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Avrupa Birliği Rekabet Hukukunda Ekonomik Faaliyet Kavramı

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 65, 44 - 97, 01.06.2016


Avrupa Birliği AB iç pazar ve rekabet kurallarının uygulanabilmesi için ortada bir ekonomik faaliyet bulunması gerekmektedir. Ancak ekonomik faaliyetin ne olduğu AB Antlaşmalarında tanımlanmamış, bunun yerine ekonomik faaliyetin varlığının tespiti için AB Mahkemeleri verdikleri kararlar ile bazı ölçütler geliştirmişlerdir. Ekonomik olan ile olmayan arasındaki ayrım, daha çok bir üye devletin politik tercihleri ve ekonomik özelliklerine dayanmakta olup bugün için ekonomik sayılmayan belirli bir faaliyetin gelecekte de ekonomik sayılmayacağını iddia etmek mümkün değildir. Bu çalışmada, AB içtihat hukuku temel alınarak hangi faaliyetlerin ekonomik sayılacağı, hangi faaliyetlerin ise ekonomik sayılmayacağı açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır


  • ANDERSEN, E. A. ve B. LINDNAES (2007), “Public Goods: Concept, Definition and Method”, E. A. Andersen ve B. Lindnaes (der.), Towards New Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers içinde, s.36.
  • BHAGWATI, J.N.(1987), “Services” J.F. Finger ve A. Olechowski (der), The Uruguay Round-A Handbook on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Washington içinde, s.208.
  • BOEGER, N. “Solidarity and EC Competition Law”, E.L. Rev., Vol. 32, No. 3, 2007, s.319-340.
  • DE SWAAN, A. (1989), In Care of the State, Oxford: Blackwell, s.19.
  • DEMSETZ, H. ve A. ALCIAN (1988), “Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organisation”, H. Demsetz (der), Ownership, Control and the Firm, Oxford: Basil Blackwell Limited içinde, s. 119.
  • DERINGER, A. (1968), The Competition Law of the European Economic Community: A Commentary of the EEC Rules of Competition (Articles 85 to 90) Including the Implementing Regulations and Directives, New York: Commerce Clearing House, s.8.
  • COLLIGNON, S. (2003), The European Republic –Reflections on the Political Economy of a Future Constitution, The Federal Trust, London, s.93-96.
  • CULLIS, J. ve P. JONES (1998), Public Finance and Public Choice, Oxford University Press, s. 36.
  • DOUGAN, M. ve E. SPAVENTA (2005), “’Wish You Weren’t Here…’ New Models of Social Solidarity in the European Union” Dougan, M. and E. Spaventa, (der.), Social Welfare and EU Law, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing içinde, s. 184.
  • DRIJBER, B.J. (2004) “Case Comment: Joined Cases C-264/01, C-354/01 and C-355/01 AOK Bundesverband A.O. Judgement of the Full Court 16 March 2004, Not yet Reported”, Common Market Law Review (C.M.L.R.Rev.) Vol. 42, s.528.
  • ENGEL, C. (1996), Limits for Public Special Interest Programmes under the Perspective of E.C. Law, New York: Vistas, s.24. E.C.L.R. Vol. 8, No. 4, s.344-370.
  • GROSSMAN, S.J. ve O.D. HART (1986), “The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No. 691, s.717.
  • HANDOLL, J.(1995), Free Movement of Persons in the EU, New York: John Wiley & Sons, s.88.
  • JONES, A. ve B. SUFRIN, EC Competition Law, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, s.617.
  • KACZOROWSKA-IRELAND, A. (2016), European Union Law, New York: Routledge, s.849.
  • KAUL, I. (1999), “Defining Global Public Goods”, I. Kaul, I. Grunberg ve M. A. Stern (der.), Global Public Goods, International Cooperation in the 21st Century, New York: Oxford University Press içinde, s.2.
