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إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 47 - 74, 01.04.2021


تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى مناقشة الاستراتيجية التي اتبعتها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تجاه الثورات العربية ودوافع هذه الاستراتيجية مع شرح لعناصر الاستمرارية والانقطاع في السياسة الأمريكية في المنطقة تجاه المنطقة. كما تتطرق الدراسة إلى النهج الأمريكي نحو الثورات العربية في مصر وسوريا والبحرين وليبيا والحروب الأهلية التي تلتها في إطار عام مع تحليل خاص لكل حالة في سياق السياسة الأمريكية تجاه الشرق الاوسط بصورة عامة. تحلل الدراسة أيضاً العناصر التي تتكون منها السياسة الأمريكية إزاء المنطقة والإطار الأساسي للاستراتيجية المتبعة تجاه الثورات العربية.


  • Kahl, Colin H., and Marc Lynch. “US Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement.” The Washington Quarterly 36.2 (2013): 52
  • Layne, Christopher. “From preponderance to offshore balancing: America’s future grand strategy.” International Security 22.1 (1997): 86-124; Layne, Christopher. “America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balanc ing has arrived.” Review of International Studies (2009): 525-; Mearsheimer, John J., and Stephen M. Walt. “The case for offshore balancing.” Foreign Affairs 95.4 (2016): 7083-.
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 229.
  • Christensen, Thomas J. “Obama and Asia.” Foreign Affairs. 94 (2015): 28.-30
  • Darwich, May. “Great and Regional Powers in the Middle East: The Evolution of Role Conceptions.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 25.
  • Perry Cammack, Michele Dunne, Amr Hamzawy, Marc Lynch, Marwan Muasher, Yezid Sayigh, and Maha Yahya, “Arab Fractures: Citizens, States, and Social Contracts,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, (2017).
  • Lynch, Marc. The new Arab wars: Uprisings and anarchy in the Middle East. Public Affairs, 2016.
  • Obama, B. 2011. ‘Remarks by the president on the Middle East and North Africa’, 19 May,<>,
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 232;
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 72
  • Daoud, Dalal. “North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings.” Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring. Routledge, 2014: 626; Ghattas, K. 2011. ‘How does the US view Tunisia’s revolt?’, BBC, 16 January, <
  • “Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa,” May 19, 2011,Washington,DC,
  • Obama, B. 2011a. ‘Remarks by the president in State of Union Address’, 25 January, <>
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 5775-.
  • Kahl, Colin H., and Marc Lynch. “US Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement.” The Washington Quarterly 36.2 (2013): 48.
  • Bush, G.W. 2005. Inaugural address,
  • Carothers, T. 2006. The back lash against democracy promotion. Foreign Affairs 85, no. 2: 55–68.
  • Carothers, T. 2006. The back lash against democracy promotion. Foreign Affairs 85, no. 2: 55–68. Carothers, T. 2009. Democracy promotion under Obama: finding a way forward. Carnegie endowment for international peace. http:// , Whitehead, L. 2009. Losing ‘the force’? The ‘dark side’ of democratization after Iraq. Democratization 16, no. 2: 215–42.
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor-the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 60; Gerges, F.A. 2011. Obama and the Middle East: The end of America’s moment? New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lynch, Marc. “Obama and the Middle East.” Foreign Aff. 94 (2015): 1827-
  • Thompson, Jack. “Trump’s Middle East Policy.” CSS Analyses in Security Policy 233 (2018).
  • Hazbun, Waleed. “In America’s Wake: Turbulence and Insecurity in the Middle East.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 14.
  • Hazbun, Waleed. “In America’s Wake: Turbulence and Insecurity in the Middle East.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 15
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 226.
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.”
  • صحيفة حريت، مقترح الشراكة النموذجية مع تركيا، 6 نيسان 2009
  • Obama, Barack. 2009. A new beginning,
  • Obama, Barack. 2009. A new beginning,; Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015).
