Sofalica Region (GAZIANTEP) Chromium on Microgravity Anomalies Modelling of Normalized Full Gradient and Nonlinear Inversion
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 247 - 255, 01.06.2013
Birgül Kınalıbalaban
Günay Beyhan
Can Karavul
In this study, the province of Gaziantep, Şehitkamil district, there are thought to be chrome-metallic mine in the village of Sofalıca the localization of gravity and economical method was to investigate whether it has a reserve. Approximately 189 hectares of land gravity measurements over the measurement point in the study area was 220. By differentiating regional and residual Bouguer gravity map of the generated residual maps were obtained on areas likely to be created on the source. The inversion method of pre-NTG was required for the selection model is the appropriate start. On the structure of polygon slices as a result of application received in the form of the inversion in the range of 125 meters and 450 meters long, 25 meters to 70 meters in thickness in the range of existence of geometric structures have been identified.
- (REFERENCES) Chouteau, M., Geophysique Appliquee I ;7. 440: Grauimetrrie, Icolepolytechnique Montreal, 1999
- Clairault, A.C., The’orie De La Figure De Laterre,Tire’e Dei’hydrostalligue, 1973.
- Andreev, B.D., The Interpretation Of Gravity Data, Snigri Geofizika, 5, 12-20, 1938.
- Blakely, R.J., Potential Theory in Gravity And Magnetic Applications, Cambridge Univ. Press, 19 Hughes, D.S., The Analitic Basis Of Gravity İnterpretation, Geophysics 7, 169, 1942.
- Skeels, D.C., The Value Of Quantitative İnterpretation Of Gravity Data,Geophysics 7,345, 19 Kogbetliantz, E.G., Quantitative Interpretation Of Magnetic And Gravitational Anomalies. Geophysics 9,463-493, 1944.
- Griffin, W.R., Residual Gravity in Theory And Practice, Geophysics, 14: 39-50, 1949.
- Peters, L.J., The Direct Approach To Magnetic Interpretation And Its Practical Application. Geophysics 14,290-320, 1949..
- Oldham, C.H.G. And Sutherland, D.B., Orthogonal Data. Geophysics 20 2,Pp.295-306, 19 Grant, F., A Problem in The Analysis Of Geophysical Data. Geophysics 22 2, Pp.309-344, 19 Pick, M., Picha, J. And Vyskoci, V., Theory Of The Earth’s Gravity Fields, Elseiver Scientific Pub Co, 1973.
- Oruç, B., Keskinsezer, A., Normalize Tam Gradyent Yöntemi İle Petrol Sahalarindaki Manyetik Temel Kaya Ondülasyonunun Modellenmesi İpetgas 2007.
- Pawlowski, R.S., Preferential Continuation For Potential-Field Anomaly Enhancement, Geophysics 60, 390–398, 1995.
- Debeglia, N. And Corpel, J., Automatic 3-D Interpretation Of Potential Field Data Using Analytic Signal Derivatives: Geophysics 62, 87– 96, 1997.
- Xu, S., Yang, C., Dai, S. And Zhang, D., A New Method For Continuation Of 3d Potential Fields To A Horizontal Plane. Geophysics 68, 1917– 1921, 2003.
- Berezkin, V.M., Buketov, A.P., Application Of The Harmonical Analysis For The Interpretation Of Gravity Data. Applied Geophys. 46, 161–166, 19 Berezkin, V.M., Application Of The Full Vertical Gravity Gradient To Determination To Sources Causing Gravity Anomalies (in Russian). Expl. Geopys., 18, 69-76, 1967.
- Lindner, H., Scheibe, R., Interpretationstechnik Für Gravimetrische Und Magnetische Felder. Freiberger Forschungshefte, Dv Für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig 1977.
- Strakhov, V.N., Grigoryeva, O.M., And Lapina, M.I., The Determination Of The Singular Points Of 2d Potential Fields, Prikladnaya Geofizika 85, 96–113, 1977.
- Mudretsova, E.A., Varlamov, A.S., Filatov, V.G. And Komarova, G.M., The Interpretation Of Detailed Gravity Data Over The Nonstructural Oil And Gas Reservoirs, 1979.
- Ciancara, B., Marcak, H., Geophysical Anomaly Interpretation Of Potential Fields By Means Of Singular Points Method And Filtering. Geophysical Prospecting 27, 251–260, 1979.