  • KAUL, I. ve R. U. MENDOZA (2003), “Advancing the Concept of Public Goods”, I. Kaul, P. Conceiçao, K. Le Goulven ve R. U. Mendoza (der.), Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalisation, New York: Oxford University Press, s.82-83.
  • KENNETT, W (1996) “The European Community and the General Agreement on Trade in Sevices”, N. Emiliou ve D. O’Keeffe (der.), The European and the World Trade Law After the GATT Uruguay Round, John Willey & Sons, içinde, s.136-148.
  • KOKKORIS, I. (2006), “Buyer Power Asssessment in Competition Law: A Boon or a Menace?, World Competition, Vol.29, No.1, s.139
  • KORAH, V. (2007), An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law, 9th ed., Oxford: Hart Publishing 2007, s.49.
  • KRAJEWSKI, M. ve M. FARLEY (2007), “Case Comment: Non Economic Actvities in Upstream and Downstream Markets and the Scope of Competition Law after FENIN”, E.L.Rev., Vol. 32, No.1, s.111-124.
  • LASOK, L.E.P. (2004), “When is an Undertaking is not an Undertaking”, E.C.L.R., Vol. 2, No.7, s.383-385.
  • MESSERLIN, P.A.(1993), “’Services’ in The European Community as a World Trade Partner”, European Economy, No.52, s.129-156.
  • MORGAN, B. ve K. YEUNG (2007), An Introduction to Law and Regulation –Text and Materials, Cambridge University Press, s.3.
  • MUSGRAVE, R.A. (1997), “A Multiple Theory of Budget Determination”, FinanzArchiv, vol. 17, s. 333-343
  • MUSGRAVE, R.A. ve P.B. MUSGRAVE (1973), Public Finance in Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill, New York and London, s. 7. NICOLAIDES, P. (1988), Liberalising Service Trade-Strategies for Success, London: Routledge, s.7-9.
  • ODUDU, O. (2006) The Boundaries of EC Competition Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.35
  • OGUS, A. (2004), Regulation: Legal, Form and Economic Theory, Oxford: Hart Publishing, s.29.
  • OGUS, A. (1995), “Rethinking self-regulation”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 15, s.97.
  • PANIC, M. (2005), “The Euro and Welfare State” , Dougan, M ve E. Spaventa, (der.), Social Welfare and EU Law, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing içinde, s.30.
  • PROSSER, T. (2005), The Limits of Competition Law- Markets and Public Services, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.35.
  • ROTH, W-H. (2007), Dava Yorumu: “Case C-205/03 Federacion Espanola de Empresas de Tecnologia Sanitaria (FENIN) v Commission, Judgement of the Grand Chamber of 11 July 2006, [2006] ECR I-6295”. C.M.L.Rev., Vol.44, No.4, s.1131-1142.
  • RUBINI, L. (2009), The Definition of Subsidy and State Aid-WTO and EC Law in Comparative Perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.210.
  • SACERDOTI, G. (1990) “The International Regulation of Services: basic concepts and standards of treatment”, G. Sacerdoti (der.) Liberalisation of Services and Intellectual Property in the Uruguay Round of GATT, Pupil Progress and Undercurrents in Public International Law, vol. 6, içinde, s.28-49.
  • SAMUELSON, P.A. (1954), “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 36, No.4, s.387-389.
  • SAMUELSON, P. A. (1955), Readings in Economics, McGraw Hill, New York.
  • SELZNICK, P. (1985)“Focusing Organisational Research on Regulation” R. Noll (der.), Regulatory Policy and the Social Sciences, Berkeley: University of California Press içinde, s.363.
  • SNELL, J. (2000), Goods and Services in EC Law-A Study of the Relationship between the Freedoms, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.7.
  • SNELL, J. ve M. ANDENAS, (2004), “Exploring the Outer Limits: Restrictions on the Free Movement of Goods and Services”, M. Andenas ve W.H. Roth (der), Services and Free Movement in EU Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.73-85.
