Araştırma Makalesi
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Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS

Yıl 2017, , 1566 - 1573, 01.12.2017


In the present study, a new solid phase extraction method was
developed for simultaneous preconcentration of copper(II) and iron(III) ions
from natural waters. The analytes were first complexed with 4-aminoantipyrine
at pH 8.0 and then passed through the column packed with C18-silica. The
retained analytes on the C18-silica were eluted with 1.0 mL of 0.5 M nitric
acid in 10% ethanol and determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometer.
The influence of several variables such as sample pH, ligand amount, eluent
type, sample and eluent flow rates, and sample volume on the retention/or
elution of the analytes were examined and optimized. The effects of some
interfering ions on the retentions of analytes on C18-silica were also
enquired. The detection limits were 0.89 µg/L for Cu and 1.41 µg/L for Fe with
a preconcentration factor of 20. The calibration graphs were linear in the
concentration range of 5.0-125 µg/L of the analytes. The calibration equations
were A=2.36x10-3 C + 4.55x10-4 for Cu and A=1.45x10-3
C + 8.88x10-4 for Fe. The accuracy of the proposed method was
verified by the analysis of SPS-SW2 Batch 127 certified reference water. The
method was applied to river water and seawater samples with recoveries in the
range of 95-99%.


  • [1] N. Jalbani and M. Soylak, “Ligandless ultrasonic-assisted and ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of copper, nickel and lead in different food samples”, Food Chemistry, 167, 433-437, 2015.
  • [2] M.D. Farahani, F. Shemirani, N.F. Ramandi and M. Gharehbaghi, “Ionic liquid as a ferrofluid carrier for dispersive solid phase extraction of copper from food samples”, Food Analytical Methods, 8, 1979-1989, 2015.
  • [3] M. Behbahani, J. Abolhasani, M.M. Amini, O. Sadeghi, F. Omidi, A. Bagheri and M. Salarian, “Application of mercapto ordered carbohydrate-derived porous carbons for trace detection of cadmium and copper ions in agricultural products”, Food Chemistry, 173, 1207-1212, 2015.
  • [4] R.A. Nalawade, A.M. Nalawade, G.S. Kamble and M.A. Anuse, “Rapid, synergistic extractive spectrophotometric determination of copper(II) by using sensitive chromogenic reagent N”,N”’-bis[(E)-(4-fluorophenyl) methylidene]thiocarbonohydrazide”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 146, 297-306, 2015.
  • [5] J. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Wei, J. Chao, S. Shuang, Z. Cai and C. Dong, “A selectively rhodamine-based colorimetric probe for detecting copper(II) ion”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 132, 191-197, 2014.
  • [6] X. Wen, Q. Yang, Z. Yan and Q. Deng, “Determination of cadmium and copper in water and food samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with UV–vis spectrophotometry”, Microchemical Journal, 97, 249-254, 2011.
  • [7] B. Peng, Y. Shen, Z. Gao, M. Zhou, Y. Ma and S. Zhao, “Determination of total iron in water and foods by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with microvolume UV–vis spectrophotometry”, Food Chemistry, 176, 288-293, 2015.
  • [8] Ç.A. Şahin , I. Tokgoz and S. Bektas, “Preconcentration and determination of iron and copper in spice samples by cloud point extraction and flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181, 359-365, 2010.
  • [9] M. Sheikhshoaie, T. Shamspur, S.Z. Mohammadi and V. Saheb, “Extraction of zinc, copper, and lead ions with a zeolite loaded by a multidentate schiff base ligand followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometric analysis”, Separation Science and Technology, 50, 2680-2687, 2015.
  • [10] E. Yavuz , Ş. Tokalıoğlu, H. Şahan and Ş. Patat, “Nanosized spongelike Mn3O4 as an adsorbent for preconcentration by vortex assisted solid phase extraction of copper and lead in various food and herb samples”, Food Chemistry, 194, 463-469, 2016.
  • [11] S. Dogan, F.N.D. Kaya and O. Atakol, “Enrichment of copper and nickel with solid phase extraction using multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with Schiff bases”, Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem, 95, 698-712, 2015.
