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Yıl 2024, Sayı: 11, 17 - 33, 30.06.2024


В XVIII веке, благодаря усилиям Петра Великого, Россия стала бурно развивающейся державой. В период его правления она начала играть важную роль в европейской политике, участвовать в европейских делах. Однако подъем России в начале 1720-х годов наносил ущерб Британии и ее внешней политике. Таким образом, две державы оказались на грани войны. Заключения Венского и Ганноверского договоров лишь усилили поляризацию. Однако после смерти Георга I, первого ганноверского короля Великобритании, конъюнктура поменялась. Европа вступила в период «разрядки», и враждебность между Россией и Великобританией начала исчезать. Напряженность ослабела, а Россия начала отказываться от экспансионистской политики. Британское правительство осознавало потенциал Российского государства и поэтому направило в нее двух представителей: Клавдия Рондо и Томаса Уорда. Основными задачами этих представителей были защита прав британского купечества и наблюдение за действиями российского правительства. Их приезд представлял собой новую эпоху в англо-российских отношениях — период сближения. Британская двоица, оказавшаяся во враждебном окружении, не имела официального статуса и три года работала в тяжелых условиях. Им удалось, наконец, восстановить старую дружбу между двумя державами. Их работы проложат путь для будущего тесного сотрудничества, которое продлится до конца XVIII века. В статье сначала объясняются причины отчуждения между Великобританией и Россией. Затем рассматривается деятельность Клавдия Рондо и Томаса Уорда, которая завершилась сближением. Наконец, расследуются причины, по которым британское правительство решило восстановить отношения с Россией.


  • A Defence of the Measures of the Present Administration. London: J. Peele, 1731.
  • Anderson, M. S. Discovery of Russia 1553-1815. London: MacMillan and Company Limited, 1958.
  • Bitter, Jay Michael. “A British Embassy to St. Petersburg: George, Lord Forbes, and the Anglo-Russian Commercial Treaty.” Unpublished PhD thesis, Univeristy of Minnesota, Minnesota, 1999.
  • Black, Jeremy. The Continental Commitment Britain, Hanover and Interventionism 1714-1793. New York: Routledge, 2005.
  • Black, Jeremy. “Russia and The British Press 1720-1740.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 5/1 (1982): 85-92.
  • Browning, Reed. The Duke of Newcastle. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1975.
  • Bruce, Maurice. “Jacobite Relations with Peter the Great.” The Slavonic and East European Review 14/41 (1936): 343-362.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “James Porter’in İstanbul Büyükelçiliği.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Marmara University, 2016.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “1741 İhtilali ve İngiltere’nin Rusya Politikasının İflası.” Rusya Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 (2022): 1-15.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “XVIII. Yüzyılın İlk Çeyreğinde Osmanlı-İngiliz İlişkileri.” Vakanüvis International Journal of Historical Researches 8/8 (2023): 1121-1155.
  • Chance, Frederick & John, Chance. The Alliance of Hannover. London: William Clowes and Sons, 1923.
  • Cross, Anthony Glenn. By the Banks of Neva: Chapters from The Lives and Careers From the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press: 1997.
  • Hoadly, Benjamin. An Enquiry into the Reasons of The Conduct of Great Britain with the Relation to Present State of Affairs in Europe. Dublin: A. Rhames, 1727.
  • Karabulut, Fatih. “Avrupa Veraset Savaşları Sırasında Osmanlı-Avrupa Devletleri İlişkileri (1699-1756) ‘Savaşların Gölgesindeki Diplomasi’.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Kırıkkale University, 2021.
  • Konuk, Oğuzhan. “Büyük Oyun Bağlamında Afganistan’a Tarihî Bir Bakış.” ATASAREN Bülten 5 (2023): 55-60.
  • Lodge, Richard. “The Treaty of Seville(1729).” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 16 (1933): 1-43.
  • McKay, Derek & H. M. Scott. Büyük Devletlerin Yükselişi 1648-1815. Trns. Eşref Bengi Özbilen. İstanbul: Dergâh, 2019.
  • Müderrisoğlu, Ayşen. “Kırım Savaşı’nda İngiliz Politikası.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Istanbul University, 2017. National Archives, State Papers, 90/75.
  • Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitl’d a Defence of the Measures of the Present Administration. London: A Moore Near St. Paul’s, 1731.
  • The Conduct of the Late Administration, with the regard to Foreign Affairs, from 1722 to 1742, wherin that of the Right Hon[orable] the Earl of Ordorf (late Sir Robert Walpole) is Particularly Vindicated. Dublin: George Faulkner, 1742.
  • Thompson, C. & Britain Andrew. Hanover, and The Protestant Interest, 1688-1756. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2006.
  • Romiello, P. Matthew. Enterprising Empires, Russia and Britain in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • Samuel, Martin. Deliberate Thoughts on the System of our Late Treaties with Hesse-Cassel and Russia in Regard to Hanover. London: J. Scott, 1756.
  • Sbornik Imperatorskogo russkogo istoričeskogo obŝestva. Vol. LXVI. St. Petersburg, 1867.
  • Sbornik Imperatorskogo russkogo istoričeskogo obŝestva. Vol. LXXX. St. Petersburg, 1889.
  • Skelton, Constance Olivier & John Malcom Bulloch. The House of Gordon III. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1917.
  • Soloviev, Sergei. History of Russia. Vol. 34. Trns. Walter J. Gleason Jr. USA: Academic International Press, 1984.
  • Wills, Rebbeca. The Jacobites and Russia 1715-1750. East Liston: Tuckwell Press, 2002.
  • Wilson, Arthur MacCandless. French Foreign Policy During the Administration of Cardinal Fleury 1726-1743. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936.
  • Wood, Alfred. “The English Embassy at Constantinople, 1660-1762.” The English Historical Review 40/160 (1925): 533-561.


