Research Article
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Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes

Year 2021, Volume: 25 Issue: 5, 1136 - 1147, 30.10.2021


It was aimed to produce GRP pipes, having less resin consumption and higher mechanical properties by changing the grain distribution of fillers used in the core region. American Foundry Society (AFS) grain fineness number currently used in GRP pipe production, and the grain distribution determined to the Fuller equation, the exponent of which is 0.8 (F0.8), were used in the study. Chopped glass fibers, unsaturated polyester resin, and silica filler were used. It was manufactured three GRP pipes having 6m length and nominal diameter (DN) of 350mm by centrifugal casting technique. Initial specific ring stiffness and longitudinal tensile strength (LTS) tests were conducted on GRP pipes. After the longitudinal tensile tests of the produced GRP pipes, SEM images were taken from the core region and the morphological analyzes of the images were made. As a result of the study, when GRP pipes are produced using 14% less resin in F0.8 grain distribution, 44.11% higher stiffness and 50.4% higher LTS was obtained than the minimum value required in the standard.

Supporting Institution

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

Project Number



The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and like to thank Superlit Pipe Industry Inc. for carrying out GRP pipe productions.


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  • [15] Rafiee R, Reshadi F, “Simulation of functional failure in GRP mortar pipes”, Compos Struct., vol. 113, pp.155–63, 2014. 3.024.
  • [16] Gokce N, Yilmazer U, Subasi S, “Effect of fiber and resin types on mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composite pipe”, Emerg Mater Res., vol. 8, pp. 452–8, 2019.
  • [17] Ş. Eren, S. Subaşı, “A research on the production of hybrid fiber and mineral reinforced high-performance polymer composite material”, PhD Thesis, Duzce University, Institute of Science, Interdisciplinary Composite Materials Technologies Department, Düzce, Turkey, 2018.
  • [18] CC (Savurma Döküm) - Superlit Boru San. A.Ş. (accessed 12/02/2021).
  • [19] ISO (2019) 7685: Plastics piping systemsGlass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of initial specific ring stiffness.
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Year 2021, Volume: 25 Issue: 5, 1136 - 1147, 30.10.2021


Project Number



  • [1] Jin NJ, Hwang HG, Yeon JH, “Structural analysis and optimum design of GRP pipes based on properties of materials”, Constr Build Mater., vol. 38, pp. 316–26, 2013. 15.
  • [2] Rafiee R, “On the mechanical performance of glass-fibre-reinforced thermosettingresin pipes: A review”, Compos Struct., vol.143, pp. 151–64, 2016. 2.037.
  • [3] Zoghi M, “The International handbook of FRP composites in civil engineering”, CRC Press., 2013.
  • [4] Farshad M, Necola A, “Strain corrosion of glass fibre-reinforced plastics pipes”, Polym Test., vol.23, pp. 517–21, 2004. 03.12.003.
  • [5] Faria H, Guedes RM, “Long-term behaviour of GFRP pipes: Reducing the prediction test duration”, Polym Test., vol. 29, pp. 337–45, 2010. 09.12.008.
  • [6] Road N, “A review of particulate reinforcement theories for polymer composites”, Composites, vol. 23, pp. 376, 1992. 4361(92)90358-2.
  • [7] Mansour SH, Abd-El-Messieh SL, “Electrical and mechanical properties of some polymeric composites”, J Appl Polym Sci., vol. 83, pp. 1167–80, 2002.
  • [8] Agarwal BD, Broutman LJ, Chandrashekhara K, “Analysis and performance of fiber composites”, John Wiley & Sons., 2006.
  • [9] Guerrini GL, “Applications of highperformance fiber-reinforced cement-based composites”, Appl Compos Mater., vol. 7, pp. 195–207, 2000.
  • [10] Turkeli A, “Sand, sand additives, sand properties, and sand reclamation”, Foundry Technology, i/files/cpt-2-sand_sand.pdf. (accessed 12/02/2021).
  • [11] Molding sand: image analysis of molding sand particle sizing in the foundry industry. owledge-base/molding-sand/ (accessed 12/02/2021).
  • [12] Kumar S, Kumar P, Shan HS, “Optimization of tensile properties of evaporative pattern casting process through Taguchi’s method”, J Mater Process Technol., vol. 204, pp. 59–69, 2008. 0.075.
  • [13] Fuller WB, Thompson SE, “The laws of proportioning concrete”, Trans Amer Soc Civ Engrs Bd.,1907.
  • [14] Shi H, Wei L, “Laboratory evaluation on performance of glass fiber reinforced plastic mortar pipe culverts”, Stavební Obz - Civ Eng J., vol. 27, pp. 60–71, 2018.
  • [15] Rafiee R, Reshadi F, “Simulation of functional failure in GRP mortar pipes”, Compos Struct., vol. 113, pp.155–63, 2014. 3.024.
  • [16] Gokce N, Yilmazer U, Subasi S, “Effect of fiber and resin types on mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composite pipe”, Emerg Mater Res., vol. 8, pp. 452–8, 2019.
  • [17] Ş. Eren, S. Subaşı, “A research on the production of hybrid fiber and mineral reinforced high-performance polymer composite material”, PhD Thesis, Duzce University, Institute of Science, Interdisciplinary Composite Materials Technologies Department, Düzce, Turkey, 2018.
  • [18] CC (Savurma Döküm) - Superlit Boru San. A.Ş. (accessed 12/02/2021).
  • [19] ISO (2019) 7685: Plastics piping systemsGlass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of initial specific ring stiffness.
  • [20] ISO (2016) 8513: Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Test methods for the determination of the initial longitudinal tensile strength.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Şevki Eren 0000-0003-0773-4034

Özcan Çağlar 0000-0002-6514-0691

Neslihan Gökçe 0000-0001-5418-0551

Azime Subaşı 0000-0002-1732-6686

Serkan Subaşı 0000-0001-7826-1348

Project Number 5140058
Publication Date October 30, 2021
Submission Date February 16, 2021
Acceptance Date August 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 25 Issue: 5


APA Eren, Ş., Çağlar, Ö., Gökçe, N., Subaşı, A., et al. (2021). Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 25(5), 1136-1147.
AMA Eren Ş, Çağlar Ö, Gökçe N, Subaşı A, Subaşı S. Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes. SAUJS. October 2021;25(5):1136-1147. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.878809
Chicago Eren, Şevki, Özcan Çağlar, Neslihan Gökçe, Azime Subaşı, and Serkan Subaşı. “Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25, no. 5 (October 2021): 1136-47.
EndNote Eren Ş, Çağlar Ö, Gökçe N, Subaşı A, Subaşı S (October 1, 2021) Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25 5 1136–1147.
IEEE Ş. Eren, Ö. Çağlar, N. Gökçe, A. Subaşı, and S. Subaşı, “Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes”, SAUJS, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1136–1147, 2021, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.878809.
ISNAD Eren, Şevki et al. “Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25/5 (October 2021), 1136-1147.
JAMA Eren Ş, Çağlar Ö, Gökçe N, Subaşı A, Subaşı S. Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes. SAUJS. 2021;25:1136–1147.
MLA Eren, Şevki et al. “Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 5, 2021, pp. 1136-47, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.878809.
Vancouver Eren Ş, Çağlar Ö, Gökçe N, Subaşı A, Subaşı S. Effect of Grain Distribution on Resin Consumption and Mechanical Performance of GRP Pipes. SAUJS. 2021;25(5):1136-47.


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