  • STIGLITZ, J.E. (2000), Economics of the Public Sector, 3rd ed., New York/ London: W.W. Norton & Company, s.128.
  • SZYCZAK, E. (2001), “Public Service Provision in Competitive Markets”, Yearbook of European Law, Vol.20.
  • TOWNLEY, C. (2007), “The Concept of an ‘Undertaking’: The Boundaries of the Corporation –A Discussion of Agency, Employees and Subsidiaries”, Amato, G. ve C-D. Ehlermann (der), EC Competition Law-A Critical Assessment içinde, Oxford: Hart Publishing, s.10.
  • VAN DE GRONDEN, J.W. (2004) “Purchasing care: economic activity or service of general (economic) interest?” European Competition Law Review (E.C.L.R.), vol.25, No.2, s.87-94.
  • WINTERSTEIN, A. (1999), “Nailing the Jellyfish: Social Security and Competition Law”, E.C.L.R., Vol.20, No.6, s.324-333.
  • WIVEL, P. (2007),“The State and the Citizen: Natural law as a public good” in E. A. Andersen ve B. Lindsnaes (der), Towards New Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers içinde, s.3. MAHKEME KARARLARI ABAD KARARLARI
  • Case C-82/01 Aéroports de Paris v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR I-9297 [2003] 4 CMLR 12.
  • Case C-67/96 Albany International BV v Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie (Albany) [2000] 4 CMLR 446.
  • Case C-295/05 Associacion Nacional de Empresas Foretales (Asemfo) v Transformacion Agraria SA (Tragsa) ve Administracion del Estado [2007] ECR I-2999.
  • Case 263/86 Belgian State v Rene and Marie Therese Humbel (Humbel) [1988 ] ECR 5365.
  • Case 352/85 Bond van Adverteerders and others v The Netherlands State (Bond van Adverteerders)[1988] ECR 2124.
  • Case C-157/99 B.S.M. Geraets-Smiths v Stichting Ziekenfonds VGZ and Peerbooms v Stichting CZ Groep Zorgverzekeringen (Geraets- Smiths and Peerbooms), ECR I-5473.
  • Case C-96/94 Centro Servizi v Spedizioni Marittima Del Golfo [1996] 4 CMLR 613 ve Case C-35/96 E.C Commission v Italy [1998] ECR I-3851.
  • Case C-218/00 Cisal di Battistello Venanzio & Co. Sas v Instituto Nazionale Per L’Assicurazione Contro Gli Infortuni Sun Lavoro (Inail) (Cisal) [2002] 4 CMLR 24.
  • Case C-2/90 Commission v Belgium [1993] 1 CMLR 365.
  • Case C-318/05 Commission v Germany [2007] ECR I-6957.
  • Case 118/15 Commission v Italy [1987] ECR 2599; [1988] 3 CMLR 255.
  • Case C-35/96 Commission v Italy (Customs Agents) [1988] ECR 1-3851; [1998] 5 CMLR 889.
  • Case 7/68 Commission v Italy [1968] ECR 432.
  • Case 30/70 Corinne Bodson v Pompes Funebres des Regions Liberees SA (Bodson) [1989] CMLR 984.
  • Case C-22/98 Criminal proceedings against Jean Claude Becu and Others (Becu) [1994] ECR I-5665.
  • Case C-343/95 Diego Cali & Figli Srl Servizi ecologici Porto di Genova [1997] ECR I-1547.
  • Case 13/76 Gaetano Dona v Mario Mantero [1976] 2 CMLR 578.
  • Case C-205/03 Federacion Espanola de Empresas de Tecnologia Sanitaria (FENIN) v Commission of the European Communities [2006] ECR I-6295.
  • Case C-244/94 Federation Francaise des Societes d’Assurance and Others v Ministere de l’Agriculture et de la Peche (FFSA) [1996] 4 CMLR 536.