Yıl 2024, Sayı: 11, 17 - 33, 30.06.2024


Russia was a growing power in 18th century thanks to efforts of Peter the Great. In his time Russia, started to play important role in European politics and started to involve in European affairs. However rise of the Russia, was detrimental to Britain who construct her foreign policy upon five main pillars. In early 1720’s Russia was threatening every pillar of the British foreign policy. Thereby two powers came to brink of war. Conclusions of the Treaties of Vienna and Hannover, served only to increase the polarisation. Yet after the death of George I’s- first Hanoverian king of Great Britain, conjecture started to change. Europe entered a “détente” period and Russia’s enmity towards to Great Britain started to vanish. Tensions were easing and Russia started to abandon her expansionist policies. British government was aware of potential of Russia and therefore sent two representatives to Russia: Claudius Rondeau and Thomas Ward. Main aim of these representatives was to protect the rights of the British merchant and observe the moves of the Russian government. Their arrival represents a new epoch in Anglo-Russian relations: A period of rapprochement. British pair, who found themselves in a hostile environment, without an official character, worked three years under difficult conditions, and finally they managed to restore the old friendship between two powers. Their works would pave way for future close cooperation, which would endure until the end of 18th century. This paper will first explain the reasons of the estrangement between Great Britain and Russia. Then, activities of Claudius Rondeau and Thomas Ward, which would be ended with the completion of rapprochement, will be examined. Finally reasons that why did the British government decided to restore her relations with Russia will be investigated.


