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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 46, 91 - 163, 01.06.2011


Küreselleşme olgusuna rağmen politika ve hukuk halen temelde ulus devletler tarafından düzenlenmektedir. Rekabet Hukuku da temel olarak ulus devlet tarafından düzenlenmekte ve konunun uluslararası boyutu eksik kalmaktadır. Ulusal rekabet kanunları, sınır ötesi aktivitelerle ancak ülke içerisinde ciddi bir etki doğurmaları halinde ilgilenmektedir. Bu durumun rekabete aykırı davranışlar için uygun bir ortam yarattığı gözlemlemek mümkündür. Son zamanlarda devletler, rekabet hukuku sorunları ile ilgili işbirliği anlaşmaları akdetme arayışına girmektedir. Bunun sonucu olarak ise bir uluslarası rekabet hukuku anlaşmasının gerekliliği konusu gündeme gelmiştir. Çalışmamızda, uluslararası rekabet hukukundaki mevcut durumun iyileştirilmesi yolları sorgulanmaktadır. egemenlikleri ile uyumlu plurilateral bir uluslararası anlaşmanın imzalanması hem Uluslararası Ticaret hem de rekabet hukuku açısından faydalı olacaktır. DTÖ ise böyle bir anlaşmanın akdedilmesi için en uygun kurumsal yapıyı sağlayacaktır


  • ABDELGAWAD, W. (2001), «Jalons de l’internationalisation du droit de la concurrence: vers l’éclosion d’un ordre juridique mondial de la lex economica», RIDE, 2001/2, s. 161-196.
  • ABRAHAM-FROIS, G. (2004), Introduction à la micro-économie, Economica, Paris.
  • BEGG, D., S. FISCHER ve R. DORNBUSCH (2002), Micro économie, 2ème ed. Dunod, Paris.
  • BERNIER, B. ve H.L. VEDIE (2005), Initiation à la microéconomie, Dunod 2e ed. Paris.
  • BRADFORD (PIILOLA), A. (2007), “International Antitrust Negotiations and the False Hope of the WTO”, Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 48, summer 2007, s. 383 - 440.
  • BRAULT, D. (1997), Droit et la politique de la concurrence, Economica, Paris.
  • BRAULT, D. (2004), Politique et pratique du droit de la concurrence en France, LGDJ, Paris. BROBERG, M.P. (2000), “The European Commission's Extraterritorial Powers in Merger Control The Court of First Instance's Judgment in Gencor
  • v. Commission”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 1. (Jan.2000), s. 172-182.
  • CARREAU, D. ve P. JUILLLARD (2007), Droit international économique, Dalloz 3e édition, Paris.
  • CHABRIT, N. (2002), Le droit de la concurrence et le secteur public, L’Harmattan. CHAREYRE DE BEAUMONT, A. (2006), Droit de la concurrence et globalisation, Doktora Tezi, Paris II - Panthéon-Assas Üniversitesi, Fransa.
  • CLAUDEL, E. (2004), «Vers un droit international de la concurrence ?», dans Droit de l’économie internationale, DAILLIER P., de LA PRADELLE G., GHERARI H. (dir.), Editions Pedone, Paris, s. 405-420.
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  • FOX, E.M. (1998), “International Antitrust: Against Minimum Rules; For Cosmopolitan Principles”, Antitrust Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 1, March 1998, s. 5 - 13.
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  • GERADIN, D. (2009), “The Perils of Antitrust Proliferation - The Process of 'Decentralized Globalization' and the Risks of Over-Regulation of Competitive Behaviour”, Forthcoming in Chicago Journal of International Law. Electronic copy available at:
  • GERBER, D.J. (2006), «Les doctrines européenne et américaine du droit de la concurrence» dans la Modernisation du droit de la concurrence, sous la direction de CANIVET Guy, L.G.D.J. Paris, s.106-131.
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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 46, 91 - 163, 01.06.2011


