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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 54, 43 - 64, 01.06.2013


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye elektrik pazarında etkinlik ölçen çalışmalar taranmıştır. Bu tarama sonucunda, verilerin bulunabilirliği sebebiyle elektrik üretiminden ziyade elektrik dağıtımına yönelik yoğun bir ilgi olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışmalardan çıkarılan diğer bir sonuç ise Türkiye’deki özel teşebbüslerin kamu teşebbüslerine göre hem elektrik dağıtım hem de üretim segmentlerinde daha etkin olduklarıdır. Diğer yandan, taranan çalışmaların etkinlik tahminleri arasında tutarlılık sorunu bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu etkinlik tahminleri düzenleyici işlemlerde elektrik tarifelerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla kullanılacaksa öncelikle etkinlik tahminlerinin tutarlılığının sağlanması gerekmektedir


  • APPA, G., C.A.B. COSTA, M.P. CHAGAS, F.C. FERREIRA and J.O. SOARES (2010), DEA in X-factor evaluation for the Brazilian Electricity Distribution Industry, Working Papers, LSEOR 10.121, London School of Economics.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (1996), “Privatisation, Ownership and Technical Efficiency in the Turkish Electricity Supply Industry”, Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, No:6, p.25-37.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N., C.M.W. PRICE and T.G. WEYMAN-JONES (1996), “Efficiency and Ownership in Electricity Distribution: A Non-parametric Model of the Turkish Experience”, Energy Economics, No:18, p.1-23.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (2005), “The Efficiency Consequences of Resisting Changes in a Changing World: Evidence from the Turkish Electricity Distribution”, International Journal of Business, Management and Economics, No:1(2), p.23-44.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N., C. W. PRICE and T. WEYMAN-JONES (2007), “Measuring Potential Gains from Mergers among Electricity Distribution Companies in Turkey Using a Non-parametric Model”, The Energy Journal, No:28(2), p.83-100.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. and T. WEYMAN-JONES (2008), “Panel Data Stochastic Frontier Analysis for Energy Network Regulation”, workshop2008/Weyman-Jones, Date Accessed: 10.12.2012.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (2009), “Türk Elektrik Dağıtım Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesine Yönelik Özendirici Bir Düzenleme Uygulaması”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, No:11(1), p.23-44.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. and O. SENYÜCEL (2010), Service Quality Regulation
  • in Electricity Distribution, paper presented in 6th International Scientific
  • Conference, May 13–14, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. and T. WEYMAN-JONES (2010), “Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Modelling for Incentive Regulation: An application to the Turkish Electricity Distribution”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, No:25(297).
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (2011), Regulation in the Turkish Electricity Industry, T. Çetin and F. Oğuz (eds.), in The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey, p.123-143.
  • BANKER, R.D., V.M. GADH and W.L. GORR (1993), “A Monte Carlo Comparison of Two Production Frontier Estimation Methods: Corrected Ordinary Least Squares and Data Envelopment Analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, No:67, p.332-343.