  • A Defence of the Measures of the Present Administration. London: J. Peele, 1731.
  • Anderson, M. S. Discovery of Russia 1553-1815. London: MacMillan and Company Limited, 1958.
  • Bitter, Jay Michael. “A British Embassy to St. Petersburg: George, Lord Forbes, and the Anglo-Russian Commercial Treaty.” Unpublished PhD thesis, Univeristy of Minnesota, Minnesota, 1999.
  • Black, Jeremy. The Continental Commitment Britain, Hanover and Interventionism 1714-1793. New York: Routledge, 2005.
  • Black, Jeremy. “Russia and The British Press 1720-1740.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 5/1 (1982): 85-92.
  • Browning, Reed. The Duke of Newcastle. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1975.
  • Bruce, Maurice. “Jacobite Relations with Peter the Great.” The Slavonic and East European Review 14/41 (1936): 343-362.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “James Porter’in İstanbul Büyükelçiliği.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Marmara University, 2016.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “1741 İhtilali ve İngiltere’nin Rusya Politikasının İflası.” Rusya Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 (2022): 1-15.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “XVIII. Yüzyılın İlk Çeyreğinde Osmanlı-İngiliz İlişkileri.” Vakanüvis International Journal of Historical Researches 8/8 (2023): 1121-1155.
  • Chance, Frederick & John, Chance. The Alliance of Hannover. London: William Clowes and Sons, 1923.
  • Cross, Anthony Glenn. By the Banks of Neva: Chapters from The Lives and Careers From the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press: 1997.
  • Hoadly, Benjamin. An Enquiry into the Reasons of The Conduct of Great Britain with the Relation to Present State of Affairs in Europe. Dublin: A. Rhames, 1727.
  • Karabulut, Fatih. “Avrupa Veraset Savaşları Sırasında Osmanlı-Avrupa Devletleri İlişkileri (1699-1756) ‘Savaşların Gölgesindeki Diplomasi’.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Kırıkkale University, 2021.
  • Konuk, Oğuzhan. “Büyük Oyun Bağlamında Afganistan’a Tarihî Bir Bakış.” ATASAREN Bülten 5 (2023): 55-60.
  • Lodge, Richard. “The Treaty of Seville(1729).” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 16 (1933): 1-43.
  • McKay, Derek & H. M. Scott. Büyük Devletlerin Yükselişi 1648-1815. Trns. Eşref Bengi Özbilen. İstanbul: Dergâh, 2019.
  • Müderrisoğlu, Ayşen. “Kırım Savaşı’nda İngiliz Politikası.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Istanbul University, 2017. National Archives, State Papers, 90/75.
  • Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitl’d a Defence of the Measures of the Present Administration. London: A Moore Near St. Paul’s, 1731.
  • The Conduct of the Late Administration, with the regard to Foreign Affairs, from 1722 to 1742, wherin that of the Right Hon[orable] the Earl of Ordorf (late Sir Robert Walpole) is Particularly Vindicated. Dublin: George Faulkner, 1742.
  • Thompson, C. & Britain Andrew. Hanover, and The Protestant Interest, 1688-1756. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2006.
  • Romiello, P. Matthew. Enterprising Empires, Russia and Britain in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • Samuel, Martin. Deliberate Thoughts on the System of our Late Treaties with Hesse-Cassel and Russia in Regard to Hanover. London: J. Scott, 1756.
  • Sbornik Imperatorskogo russkogo istoričeskogo obŝestva. Vol. LXVI. St. Petersburg, 1867.
  • Sbornik Imperatorskogo russkogo istoričeskogo obŝestva. Vol. LXXX. St. Petersburg, 1889.
  • Skelton, Constance Olivier & John Malcom Bulloch. The House of Gordon III. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1917.
  • Soloviev, Sergei. History of Russia. Vol. 34. Trns. Walter J. Gleason Jr. USA: Academic International Press, 1984.
  • Wills, Rebbeca. The Jacobites and Russia 1715-1750. East Liston: Tuckwell Press, 2002.
  • Wilson, Arthur MacCandless. French Foreign Policy During the Administration of Cardinal Fleury 1726-1743. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936.
  • Wood, Alfred. “The English Embassy at Constantinople, 1660-1762.” The English Historical Review 40/160 (1925): 533-561.


Yıl 2024, Sayı: 11, 17 - 33, 30.06.2024


Büyük Petro’nun çabaları sayesinde Rusya, XVIII. yüzyılda büyük bir güç olmuştu. Onun zamanında Rusya Avrupa meselelerinde hem önemli bir rol oynuyor hem de onlara müdahil oluyordu. Ancak Rusya’nın büyümesi, dış politikasını beş ana temel üzerine inşa eden İngiltere için zararlı olmuştu. Zira Rusya bu beş temelin beşini de tehdit eder hâle gelmişti. Bu şekilde iki ülke savaşın eşiğine geldi. Viyana ve Hannover Antlaşmaları’nın imzalanması Avrupa’daki kutuplaşmaları daha da artırdı. Ancak İngiltere’nin ilk Hannoverli kralı olan I. George’un vefatından sonar konjonktür değişti. Gerginlik azaldı ve Rusya yayılmacı politikalarını terk etti. İngiliz hükümeti de Rusya’nın potansiyelinin farkındaydı ve bu yüzden de Rusya’ya Claudius Rondeau ve Thomas Ward isimli iki mümessil gönderdi. Bu mümessillerin görevi İngiliz tüccarlarının haklarını korumak ve Rus hükümetinin hamlelerini incelemekti. Onların gelişleri İngiliz-Rus ilişkilerinde yeni bir dönemi simgeliyordu: Yakınlaşma dönemi. Resmî bir paye olmaksızın kendilerini yabancı bir ortamda bulan İngiliz çift, üç yıl zor şartlar altında çalıştılar ve en nihayetinde iki devlet arasındaki eski dostluğu restore edebildiler. Onların çalışmaları XVIII. yüzyıl sonuna kadar sürecek bir yakın işbirliği sürecinin yolunu açtı. Bu makalede ilk once İngiltere ve Rusya’nın birbirlerine düşman olmasına yol açan sebepler izah edilecektir. Sonra da faaliyetleri iki devletin yakınlaşmasıyla sona erecek olan Cladius ve Rondeau’nun faaliyetleri incelenecektir. Sonra da neden İngiliz hükümetinin Rusya ile ilişkileri iyileştirmek istediğinin sebepleri araştırılacaktır.