  • [12] M. Rajabi, B. Barfi, A. Asghari, F. Najafi and R. Aran, “Hybrid amine-functionalized titania/silica nanoparticles for solid-phase extraction of lead, copper, and zinc from food and water samples: Kinetics and equilibrium studies”, Food Analytical Methods, 8, 815-824, 2015.
  • [13] R.N.C.S. Carvalho, G.B. Brito, M.G.A. Korn, J.S.R. Teixeira, F. de S. Dias, A.F. Dantas and L.S.G. Teixeira, “Multi-element determination of copper, iron, nickel, manganese, lead and zinc in environmental water samples by ICP OES after solid phase extraction with a C18 cartridge loaded with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol”, Analytical Methods, 7, 8714-8719, 2015.
  • [14] S.M. Abdel-Azeem, N.R. Bader, H.M. Kuss and M.F. El-Shahat, “Determination of total iron in food samples after flow injection preconcentration on polyurethane foam functionalized with N,N-bis(salicylidene)-1,3-propanediamine”, Food Chemistry, 138, 1641-1647, 2013.
  • [15] M. Ghaedi, K. Mortazavi, M. Montazerozohori, A. Shokrollahi and M. Soylak, “Flame atomic absorption spectrometric (FAAS) determination of copper, iron and zinc in food samples after solid-phase extraction on Schiff base-modified duolite XAD 761”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 33, 2338-2344, 2013.
  • [16] O. Yıldız, D. Citak, M. Tuzen and M. Soylak, “Determination of copper, lead and iron in water and food samples after column solid phase extraction using 1-phenylthiosemicarbazide on Dowex Optipore L-493 resin”, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 458-463, 2011.
  • [17] C. Karadaş and D. Kara, “On-line preconcentration and determination of trace elements in waters and reference cereal materials by flow injection–FAAS using newly synthesized 8-hydroxy-2-quinoline carboxaldehyde functionalized Amberlite XAD-4”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 32, 90-98, 2013.
  • [18] M. Shamsipur, A. Avanes and M.K. Rofouei, “Solid phase extraction and determination of ultra trace amounts of copper(II) using octadecyl silica membrane disks modified by 11-hydroxynaphthacene-5,12-quinone and flame atomic absorption spectrometry”, Talanta, 54, 863-869, 2001.
  • [19] M.R. Pourjavid, A.A. Sehat, M. Arabieh, S.R. Yousefi, M.H. Hosseini and M. Rezaee, “Column solid phase extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of manganese(II) and iron(III) ions in water, food and biological samples using 3-(1-methyl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxylic acid on synthesized graphene oxide”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 35, 370-378, 2014.
  • [20] G. Khayatian and S. Hassanpoor, “Development of ultrasound-assisted emulsification solidified floating organic drop microextraction for determination of trace amounts of iron and copper in water, food and rock samples”, Journal of Iranian Chemical Society,10, 113-121, 2013.
  • [21] H. Xua, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Wang and J. Wang, “Simultaneous preconcentration of cobalt, nickel and copper in water samples by cloud point extraction method and their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry”, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 18, 258-263, 2013.
  • [22] D. Citak and M. Tuzen, “Cloud point extraction of copper, lead, cadmium, and iron using 2,6-diamino-4-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine and nonionic surfactant, and their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination in water and canned food samples”, Journal of AOAC International, 95, 1170-1175, 2012.
  • [23] S. Bahar and R. Zakerian, “Determination of copper in human hair and tea samples after dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic drop (DLLME-SFO)”, Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, 23, 1166-1173, 2012.
  • [24] G. Khayatian, S.S. Hosseini and S. Hassanpoor, “Ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for determination of trace amounts of iron in water, rock and human blood serum samples”, Journal of Iranian Chemical Society, 10, 1167–1173, 2013.

C18-silika dolgulu mini kolon kullanılarak doğal sulardan Bakır(II) ve Demir(III) iyonlarının önderiştirilmesi ve alevli AAS ile tayini