  • Phillips, Amber (June 28, 2016). “The 5 most serious accusations from Republicans’ Benghazi report”. The Washington Post;
  • Heydemann, S. (2014). America’s Response to the Arab Uprisings: US Foreign Assistance in an Era of Ambivalence. Mediterranean Politics, 19(3), p. 309
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 625
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Quoted in Pinto, M. do C. de P. F. (2012). Mapping the Obama administration’s response to the Arab Spring. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 55(2) p.112
  • Haas, M. L. (2018). The Arab Uprisings from the US Perspective in The Middle East and the United States p. 427
  • Selim, G. M. (2013). The United States and the Arab Spring: The Dynamics of Political Engineering. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(3), p. 261
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 630
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 630
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Litsas, S. N. (2020). US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Power Politics and Ideology Under the Sun. Springer International Publishing p. 124
  • Atlas, P. M. (2012). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Balancing Values and Interests. Digest of Middle East Studies, 21(2), p. 367
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 70
  • Litsas (2020) p. 125; Pinto (2012) p. 115
  • Heydeman (2014) p. 303
  • Huber (2015) p. 64; Hamid, S. (2015) “Islamism, the Arab Spring, and the Failure of America’s Do-Nothing Policy in the Middle East” The Atlantic, October 9, 2015. Retrieved at archive/201510//middle-east-egypt-us-policy/409537/
  • Haas (2018) p. 427
  • Lesch, D. W. (2018). The Middle East and the United States: History, Politics, and Ideologies (M. L. Haas, Ed.; 6th edition). p. 435
  • Selim, G. M. (2013). The United States and the Arab Spring: The Dynamics of Political Engineering. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(3), p. 263
  • Atlas, P. M. (2012). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Balancing Values and Interests. Digest of Middle East Studies, 21(2), p. 369
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: The Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), p. 106
  • Selim (2013) p. 264
  • Litsas (2020) p. 131
  • Zohny, A. (2017). American Foreign Policy and Diplomacy During and After the Arab Spring, the Challenge of Democratization & the Legacy of President Obama’s Administration. International Relations and Diplomacy p. 386
  • Pinto (2012) p.117; Atlas (2012) p. 354
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 61
  • Dueck, C. (2015). The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today (1st edition). Oxford University Press p. 82
  • Selim (2103) p. 268, Haas (2018) p. 410
  • Huber (2015) p. 65, Atlas (2012) p. 362, Byman, D. (2013). Explaining the Western Response to the Arab Spring. Journal of Strategic Studies, 36(2) p. 291
  • Huber (2015) p. 65, Atlas (2012) p. 376
  • Kahl, C. H., & Lynch, M. (2013). U.S. Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement. The Washington Quarterly, 36(2), p. 56
  • Zohny (2017) p. 383
  • Gause, F. G. (2016). The Future of U.S.-Saudi Relations: The Kingdom and the Power. Foreign Affairs, 95(4), p. 118
  • Huber (2015) p. 71, Mason, R. (2014). The Obama Administration and the Arab Spring: Waiting for a Doctrine. in R. Mason (Ed.), The International Politics of the Arab Spring: Popular Unrest and Foreign Policy p. 51, Pinto (2012) p. 110
  • Lesch and Haas (2018) p. 435
  • Abrams, E. (2017). Realism and Democracy: American Foreign Policy after the Arab Spring. Cambridge University Press p. 174
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
  • Pinto (2012) p. 120
  • Litsas (2020) p. 142
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: The Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), p. 107
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
  • Nawal al-Naghafi’ye göre Esed 201418- tarihleri arasında 106 kere kimyasal saldırı gerçekleştirmiştir: Litsas (2020) p. 145
  • Dueck (2015) p. 85
  • Haas (2018) p. 411

U.S Strategy toward the Arab Revolutions: Pragmatism or Confusion?

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 47 - 74, 01.04.2021


This study aims to discuss the U.S. strategy towards the Arab revolutions and its motives. The study also deals with the American approach towards the Arab revolutions in Egypt, Syria, Bahrain and Libya and the civil wars that followed them in a general framework with a special analysis for each case in the context of American policy towards the Middle East in general. The study also analyzes the elements that make up the US policy towards the region and the basic framework of the strategy adopted towards the Arab revolutions.