- Eliseeva, I.S., Methodical Recommendations For The Study Of Density İnhomogenities Of Cross Sections Based On Gravimetrical Research Data. İnstitute For Oil And Gas Exploration, Vinii Geofizica, Moscow, 1982.
- Berezkin, V.M. And Skotarenko, S.S., Application For Research Anticline And Nonanticline Oil-Gas Structures Using The Gravity Prospecting Neftegeofizica, 131–139, 19 Eliseeva, I.S., Methodical Recommendations For The İnterpretation Of Gravity And Magnetic Data By Means Of The Quasi-Singular Points Method. Institute For Oil And Gas Exploration, Moscow, (İn Russian), 1995.
- Xiao, Y., Normalized Full Gradient Method Of Gravity Anomalies (İn Chinese). Oil Geophys. Prosp. 16, 3, 47–57, 1981.
- Xiao, Y. And Zhang, L., Application Of Normalized Full Gradient Method Of Gravity Anomalies To Oil And Gas Exploration (İn Chinese). Oil Geophy. Prosp. 19, 3, 247–254, 19 Zeng, H., Meng, X., Yao, C.H., Li, X., Lou, H., Guang, Z. And Li, Z., Detection Of Reservoirs From Normalized Full Gradient Of Gravity Anomalies And İts Application To Shengli Oil Field East China. Geophysics 67, 4, 1138-1147, 200
- Jackson, D.D., Interpretation Of İnaccurate, İnsufficient And İnconsistent Data, Geophysical Journal Of The Royal Astronomical Society, 28, Pp: 97 – 109, 1972.
- Wiggins, R.A., The General Linear İnverse Problem: Implication Of Surface Waves And Free Oscillations For Earth Structure, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 10, Pp: 251 – 285, 1972.
- Lee, T.C. And Biehler, S., Inversion Modeling Of Gravity With Prismatic Mass Bodies, Geophysics, Vol: 56, No: 9, Pp: 1365 – 1376, 1991.
- Buckhard, N. And Jackson, D.D., Application Of Stabilized Linear Inverse Theory To Gravity Data, Journal Of Geophysical Research, Vol: 81, No: 8, Pp: 1513 – 1518, 1976.
- Colley, G.C., The Detection Of Caves By Gravity Measurements. Geophysical Prospecting 11, 1 –9, 19 [34] Neumann, R., La Gravimetrie De Hautepre´Cision. Application Auxrecherches De Cavite´ S. Geophysical Prospecting 15, 116– 134, 19 Butler, D.K., Microgravimetri Can Gravity Gradient Techniques For Detection Of Subsurface Cavities. Geophysics 49, 1084– 1096, 1984.
- Hinze, W.J., The Role Of Gravityandmagneticmethods in Engineering And Environmental Studies. İn: Ward, S.H. (Ed.), Geotechnical And Environmental Geophysics, Vol. Society Of Exploration Geophysicists,Tulsa, Oklahoma, Pp. 75–126, 19 Wenjin, L., Jiajian, X., Effectiveness Of The High-Precision Gravity Method İn Detecting Sinkholes in Taianrailway Station Of Shangdong Province. in: Ward, S.H. (Ed.), Geotechnicaland Environmental Geophysics, Vol. 3. Society Of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa,Oklahoma, Pp. 169– 174, 1990.
- Camacho, A.G., Vieria, R., Montesonos, F.G. And Cuellar,V., A Gravimetric 3d Global Inversion For Cavity Detection. Geophysical Prospecting 42, 113– 130, 1994.
- Yule, D.E., Sharp, M.K., And Butler, D.K., Microgravity İnvestigations Of Foundation Conditions. Geophysics 63, 95– 103, 1998.
- Beres, M., Luetscher, M., Olivier, R., Integration Of Ground Penetrating Radar And Microgravimetric Methods To Mapshallow Caves. Journal Of Applied Geophysics 46, 249– 262, 2001.
- Crenn, Y. And Metzger, J., Prospecttion De Chromite À L'aide De Lagravimétrie, Annales De Géophysique, 8, 269-274, Sept. 1952.