  • Case C-281/06 Hans-Dieter Jundt and Haedwig Jundt v Finanzampt Offenburg [2007] ECR I-12231.
  • Case C-203/99 Henning Veedfald v Arhus Amstkommune (Henning Veedfald) [2001] ECR I-3569.
  • Case C- 275/92 Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise v Gerhart Schindler and Jörg Schindler (Schindler) [1994] ECR-I-1039.
  • Case C-41/90 Klaus Höfner and Fritz Elser v Macratron GmbH (Höfner) [1991] ECR I-1979.
  • Case C- 124/97 Laara and Others v. Kihlakunnansyyttaja (Laara) [1999] E.C.R. I-6067.
  • Case 53/81 Levin v Staatssecretaris van Justitie [1982] ECR 1035.
  • Case C-519/04 Meca-Medina and Majcen v Commission of the European Communities (Meca-Medina) [2006] 5 CMLR 18.
  • Case C-385/99 Muller-Faure v Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij OZ Zorgverzekeringen UA [2003] ECR I-4509.
  • Case C-158/96 Raymond Kohll v Union des Caisses de Maladie (Kohll) [1988] ECR I-1931.
  • Case 2/74 Reyners v The Belgian State [1974] 2 CMLR 305.
  • Case C-384/92 Sat Fluggesellschaft v Eurocontrol (Eurocontrol) [1994] ECR 1-43; [1994] 5 CMLR 208.
  • Case C-70/95 Sodemare SA and Others (Federation des Maisons de Repos Privees de Belgique v Regione Lombardia (Sodemare) [1998] 4 CMLR 667.
  • Case C-109/92 Stephan Max Wirth v Landeshauptstadt Hannover [1993] ECR I-6447.
  • Case 196/87 Steymaan v Staatssecretaris van Justitie [1988] ECR 6159.
  • Case C- 155/73 The State v Sacchi (Sacchi) [1974] 2 CMLR 177.
  • Case C-368/98 Vanbraekel v Alliance Nationale des Mutualities Chretiennes (ANMC) [2001] ECR I- 5363.
  • Case 36/74 Walrave & Koch v Association Union Cycliste Internationale [1974] ECR 1405.
  • Case C-309/99 Wouters and others v Algemene Raad van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten and another (Wouters) [2002] ECR I-1577.
  • Case C-415/93 Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association ASBL v Bosman [1996] 1 CMLR 645.
  • Joined Cases C-264/01, C-306/01, C-354/01 and C-355/01 AOK Bundesverband and Others v Ichtyol-Gesellschaft Cordes, Hermani & Co. and Others (AOK) [2003] ECR I-2493.
  • Joined Cases C-51/96 and 191/97 Christelle Deliege v Ligue Francophone de Judo et Disciplines Associees ASBL et al. (Deliege) [2000] ECR I-2540.
  • Joined Cases 40/73 Cooperative Vereniging Suiker Unie UA v Commission (Suiker Unie) [1975] ECR 1663. Joined Cases C-159/91 and C-160/91 Christian Poucet v Assurances Generales de France (AGF) and Caisse Mutuelle Regionale du Languedoc-Roussillon (CAMULRAC) and Daniel Pistre v Caisse Autonome Nationale de Compension de I’Assurance Vieillese des Artisans (CANCAVA) (Poucet and Pistre) [1993] ECR I-637.
  • Joined Cases C-180/98 to C-184/98 Pavel Pavlov and Others v Stichting Pensioenfonds Medische Specialisten (Pavlov),[2000] ECR I-6451.
  • Case T-128/98 Aéroports de Paris v Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR II-3029; [2001] 4 CMLR 38.
  • Case T-219/99 British Airways plc. v Commission [2004] 4 CMLR 1008.
  • Case T-319/99 Federacion Nacional de Empresas de Instrumentacion Cientifica, Medica, Tecnica Y Dental (FENIN) v Commission of the European Communities [2003] 5 CMLR 1.