  • Kahl, Colin H., and Marc Lynch. “US Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement.” The Washington Quarterly 36.2 (2013): 52
  • Layne, Christopher. “From preponderance to offshore balancing: America’s future grand strategy.” International Security 22.1 (1997): 86-124; Layne, Christopher. “America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balanc ing has arrived.” Review of International Studies (2009): 525-; Mearsheimer, John J., and Stephen M. Walt. “The case for offshore balancing.” Foreign Affairs 95.4 (2016): 7083-.
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 229.
  • Christensen, Thomas J. “Obama and Asia.” Foreign Affairs. 94 (2015): 28.-30
  • Darwich, May. “Great and Regional Powers in the Middle East: The Evolution of Role Conceptions.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 25.
  • Perry Cammack, Michele Dunne, Amr Hamzawy, Marc Lynch, Marwan Muasher, Yezid Sayigh, and Maha Yahya, “Arab Fractures: Citizens, States, and Social Contracts,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, (2017).
  • Lynch, Marc. The new Arab wars: Uprisings and anarchy in the Middle East. Public Affairs, 2016.
  • Obama, B. 2011. ‘Remarks by the president on the Middle East and North Africa’, 19 May,<>,
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 232;
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 72
  • Daoud, Dalal. “North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings.” Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring. Routledge, 2014: 626; Ghattas, K. 2011. ‘How does the US view Tunisia’s revolt?’, BBC, 16 January, <
  • “Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa,” May 19, 2011,Washington,DC,
  • Obama, B. 2011a. ‘Remarks by the president in State of Union Address’, 25 January, <>
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 5775-.
  • Kahl, Colin H., and Marc Lynch. “US Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement.” The Washington Quarterly 36.2 (2013): 48.
  • Bush, G.W. 2005. Inaugural address,
  • Carothers, T. 2006. The back lash against democracy promotion. Foreign Affairs 85, no. 2: 55–68.
  • Carothers, T. 2006. The back lash against democracy promotion. Foreign Affairs 85, no. 2: 55–68. Carothers, T. 2009. Democracy promotion under Obama: finding a way forward. Carnegie endowment for international peace. http:// , Whitehead, L. 2009. Losing ‘the force’? The ‘dark side’ of democratization after Iraq. Democratization 16, no. 2: 215–42.
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor-the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 60; Gerges, F.A. 2011. Obama and the Middle East: The end of America’s moment? New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lynch, Marc. “Obama and the Middle East.” Foreign Aff. 94 (2015): 1827-
  • Thompson, Jack. “Trump’s Middle East Policy.” CSS Analyses in Security Policy 233 (2018).
  • Hazbun, Waleed. “In America’s Wake: Turbulence and Insecurity in the Middle East.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 14.
  • Hazbun, Waleed. “In America’s Wake: Turbulence and Insecurity in the Middle East.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 15
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 226.
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.”
  • صحيفة حريت، مقترح الشراكة النموذجية مع تركيا، 6 نيسان 2009
  • Obama, Barack. 2009. A new beginning,
  • Obama, Barack. 2009. A new beginning,; Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015).