  • A Defence of the Measures of the Present Administration. London: J. Peele, 1731.
  • Anderson, M. S. Discovery of Russia 1553-1815. London: MacMillan and Company Limited, 1958.
  • Bitter, Jay Michael. “A British Embassy to St. Petersburg: George, Lord Forbes, and the Anglo-Russian Commercial Treaty.” Unpublished PhD thesis, Univeristy of Minnesota, Minnesota, 1999.
  • Black, Jeremy. The Continental Commitment Britain, Hanover and Interventionism 1714-1793. New York: Routledge, 2005.
  • Black, Jeremy. “Russia and The British Press 1720-1740.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 5/1 (1982): 85-92.
  • Browning, Reed. The Duke of Newcastle. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1975.
  • Bruce, Maurice. “Jacobite Relations with Peter the Great.” The Slavonic and East European Review 14/41 (1936): 343-362.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “James Porter’in İstanbul Büyükelçiliği.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Marmara University, 2016.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “1741 İhtilali ve İngiltere’nin Rusya Politikasının İflası.” Rusya Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 (2022): 1-15.
  • Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “XVIII. Yüzyılın İlk Çeyreğinde Osmanlı-İngiliz İlişkileri.” Vakanüvis International Journal of Historical Researches 8/8 (2023): 1121-1155.
  • Chance, Frederick & John, Chance. The Alliance of Hannover. London: William Clowes and Sons, 1923.
  • Cross, Anthony Glenn. By the Banks of Neva: Chapters from The Lives and Careers From the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press: 1997.
  • Hoadly, Benjamin. An Enquiry into the Reasons of The Conduct of Great Britain with the Relation to Present State of Affairs in Europe. Dublin: A. Rhames, 1727.
  • Karabulut, Fatih. “Avrupa Veraset Savaşları Sırasında Osmanlı-Avrupa Devletleri İlişkileri (1699-1756) ‘Savaşların Gölgesindeki Diplomasi’.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Kırıkkale University, 2021.
  • Konuk, Oğuzhan. “Büyük Oyun Bağlamında Afganistan’a Tarihî Bir Bakış.” ATASAREN Bülten 5 (2023): 55-60.
  • Lodge, Richard. “The Treaty of Seville(1729).” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 16 (1933): 1-43.
  • McKay, Derek & H. M. Scott. Büyük Devletlerin Yükselişi 1648-1815. Trns. Eşref Bengi Özbilen. İstanbul: Dergâh, 2019.
  • Müderrisoğlu, Ayşen. “Kırım Savaşı’nda İngiliz Politikası.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Istanbul University, 2017. National Archives, State Papers, 90/75.
  • Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitl’d a Defence of the Measures of the Present Administration. London: A Moore Near St. Paul’s, 1731.
  • The Conduct of the Late Administration, with the regard to Foreign Affairs, from 1722 to 1742, wherin that of the Right Hon[orable] the Earl of Ordorf (late Sir Robert Walpole) is Particularly Vindicated. Dublin: George Faulkner, 1742.
  • Thompson, C. & Britain Andrew. Hanover, and The Protestant Interest, 1688-1756. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2006.
  • Romiello, P. Matthew. Enterprising Empires, Russia and Britain in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • Samuel, Martin. Deliberate Thoughts on the System of our Late Treaties with Hesse-Cassel and Russia in Regard to Hanover. London: J. Scott, 1756.
  • Sbornik Imperatorskogo russkogo istoričeskogo obŝestva. Vol. LXVI. St. Petersburg, 1867.
  • Sbornik Imperatorskogo russkogo istoričeskogo obŝestva. Vol. LXXX. St. Petersburg, 1889.
  • Skelton, Constance Olivier & John Malcom Bulloch. The House of Gordon III. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1917.
  • Soloviev, Sergei. History of Russia. Vol. 34. Trns. Walter J. Gleason Jr. USA: Academic International Press, 1984.
  • Wills, Rebbeca. The Jacobites and Russia 1715-1750. East Liston: Tuckwell Press, 2002.
  • Wilson, Arthur MacCandless. French Foreign Policy During the Administration of Cardinal Fleury 1726-1743. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936.
  • Wood, Alfred. “The English Embassy at Constantinople, 1660-1762.” The English Historical Review 40/160 (1925): 533-561.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yeniçağ Rusya Tarihi, Yeniçağ Tarihi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ahmet Büyükaksoy 0000-0002-5762-4880

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Büyükaksoy, Ahmet. “ANGLO-RUSSIAN RAPPROCHEMENT (1728-1731)”. Rusya Araştırmaları Dergisi, sy. 11 (Haziran 2024): 17-33. https://doi.org/10.48068/rusad.1398280.

Rusya Araştırmaları Dergisi (RUSAD) | rusad.tr@gmail.com |

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