  • Case T-155/04 Selex Sistemi Integrati SpA v Commission of the European Communities (Selex) [2007] 4 CMLR 10.

The Notion of Economic Activity In The European Union Competition Law

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 65, 44 - 97, 01.06.2016


For the European Union EU competition and internal market rules to be applicable, there should be an economic activity. However, in the absence of a definition of economic activity in the EU Treaties, the EU Courts have developed certain criteria to detect the existence of economic activity through their jurisprudence. Since the distinction between economic and non-economic activities depends on political choice and economic specifities of the Member States, it is not possible to claim that a certain activity, which is not economic for today would never be economic in the future. In this work it is attamped to explain that which activities are economic and which are non economic on the basis of case-law developed by the EU Courts


  • ANDERSEN, E. A. ve B. LINDNAES (2007), “Public Goods: Concept, Definition and Method”, E. A. Andersen ve B. Lindnaes (der.), Towards New Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers içinde, s.36.
  • BHAGWATI, J.N.(1987), “Services” J.F. Finger ve A. Olechowski (der), The Uruguay Round-A Handbook on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Washington içinde, s.208.
  • BOEGER, N. “Solidarity and EC Competition Law”, E.L. Rev., Vol. 32, No. 3, 2007, s.319-340.
  • DE SWAAN, A. (1989), In Care of the State, Oxford: Blackwell, s.19.
  • DEMSETZ, H. ve A. ALCIAN (1988), “Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organisation”, H. Demsetz (der), Ownership, Control and the Firm, Oxford: Basil Blackwell Limited içinde, s. 119.
  • DERINGER, A. (1968), The Competition Law of the European Economic Community: A Commentary of the EEC Rules of Competition (Articles 85 to 90) Including the Implementing Regulations and Directives, New York: Commerce Clearing House, s.8.
  • COLLIGNON, S. (2003), The European Republic –Reflections on the Political Economy of a Future Constitution, The Federal Trust, London, s.93-96.
  • CULLIS, J. ve P. JONES (1998), Public Finance and Public Choice, Oxford University Press, s. 36.
  • DOUGAN, M. ve E. SPAVENTA (2005), “’Wish You Weren’t Here…’ New Models of Social Solidarity in the European Union” Dougan, M. and E. Spaventa, (der.), Social Welfare and EU Law, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing içinde, s. 184.
  • DRIJBER, B.J. (2004) “Case Comment: Joined Cases C-264/01, C-354/01 and C-355/01 AOK Bundesverband A.O. Judgement of the Full Court 16 March 2004, Not yet Reported”, Common Market Law Review (C.M.L.R.Rev.) Vol. 42, s.528.
  • ENGEL, C. (1996), Limits for Public Special Interest Programmes under the Perspective of E.C. Law, New York: Vistas, s.24. E.C.L.R. Vol. 8, No. 4, s.344-370.
  • GROSSMAN, S.J. ve O.D. HART (1986), “The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No. 691, s.717.
  • HANDOLL, J.(1995), Free Movement of Persons in the EU, New York: John Wiley & Sons, s.88.
  • JONES, A. ve B. SUFRIN, EC Competition Law, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, s.617.
  • KACZOROWSKA-IRELAND, A. (2016), European Union Law, New York: Routledge, s.849.
  • KAUL, I. (1999), “Defining Global Public Goods”, I. Kaul, I. Grunberg ve M. A. Stern (der.), Global Public Goods, International Cooperation in the 21st Century, New York: Oxford University Press içinde, s.2.
  • KAUL, I. ve R. U. MENDOZA (2003), “Advancing the Concept of Public Goods”, I. Kaul, P. Conceiçao, K. Le Goulven ve R. U. Mendoza (der.), Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalisation, New York: Oxford University Press, s.82-83.
  • KENNETT, W (1996) “The European Community and the General Agreement on Trade in Sevices”, N. Emiliou ve D. O’Keeffe (der.), The European and the World Trade Law After the GATT Uruguay Round, John Willey & Sons, içinde, s.136-148.