  • Phillips, Amber (June 28, 2016). “The 5 most serious accusations from Republicans’ Benghazi report”. The Washington Post;
  • Heydemann, S. (2014). America’s Response to the Arab Uprisings: US Foreign Assistance in an Era of Ambivalence. Mediterranean Politics, 19(3), p. 309
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 625
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Quoted in Pinto, M. do C. de P. F. (2012). Mapping the Obama administration’s response to the Arab Spring. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 55(2) p.112
  • Haas, M. L. (2018). The Arab Uprisings from the US Perspective in The Middle East and the United States p. 427
  • Selim, G. M. (2013). The United States and the Arab Spring: The Dynamics of Political Engineering. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(3), p. 261
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 630
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 630
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Litsas, S. N. (2020). US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Power Politics and Ideology Under the Sun. Springer International Publishing p. 124
  • Atlas, P. M. (2012). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Balancing Values and Interests. Digest of Middle East Studies, 21(2), p. 367
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 70
  • Litsas (2020) p. 125; Pinto (2012) p. 115
  • Heydeman (2014) p. 303
  • Huber (2015) p. 64; Hamid, S. (2015) “Islamism, the Arab Spring, and the Failure of America’s Do-Nothing Policy in the Middle East” The Atlantic, October 9, 2015. Retrieved at archive/201510//middle-east-egypt-us-policy/409537/
  • Haas (2018) p. 427
  • Lesch, D. W. (2018). The Middle East and the United States: History, Politics, and Ideologies (M. L. Haas, Ed.; 6th edition). p. 435
  • Selim, G. M. (2013). The United States and the Arab Spring: The Dynamics of Political Engineering. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(3), p. 263
  • Atlas, P. M. (2012). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Balancing Values and Interests. Digest of Middle East Studies, 21(2), p. 369
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: The Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), p. 106
  • Selim (2013) p. 264
  • Litsas (2020) p. 131
  • Zohny, A. (2017). American Foreign Policy and Diplomacy During and After the Arab Spring, the Challenge of Democratization & the Legacy of President Obama’s Administration. International Relations and Diplomacy p. 386
  • Pinto (2012) p.117; Atlas (2012) p. 354
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 61
  • Dueck, C. (2015). The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today (1st edition). Oxford University Press p. 82
  • Selim (2103) p. 268, Haas (2018) p. 410
  • Huber (2015) p. 65, Atlas (2012) p. 362, Byman, D. (2013). Explaining the Western Response to the Arab Spring. Journal of Strategic Studies, 36(2) p. 291
  • Huber (2015) p. 65, Atlas (2012) p. 376
  • Kahl, C. H., & Lynch, M. (2013). U.S. Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement. The Washington Quarterly, 36(2), p. 56
  • Zohny (2017) p. 383
  • Gause, F. G. (2016). The Future of U.S.-Saudi Relations: The Kingdom and the Power. Foreign Affairs, 95(4), p. 118
  • Huber (2015) p. 71, Mason, R. (2014). The Obama Administration and the Arab Spring: Waiting for a Doctrine. in R. Mason (Ed.), The International Politics of the Arab Spring: Popular Unrest and Foreign Policy p. 51, Pinto (2012) p. 110
  • Lesch and Haas (2018) p. 435
  • Abrams, E. (2017). Realism and Democracy: American Foreign Policy after the Arab Spring. Cambridge University Press p. 174
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
  • Pinto (2012) p. 120
  • Litsas (2020) p. 142
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: The Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), p. 107
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
  • Nawal al-Naghafi’ye göre Esed 201418- tarihleri arasında 106 kere kimyasal saldırı gerçekleştirmiştir: Litsas (2020) p. 145
  • Dueck (2015) p. 85
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 47 - 74, 01.04.2021



  • Kahl, Colin H., and Marc Lynch. “US Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement.” The Washington Quarterly 36.2 (2013): 52
  • Layne, Christopher. “From preponderance to offshore balancing: America’s future grand strategy.” International Security 22.1 (1997): 86-124; Layne, Christopher. “America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balanc ing has arrived.” Review of International Studies (2009): 525-; Mearsheimer, John J., and Stephen M. Walt. “The case for offshore balancing.” Foreign Affairs 95.4 (2016): 7083-.
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 229.
  • Christensen, Thomas J. “Obama and Asia.” Foreign Affairs. 94 (2015): 28.-30
  • Darwich, May. “Great and Regional Powers in the Middle East: The Evolution of Role Conceptions.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 25.
  • Perry Cammack, Michele Dunne, Amr Hamzawy, Marc Lynch, Marwan Muasher, Yezid Sayigh, and Maha Yahya, “Arab Fractures: Citizens, States, and Social Contracts,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, (2017).