- Oruç,B., Teori Ve Örneklerle Jeofizikte Modelleme Umuttepe Yayinlari 2012
Sofalıca Bölgesi (GAZİANTEP) Krom Madeni Üzerinde Mikrogravite Anomalilerinin Normalize Tam Gradyent ve Doğrusal Olmayan Ters Çözümle Modellenmesi
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 247 - 255, 01.06.2013
Birgül Kınalıbalaban
Günay Beyhan
Can Karavul
In this study, the province of Gaziantep, Şehitkamil district, there are thought to be chrome-metallic mine in the village of Sofalıca the localization of gravity and economical method was to investigate whether it has a reserve. Approximately 189 hectares of land gravity measurements over the measurement point in the study area was 220. By differentiating regional and residual Bouguer gravity map of the generated residual maps were obtained on areas likely to be created on the source. The inversion method of pre-NTG was required for the selection model is the appropriate start. On the structure of polygon slices as a result of application received in the form of the inversion in the range of 125 meters and 450 meters long, 25 meters to 70 meters in thickness in the range of existence of geometric structures have been identified.
- (REFERENCES) Chouteau, M., Geophysique Appliquee I ;7. 440: Grauimetrrie, Icolepolytechnique Montreal, 1999
- Clairault, A.C., The’orie De La Figure De Laterre,Tire’e Dei’hydrostalligue, 1973.
- Andreev, B.D., The Interpretation Of Gravity Data, Snigri Geofizika, 5, 12-20, 1938.
- Blakely, R.J., Potential Theory in Gravity And Magnetic Applications, Cambridge Univ. Press, 19 Hughes, D.S., The Analitic Basis Of Gravity İnterpretation, Geophysics 7, 169, 1942.
- Skeels, D.C., The Value Of Quantitative İnterpretation Of Gravity Data,Geophysics 7,345, 19 Kogbetliantz, E.G., Quantitative Interpretation Of Magnetic And Gravitational Anomalies. Geophysics 9,463-493, 1944.
- Griffin, W.R., Residual Gravity in Theory And Practice, Geophysics, 14: 39-50, 1949.
- Peters, L.J., The Direct Approach To Magnetic Interpretation And Its Practical Application. Geophysics 14,290-320, 1949..
- Oldham, C.H.G. And Sutherland, D.B., Orthogonal Data. Geophysics 20 2,Pp.295-306, 19 Grant, F., A Problem in The Analysis Of Geophysical Data. Geophysics 22 2, Pp.309-344, 19 Pick, M., Picha, J. And Vyskoci, V., Theory Of The Earth’s Gravity Fields, Elseiver Scientific Pub Co, 1973.
- Oruç, B., Keskinsezer, A., Normalize Tam Gradyent Yöntemi İle Petrol Sahalarindaki Manyetik Temel Kaya Ondülasyonunun Modellenmesi İpetgas 2007.
- Pawlowski, R.S., Preferential Continuation For Potential-Field Anomaly Enhancement, Geophysics 60, 390–398, 1995.
- Debeglia, N. And Corpel, J., Automatic 3-D Interpretation Of Potential Field Data Using Analytic Signal Derivatives: Geophysics 62, 87– 96, 1997.
- Xu, S., Yang, C., Dai, S. And Zhang, D., A New Method For Continuation Of 3d Potential Fields To A Horizontal Plane. Geophysics 68, 1917– 1921, 2003.
- Berezkin, V.M., Buketov, A.P., Application Of The Harmonical Analysis For The Interpretation Of Gravity Data. Applied Geophys. 46, 161–166, 19 Berezkin, V.M., Application Of The Full Vertical Gravity Gradient To Determination To Sources Causing Gravity Anomalies (in Russian). Expl. Geopys., 18, 69-76, 1967.
- Lindner, H., Scheibe, R., Interpretationstechnik Für Gravimetrische Und Magnetische Felder. Freiberger Forschungshefte, Dv Für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig 1977.
- Strakhov, V.N., Grigoryeva, O.M., And Lapina, M.I., The Determination Of The Singular Points Of 2d Potential Fields, Prikladnaya Geofizika 85, 96–113, 1977.
- Mudretsova, E.A., Varlamov, A.S., Filatov, V.G. And Komarova, G.M., The Interpretation Of Detailed Gravity Data Over The Nonstructural Oil And Gas Reservoirs, 1979.
