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ABD Elektrik Piyasasında Rekabet Hukuku Uygulamaları ve Düzenleyici Müdahaleler

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 65, 98 - 127, 01.06.2016


İnsanoğlunun günlük yaşamındaki en önemli mallardan birisi haline gelen elektrik, günümüzde çok çeşitli alanlarda kullanılır olmuştur. Kullanım alanının yaygınlığı ve günlük yaşamdaki önemi göz önüne alındığında, elektrik sektöründeki kamu müdahalelerinin önemi daha da artmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, rekabet hukuku müdahaleleri ile düzenleyici müdahalelerin, elektrik sektörünün yapısını, sektördeki teşebbüslerin davranışlarını ve en nihayetinde de tüm endüstrinin performansını ne yönde etkilediği, bu çalışmanın temel konusunu teşkil etmektedir. Çalışmada söz konusu değerlendirmeler yapılırken, temel olarak elektrik üretimi ve iletimi pazarları özelinde, son yıllarda elektrik endüstrisinin performansına en çok etki eden müdahalelere odaklanılacaktır. Son olarak, endüstrinin performansını daha da artırabilmek adına, rekabet hukuku müdahaleleri ile düzenleyici müdahalelerinin ne şekilde kullanılması gerektiği hususu, söz konusu müdahalelerin teorik açıdan doğruluğunun yanında pratik açıdan uygulanabilirliği dikkate alınarak değerlendirilecektir


  • ANTITRUST MODERNIZATION COMMISSION (AMC) (2007), Report and Recommendations. recommendation/amc_final_report.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • BIGGAR, D. (2005), “Background Note: Competition Issues in the Electricity Sector”, Journal of Competition Law and Policy, Vol. 6, No 4.
  • BLUMSACK, S.A., J. APT, and L.B. LAVE (2006), “Lessons from the Failure of U.S. Electricity Restructuring”, The Electricity Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 2.
  • BOISSELEAU, F. (2004), “The Role of Power Exchanges for the Creation of a Single European Electricity Market: Market Design and Market Regulation”, DUP Science, Delft University Press. fileadmin/mediatheque/centres/cgemp/Theses_soutenues/ (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • BORENSTEIN, S. and J. BUSHNELL (2000), “Electricity Restructuring: Deregulation or Reregulation”, Regulation, Vol. 23, No. 2, p.47.
  • BORENSTEIN, S., J. BUSHNELL and F. WOLAK (2002), “Measuring Market Inefficiencies in California’s Restructured Wholesale Electricity Market”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No. 5, p. 1376-1405.
  • FISHER, R. (2011), “The Regulation of Business”, microecon/cl18_regulation.html, (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • GARCIA, J.A. (2007), “International Perspectives on Electricity Market Monitoring and Market Power Mitigation”, Review of Network Economics, Vol.6, Issue 3.
  • GREER, M. (2012), Electricity Marginal Cost Pricing, Elsevier.
  • HUGHES, W.R. and G.R. HALL (1990), “Substituting Competition for Regulation”, Energy Law Journal, Vol. 11, No 2, p.243-267.
  • JOSKOW, P.L. (1997), “Restructuring, Competition and Regulatory Reform in the U.S. Electricity Sector”, Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol. 11, No 3, Summer 1997, p.119-138
  • MELAMED, A.D. (1997), “Legislative and Oversight Hearing on Antitrust Aspects of Electricity Deregulation”, Statement before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, atr/public/testimony/1130.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • MELAMED, A.D. (1999), “Electricity Restructuring”, Statement before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, http:// (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • NEWBERY, D. (2002), “Mitigating Market Power in Electricity Networks”, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, p.18. power_5-02.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • OECD (2002), “Competition Policy in the Electricity Industry”, Policy Roundtable, p.7 (Accessed: 09/07/2015).
  • PETTY, R.W. (2010), “A Light in the Darkness: The Case for Judicial Antitrust Enforcement in the Electric Wholesale Industry”, Tex. J. Oil Gas & Energy L., Vol.5. No 1, p.55-77.
  • PIERCE, R.J. (1996), “Antitrust Policy in the New Electricity Industry”, Energy Law Journal, Vol. 17, No 1. p.29-57.
  • POZZI, C. (2004), “Causes and Effects of Antitrust Enforcement in US Energy Industries”, The Centre of Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials, Working Paper, University Paris-Dauphine DocumentsPDF/RECHERCHE/33_Rapportfinal(inenglish).pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015).
  • SCHRIBER, A.R. and J.W. BROCK, (2009), “The Electricity Industry”, James Brock (ed.), in The Structure of American Industry, 12. ed., p.58-98. Long Grove, IL, Waveland Press Inc.
  • STALLINGS, W.H. (2013), “Colloquium on Antitrust and Regulation: The Continuing Role For Antitrust Enforcement In the Electricity Sector”, Competition Policy International.
  • STEINER, F. (2001), Regulation, Industry Structure and Performance in the Electricity Supply Industry, OECD Economic Studies, No. 32, 2001/I.
  • STERN, J. (2011), “System Operators: Lessons from US and EU Energy Industry Experience and Implications for the England and Wales Water Industry”, Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy (CCRP), Working Paper No 18.
  • THE REGULATORY ASSISTANCE PROJECT (RAP) (2011), “Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide”, ElectricityRegulationInTheUS_Guide_2011_03.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • VAHEESAN, S. (2013), “Market Power in Power Markets: The Filed-Rate Doctrine and Competition in Electricity”, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Vol. 46, Issue 3.
  • VISCUSI, W.K., J.E. HARRINGTON and J.M. VERNON (2005), Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
  • WOLAK, F. (2007), “Regulating Competition in Wholesale Electricity Supply”, Discussion Paper published by Stanford University, Department of Economics, Wholesale_Electricity_Supply_Wolak.pdf (accessed: 09/07/2015)