  • Lynch, Marc. The new Arab wars: Uprisings and anarchy in the Middle East. Public Affairs, 2016.
  • Obama, B. 2011. ‘Remarks by the president on the Middle East and North Africa’, 19 May,<>,
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 232;
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 72
  • Daoud, Dalal. “North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings.” Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring. Routledge, 2014: 626; Ghattas, K. 2011. ‘How does the US view Tunisia’s revolt?’, BBC, 16 January, <
  • “Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa,” May 19, 2011,Washington,DC,
  • Obama, B. 2011a. ‘Remarks by the president in State of Union Address’, 25 January, <>
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 5775-.
  • Kahl, Colin H., and Marc Lynch. “US Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement.” The Washington Quarterly 36.2 (2013): 48.
  • Bush, G.W. 2005. Inaugural address,
  • Carothers, T. 2006. The back lash against democracy promotion. Foreign Affairs 85, no. 2: 55–68.
  • Carothers, T. 2006. The back lash against democracy promotion. Foreign Affairs 85, no. 2: 55–68. Carothers, T. 2009. Democracy promotion under Obama: finding a way forward. Carnegie endowment for international peace. http:// , Whitehead, L. 2009. Losing ‘the force’? The ‘dark side’ of democratization after Iraq. Democratization 16, no. 2: 215–42.
  • Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor-the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015): 60; Gerges, F.A. 2011. Obama and the Middle East: The end of America’s moment? New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lynch, Marc. “Obama and the Middle East.” Foreign Aff. 94 (2015): 1827-
  • Thompson, Jack. “Trump’s Middle East Policy.” CSS Analyses in Security Policy 233 (2018).
  • Hazbun, Waleed. “In America’s Wake: Turbulence and Insecurity in the Middle East.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 14.
  • Hazbun, Waleed. “In America’s Wake: Turbulence and Insecurity in the Middle East.” Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East (2019): 15
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.” The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (2013): 226.
  • Pressman, Jeremy. “Same old story? Obama and the Arab uprisings.”
  • صحيفة حريت، مقترح الشراكة النموذجية مع تركيا، 6 نيسان 2009
  • Obama, Barack. 2009. A new beginning,
  • Obama, Barack. 2009. A new beginning,; Huber, Daniela. “A pragmatic actor—the US response to the Arab uprisings.” Journal of European Integration 37.1 (2015).
  • Phillips, Amber (June 28, 2016). “The 5 most serious accusations from Republicans’ Benghazi report”. The Washington Post;
  • Heydemann, S. (2014). America’s Response to the Arab Uprisings: US Foreign Assistance in an Era of Ambivalence. Mediterranean Politics, 19(3), p. 309
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 625
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Quoted in Pinto, M. do C. de P. F. (2012). Mapping the Obama administration’s response to the Arab Spring. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 55(2) p.112
  • Haas, M. L. (2018). The Arab Uprisings from the US Perspective in The Middle East and the United States p. 427
  • Selim, G. M. (2013). The United States and the Arab Spring: The Dynamics of Political Engineering. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(3), p. 261
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 630
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Daoud, D. (2014). North America’s Response to the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings. Routledge Handbooks Online p. 630
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 63
  • Litsas, S. N. (2020). US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Power Politics and Ideology Under the Sun. Springer International Publishing p. 124
  • Atlas, P. M. (2012). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Balancing Values and Interests. Digest of Middle East Studies, 21(2), p. 367
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 70
  • Litsas (2020) p. 125; Pinto (2012) p. 115
  • Heydeman (2014) p. 303