- Ciancara, B., Marcak, H., Geophysical Anomaly Interpretation Of Potential Fields By Means Of Singular Points Method And Filtering. Geophysical Prospecting 27, 251–260, 1979.
- Eliseeva, I.S., Methodical Recommendations For The Study Of Density İnhomogenities Of Cross Sections Based On Gravimetrical Research Data. İnstitute For Oil And Gas Exploration, Vinii Geofizica, Moscow, 1982.
- Berezkin, V.M. And Skotarenko, S.S., Application For Research Anticline And Nonanticline Oil-Gas Structures Using The Gravity Prospecting Neftegeofizica, 131–139, 19 Eliseeva, I.S., Methodical Recommendations For The İnterpretation Of Gravity And Magnetic Data By Means Of The Quasi-Singular Points Method. Institute For Oil And Gas Exploration, Moscow, (İn Russian), 1995.
- Xiao, Y., Normalized Full Gradient Method Of Gravity Anomalies (İn Chinese). Oil Geophys. Prosp. 16, 3, 47–57, 1981.
- Xiao, Y. And Zhang, L., Application Of Normalized Full Gradient Method Of Gravity Anomalies To Oil And Gas Exploration (İn Chinese). Oil Geophy. Prosp. 19, 3, 247–254, 19 Zeng, H., Meng, X., Yao, C.H., Li, X., Lou, H., Guang, Z. And Li, Z., Detection Of Reservoirs From Normalized Full Gradient Of Gravity Anomalies And İts Application To Shengli Oil Field East China. Geophysics 67, 4, 1138-1147, 200
- Jackson, D.D., Interpretation Of İnaccurate, İnsufficient And İnconsistent Data, Geophysical Journal Of The Royal Astronomical Society, 28, Pp: 97 – 109, 1972.
- Wiggins, R.A., The General Linear İnverse Problem: Implication Of Surface Waves And Free Oscillations For Earth Structure, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 10, Pp: 251 – 285, 1972.
- Lee, T.C. And Biehler, S., Inversion Modeling Of Gravity With Prismatic Mass Bodies, Geophysics, Vol: 56, No: 9, Pp: 1365 – 1376, 1991.
- Buckhard, N. And Jackson, D.D., Application Of Stabilized Linear Inverse Theory To Gravity Data, Journal Of Geophysical Research, Vol: 81, No: 8, Pp: 1513 – 1518, 1976.
- Colley, G.C., The Detection Of Caves By Gravity Measurements. Geophysical Prospecting 11, 1 –9, 19 [34] Neumann, R., La Gravimetrie De Hautepre´Cision. Application Auxrecherches De Cavite´ S. Geophysical Prospecting 15, 116– 134, 19 Butler, D.K., Microgravimetri Can Gravity Gradient Techniques For Detection Of Subsurface Cavities. Geophysics 49, 1084– 1096, 1984.
- Hinze, W.J., The Role Of Gravityandmagneticmethods in Engineering And Environmental Studies. İn: Ward, S.H. (Ed.), Geotechnical And Environmental Geophysics, Vol. Society Of Exploration Geophysicists,Tulsa, Oklahoma, Pp. 75–126, 19 Wenjin, L., Jiajian, X., Effectiveness Of The High-Precision Gravity Method İn Detecting Sinkholes in Taianrailway Station Of Shangdong Province. in: Ward, S.H. (Ed.), Geotechnicaland Environmental Geophysics, Vol. 3. Society Of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa,Oklahoma, Pp. 169– 174, 1990.
- Camacho, A.G., Vieria, R., Montesonos, F.G. And Cuellar,V., A Gravimetric 3d Global Inversion For Cavity Detection. Geophysical Prospecting 42, 113– 130, 1994.
- Yule, D.E., Sharp, M.K., And Butler, D.K., Microgravity İnvestigations Of Foundation Conditions. Geophysics 63, 95– 103, 1998.
- Beres, M., Luetscher, M., Olivier, R., Integration Of Ground Penetrating Radar And Microgravimetric Methods To Mapshallow Caves. Journal Of Applied Geophysics 46, 249– 262, 2001.
- Crenn, Y. And Metzger, J., Prospecttion De Chromite À L'aide De Lagravimétrie, Annales De Géophysique, 8, 269-274, Sept. 1952.
- Oruç,B., Teori Ve Örneklerle Jeofizikte Modelleme Umuttepe Yayinlari 2012