Antitrust Policy and Regulatory Interventions In The US Electricity Industry

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 65, 98 - 127, 01.06.2016


Electricity has become one of the most vital commodity for the daily life of humankind. Accordingly, it is used in a diverse range of areas today. Given that widespread use and significance for the daily life, policy interventions in electricity industry are essential. Within this context, how antitrust policy and regulatory interventions have affected market structure, company conduct, and social performance in electricity industry will be mainly assessed in this paper. In doing so, the focus will be narrowed to economically meaningful markets, which are generation and transmission segments of the U.S. electricity industry, and to those interventions that have had the greatest impact on social performance of the industry during the past decade or so. Finally it is also evaluated that how antitrust and other regulatory policies should be used to improve social performance in electricity industry at the present time by considering practical workability as well as theoretical desirability of these interventions


  • ANTITRUST MODERNIZATION COMMISSION (AMC) (2007), Report and Recommendations. recommendation/amc_final_report.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • BIGGAR, D. (2005), “Background Note: Competition Issues in the Electricity Sector”, Journal of Competition Law and Policy, Vol. 6, No 4.
  • BLUMSACK, S.A., J. APT, and L.B. LAVE (2006), “Lessons from the Failure of U.S. Electricity Restructuring”, The Electricity Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 2.
  • BOISSELEAU, F. (2004), “The Role of Power Exchanges for the Creation of a Single European Electricity Market: Market Design and Market Regulation”, DUP Science, Delft University Press. fileadmin/mediatheque/centres/cgemp/Theses_soutenues/ (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • BORENSTEIN, S. and J. BUSHNELL (2000), “Electricity Restructuring: Deregulation or Reregulation”, Regulation, Vol. 23, No. 2, p.47.
  • BORENSTEIN, S., J. BUSHNELL and F. WOLAK (2002), “Measuring Market Inefficiencies in California’s Restructured Wholesale Electricity Market”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No. 5, p. 1376-1405.
  • FISHER, R. (2011), “The Regulation of Business”, microecon/cl18_regulation.html, (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • GARCIA, J.A. (2007), “International Perspectives on Electricity Market Monitoring and Market Power Mitigation”, Review of Network Economics, Vol.6, Issue 3.
  • GREER, M. (2012), Electricity Marginal Cost Pricing, Elsevier.
  • HUGHES, W.R. and G.R. HALL (1990), “Substituting Competition for Regulation”, Energy Law Journal, Vol. 11, No 2, p.243-267.
  • JOSKOW, P.L. (1997), “Restructuring, Competition and Regulatory Reform in the U.S. Electricity Sector”, Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol. 11, No 3, Summer 1997, p.119-138
  • MELAMED, A.D. (1997), “Legislative and Oversight Hearing on Antitrust Aspects of Electricity Deregulation”, Statement before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, atr/public/testimony/1130.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • MELAMED, A.D. (1999), “Electricity Restructuring”, Statement before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, http:// (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • NEWBERY, D. (2002), “Mitigating Market Power in Electricity Networks”, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, p.18. power_5-02.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • OECD (2002), “Competition Policy in the Electricity Industry”, Policy Roundtable, p.7 (Accessed: 09/07/2015).
  • PETTY, R.W. (2010), “A Light in the Darkness: The Case for Judicial Antitrust Enforcement in the Electric Wholesale Industry”, Tex. J. Oil Gas & Energy L., Vol.5. No 1, p.55-77.
  • PIERCE, R.J. (1996), “Antitrust Policy in the New Electricity Industry”, Energy Law Journal, Vol. 17, No 1. p.29-57.
  • POZZI, C. (2004), “Causes and Effects of Antitrust Enforcement in US Energy Industries”, The Centre of Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials, Working Paper, University Paris-Dauphine DocumentsPDF/RECHERCHE/33_Rapportfinal(inenglish).pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015).
  • SCHRIBER, A.R. and J.W. BROCK, (2009), “The Electricity Industry”, James Brock (ed.), in The Structure of American Industry, 12. ed., p.58-98. Long Grove, IL, Waveland Press Inc.
  • STALLINGS, W.H. (2013), “Colloquium on Antitrust and Regulation: The Continuing Role For Antitrust Enforcement In the Electricity Sector”, Competition Policy International.
  • STEINER, F. (2001), Regulation, Industry Structure and Performance in the Electricity Supply Industry, OECD Economic Studies, No. 32, 2001/I.
  • STERN, J. (2011), “System Operators: Lessons from US and EU Energy Industry Experience and Implications for the England and Wales Water Industry”, Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy (CCRP), Working Paper No 18.
  • THE REGULATORY ASSISTANCE PROJECT (RAP) (2011), “Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide”, ElectricityRegulationInTheUS_Guide_2011_03.pdf (Accessed: 09/07/2015)
  • VAHEESAN, S. (2013), “Market Power in Power Markets: The Filed-Rate Doctrine and Competition in Electricity”, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Vol. 46, Issue 3.
  • VISCUSI, W.K., J.E. HARRINGTON and J.M. VERNON (2005), Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
  • WOLAK, F. (2007), “Regulating Competition in Wholesale Electricity Supply”, Discussion Paper published by Stanford University, Department of Economics, Wholesale_Electricity_Supply_Wolak.pdf (accessed: 09/07/2015)
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Hale Gündüz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 65

Kaynak Göster

APA Gündüz, H. (2016). ABD Elektrik Piyasasında Rekabet Hukuku Uygulamaları ve Düzenleyici Müdahaleler. Rekabet Dergisi(65), 98-127.