  • Huber (2015) p. 64; Hamid, S. (2015) “Islamism, the Arab Spring, and the Failure of America’s Do-Nothing Policy in the Middle East” The Atlantic, October 9, 2015. Retrieved at archive/201510//middle-east-egypt-us-policy/409537/
  • Haas (2018) p. 427
  • Lesch, D. W. (2018). The Middle East and the United States: History, Politics, and Ideologies (M. L. Haas, Ed.; 6th edition). p. 435
  • Selim, G. M. (2013). The United States and the Arab Spring: The Dynamics of Political Engineering. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(3), p. 263
  • Atlas, P. M. (2012). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Balancing Values and Interests. Digest of Middle East Studies, 21(2), p. 369
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: The Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), p. 106
  • Selim (2013) p. 264
  • Litsas (2020) p. 131
  • Zohny, A. (2017). American Foreign Policy and Diplomacy During and After the Arab Spring, the Challenge of Democratization & the Legacy of President Obama’s Administration. International Relations and Diplomacy p. 386
  • Pinto (2012) p.117; Atlas (2012) p. 354
  • Huber, D. (2015). A Pragmatic Actor—The US Response to the Arab Uprisings. Journal of European Integration, 37(1), p. 61
  • Dueck, C. (2015). The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today (1st edition). Oxford University Press p. 82
  • Selim (2103) p. 268, Haas (2018) p. 410
  • Huber (2015) p. 65, Atlas (2012) p. 362, Byman, D. (2013). Explaining the Western Response to the Arab Spring. Journal of Strategic Studies, 36(2) p. 291
  • Huber (2015) p. 65, Atlas (2012) p. 376
  • Kahl, C. H., & Lynch, M. (2013). U.S. Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive Engagement. The Washington Quarterly, 36(2), p. 56
  • Zohny (2017) p. 383
  • Gause, F. G. (2016). The Future of U.S.-Saudi Relations: The Kingdom and the Power. Foreign Affairs, 95(4), p. 118
  • Huber (2015) p. 71, Mason, R. (2014). The Obama Administration and the Arab Spring: Waiting for a Doctrine. in R. Mason (Ed.), The International Politics of the Arab Spring: Popular Unrest and Foreign Policy p. 51, Pinto (2012) p. 110
  • Lesch and Haas (2018) p. 435
  • Abrams, E. (2017). Realism and Democracy: American Foreign Policy after the Arab Spring. Cambridge University Press p. 174
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
  • Pinto (2012) p. 120
  • Litsas (2020) p. 142
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: The Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), p. 107
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
  • Nawal al-Naghafi’ye göre Esed 201418- tarihleri arasında 106 kere kimyasal saldırı gerçekleştirmiştir: Litsas (2020) p. 145
  • Dueck (2015) p. 85
  • Haas (2018) p. 411
Toplam 73 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Arapça
Konular Siyasal Akımlar, Amerika Çalışmaları, Bölgesel Çalışmalar, Ortadoğu Çalışmaları, Uluslararası İlişkiler (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Talha Köse 0000-0002-0665-1520

Abdullah Enes Tüzgen 0000-0003-0117-905X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Köse, T., & Tüzgen, A. E. (2021). إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟. Rouya Türkiyyah, 10(2), 47-74.
AMA Köse T, Tüzgen AE. إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟. Rouya Türkiyyah. Nisan 2021;10(2):47-74.
Chicago Köse, Talha, ve Abdullah Enes Tüzgen. “إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟”. Rouya Türkiyyah 10, sy. 2 (Nisan 2021): 47-74.
EndNote Köse T, Tüzgen AE (01 Nisan 2021) إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟. Rouya Türkiyyah 10 2 47–74.
IEEE T. Köse ve A. E. Tüzgen, “إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟”, Rouya Türkiyyah, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 47–74, 2021.
ISNAD Köse, Talha - Tüzgen, Abdullah Enes. “إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟”. Rouya Türkiyyah 10/2 (Nisan 2021), 47-74.
JAMA Köse T, Tüzgen AE. إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟. Rouya Türkiyyah. 2021;10:47–74.
MLA Köse, Talha ve Abdullah Enes Tüzgen. “إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟”. Rouya Türkiyyah, c. 10, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 47-74.
Vancouver Köse T, Tüzgen AE. إستراتيجية الولايات المتحدة تجاه الثورات العربية: براغماتية أم ارتباك؟. Rouya Türkiyyah. 2021;10(2):47-74.