  • KOKKORIS, I. (2006), “Buyer Power Asssessment in Competition Law: A Boon or a Menace?, World Competition, Vol.29, No.1, s.139
  • KORAH, V. (2007), An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law, 9th ed., Oxford: Hart Publishing 2007, s.49.
  • KRAJEWSKI, M. ve M. FARLEY (2007), “Case Comment: Non Economic Actvities in Upstream and Downstream Markets and the Scope of Competition Law after FENIN”, E.L.Rev., Vol. 32, No.1, s.111-124.
  • LASOK, L.E.P. (2004), “When is an Undertaking is not an Undertaking”, E.C.L.R., Vol. 2, No.7, s.383-385.
  • MESSERLIN, P.A.(1993), “’Services’ in The European Community as a World Trade Partner”, European Economy, No.52, s.129-156.
  • MORGAN, B. ve K. YEUNG (2007), An Introduction to Law and Regulation –Text and Materials, Cambridge University Press, s.3.
  • MUSGRAVE, R.A. (1997), “A Multiple Theory of Budget Determination”, FinanzArchiv, vol. 17, s. 333-343
  • MUSGRAVE, R.A. ve P.B. MUSGRAVE (1973), Public Finance in Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill, New York and London, s. 7. NICOLAIDES, P. (1988), Liberalising Service Trade-Strategies for Success, London: Routledge, s.7-9.
  • ODUDU, O. (2006) The Boundaries of EC Competition Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.35
  • OGUS, A. (2004), Regulation: Legal, Form and Economic Theory, Oxford: Hart Publishing, s.29.
  • OGUS, A. (1995), “Rethinking self-regulation”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 15, s.97.
  • PANIC, M. (2005), “The Euro and Welfare State” , Dougan, M ve E. Spaventa, (der.), Social Welfare and EU Law, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing içinde, s.30.
  • PROSSER, T. (2005), The Limits of Competition Law- Markets and Public Services, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.35.
  • ROTH, W-H. (2007), Dava Yorumu: “Case C-205/03 Federacion Espanola de Empresas de Tecnologia Sanitaria (FENIN) v Commission, Judgement of the Grand Chamber of 11 July 2006, [2006] ECR I-6295”. C.M.L.Rev., Vol.44, No.4, s.1131-1142.
  • RUBINI, L. (2009), The Definition of Subsidy and State Aid-WTO and EC Law in Comparative Perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.210.
  • SACERDOTI, G. (1990) “The International Regulation of Services: basic concepts and standards of treatment”, G. Sacerdoti (der.) Liberalisation of Services and Intellectual Property in the Uruguay Round of GATT, Pupil Progress and Undercurrents in Public International Law, vol. 6, içinde, s.28-49.
  • SAMUELSON, P.A. (1954), “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 36, No.4, s.387-389.
  • SAMUELSON, P. A. (1955), Readings in Economics, McGraw Hill, New York.
  • SELZNICK, P. (1985)“Focusing Organisational Research on Regulation” R. Noll (der.), Regulatory Policy and the Social Sciences, Berkeley: University of California Press içinde, s.363.
  • SNELL, J. (2000), Goods and Services in EC Law-A Study of the Relationship between the Freedoms, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.7.
  • SNELL, J. ve M. ANDENAS, (2004), “Exploring the Outer Limits: Restrictions on the Free Movement of Goods and Services”, M. Andenas ve W.H. Roth (der), Services and Free Movement in EU Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.73-85.
  • STIGLITZ, J.E. (2000), Economics of the Public Sector, 3rd ed., New York/ London: W.W. Norton & Company, s.128.
  • SZYCZAK, E. (2001), “Public Service Provision in Competitive Markets”, Yearbook of European Law, Vol.20.