Yıl 2017, , 1566 - 1573, 01.12.2017


Bu çalışmada, doğal su örneklerinden bakır(II) ve demir(III)
iyonlarının aynı anda önderiştirilmesi için yeni bir katı faz ekstraksiyon
yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Analitler 4-aminoantipirin ile pH 8.0’de
kompleksleştirilmiş ve C18-silika ile paketlenmiş mini kolondan geçirilmiştir.
Kolonda alıkonunan analitler %10 etanolde hazırlanmış 1 mL 0,5 M nitrik asit
çözeltisi ile elüe edilmiş ve alevli atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi ile
tayin edilmiştir. Örnek pH’sı, ligand miktarı, elüent türü, örnek ve elüent
akış hızları ve örnek hacmi gibi çeşitli değişkenlerin analitlerin alıkonması
veya elüsyonu üzerine etkisi incelenmiş ve optimize edilmiştir. Ayrıca
analitlerin C18-silika kolonunda alıkonmasına bazı yabancı iyonların etkileri
incelenmiştir. Gözlenebilme sınırları 20 kat önderiştirme faktörü ile Cu için
0,89 µg/L ve Fe için 1,41 µg/L olarak belirlenmiştir. Kalibrasyon grafikleri
5,0-125 µg/L bakır(II) ve demir(III) derişimi
aralığında doğrusaldır. Kalibrasyon eşitlikleri Cu için A=2,36x10-3
C + 4,55x10-4 ve Fe için A=1,45x10-3 C + 8,88x10-4 olarak
belirlenmiştir. Önerilen yöntemin doğruluğu sertifikalı referans su örneğinin
(SPS-SW2 Batch 127) analizi ile doğrulanmıştır. Geliştirilen yöntem nehir suyu
ve deniz suyu örneklerine % 95-99 arasındaki geri kazanım değerleri ile
başarılı bir şekilde uygulanmıştır. 


