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The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 12 - 22, 30.04.2024


Aim: This descriptive, relational study investigated the relationship between final-year nursing students’ proactive personality traits and professional values.
Method: The research population consisted of 101 final-year nursing students in the nursing department of a university in eastern Turkey between 10-20 December 2022. The study data were collected online using the participant introduction form, the Abbreviated Proactive Personality Scale and the Professional Nursing Values Scale and analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent groups t-test, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson correlation test.
Results: The final-year nursing students were found to have an average of 49.53±10.34 and 112.34±15.87 on the Abbreviated Proactive Personality Scale and Professional Nursing Values Scale, respectively, and had a proactive personality and high professional values above the medium level. The study showed that the final-year nursing students who volunteered to become nurses had higher mean scores on the Professional Nursing Values Scale total score and the Professionalism, Activism and Justice subscales, with a statistically significant difference. A moderately significant positive correlation was found between students’ Abbreviated Proactive Personality Scale and Professional Nursing Values Scale mean scores (r=0.477, p<0.001). The research found that as students’ proactive personality increased, so did their professional values.
Conclusion: The study found that students had proactive personalities and high professional values above the moderate level, and as proactive personality traits increased, their professional values also increased. In this regard, developing students’ proactive personality traits and professional nursing values may be recommended, as increasing their awareness and conducting research with larger groups.

Etik Beyan

Prior to commencing the study, ethical approval (date 08.12.2022 and number 2022/26) was obtained from the Social and Humanities Research Ethics Committee of the university where the research was conducted, and institutional approval was obtained from the faculty where the research was conducted. At the same time, informed consent was obtained from the students via an online form before they participated in the study.