  • TOWNLEY, C. (2007), “The Concept of an ‘Undertaking’: The Boundaries of the Corporation –A Discussion of Agency, Employees and Subsidiaries”, Amato, G. ve C-D. Ehlermann (der), EC Competition Law-A Critical Assessment içinde, Oxford: Hart Publishing, s.10.
  • VAN DE GRONDEN, J.W. (2004) “Purchasing care: economic activity or service of general (economic) interest?” European Competition Law Review (E.C.L.R.), vol.25, No.2, s.87-94.
  • WINTERSTEIN, A. (1999), “Nailing the Jellyfish: Social Security and Competition Law”, E.C.L.R., Vol.20, No.6, s.324-333.
  • WIVEL, P. (2007),“The State and the Citizen: Natural law as a public good” in E. A. Andersen ve B. Lindsnaes (der), Towards New Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers içinde, s.3. MAHKEME KARARLARI ABAD KARARLARI
  • Case C-82/01 Aéroports de Paris v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR I-9297 [2003] 4 CMLR 12.
  • Case C-67/96 Albany International BV v Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie (Albany) [2000] 4 CMLR 446.
  • Case C-295/05 Associacion Nacional de Empresas Foretales (Asemfo) v Transformacion Agraria SA (Tragsa) ve Administracion del Estado [2007] ECR I-2999.
  • Case 263/86 Belgian State v Rene and Marie Therese Humbel (Humbel) [1988 ] ECR 5365.
  • Case 352/85 Bond van Adverteerders and others v The Netherlands State (Bond van Adverteerders)[1988] ECR 2124.
  • Case C-157/99 B.S.M. Geraets-Smiths v Stichting Ziekenfonds VGZ and Peerbooms v Stichting CZ Groep Zorgverzekeringen (Geraets- Smiths and Peerbooms), ECR I-5473.
  • Case C-96/94 Centro Servizi v Spedizioni Marittima Del Golfo [1996] 4 CMLR 613 ve Case C-35/96 E.C Commission v Italy [1998] ECR I-3851.
  • Case C-218/00 Cisal di Battistello Venanzio & Co. Sas v Instituto Nazionale Per L’Assicurazione Contro Gli Infortuni Sun Lavoro (Inail) (Cisal) [2002] 4 CMLR 24.
  • Case C-2/90 Commission v Belgium [1993] 1 CMLR 365.
  • Case C-318/05 Commission v Germany [2007] ECR I-6957.
  • Case 118/15 Commission v Italy [1987] ECR 2599; [1988] 3 CMLR 255.
  • Case C-35/96 Commission v Italy (Customs Agents) [1988] ECR 1-3851; [1998] 5 CMLR 889.
  • Case 7/68 Commission v Italy [1968] ECR 432.
  • Case 30/70 Corinne Bodson v Pompes Funebres des Regions Liberees SA (Bodson) [1989] CMLR 984.
  • Case C-22/98 Criminal proceedings against Jean Claude Becu and Others (Becu) [1994] ECR I-5665.
  • Case C-343/95 Diego Cali & Figli Srl Servizi ecologici Porto di Genova [1997] ECR I-1547.
  • Case 13/76 Gaetano Dona v Mario Mantero [1976] 2 CMLR 578.
  • Case C-205/03 Federacion Espanola de Empresas de Tecnologia Sanitaria (FENIN) v Commission of the European Communities [2006] ECR I-6295.
  • Case C-244/94 Federation Francaise des Societes d’Assurance and Others v Ministere de l’Agriculture et de la Peche (FFSA) [1996] 4 CMLR 536.
  • Case C-281/06 Hans-Dieter Jundt and Haedwig Jundt v Finanzampt Offenburg [2007] ECR I-12231.
  • Case C-203/99 Henning Veedfald v Arhus Amstkommune (Henning Veedfald) [2001] ECR I-3569.
  • Case C- 275/92 Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise v Gerhart Schindler and Jörg Schindler (Schindler) [1994] ECR-I-1039.