  • BAYKAL, S. (2009), The Cost Efficiency Analysis of Turkish Electricity Distribution Firms, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Eidgenöessische Technische Hochschule, Zürich.
  • COELLI, T.J, H. CRESPO, A. PASZUKIEWICZ, S. PERELMA, M.A. PLAGNET and E. ROMANO (2008), “Incorporating Quality of Service in a Benchmarking Model: An Application to French Electricity Distribution Operators”, www.cepe., Date Accessed: 10.12.2012.
  • ÇELEN, A. (2011), Measuring the efficiency of the Turkish Electric Distribution Sector Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • ÇELEN, A. (2012), “Performance Evaluation of Turkish Electricity Distribution Market Using a Combined FAHP / TOPSIS Method”, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, No:29(2), p.1263-1276.
  • ÇELEN, A. and N. YALÇIN (2012), “Performance Assessment of Turkish Electricity Distribution Utilities: An Application of Combined FAHP / TOPSIS / DEA Methodology to Incorporate Quality of Service”, Utilities Policy, No:23, p.59-71.
  • ÇELEN, A. (2013), “The Effect of Merger and Consolidation Activities on the Efficiency of Electricity Distribution Regions in Turkey”, Energy Policy, No:59, p.674-682.
  • ERDOĞDU, E. (2009), “Some Thoughts on the Turkish Electricity Distribution Industry”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, No:13, p.1485–1494.
  • GIANNAKIS, D., T. JAMASB and M. POLLITT (2005), “Benchmarking and Incentive Regulation of Quality of Service: An Application to the UK Electricity Distribution Networks”, Energy Policy, No:33(17), p.2256-2271.
  • GROWITSCH, C., T. JAMASB and M. POLLITT, M. (2009), “Quality of Service, Efficiency, and Scale in Network Industries: An Analysis of European Electricity Distribution”, Applied Economics, No:41(20), p.2555-2570.
  • HATTORI, T, T. JAMASB and M. POLLITT (2005), “Electricity Distribution in the UK and Japan: A Comparative Efficiency Analysis 1985-1998”, Energy Journal, No:26(2), p.23-47.
  • JAMASB, T. and M. POLLIT (2001), Benchmarking and Regulation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Utilities: Lessons from International Experience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
  • MORTIMER, D. (2002), Competing Methods for Efficiency Measurement A Systematic Review of Direct DEA vs SFA/DFA Comparisons, Working Paper no. 136, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
  • ODYAKMAZ, N. and G.C. SCARSI (2007), Electricity Distribution
  • Benchmarking in Turkey for Regulatory Purposes: The Case of TEDAS, 9th IAEE European Energy Conference “Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe”, Florence, Italy.
  • ODYAKMAZ, N. (2009), The Comparative Performance Analysis of Turkish Electricity Distribution Companies in the Framework of Performance-based Regulation, Unpublished Phd Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • SARICA, K. and İ. OR (2007), “Efficiency Assessment of Turkish Power Plants Using Data Envelopment Analysis”, Energy, No:32(8), p.1484-1499.
  • SENYÜCEL, O. (2012), Türkiye’de Elektrik Dağıtımında Hizmet Kalitesi ve Etkinlik Ölçümü, Published Phd Thesis, Graduate Thesis Series, no: 19, Rekabet Kurumu, Ankara.
  • SÖZEN, A., İ. ALP and A. ÖZDEMIR (2010), “Assessment of Operational and Environmental Performance of the Thermal Power Plants in Turkey by Using Data Envelopment Analysis”, Energy Policy, No:38(6), p.6194-6203.


