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محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 9 - 27, 01.01.2021


وصلت الحرب الباردة الجديدة إلى شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط. على المستوى الإستراتيجي، يوجب دخول الصين وروسيا إلى فراغ القوة في هذا المجال الجيوسياسي الإستراتيجي على واشنطن أن تجد أدوات قليلة التكلفة، يمكن بواسطتها إعادة تصميم هيكلية ومؤسسية الجغرافيا السياسية الإقليمية. وحتى اليوم، يبدو أن الولايات المتحدة تستعمل ثلاثة محاور للتحالفات، ظهر آخرها في شكل تحالفات مع اسرائيل وهي تحالفات مرنة وموجهة نحو المصلحة على مستوى التنافس الإقليمي. من المتوقع للأسف أن تعزز هذه التحالفات، الانقسامات الموجودة مسبقا في المنطقة ما لم يحدث تغيير جذري. تبحث هذه الدراسة في كيفية وتعليل وجوب تبني واشنطن منطق «محاور التحالف» لتشكيل شرق البحر المتوسط، وتستكشف التأثير المتوقع لاتفاقات أبراهام التي أطلقتها الولايات المتحدة على الجغرافيا السياسية الإقليمية.


  • “National Security Strategy of the United States of America,” The White House, (December 2017), retrieved from
  • Nursin Güney and Vişne Korkmaz, “New Russian Mahanism Failed: Futile Geopolitical Dreams in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean,”, in Nursin Güney (ed.), The New Geopolitical Realities for Russia, (London: Lexington Publishers, 2019), pp. 7-30.
  • Brenda Schaffer, “Can New Energy Supplies Bring Peace?” GMF, (May 11, 2014), retrieved from
  • Mehmet A. Kancı, “Analysis: To Encircle Turkey with an Energy Project: Transformation of EastMed,” Anadolu Agency,(September 10, 2020) retrieved from
  • Kayhan Karaca, “Hidrokarbon Adası Kıbrıs,” DW, (November 24, 2014), retrieved from; Muhammet İkbal Arslan,“Akıncı’dan Hidrokarbon Önerisini Reddeden Rumlara Yanıt,” Anadolu Agency, (July 16, 2019), retrieved from
  • Muhittin Ataman, “Greece Benefits from Rising Tensions with Turkey,” Daily Sabah (August 5, 2020), retrieved from; Tevfik Durul, “Yunanistan Başbakanı Miçotakis: Türk-Yunan Anlaşmazlığını, Türkiye-AB Anlaşmazlığına Çevirmeyi Başardık,” Anadolu Agency, (December 7, 2020), retrieved from
  • Chris Parry, “The Eastern Mediterranean: A Brief Geo-Political Overview,” in J. Stöht and S. Bruns (eds.), Maritime Security in the Eastern Mediterranean, , (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018), pp. 19-28; Yael Teff-Seker, Aviad Rubin, and Ehud Eiran, “Israel’s ‘Turn to the Sea’ and Its Effect on Israeli Regional Policy,” Israel Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2019), pp. 234-255.
  • Gabe Fisher, “Joint Israli- Greek Military Drill Seen by Some as Rebuff to Turkey”, The Times of Israel, (April 1, 2012) retrieved from; Nick Kampouris, “Five-Nation Military Exercise in the East Mediterranean Sends Message to Ankara,” Greek Reporter, (November 29, 2020) retrieved from
  • “Israel, Greece and Cyprus Agree to Boost Defense Cooperation,” Times of Israel, (November 13, 2020), retrieved from
  • Rauf Baker, “7+3: Greece as Part of Mediterranean Bloc,” BESA Perspective Papers, (October 1, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yosi Melman, “Israel’s Little-known Support for Haftar’s War in Libya,” Middle East Eye, (April 15, 2020), retrieved from
  • Sean Methews, “UAE Joins Greek, Egyptian Naval Exercise in Eastern Mediterranean,” Al Monitor, (December 2, 2020), retrieved from
  • “Ambassador Pyatt’s Interview to Kathimerini,” U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Greece, (June 7, 2020), retrieved from
  • “Greece, Israel, US, Cyprus to Boost Energy Cooperation,” Reuters, (August 7, 2019), retrieved from
  • “Cyprus and the US Border Security,” Greek City Times, (January 6, 2021), retrieved from
  • Norlen Sinai, “Abraham Accords,” George Marshal European Security Studies, No. 64 (October 20, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yossi Alpher, “Israeli Regional Strategies: Balancing the Arab Core, the New Periphery, and Great Powers,” IE Mediterranean Year Book, (2017), retrieved from
  • Leon Hadar, “The Middle East Channel: The Collapse of Israel’s ‘Periphery Doctrine,’” Foreign Policy, (June 26, 2010), retrieved from
  • Giorgi Cafiero and Daniel Wagner, “China and the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement,” Middle East Peace Institute, (September 22, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yoram Gabison, “Amid US Pressure Chinese Firm Losses Contract to Build Israeli Plant,” Haaretz, (May 26, 2020), retrieved from
  • Zoltan Egeresi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy,” The Moshe Dayan Center for the Middle Eastern and African Studies, (October 15, 2020), retrieved from
  • Egeresi, ‘‘How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy;” Jonathan Felton Harvey, “What Do the Abraham Accords Entail for the Middle East and North Africa?” Anadolu Agency, (August 22, 2020), retrieved from
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”

