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К Проблеме Критической Рефлексии, или Аким Волынский о Проблеме Философии Мира

Yıl 2024, , 50 - 56, 01.09.2024


В статье представлен анализ системы ценностных ориентиров Акима Волынского. Сделан акцент на ряде парадоксальных суждений критика, обусловленных противоречивостью его мировидения и незавершенностью критической системы в целом. Цель статьи: рассмотреть полемические концепции критика, которые нашли отражение в его оценках литературной критики 60-х гг. ХІХ в. и декаданса. Предметом статьи стали статьи, критические очерки материалы переписки Акима Волынского, объектом - его система ценностных ориентиров. Новизна и актуальность статьи состоят в том, что Аким Volynsky как теоретик искусства и критик является одной из противоречивых фигур конца XIX – начала ХХ века, следовательно, его труды, непосредственно вытекающие из его онтологических ориентиров, заслуживают более объективного исследования. При анализе были использованы феноменологический, историко-типологический, структуральный методы, а также метод контент-анализа.


  • Bashlyar, G. (2004). The Poetics of Space. Selected Works: Poetics of Space, Moscow, 5-212.. [In Russian]
  • Duval, W. (2005). Lost illusions. The intellectual in France. Republique dictionnaire. France in the World Intellectual Culture, Moscow, 337-349. [In Russian]
  • Menzel, B. (2003). Changes in Russian literary criticism. A look through a German telescope. Untouchable reserve, No. 4 (30), 145-153. [In Russian]
  • Semkiv, R. (2004). Ironic structure: types of irony in fiction. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian]
  • Schmid, W. (2003). Narratology. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Culture. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, A. (1894). Literary notes. Northern Herald, No. 4, 117-128. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, A. (1895). Литературные заметки (Literary Notes). «Северный вестник», № 2, с. 280–293. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, А. (1904). Книга великого гнева. (The Book of Great Wrath). Санкт-Петербург. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, А., (1900). Критические очерки. (Critical Essays). Санкт-Петербург. [In Russian]
  • Yampolsky, M. (2010). "Through a dim glass": 20 chapters on uncertainty. Moskow. [In Russian]
  • Zenkovsky, V. (2001). History of Russian Philosophy. Moscow: Academic Project, Rarity. [In Russian]

To the Problem of Critical Reflection, or Akim Volynsky on The Problem of Philosophy of The World

Yıl 2024, , 50 - 56, 01.09.2024


The article analyses Akim Volynsky's system of value orientations. The article focuses on a number of paradoxical judgements of the critic due to the contradictory nature of his worldview and the incompleteness of his critical system as a whole. The aim of the article is to examine the critic's polemical concepts reflected in his assessments of literary criticism of the 1960s and decadence. The subject of the article are articles, critical essays, correspondence materials of Akim Volynsky, the object is his system of value orientations. The novelty and relevance of the article lies in the fact that Akim Volynsky as an art theorist and critic is one of the contradictory figures of the late 19th - early 20th century, therefore, his works, directly derived from his ontological orientations, deserve a more objective study. Phenomenological, historical-typological, structural methods, as well as the method of content analysis were used in the analysis.


  • Bashlyar, G. (2004). The Poetics of Space. Selected Works: Poetics of Space, Moscow, 5-212.. [In Russian]
  • Duval, W. (2005). Lost illusions. The intellectual in France. Republique dictionnaire. France in the World Intellectual Culture, Moscow, 337-349. [In Russian]
  • Menzel, B. (2003). Changes in Russian literary criticism. A look through a German telescope. Untouchable reserve, No. 4 (30), 145-153. [In Russian]
  • Semkiv, R. (2004). Ironic structure: types of irony in fiction. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian]
  • Schmid, W. (2003). Narratology. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Culture. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, A. (1894). Literary notes. Northern Herald, No. 4, 117-128. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, A. (1895). Литературные заметки (Literary Notes). «Северный вестник», № 2, с. 280–293. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, А. (1904). Книга великого гнева. (The Book of Great Wrath). Санкт-Петербург. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, А., (1900). Критические очерки. (Critical Essays). Санкт-Петербург. [In Russian]
  • Yampolsky, M. (2010). "Through a dim glass": 20 chapters on uncertainty. Moskow. [In Russian]
  • Zenkovsky, V. (2001). History of Russian Philosophy. Moscow: Academic Project, Rarity. [In Russian]

Eleştı̇rel Düşünme Sorununa ya da Akım Volynsky Dünya Felsefesı̇ Sorunu Üzerı̇ne

Yıl 2024, , 50 - 56, 01.09.2024


Bu makale Akim Volynsky'nin değer yönelimleri sistemini analiz etmektedir. Makale, eleştirmenin dünya görüşünün çelişkili doğası ve bir bütün olarak eleştirel sisteminin eksikliğinden kaynaklanan bir dizi paradoksal yargısına odaklanmaktadır. Makalenin amacı, eleştirmenin 1960'ların edebiyat eleştirisi ve dekadans değerlendirmelerinde yansıttığı polemik kavramlarını incelemektir. Makalenin konusu Akim Volınsky'nin makaleleri, eleştirel denemeleri, yazışma materyalleri, nesnesi ise onun değer yönelimleri sistemidir. Makalenin yeniliği ve önemi, bir sanat kuramcısı ve eleştirmeni olarak Akim Volınski'nin 19. yüzyıl sonu - 20. yüzyıl başının çelişkili figürlerinden biri olmasında yatmaktadır, bu nedenle doğrudan ontolojik yönelimlerinden türetilen eserleri daha nesnel bir çalışmayı hak etmektedir. Analizde fenomenolojik, tarihsel-tipolojik, yapısal yöntemlerin yanı sıra içerik analizi yöntemi de kullanılmıştır.


  • Bashlyar, G. (2004). The Poetics of Space. Selected Works: Poetics of Space, Moscow, 5-212.. [In Russian]
  • Duval, W. (2005). Lost illusions. The intellectual in France. Republique dictionnaire. France in the World Intellectual Culture, Moscow, 337-349. [In Russian]
  • Menzel, B. (2003). Changes in Russian literary criticism. A look through a German telescope. Untouchable reserve, No. 4 (30), 145-153. [In Russian]
  • Semkiv, R. (2004). Ironic structure: types of irony in fiction. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian]
  • Schmid, W. (2003). Narratology. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Culture. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, A. (1894). Literary notes. Northern Herald, No. 4, 117-128. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, A. (1895). Литературные заметки (Literary Notes). «Северный вестник», № 2, с. 280–293. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, А. (1904). Книга великого гнева. (The Book of Great Wrath). Санкт-Петербург. [In Russian]
  • Volynsky, А., (1900). Критические очерки. (Critical Essays). Санкт-Петербург. [In Russian]
  • Yampolsky, M. (2010). "Through a dim glass": 20 chapters on uncertainty. Moskow. [In Russian]
  • Zenkovsky, V. (2001). History of Russian Philosophy. Moscow: Academic Project, Rarity. [In Russian]
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sanat Tarihi, Teori ve Eleştiri (Diğer)
Bölüm Teorik Makale

Nina Rakovskaya 0009-0008-9503-2545

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Rakovskaya, N. (2024). To the Problem of Critical Reflection, or Akim Volynsky on The Problem of Philosophy of The World. Russian Insights: Literature, Culture And Linguistic(1), 50-56. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13337672

Russian Insights: Literature, Culture and Linguistic Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.