  • Bateman TS. Crant JM. The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. J Organ Behav 1993;14(2):103-118.
  • Kong LN. Yang L. Pan YN. Chen SZ. Proactive personality. professional self-efficacy and academic burnout in undergraduate nursing students in China. J Prof Nurs. 2021;37(4):690–695.
  • Zhou L. Shi J. Psychometric properties of the Chinese translation of the proactive personality scale. Psychol Rep. 2009;105(1):43-56.
  • Park. IJ. The role of affect spin in the relationships between proactive personality. career indecision. and career maturity. Front Psychol. 2015;6:1754.
  • Ma Y. Chen SC. Zeng H. Male student nurses need more support: Understanding the determinants and consequences of career adaptability in nursing college students. Nurse Educ Today. 2020;91:104435.
  • Major DA. Turner JE. Fletcher TD. Linking proactive personality and the big five to motivation to learn and development activity. J Appl Psychol. 2006;91(4):927.
  • Lin SH. Lu WC. Chen MY. Chen LH. Association between proactive personality and academic self–efficacy. Current Psychology. 2014;33(4):600-609.
  • Çelik E. Raba S. The suppressive effect of thrill seeking on the relationship between life satisfaction and proactive personality. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities. 2017;7(1): 123-134. (In Turkish).
  • Uncuoğlu Yolcu İ. Çakmak A. The effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between proactive personality and proactive work behavior. International Journal of Management Economics and Business. 2017;13(2):425-438. (In Turkish).
  • Babadağ K. Nursing and values. 1st Edition. Ankara: Alter Publishing; 2010. p. 31-55. (In Turkish).
  • Kaya H. Işık B. Şenyuva E. Kaya N. Personal and Professional Values of Nursing Students. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2012;15(1):18-26. (In Turkish).
  • Weis D. Schank MJ. Toward building an international consensus in professional values. Nurse Educ Today. 1997;17(5):366-9. doi: 10.1016/s0260-6917(97)80096-2. PMID: 9370627.
  • Can R. Hisar KM. Nurses’ Professional Behaviors and burnout levels. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing. 2019;6(1):1-9.
  • Dertli S. Günay U. Correlation between the occupational professionalism level and ıntercultural sensitivity of pediatric nurses: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2022;15(1):19-27.
  • Kavaklı O. Investigation of the relationship between proactive personality traits and conflict resolution approach of intern nursing students. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2018;15(1):9-16. (In Turkish).
  • Al-Omari A. Alganbousi S. The entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students of Sultan Qaboos University and its relationship with their proactive personality. International Journal of Educational Science and Research. 2020;10(3):37-48.
  • Shi Y. Zhou JX. Shi JL. Pan JF. Dai JY. Gao Q. Association between proactive personality and professional identity of nursing undergraduates: The mediating role of resilience and irrational belief. Nurse Education in Practice. 2023;71: 103729.
  • Davik FI. Widyacahya F. Cahya Laksana MA. Damayanti NA. Suminar DR. Wulandari RD. The Effect of Proactive Personality. Professionalism. and Work Engagement on Performance among Village Midwives in Neonatal Complication Management Using the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2020;14(4):965-971.
  • Claes R. Colin B. Björn L. “Unidimensionality of abbreviated proactive personality scales across cultures.” J Appl Psychol. 2005;54(4):476-489.
  • Akın A. Özcan NA. Short Turkish version of Proactive Scale: A study of validity and reliability. Mevlana International Journal of Education. 2015;5(1):165-172.
  • Weis D. Schank JM. An instrument to measure professional nursing values. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2000;32(2): 201– 204.
  • Geçkil E. Ege E. Akın B. Göz F. Turkish version of the revised nursing Professional Values Scale: Validity and reliability assessment. Japon Journal of Nursing Science. 2012;9(2):195-200.
  • Cohen JW. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences. 2nd Edn.. Hillsdale. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates;1998.p. 79-81.
  • Hu X. He Y. Ma D. Zhao S. Xiong H. Wan G. Mediating model of college students’ proactive personality and career adaptability. Career Dev Q. 2021;69(3):216-230.
  • Aybatan K. Examining the relationship between employees’ proactive personality traits and emotion management. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Istanbul Gelisim University Institute of Social Sciences. Istanbul. 2018. 1-91. (In Turkish).
  • Er N. Psychological resilience and proactive personality traits as predictors of self-efficacy in primary school teachers. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences. Ankara. 2018. 1-55. (In Turkish).
  • Demir AH. Arabacı İ. The relationship between classroom teachers’ proactive personality traits and their attitudes toward the profession and career development aspirations. Journal of Education and Human Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2021;12(23):1-21. (In Turkish).
  • Toksöz G. Şener Ü. Demircan S. Karababa R. Memiş E. Arslan H. Kaptanoğlu İK. Kabadayı A. Akyıldırım O. İnanç B. Report on monitoring gender equality in Turkey 2021-2022. (In Turkish).
  • Alemdar Z. Çetin E. Norms and Standards for Access to Gender Equality. 2021. (In Turkish).
  • Cüceloğlu. D. Human and Behavior. 7th Ed.. Remzi Bookstore; 1997. p. 94. (In Turkish)
  • Hu X. Zhao R. Gao J. Li J. Yan P. Yan. X et al. Relationship between proactive personality and job performance of Chinese nurses: The mediating role of competency and work engagement. Front Psychol. 2021;12: 533293.
  • Karadağlı F. Nursing students’ perceptions of professional values and factors affecting them. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences. 2016;9(2):81-91. (In Turkish)
  • Elmalı H. Determination of nursing students’ perceptions of professional values. JAREN. 2020;6(1):125-31. (In Turkish)
  • Okuyan CB. Çağlar S. Erden Ç. Nursing students’ attitudes towards teamwork. professional values and influencing factors: A descriptive study. Gumushane University Journal of Health Sciences. 2020;9(4): 324- 332. (In Turkish)
  • Poorchangizi B. Borhani F. Abbaszadeh A. Mirzaee M. Farokhzadian J. The importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective. BMC Nursing. 2019;18:1-7.
  • Avcı SÇ. Işık G. Cetişli NE. Üşümez D. Şencandan B. Bektaş C. Professional values and career plans of nursing students. Journal of Health Sciences and Professions. 2019;6(2):256-265. (In Turkish)
  • Taşkıran N. Akyıl RÇ. Kahraman A. Erdem N. Sarıtaş. SÇ. Evaluation of the perceptions of nurses working in hospitals about their working environment. Euphrates Journal of Health Services. 2020;1(1):14-29. (In Turkish)
  • Mollaoğlu M. Fertelli T. Tuncay F. Evaluation of the perceptions of nurses working in hospitals about their working environment. Euphrates Journal of Health Services. 2010;5(15):17-30. (In Turkish)
  • Dost A. Huyar AH. Tunçay HB. Examining the professional image perceptions of intern nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences. 2021;(14):270-284. (In Turkish)