A New Alliance Axis in the Eastern Mediterranean and Abraham Accords

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 9 - 27, 01.01.2021


The New Cold War has arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean. At the strategic level, Chinese economic and Russian military assertiveness have led the U.S. to think twice about its mistakes, which opened up a power vacuum in this strategic geopolitical realm. Washington must find cost-free instruments with which to (re) design the structural and institutional scaffolding of regional geopolitics, which are fragmented and confrontational at the regional level because of the severe, ongoing power struggle. Until today, the U.S. has seemed to use three axes of alliances that have emerged as Israeli-based, flexible, and benefit-oriented alignments at the level of regional rivalry. These alignments, especially in the context of the Abraham Accords, are unfortunately expected to reinforce pre-existing divisions in the region unless a radical change occurs. This study examines how and why Washington must embrace the logic of ‘alliance axes to shape the Eastern Mediterranean and explores the projected impact of the U.S.-initiated Abraham Accords on regional geopolitics.


  • “National Security Strategy of the United States of America,” The White House, (December 2017), retrieved from
  • Nursin Güney and Vişne Korkmaz, “New Russian Mahanism Failed: Futile Geopolitical Dreams in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean,”, in Nursin Güney (ed.), The New Geopolitical Realities for Russia, (London: Lexington Publishers, 2019), pp. 7-30.
  • Brenda Schaffer, “Can New Energy Supplies Bring Peace?” GMF, (May 11, 2014), retrieved from
  • Mehmet A. Kancı, “Analysis: To Encircle Turkey with an Energy Project: Transformation of EastMed,” Anadolu Agency,(September 10, 2020) retrieved from
  • Kayhan Karaca, “Hidrokarbon Adası Kıbrıs,” DW, (November 24, 2014), retrieved from; Muhammet İkbal Arslan,“Akıncı’dan Hidrokarbon Önerisini Reddeden Rumlara Yanıt,” Anadolu Agency, (July 16, 2019), retrieved from
  • Muhittin Ataman, “Greece Benefits from Rising Tensions with Turkey,” Daily Sabah (August 5, 2020), retrieved from; Tevfik Durul, “Yunanistan Başbakanı Miçotakis: Türk-Yunan Anlaşmazlığını, Türkiye-AB Anlaşmazlığına Çevirmeyi Başardık,” Anadolu Agency, (December 7, 2020), retrieved from
  • Chris Parry, “The Eastern Mediterranean: A Brief Geo-Political Overview,” in J. Stöht and S. Bruns (eds.), Maritime Security in the Eastern Mediterranean, , (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018), pp. 19-28; Yael Teff-Seker, Aviad Rubin, and Ehud Eiran, “Israel’s ‘Turn to the Sea’ and Its Effect on Israeli Regional Policy,” Israel Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2019), pp. 234-255.
  • Gabe Fisher, “Joint Israli- Greek Military Drill Seen by Some as Rebuff to Turkey”, The Times of Israel, (April 1, 2012) retrieved from; Nick Kampouris, “Five-Nation Military Exercise in the East Mediterranean Sends Message to Ankara,” Greek Reporter, (November 29, 2020) retrieved from
  • “Israel, Greece and Cyprus Agree to Boost Defense Cooperation,” Times of Israel, (November 13, 2020), retrieved from
  • Rauf Baker, “7+3: Greece as Part of Mediterranean Bloc,” BESA Perspective Papers, (October 1, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yosi Melman, “Israel’s Little-known Support for Haftar’s War in Libya,” Middle East Eye, (April 15, 2020), retrieved from
  • Sean Methews, “UAE Joins Greek, Egyptian Naval Exercise in Eastern Mediterranean,” Al Monitor, (December 2, 2020), retrieved from
  • “Ambassador Pyatt’s Interview to Kathimerini,” U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Greece, (June 7, 2020), retrieved from
  • “Greece, Israel, US, Cyprus to Boost Energy Cooperation,” Reuters, (August 7, 2019), retrieved from
  • “Cyprus and the US Border Security,” Greek City Times, (January 6, 2021), retrieved from
  • Norlen Sinai, “Abraham Accords,” George Marshal European Security Studies, No. 64 (October 20, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yossi Alpher, “Israeli Regional Strategies: Balancing the Arab Core, the New Periphery, and Great Powers,” IE Mediterranean Year Book, (2017), retrieved from
  • Leon Hadar, “The Middle East Channel: The Collapse of Israel’s ‘Periphery Doctrine,’” Foreign Policy, (June 26, 2010), retrieved from
  • Giorgi Cafiero and Daniel Wagner, “China and the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement,” Middle East Peace Institute, (September 22, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yoram Gabison, “Amid US Pressure Chinese Firm Losses Contract to Build Israeli Plant,” Haaretz, (May 26, 2020), retrieved from
  • Zoltan Egeresi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy,” The Moshe Dayan Center for the Middle Eastern and African Studies, (October 15, 2020), retrieved from
  • Egeresi, ‘‘How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy;” Jonathan Felton Harvey, “What Do the Abraham Accords Entail for the Middle East and North Africa?” Anadolu Agency, (August 22, 2020), retrieved from
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 9 - 27, 01.01.2021