  • [1] N. Jalbani and M. Soylak, “Ligandless ultrasonic-assisted and ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of copper, nickel and lead in different food samples”, Food Chemistry, 167, 433-437, 2015.
  • [2] M.D. Farahani, F. Shemirani, N.F. Ramandi and M. Gharehbaghi, “Ionic liquid as a ferrofluid carrier for dispersive solid phase extraction of copper from food samples”, Food Analytical Methods, 8, 1979-1989, 2015.
  • [3] M. Behbahani, J. Abolhasani, M.M. Amini, O. Sadeghi, F. Omidi, A. Bagheri and M. Salarian, “Application of mercapto ordered carbohydrate-derived porous carbons for trace detection of cadmium and copper ions in agricultural products”, Food Chemistry, 173, 1207-1212, 2015.
  • [4] R.A. Nalawade, A.M. Nalawade, G.S. Kamble and M.A. Anuse, “Rapid, synergistic extractive spectrophotometric determination of copper(II) by using sensitive chromogenic reagent N”,N”’-bis[(E)-(4-fluorophenyl) methylidene]thiocarbonohydrazide”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 146, 297-306, 2015.
  • [5] J. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Wei, J. Chao, S. Shuang, Z. Cai and C. Dong, “A selectively rhodamine-based colorimetric probe for detecting copper(II) ion”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 132, 191-197, 2014.
  • [6] X. Wen, Q. Yang, Z. Yan and Q. Deng, “Determination of cadmium and copper in water and food samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with UV–vis spectrophotometry”, Microchemical Journal, 97, 249-254, 2011.
  • [7] B. Peng, Y. Shen, Z. Gao, M. Zhou, Y. Ma and S. Zhao, “Determination of total iron in water and foods by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with microvolume UV–vis spectrophotometry”, Food Chemistry, 176, 288-293, 2015.
  • [8] Ç.A. Şahin , I. Tokgoz and S. Bektas, “Preconcentration and determination of iron and copper in spice samples by cloud point extraction and flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181, 359-365, 2010.
  • [9] M. Sheikhshoaie, T. Shamspur, S.Z. Mohammadi and V. Saheb, “Extraction of zinc, copper, and lead ions with a zeolite loaded by a multidentate schiff base ligand followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometric analysis”, Separation Science and Technology, 50, 2680-2687, 2015.
  • [10] E. Yavuz , Ş. Tokalıoğlu, H. Şahan and Ş. Patat, “Nanosized spongelike Mn3O4 as an adsorbent for preconcentration by vortex assisted solid phase extraction of copper and lead in various food and herb samples”, Food Chemistry, 194, 463-469, 2016.
  • [11] S. Dogan, F.N.D. Kaya and O. Atakol, “Enrichment of copper and nickel with solid phase extraction using multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with Schiff bases”, Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem, 95, 698-712, 2015.
  • [12] M. Rajabi, B. Barfi, A. Asghari, F. Najafi and R. Aran, “Hybrid amine-functionalized titania/silica nanoparticles for solid-phase extraction of lead, copper, and zinc from food and water samples: Kinetics and equilibrium studies”, Food Analytical Methods, 8, 815-824, 2015.
  • [13] R.N.C.S. Carvalho, G.B. Brito, M.G.A. Korn, J.S.R. Teixeira, F. de S. Dias, A.F. Dantas and L.S.G. Teixeira, “Multi-element determination of copper, iron, nickel, manganese, lead and zinc in environmental water samples by ICP OES after solid phase extraction with a C18 cartridge loaded with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol”, Analytical Methods, 7, 8714-8719, 2015.
  • [14] S.M. Abdel-Azeem, N.R. Bader, H.M. Kuss and M.F. El-Shahat, “Determination of total iron in food samples after flow injection preconcentration on polyurethane foam functionalized with N,N-bis(salicylidene)-1,3-propanediamine”, Food Chemistry, 138, 1641-1647, 2013.
  • [15] M. Ghaedi, K. Mortazavi, M. Montazerozohori, A. Shokrollahi and M. Soylak, “Flame atomic absorption spectrometric (FAAS) determination of copper, iron and zinc in food samples after solid-phase extraction on Schiff base-modified duolite XAD 761”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 33, 2338-2344, 2013.
  • [16] O. Yıldız, D. Citak, M. Tuzen and M. Soylak, “Determination of copper, lead and iron in water and food samples after column solid phase extraction using 1-phenylthiosemicarbazide on Dowex Optipore L-493 resin”, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 458-463, 2011.
  • [17] C. Karadaş and D. Kara, “On-line preconcentration and determination of trace elements in waters and reference cereal materials by flow injection–FAAS using newly synthesized 8-hydroxy-2-quinoline carboxaldehyde functionalized Amberlite XAD-4”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 32, 90-98, 2013.
  • [18] M. Shamsipur, A. Avanes and M.K. Rofouei, “Solid phase extraction and determination of ultra trace amounts of copper(II) using octadecyl silica membrane disks modified by 11-hydroxynaphthacene-5,12-quinone and flame atomic absorption spectrometry”, Talanta, 54, 863-869, 2001.
  • [19] M.R. Pourjavid, A.A. Sehat, M. Arabieh, S.R. Yousefi, M.H. Hosseini and M. Rezaee, “Column solid phase extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of manganese(II) and iron(III) ions in water, food and biological samples using 3-(1-methyl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxylic acid on synthesized graphene oxide”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 35, 370-378, 2014.
  • [20] G. Khayatian and S. Hassanpoor, “Development of ultrasound-assisted emulsification solidified floating organic drop microextraction for determination of trace amounts of iron and copper in water, food and rock samples”, Journal of Iranian Chemical Society,10, 113-121, 2013.
  • [21] H. Xua, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Wang and J. Wang, “Simultaneous preconcentration of cobalt, nickel and copper in water samples by cloud point extraction method and their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry”, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 18, 258-263, 2013.
  • [22] D. Citak and M. Tuzen, “Cloud point extraction of copper, lead, cadmium, and iron using 2,6-diamino-4-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine and nonionic surfactant, and their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination in water and canned food samples”, Journal of AOAC International, 95, 1170-1175, 2012.
  • [23] S. Bahar and R. Zakerian, “Determination of copper in human hair and tea samples after dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic drop (DLLME-SFO)”, Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, 23, 1166-1173, 2012.
  • [24] G. Khayatian, S.S. Hosseini and S. Hassanpoor, “Ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for determination of trace amounts of iron in water, rock and human blood serum samples”, Journal of Iranian Chemical Society, 10, 1167–1173, 2013.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Kimya Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Cennet Karadaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Nisan 2017
Kabul Tarihi 27 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Karadaş, C. (2017). Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(6), 1566-1573.
AMA Karadaş C. Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS. SAUJS. Aralık 2017;21(6):1566-1573. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.303916
Chicago Karadaş, Cennet. “Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from Natural Waters Using a C18-Silica Packed Mini-Column and Their Determination by FAAS”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21, sy. 6 (Aralık 2017): 1566-73.
EndNote Karadaş C (01 Aralık 2017) Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21 6 1566–1573.
IEEE C. Karadaş, “Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS”, SAUJS, c. 21, sy. 6, ss. 1566–1573, 2017, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.303916.
ISNAD Karadaş, Cennet. “Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from Natural Waters Using a C18-Silica Packed Mini-Column and Their Determination by FAAS”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21/6 (Aralık 2017), 1566-1573.
JAMA Karadaş C. Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS. SAUJS. 2017;21:1566–1573.
MLA Karadaş, Cennet. “Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from Natural Waters Using a C18-Silica Packed Mini-Column and Their Determination by FAAS”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, c. 21, sy. 6, 2017, ss. 1566-73, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.303916.
Vancouver Karadaş C. Preconcentration of Copper(II) and Iron(III) from natural waters using a C18-silica packed mini-column and their determination by FAAS. SAUJS. 2017;21(6):1566-73.

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