Research Article
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Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 426 - 430, 01.06.2017


In this study, gamma-ray linear attenuation coefficients (), self-attenuation correction factors (Fatt) and
transmission factors (I/I
0) for the skimmed milk powder were determined experimentally. For this purpose, n-type
20% HPGe detector was used. Linear attenuation coefficients (
) and self-attenuation correction factors (Fatt) were
obtained for the 30.9, 59.5, 80.9, 276.4, 302.9, 356.0, 661.6, 1173.2 and 1332.5 keV gamma-ray energies.
Measured linear attenuation coefficients were 0.335, 0.150, 0.137, 0.084, 0.080, 0.078, 0.073, 0.052 and 0.049
-1. Measured self-attenuation correction factors were 2.04, 1.41, 1.37, 1.22, 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, 1.13 and 1.12.  


  • [1] IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM IV), IAEA-TECDOC-1472, Vienna, 2005.
  • [2] UNSCEAR. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation, Exposures from natural sources, Vol. 1., Annex B.,United Nations, 2000.
  • [3] S. Dziri , A. Nachab , A. Nourreddine , A. Sellam , A. Pape, “Elemental composition effects on self-absorption for photons below 100 keV in gamma-ray spectrometry”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 330, 1–6, 2014.
  • [4] A.E.M. Khater,Y.Y. Ebaid, “A simplified gamma-ray self-attenuation correction in bulk samples”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66, 407–413, 2008.
  • [5] E. Robu, C. Giovani, “Gamma-ray Self-Attenuatıon Correctıons In Envıronmental Samples”, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 61, No. 2, P. 295–300, 2009.
  • [6] M. Hasan, D. Biodizs, Sz. Czifrus,”A simplified technique to determine the self-absorption correction for sediment samples” , Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 57, 915–918, 2002.
  • [7] IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency, Guide Quantifying Uncertainty in Nuclear Analytical Measurements , IAEA-TECDOC-1401, Vienna, 2004.
  • [8] R. Gilmore Gordon, “Practical Gamma-ray Spectrometry”, 2nd ed., Sussex, ENGLAND:Wiley, 2008.
  • [9] K. Debertin and R.G. Helmer, “Gamma-ray and X-ray spectrometry with semiconductor detectors”, New York, USA:Elsevier, 1988.
  • [10] N. Cutshall, IL. Larsen, CR. Olsen, ” Direct analysis of Pb-210 in sediment samples: a self-absorption corrections”, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res,206, 309−312, 1983.

Yağsız süt tozunun gama ışını lineer inceltme katsayıları ve inceltme düzeltme faktörleri için gama spektrometri

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 426 - 430, 01.06.2017


Bu çalışmada, yağsız süttozu için geçirgenlik faktörleri, dahili inceltme düzeltme faktörleri ve gama ışını lineer
inceltme katsayıları deneysel olarak bulunmuştur. Bu amaçla, n-tipi % 20 HPGe dedektör kullanılmıştır. 30.9,
59.5, 80.9, 276.4, 302.9, 356.0, 661.6, 1173.2 ve 1332.5 keV gama enerjileri için lineer inceltme katsayıları(
) ve
dahili inceltme düzeltme faktörleri(F
att) elde edilmiştir. Ölçülen lineer inceltme katsayıları 0.335, 0.150, 0.137,
0.084, 0.080, 0.078, 0.073, 0.052 ve 0.049 cm
-1 dir. Ölçülen dahili inceltme düzeltme katsayıları 2.04, 1.41, 1.37,
1.22, 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, 1.13 ve 1.12 dir.


  • [1] IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM IV), IAEA-TECDOC-1472, Vienna, 2005.
  • [2] UNSCEAR. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation, Exposures from natural sources, Vol. 1., Annex B.,United Nations, 2000.
  • [3] S. Dziri , A. Nachab , A. Nourreddine , A. Sellam , A. Pape, “Elemental composition effects on self-absorption for photons below 100 keV in gamma-ray spectrometry”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 330, 1–6, 2014.
  • [4] A.E.M. Khater,Y.Y. Ebaid, “A simplified gamma-ray self-attenuation correction in bulk samples”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66, 407–413, 2008.
  • [5] E. Robu, C. Giovani, “Gamma-ray Self-Attenuatıon Correctıons In Envıronmental Samples”, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 61, No. 2, P. 295–300, 2009.
  • [6] M. Hasan, D. Biodizs, Sz. Czifrus,”A simplified technique to determine the self-absorption correction for sediment samples” , Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 57, 915–918, 2002.
  • [7] IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency, Guide Quantifying Uncertainty in Nuclear Analytical Measurements , IAEA-TECDOC-1401, Vienna, 2004.
  • [8] R. Gilmore Gordon, “Practical Gamma-ray Spectrometry”, 2nd ed., Sussex, ENGLAND:Wiley, 2008.
  • [9] K. Debertin and R.G. Helmer, “Gamma-ray and X-ray spectrometry with semiconductor detectors”, New York, USA:Elsevier, 1988.
  • [10] N. Cutshall, IL. Larsen, CR. Olsen, ” Direct analysis of Pb-210 in sediment samples: a self-absorption corrections”, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res,206, 309−312, 1983.
There are 10 citations in total.


Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics
Journal Section Research Articles

Yusuf Aguş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Submission Date October 19, 2016
Acceptance Date February 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 21 Issue: 3


APA Aguş, Y. (2017). Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(3), 426-430.
AMA Aguş Y. Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder. SAUJS. June 2017;21(3):426-430. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.298942
Chicago Aguş, Yusuf. “Gamma-Ray Spectrometry for Linear Attenuation Coefficients and Selfattenuation Correction Factors of the Skimmed Milk Powder”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21, no. 3 (June 2017): 426-30.
EndNote Aguş Y (June 1, 2017) Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21 3 426–430.
IEEE Y. Aguş, “Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder”, SAUJS, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 426–430, 2017, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.298942.
ISNAD Aguş, Yusuf. “Gamma-Ray Spectrometry for Linear Attenuation Coefficients and Selfattenuation Correction Factors of the Skimmed Milk Powder”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21/3 (June 2017), 426-430.
JAMA Aguş Y. Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder. SAUJS. 2017;21:426–430.
MLA Aguş, Yusuf. “Gamma-Ray Spectrometry for Linear Attenuation Coefficients and Selfattenuation Correction Factors of the Skimmed Milk Powder”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 3, 2017, pp. 426-30, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.298942.
Vancouver Aguş Y. Gamma-ray spectrometry for linear attenuation coefficients and selfattenuation correction factors of the skimmed milk powder. SAUJS. 2017;21(3):426-30.


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