  • Case C-41/90 Klaus Höfner and Fritz Elser v Macratron GmbH (Höfner) [1991] ECR I-1979.
  • Case C- 124/97 Laara and Others v. Kihlakunnansyyttaja (Laara) [1999] E.C.R. I-6067.
  • Case 53/81 Levin v Staatssecretaris van Justitie [1982] ECR 1035.
  • Case C-519/04 Meca-Medina and Majcen v Commission of the European Communities (Meca-Medina) [2006] 5 CMLR 18.
  • Case C-385/99 Muller-Faure v Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij OZ Zorgverzekeringen UA [2003] ECR I-4509.
  • Case C-158/96 Raymond Kohll v Union des Caisses de Maladie (Kohll) [1988] ECR I-1931.
  • Case 2/74 Reyners v The Belgian State [1974] 2 CMLR 305.
  • Case C-384/92 Sat Fluggesellschaft v Eurocontrol (Eurocontrol) [1994] ECR 1-43; [1994] 5 CMLR 208.
  • Case C-70/95 Sodemare SA and Others (Federation des Maisons de Repos Privees de Belgique v Regione Lombardia (Sodemare) [1998] 4 CMLR 667.
  • Case C-109/92 Stephan Max Wirth v Landeshauptstadt Hannover [1993] ECR I-6447.
  • Case 196/87 Steymaan v Staatssecretaris van Justitie [1988] ECR 6159.
  • Case C- 155/73 The State v Sacchi (Sacchi) [1974] 2 CMLR 177.
  • Case C-368/98 Vanbraekel v Alliance Nationale des Mutualities Chretiennes (ANMC) [2001] ECR I- 5363.
  • Case 36/74 Walrave & Koch v Association Union Cycliste Internationale [1974] ECR 1405.
  • Case C-309/99 Wouters and others v Algemene Raad van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten and another (Wouters) [2002] ECR I-1577.
  • Case C-415/93 Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association ASBL v Bosman [1996] 1 CMLR 645.
  • Joined Cases C-264/01, C-306/01, C-354/01 and C-355/01 AOK Bundesverband and Others v Ichtyol-Gesellschaft Cordes, Hermani & Co. and Others (AOK) [2003] ECR I-2493.
  • Joined Cases C-51/96 and 191/97 Christelle Deliege v Ligue Francophone de Judo et Disciplines Associees ASBL et al. (Deliege) [2000] ECR I-2540.
  • Joined Cases 40/73 Cooperative Vereniging Suiker Unie UA v Commission (Suiker Unie) [1975] ECR 1663. Joined Cases C-159/91 and C-160/91 Christian Poucet v Assurances Generales de France (AGF) and Caisse Mutuelle Regionale du Languedoc-Roussillon (CAMULRAC) and Daniel Pistre v Caisse Autonome Nationale de Compension de I’Assurance Vieillese des Artisans (CANCAVA) (Poucet and Pistre) [1993] ECR I-637.
  • Joined Cases C-180/98 to C-184/98 Pavel Pavlov and Others v Stichting Pensioenfonds Medische Specialisten (Pavlov),[2000] ECR I-6451.
  • Case T-128/98 Aéroports de Paris v Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR II-3029; [2001] 4 CMLR 38.
  • Case T-219/99 British Airways plc. v Commission [2004] 4 CMLR 1008.
  • Case T-319/99 Federacion Nacional de Empresas de Instrumentacion Cientifica, Medica, Tecnica Y Dental (FENIN) v Commission of the European Communities [2003] 5 CMLR 1.
  • Case T-155/04 Selex Sistemi Integrati SpA v Commission of the European Communities (Selex) [2007] 4 CMLR 10.
Toplam 92 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Feyza Başar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 65

Kaynak Göster

APA Başar, F. (2016). Avrupa Birliği Rekabet Hukukunda Ekonomik Faaliyet Kavramı. Rekabet Dergisi(65), 44-97.