  • “National Security Strategy of the United States of America,” The White House, (December 2017), retrieved from
  • Nursin Güney and Vişne Korkmaz, “New Russian Mahanism Failed: Futile Geopolitical Dreams in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean,”, in Nursin Güney (ed.), The New Geopolitical Realities for Russia, (London: Lexington Publishers, 2019), pp. 7-30.
  • Brenda Schaffer, “Can New Energy Supplies Bring Peace?” GMF, (May 11, 2014), retrieved from
  • Mehmet A. Kancı, “Analysis: To Encircle Turkey with an Energy Project: Transformation of EastMed,” Anadolu Agency,(September 10, 2020) retrieved from
  • Kayhan Karaca, “Hidrokarbon Adası Kıbrıs,” DW, (November 24, 2014), retrieved from; Muhammet İkbal Arslan,“Akıncı’dan Hidrokarbon Önerisini Reddeden Rumlara Yanıt,” Anadolu Agency, (July 16, 2019), retrieved from
  • Muhittin Ataman, “Greece Benefits from Rising Tensions with Turkey,” Daily Sabah (August 5, 2020), retrieved from; Tevfik Durul, “Yunanistan Başbakanı Miçotakis: Türk-Yunan Anlaşmazlığını, Türkiye-AB Anlaşmazlığına Çevirmeyi Başardık,” Anadolu Agency, (December 7, 2020), retrieved from
  • Chris Parry, “The Eastern Mediterranean: A Brief Geo-Political Overview,” in J. Stöht and S. Bruns (eds.), Maritime Security in the Eastern Mediterranean, , (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018), pp. 19-28; Yael Teff-Seker, Aviad Rubin, and Ehud Eiran, “Israel’s ‘Turn to the Sea’ and Its Effect on Israeli Regional Policy,” Israel Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2019), pp. 234-255.
  • Gabe Fisher, “Joint Israli- Greek Military Drill Seen by Some as Rebuff to Turkey”, The Times of Israel, (April 1, 2012) retrieved from; Nick Kampouris, “Five-Nation Military Exercise in the East Mediterranean Sends Message to Ankara,” Greek Reporter, (November 29, 2020) retrieved from
  • “Israel, Greece and Cyprus Agree to Boost Defense Cooperation,” Times of Israel, (November 13, 2020), retrieved from
  • Rauf Baker, “7+3: Greece as Part of Mediterranean Bloc,” BESA Perspective Papers, (October 1, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yosi Melman, “Israel’s Little-known Support for Haftar’s War in Libya,” Middle East Eye, (April 15, 2020), retrieved from
  • Sean Methews, “UAE Joins Greek, Egyptian Naval Exercise in Eastern Mediterranean,” Al Monitor, (December 2, 2020), retrieved from
  • “Ambassador Pyatt’s Interview to Kathimerini,” U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Greece, (June 7, 2020), retrieved from
  • “Greece, Israel, US, Cyprus to Boost Energy Cooperation,” Reuters, (August 7, 2019), retrieved from
  • “Cyprus and the US Border Security,” Greek City Times, (January 6, 2021), retrieved from
