Research Article
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Investigation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Salvadora Persica (miswak)

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 1001 - 1006, 01.06.2018


The purpose of this study that
investigation antioxidant and antimicrobial activity by various methods of
essential oil Salvadora persica (miswak) because the choice of this plant that
have used for long time to improve dental health and to get oral hygiene,
throughout the World. It was tried to be explained as follows GC-MS (gas
chromatography mass spectrometry) and spectrophotometric individually and in
combination. For this purpose; the essential oils of miswak (250 g) were
obtained by hydrodistillation at 100 °C with a clevenger-type apparatus. The
essential oils obtained were separated from water and dried over anhydrous Na2SO4,
and stored at 4 °C. The components of the essential oil were identified by
GC-MS analyses. The antimicrobial assay of the essential oils was tested by the
pour plate method according to the reports of Parvathy et al. DPPH
(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radicals scavenging assay and superoxide anion
radical scavenging activity were measured spectrophotometric method. The difference
mineral and heavy metals would explain with ICP-MS
(Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass


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  • [14] BLOIS M. S., Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical, Nature, 1958; 181: 1199–1200.
  • [15] RUCH R. J., CHENG S. J., KLAUNIG J. E., “Prevention of cytotoxicity and inhibition of intracellular comunication by antioxidant catechins isolated from Chinese grean tea.” Carcinogenesis, 1989 ;10 (6), 1003-1008.
  • [16] CHU, S.S., LIU, Q.R., LIU, Z.L., Insecticidal Activity and Chemical Composition of the Essential oil of Artemisia Vestita from China Against Sitophilus Zeamais, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2010; 38: 489–492.
  • [17] ŠARIŠ, C. L., ŢABARKAPA, S. I., BELJKAŠ, M. B., MIŠAN, C. A., SAKAŢ, B. M., PLAVŠIŠ, V.D., Antimicrobial Activity of Plant Extracts from Serbia. Food Processing, Quality and Safety, 2009; 1(2): 1-5.

Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 1001 - 1006, 01.06.2018


Bu çalışmanın
Salvadora persica (misvak) 
bitkisinden elde edilen uçucu yağın 
antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal etkilerini araştırmaktır. Bu bitkinin
çalışılma sebebi; misvağın uzun zamandır tüm dünyada diş sağlığı ve temizliği
alanında kullanılmasıdır. Bu çalışma farklı spektroskobik yöntemler ve GC-MS
ile açıklamaya çalışıldı.

Bu amaçla 250 gram misvak tozu,
hidrodistilasyon yöntemi ile clevenger aparatında yağ ekstraksiyonu yapıldı,
ile su uzaklaştırıldı ve 4 ͦ C buzdolabında yağlar saklandı. Uçucu yağ
bileşenleri GC-MS ile tanımlandı. Uçucu yağların antimikrobiyal özellikleri
disk difüzyon yöntemi ile Parvathy  ve
arkadaşları metoduna göre yapıldı. DPPH radikal süpürme ve Hidrojen peroksit
süpürme kapasitesi spetkrofotometrik yöntem ile yapıldı. Farklı mineraller ve
ağır metalleri ICP-MS ile analiz edildi.


  • [1] ROTIMI, V.O. and MOSADOMI, H.A., The Effect of Crude Extracts of nine African Chewing Sticks on Oral Anaerobes, Journal of Medicinal Microbiology, 1987; 23, 55–60.
  • [2] ODEBIYI O.O. and E.A. SOFOWARA E.A., Antimicrobial Alkaloids from a Nigerian Chewing Stick (Fagara zanthoxyloides), Planta Medica, 1979; 36: (7), 204–207.
  • [3] MOUSTAFA, M.H., and SADEK S.I., The Efficiency of Miswak Concantrate Toothpaste , I Clinical Report , Egyptain Dentist Journal, 1987; 33: 75-84.
  • [4] W.H.O., Prevention of Oral Diseases. Geneva, 1987.
  • [5] WHO., Concensus Statement on Oral Hygiene, Int Dentist Journal. 2000;50, 139.
  • [6] FAROOQUI, M.I.H. and SRIVASTAVA, J.G. The tooth brush tree, Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research, 1968; 8:1297-1299.
  • [7] EZMIRLY, S.T., EL-NASR, M.S., Isolation of Glucotropaeolin from Salvadora Persica L. Chemical Society Pakistan, 1981;3:9-12.
  • [8] WOLINSKY, L.E. and SOTE, E.O., Isolation of Natural Plaque-Inhibiting Substances from ‘Nigerian Chewing Sticks’, Caries Research, 1984; 18, 216–225.
  • [9] CHEN, D.N., DOGAN, A. V. and DOGAN, M. M., Journal Elec.Micro.Tech., 1987;5, 145
  • [10] HATTAB F.N., Meswak: the Natural Toothbrush, Journal Clinical Dent. 1997;8:125–129.
  • [11] JANSEN, A.M., SCHAFFER, J.C. and BERGHEİM-SVENDSEN, A., Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils: a 1976-1986 Literature Review. Aspects of the test methods, Planta Medica, 1987;53:(5) 395–408.
  • [12] El-TAWIL B.H., Chemical Constituents of Indigenous Plants Used in Native Medicine of Suidi Arabia, II. Arab Gulf Journal Scient Res., 1983; 1:395–419.
  • [13] E.M. Gallati, A.M. Forestieri, M.T. Monforted’Aquino and A. Rossitto (1997). Second International Symposium on Natural Drugs, Abstracts, Maratea, September 28–October 1.
  • [14] BLOIS M. S., Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical, Nature, 1958; 181: 1199–1200.
  • [15] RUCH R. J., CHENG S. J., KLAUNIG J. E., “Prevention of cytotoxicity and inhibition of intracellular comunication by antioxidant catechins isolated from Chinese grean tea.” Carcinogenesis, 1989 ;10 (6), 1003-1008.
  • [16] CHU, S.S., LIU, Q.R., LIU, Z.L., Insecticidal Activity and Chemical Composition of the Essential oil of Artemisia Vestita from China Against Sitophilus Zeamais, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2010; 38: 489–492.
  • [17] ŠARIŠ, C. L., ŢABARKAPA, S. I., BELJKAŠ, M. B., MIŠAN, C. A., SAKAŢ, B. M., PLAVŠIŠ, V.D., Antimicrobial Activity of Plant Extracts from Serbia. Food Processing, Quality and Safety, 2009; 1(2): 1-5.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology, Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Elif Apaydın

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Submission Date August 3, 2017
Acceptance Date April 17, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 22 Issue: 3


APA Apaydın, E. (2018). Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(3), 1001-1006.
AMA Apaydın E. Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması. SAUJS. June 2018;22(3):1001-1006. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.332517
Chicago Apaydın, Elif. “Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan Ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, no. 3 (June 2018): 1001-6.
EndNote Apaydın E (June 1, 2018) Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 3 1001–1006.
IEEE E. Apaydın, “Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması”, SAUJS, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1001–1006, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.332517.
ISNAD Apaydın, Elif. “Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan Ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/3 (June 2018), 1001-1006.
JAMA Apaydın E. Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması. SAUJS. 2018;22:1001–1006.
MLA Apaydın, Elif. “Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan Ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018, pp. 1001-6, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.332517.
Vancouver Apaydın E. Salvadora Persica (Misvak) Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Uçucu Yağın Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması. SAUJS. 2018;22(3):1001-6.


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