Yıl 2013, Sayı: 54, 43 - 64, 01.06.2013


In this study, we survey studies measuring the efficiencies in Turkish electricity market. At the end of this survey, we observed an eager interest in electricity distribution market rather than generation market because of the data availability. Another result drawn from these studies is that in Turkey private electricity utilities are more efficient than their public counterparts in both electricity distribution and generation segments. On the other hand, the studies reviewed suffer from a lack of consistency in terms of their efficiency estimations. Thus, the robustness condition of the efficiency estimations should be first satisfied if they are used in regulatory proceedings to set electricity tariffs


  • APPA, G., C.A.B. COSTA, M.P. CHAGAS, F.C. FERREIRA and J.O. SOARES (2010), DEA in X-factor evaluation for the Brazilian Electricity Distribution Industry, Working Papers, LSEOR 10.121, London School of Economics.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (1996), “Privatisation, Ownership and Technical Efficiency in the Turkish Electricity Supply Industry”, Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, No:6, p.25-37.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N., C.M.W. PRICE and T.G. WEYMAN-JONES (1996), “Efficiency and Ownership in Electricity Distribution: A Non-parametric Model of the Turkish Experience”, Energy Economics, No:18, p.1-23.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (2005), “The Efficiency Consequences of Resisting Changes in a Changing World: Evidence from the Turkish Electricity Distribution”, International Journal of Business, Management and Economics, No:1(2), p.23-44.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N., C. W. PRICE and T. WEYMAN-JONES (2007), “Measuring Potential Gains from Mergers among Electricity Distribution Companies in Turkey Using a Non-parametric Model”, The Energy Journal, No:28(2), p.83-100.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. and T. WEYMAN-JONES (2008), “Panel Data Stochastic Frontier Analysis for Energy Network Regulation”, workshop2008/Weyman-Jones, Date Accessed: 10.12.2012.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (2009), “Türk Elektrik Dağıtım Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesine Yönelik Özendirici Bir Düzenleme Uygulaması”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, No:11(1), p.23-44.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. and O. SENYÜCEL (2010), Service Quality Regulation
  • in Electricity Distribution, paper presented in 6th International Scientific
  • Conference, May 13–14, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. and T. WEYMAN-JONES (2010), “Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Modelling for Incentive Regulation: An application to the Turkish Electricity Distribution”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, No:25(297).
  • BAĞDADİOĞLU, N. (2011), Regulation in the Turkish Electricity Industry, T. Çetin and F. Oğuz (eds.), in The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey, p.123-143.
  • BANKER, R.D., V.M. GADH and W.L. GORR (1993), “A Monte Carlo Comparison of Two Production Frontier Estimation Methods: Corrected Ordinary Least Squares and Data Envelopment Analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, No:67, p.332-343.
  • BAYKAL, S. (2009), The Cost Efficiency Analysis of Turkish Electricity Distribution Firms, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Eidgenöessische Technische Hochschule, Zürich.
  • COELLI, T.J, H. CRESPO, A. PASZUKIEWICZ, S. PERELMA, M.A. PLAGNET and E. ROMANO (2008), “Incorporating Quality of Service in a Benchmarking Model: An Application to French Electricity Distribution Operators”, www.cepe., Date Accessed: 10.12.2012.
  • ÇELEN, A. (2011), Measuring the efficiency of the Turkish Electric Distribution Sector Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • ÇELEN, A. (2012), “Performance Evaluation of Turkish Electricity Distribution Market Using a Combined FAHP / TOPSIS Method”, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, No:29(2), p.1263-1276.
  • ÇELEN, A. and N. YALÇIN (2012), “Performance Assessment of Turkish Electricity Distribution Utilities: An Application of Combined FAHP / TOPSIS / DEA Methodology to Incorporate Quality of Service”, Utilities Policy, No:23, p.59-71.
  • ÇELEN, A. (2013), “The Effect of Merger and Consolidation Activities on the Efficiency of Electricity Distribution Regions in Turkey”, Energy Policy, No:59, p.674-682.
  • ERDOĞDU, E. (2009), “Some Thoughts on the Turkish Electricity Distribution Industry”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, No:13, p.1485–1494.
  • GIANNAKIS, D., T. JAMASB and M. POLLITT (2005), “Benchmarking and Incentive Regulation of Quality of Service: An Application to the UK Electricity Distribution Networks”, Energy Policy, No:33(17), p.2256-2271.
  • GROWITSCH, C., T. JAMASB and M. POLLITT, M. (2009), “Quality of Service, Efficiency, and Scale in Network Industries: An Analysis of European Electricity Distribution”, Applied Economics, No:41(20), p.2555-2570.
  • HATTORI, T, T. JAMASB and M. POLLITT (2005), “Electricity Distribution in the UK and Japan: A Comparative Efficiency Analysis 1985-1998”, Energy Journal, No:26(2), p.23-47.
  • JAMASB, T. and M. POLLIT (2001), Benchmarking and Regulation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Utilities: Lessons from International Experience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
  • MORTIMER, D. (2002), Competing Methods for Efficiency Measurement A Systematic Review of Direct DEA vs SFA/DFA Comparisons, Working Paper no. 136, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
  • ODYAKMAZ, N. and G.C. SCARSI (2007), Electricity Distribution
  • Benchmarking in Turkey for Regulatory Purposes: The Case of TEDAS, 9th IAEE European Energy Conference “Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe”, Florence, Italy.
  • ODYAKMAZ, N. (2009), The Comparative Performance Analysis of Turkish Electricity Distribution Companies in the Framework of Performance-based Regulation, Unpublished Phd Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • SARICA, K. and İ. OR (2007), “Efficiency Assessment of Turkish Power Plants Using Data Envelopment Analysis”, Energy, No:32(8), p.1484-1499.
  • SENYÜCEL, O. (2012), Türkiye’de Elektrik Dağıtımında Hizmet Kalitesi ve Etkinlik Ölçümü, Published Phd Thesis, Graduate Thesis Series, no: 19, Rekabet Kurumu, Ankara.
  • SÖZEN, A., İ. ALP and A. ÖZDEMIR (2010), “Assessment of Operational and Environmental Performance of the Thermal Power Plants in Turkey by Using Data Envelopment Analysis”, Energy Policy, No:38(6), p.6194-6203.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 54

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