  • Norlen Sinai, “Abraham Accords,” George Marshal European Security Studies, No. 64 (October 20, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yossi Alpher, “Israeli Regional Strategies: Balancing the Arab Core, the New Periphery, and Great Powers,” IE Mediterranean Year Book, (2017), retrieved from
  • Leon Hadar, “The Middle East Channel: The Collapse of Israel’s ‘Periphery Doctrine,’” Foreign Policy, (June 26, 2010), retrieved from
  • Giorgi Cafiero and Daniel Wagner, “China and the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement,” Middle East Peace Institute, (September 22, 2020), retrieved from
  • Yoram Gabison, “Amid US Pressure Chinese Firm Losses Contract to Build Israeli Plant,” Haaretz, (May 26, 2020), retrieved from
  • Zoltan Egeresi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy,” The Moshe Dayan Center for the Middle Eastern and African Studies, (October 15, 2020), retrieved from
  • Egeresi, ‘‘How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy;” Jonathan Felton Harvey, “What Do the Abraham Accords Entail for the Middle East and North Africa?” Anadolu Agency, (August 22, 2020), retrieved from
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
  • Egerisi, “How the Abraham Accords Affected Turkish Foreign Policy.”
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Arapça
Konular Uluslararası Siyaset, Uyuşmazlık Çözümü, Ortadoğu Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4974-3986

Vişne Korkmaz Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5590-8604

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ateşoğlu Güney, N., & Korkmaz, V. (2021). محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام. Rouya Türkiyyah, 10(1), 9-27.
AMA Ateşoğlu Güney N, Korkmaz V. محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام. Rouya Türkiyyah. Ocak 2021;10(1):9-27.
Chicago Ateşoğlu Güney, Nurşin, ve Vişne Korkmaz. “محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام”. Rouya Türkiyyah 10, sy. 1 (Ocak 2021): 9-27.
EndNote Ateşoğlu Güney N, Korkmaz V (01 Ocak 2021) محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام. Rouya Türkiyyah 10 1 9–27.
IEEE N. Ateşoğlu Güney ve V. Korkmaz, “محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام”, Rouya Türkiyyah, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 9–27, 2021.
ISNAD Ateşoğlu Güney, Nurşin - Korkmaz, Vişne. “محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام”. Rouya Türkiyyah 10/1 (Ocak 2021), 9-27.
JAMA Ateşoğlu Güney N, Korkmaz V. محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام. Rouya Türkiyyah. 2021;10:9–27.
MLA Ateşoğlu Güney, Nurşin ve Vişne Korkmaz. “محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام”. Rouya Türkiyyah, c. 10, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 9-27.
Vancouver Ateşoğlu Güney N, Korkmaz V. محور التحالف الجديد شرق المتوسط واتفاقيات أبراهام. Rouya Türkiyyah. 2021;10(1):9-27.