Despite globalisation, law and politics are still organised primarily on the basis of nation-states. Competition law is one form of such regulation. Domestic competition laws are not usually concerned with activity beyond territorial borders unless it has significant domestic effects. This approach has created a suitable environment for the anti-competitive activities. More recently, States have sought to negotiate co-operation agreements in relation to competition law matters. As a result, attention has turned to the possibility of negotiating an international agreement on competition law. So, in our thesis, we examine the possibility of increasing the efficiency in international competition law. As an answer to it, we are arguing that a plurilateral competition agreement with the appropriate content would be beneficial for both international trade and competition and the WTO would provide the optimal institutional vehicle for it


  • ABDELGAWAD, W. (2001), «Jalons de l’internationalisation du droit de la concurrence: vers l’éclosion d’un ordre juridique mondial de la lex economica», RIDE, 2001/2, s. 161-196.
  • ABRAHAM-FROIS, G. (2004), Introduction à la micro-économie, Economica, Paris.
  • BEGG, D., S. FISCHER ve R. DORNBUSCH (2002), Micro économie, 2ème ed. Dunod, Paris.
  • BERNIER, B. ve H.L. VEDIE (2005), Initiation à la microéconomie, Dunod 2e ed. Paris.
  • BRADFORD (PIILOLA), A. (2007), “International Antitrust Negotiations and the False Hope of the WTO”, Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 48, summer 2007, s. 383 - 440.
  • BRAULT, D. (1997), Droit et la politique de la concurrence, Economica, Paris.
  • BRAULT, D. (2004), Politique et pratique du droit de la concurrence en France, LGDJ, Paris. BROBERG, M.P. (2000), “The European Commission's Extraterritorial Powers in Merger Control The Court of First Instance's Judgment in Gencor
  • v. Commission”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 1. (Jan.2000), s. 172-182.
  • CARREAU, D. ve P. JUILLLARD (2007), Droit international économique, Dalloz 3e édition, Paris.
  • CHABRIT, N. (2002), Le droit de la concurrence et le secteur public, L’Harmattan. CHAREYRE DE BEAUMONT, A. (2006), Droit de la concurrence et globalisation, Doktora Tezi, Paris II - Panthéon-Assas Üniversitesi, Fransa.
  • CLAUDEL, E. (2004), «Vers un droit international de la concurrence ?», dans Droit de l’économie internationale, DAILLIER P., de LA PRADELLE G., GHERARI H. (dir.), Editions Pedone, Paris, s. 405-420.
  • CNUCED (1996), La politique de concurrence et les pratiques commerciales restrictives, Groupe intergouvernemental d’experts des pratiques commerciales restrictives, TD/B/RBP/INF.36, 29 Ocak 1996.
  • COASE, R. H. (1993), “Law and Economics at Chicago”, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.36, No.1, University of Chicago Press, s. 239 - 254.
  • COLIN, F. (2005), Droit public économique, Gualino, Paris.
  • COTTIER, T. ve N.S. KRISTA (1997), “Non-violation Complaints in WTO/GATT Dispute Settlement: Past, Present and Future”, in International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, ed. PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich, Kluwer law International, London, s. 145-183.
  • DAILLIER, P. ve A. PELLET (2002), Droit international public, 7e éd. LGDJ, Paris.
  • DE LEON, I. (2002), “The Dilemma of Regulating International Competition under the WTO System”, International Economic Regulation, Ed. KELSEY, Jane, Dartmouth, s.355-370.
  • DESAUTELS-STEIN, J. (2008), “Extraterritoriality, Antitrust, and the Pragmatist Style”, Emory International Law Review, Vol. 22, s. 499 - 570.
  • DOMKE, M. (1955), “The United Nations Draft Convention on Restrictive Business Practices”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 4, No.1, s. 129-140.
  • DUNFEE, T.W. ve A.S. FRIEDMAN (1984), “The Extra-Territorial Application of United States Antitrust Laws: A Proposal for An Interim Solution”, OSLJ Vol. 45, Fall 1984, s. 883 - 932.
