger Railway Reform in the Last 20 Years - European Experience Reconsidered”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 22(1), s.61-70.
  • NASH, C. (2010), “European Rail Reform and Passenger Services - The Next Steps”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 29(1), s.204-211.
  • OBERMAUER, A. (2001), “National Railway Reform in Japan and the EU: Evaluation of Institutional Changes”, Japan Railway & Transport Review, No: 29, s.24-31.
  • PRESTON, J. ve D. ROBINS (2013), “Evaluating the Long Term Impacts of Transport Policy: The Case of Passenger Rail Privatization”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 39(1), s.14-20.
  • SÁNCHEZ, P.C., J.M.P. MONSÁLVEZ ve L.S. MARTÍNEZ (2012), Productivity and Deregulation in European Railways, Working Paper, No: 2012124, BBVA Foundation.
  • SANTOS, J., A. FURTADO ve R.C. MARQUES (2010), “Reform and Regulation of the Portuguese Rail Sector. What Has Failed?”, Utilities Policy, No: 18(2), s.94-102.
  • SHARIPOV, T. (2010), “Results So Far and Prospects of Kazakhstan Passenger Rail Franchising”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 29(1), s.19-35.
  • SOLAK, A.O. (2016), “Regulations in Scheduled Intercity Coach Transport Sector in Turkey”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, No: 8(8), s.33-42.
  • TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ DEVLET DEMİRYOLLARI (TCDD) (2005), 2000-2004 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2010), 2005-2009 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2014), 2009-2013 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2017a), 2012-2016 İstatistik Yıllığı, Ankara.
  • TCDD (2017b), Demiryolu Sektör Raporu 2016, Ankara.
  • TOMEŠ, Z. (2017), “Do European Reforms Increase Modal Shares of Railways?”, Transport Policy, No: 60, s.143-151.
  • TOMEŠ, Z., M. KVIZDA, M. JANDOVÁ ve V. REDERER (2016), “Open Access Passenger Rail Competition in the Czech Republic”, Transport Policy, No: 47, s.203-211.
  • TOMEŠ, Z., M. KVIZDA, T. NIGRIN ve D. SEIDENGLANZ (2014), “Competition in the Passenger Railway Market in the Czech Republic”, Research in Transportation Economics, No: 48, s.270-276.
  • ULAŞTIRMA DENİZCİLİK VE HABERLEŞME BAKANLIĞI (UDHB) (2017), Ulaşan ve Erişen Türkiye 2017, Ankara.
  • VIGREN, A. (2017), “Competition in Swedish Passenger Railway: Entry in An Open Access Market and Its Effect on Prices”, Economics of Transportation, No: 11, s.49-59.
  • WILLIAMS, R., D. GREIG ve I. WALLIS (2005), Results of Railway Privatization in Australia and New Zealand, World Bank, Washington, DC. AB Mevzuatı
  • Council Directive 2012/34/EU, OJ L 343, 14.12.2012
  • Council Directive 91/440/EEC, OJ L 237, 24.8.1991.
  • Council Directive 95/18/EC, OJ L 143, 27.06.1995.
  • Council Directive 95/19/EC, OJ L 143, 27.06.1995. TC Mevzuatı
  • sayılı Türkiye Demiryolu Ulaştırmasının Serbestleştirilmesi Hakkında Kanun, 01.05.2013 tarih ve 28634 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • sayılı Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı’nın Teşkilat ve Görevleri Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararname, 01.11.2011 tarih ve 28102 (Mükerrer) sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu Altyapı Erişim ve Kapasite Tahsis Yönetmeliği, 02.05.2015 tarih ve 29343 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu Emniyet Yönetmeliği, 19.11.2015 tarih ve 29537 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu İşletmeciliği Yetkilendirme Yönetmeliği, 19.08.2016 tarih ve 29806 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Demiryolu Yolcu Taşımacılığında Kamu Hizmeti Yükümlülüğü Yönetmeliği, 04.07.2016 tarih ve 2016/9005 Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı. İnternet Kaynakları
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 21.06.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 04.06.2018.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 04.06.2018.
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ali Osman Solak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 69

Kaynak Göster

APA Solak, A. O. (2018). Türkiye Demiryollarında Serbestleştirme. Rekabet Dergisi(69), 4-37.