  • EVANS, D.S. (2009), “Why Different Jurisdictions Do Not (and Should Not) Adopt the Same Antitrust Rules”, Chicago Journal of International Law, Forthcoming, 16 Şubat 2009.
  • FARJAT, G. (2000), «Les pouvoirs privés économiques», Souveraineté étatique et marché internationaux à la fin du 20e siècle. À propos de 30 ans de recherche du CREDIMI, Mélanges en l’honneur de Philippe KAHN, Litec, s. 613-661.
  • FARJAT, G. (2004), Pour un droit économique, PUF, Paris.
  • FINCKENSTEIN, K.V. (2002), “International Antitrust Policy and the International Competition”, in International Antitrust Law&Policy, Fordham Corp. L. Institute HAWK Barry (Ed.), s. 37 - 46.
  • FOX, E.M. (1997), “Toward World Antitrust and Market Access”, American Journal of International Law, Vol.91, No.1, s. 1 - 25.
  • FOX, E.M. (1999), “Competition Law and Millennium Round”, JIEL Vol.2, Issue 4, s. 665 - 679.
  • FOX, E.M. (1998), “International Antitrust: Against Minimum Rules; For Cosmopolitan Principles”, Antitrust Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 1, March 1998, s. 5 - 13.
  • FRIEDEL-SOUCHU, E. (1994), Extraterritorialité du droit de la concurrence aux Etats-Unis et dans la Communauté européenne, LGDJ, Paris.
  • FRISON-ROCHE, A.-M. ve S. BONFILS (2005), Les grands questions du droit économique, Ed.PUF, Paris.
  • FRISON-ROCHE, A.-M. ve M. PAYET (2006), Droit de la concurrence, 1er éd. Dalloz, Paris. GAVALDA, C. ve G. PARLEANI (2006), Droit des affaires de l’Union européenne, 5ème ed. Litec, Paris.
  • GERADIN, D. (2009), “The Perils of Antitrust Proliferation - The Process of 'Decentralized Globalization' and the Risks of Over-Regulation of Competitive Behaviour”, Forthcoming in Chicago Journal of International Law. Electronic copy available at:
  • GERBER, D.J. (2006), «Les doctrines européenne et américaine du droit de la concurrence» dans la Modernisation du droit de la concurrence, sous la direction de CANIVET Guy, L.G.D.J. Paris, s.106-131.
  • GERBER, D.J. (2010), Global Competiiton: Law, Markets and Globalization, Oxford University Press.
  • GERBERT, P., V.-Y. GHEBALI ve M.-R. MOUTON (1996), Le rêve d’un ordre mondial de la Société des Nations à Organisations des Nations - Unies, éd. Imprimerie Nationale Paris.
  • GRAHAM, E.M. ve D.J. RICHARDSON (1997), Global Competition Policy, Institute for International Economics.
  • HEINEMANN, A. (2004), «La nécessité d’un droit mondial de la concurrence» Revue International de Droit Economique, s.293-324.
  • IDOT, L. (2002), «Mondialisation, liberté et régulation de la concurrence: le contrôle des concentrations», Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, Vol. XVI, No.2-3, s. 175-205.
  • ITOH, M. ve S. NAGAOKA (1997), “VERs, VIEs and Global Competition”, Global Competition Policy, GRAHAM E.M. ve RICHARDSON D.J. (Eds). , Institute for International Economics, s.475-499.
  • JACKSON, J.H (1990), The World Trading System, Law and Policy of International Economic Relations, The MIT press.
  • JACKSON, J.H. (1997), “ Reflections on Constitutional Changes to the Global Trading System”, dans Public Policy and Global Technological Integration, ABBOTT F. ve GERBER D. (Ed.) , Kluwer Law International, London, The Hague, Boston, s.185-193.
  • JACKSON, J.H., W.J. DAVEY ve A.O. SYKES (2002), Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: Cases, Materials and Text, 4th. Ed. American Casebook Series, West Group.
  • JACQUET, J.-M., P. DELEBECQUE ve S. CORNELOUP (2007), Droit du commerce international, 1e Dalloz, Paris.
  • JENNY, F. (2001), «L’environnement économique international et les autorités de concurrence», dans Rapport Public 2001 - Les autorités administratives indépendantes. La Documentation Française, Paris, s.441-462.
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Toplam 93 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 46

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