The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 12 - 22, 30.04.2024


Aim: This descriptive, relational study investigated the relationship between final-year nursing students’ proactive personality traits and professional values.
Method: The research population consisted of 101 final-year nursing students in the nursing department of a university in eastern Turkey between 10-20 December 2022. The study data were collected online using the participant introduction form, the Abbreviated Proactive Personality Scale and the Professional Nursing Values Scale and analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent groups t-test, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson correlation test.
Results: The final-year nursing students were found to have an average of 49.53±10.34 and 112.34±15.87 on the Abbreviated Proactive Personality Scale and Professional Nursing Values Scale, respectively, and had a proactive personality and high professional values above the medium level. The study showed that the final-year nursing students who volunteered to become nurses had higher mean scores on the Professional Nursing Values Scale total score and the Professionalism, Activism and Justice subscales, with a statistically significant difference. A moderately significant positive correlation was found between students’ Abbreviated Proactive Personality Scale and Professional Nursing Values Scale mean scores (r=0.477, p<0.001). The research found that as students’ proactive personality increased, so did their professional values.
Conclusion: The study found that students had proactive personalities and high professional values above the moderate level, and as proactive personality traits increased, their professional values also increased. In this regard, developing students’ proactive personality traits and professional nursing values may be recommended, as increasing their awareness and conducting research with larger groups.

Etik Beyan

Prior to commencing the study, ethical approval (date 08.12.2022 and number 2022/26) was obtained from the Social and Humanities Research Ethics Committee of the university where the research was conducted, and institutional approval was obtained from the faculty where the research was conducted. At the same time, informed consent was obtained from the students via an online form before they participated in the study.


  • Bateman TS. Crant JM. The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. J Organ Behav 1993;14(2):103-118.
  • Kong LN. Yang L. Pan YN. Chen SZ. Proactive personality. professional self-efficacy and academic burnout in undergraduate nursing students in China. J Prof Nurs. 2021;37(4):690–695.
  • Zhou L. Shi J. Psychometric properties of the Chinese translation of the proactive personality scale. Psychol Rep. 2009;105(1):43-56.
  • Park. IJ. The role of affect spin in the relationships between proactive personality. career indecision. and career maturity. Front Psychol. 2015;6:1754.
  • Ma Y. Chen SC. Zeng H. Male student nurses need more support: Understanding the determinants and consequences of career adaptability in nursing college students. Nurse Educ Today. 2020;91:104435.
  • Major DA. Turner JE. Fletcher TD. Linking proactive personality and the big five to motivation to learn and development activity. J Appl Psychol. 2006;91(4):927.
  • Lin SH. Lu WC. Chen MY. Chen LH. Association between proactive personality and academic self–efficacy. Current Psychology. 2014;33(4):600-609.
  • Çelik E. Raba S. The suppressive effect of thrill seeking on the relationship between life satisfaction and proactive personality. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities. 2017;7(1): 123-134. (In Turkish).
  • Uncuoğlu Yolcu İ. Çakmak A. The effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between proactive personality and proactive work behavior. International Journal of Management Economics and Business. 2017;13(2):425-438. (In Turkish).
  • Babadağ K. Nursing and values. 1st Edition. Ankara: Alter Publishing; 2010. p. 31-55. (In Turkish).
  • Kaya H. Işık B. Şenyuva E. Kaya N. Personal and Professional Values of Nursing Students. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2012;15(1):18-26. (In Turkish).
  • Weis D. Schank MJ. Toward building an international consensus in professional values. Nurse Educ Today. 1997;17(5):366-9. doi: 10.1016/s0260-6917(97)80096-2. PMID: 9370627.
  • Can R. Hisar KM. Nurses’ Professional Behaviors and burnout levels. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing. 2019;6(1):1-9.
  • Dertli S. Günay U. Correlation between the occupational professionalism level and ıntercultural sensitivity of pediatric nurses: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2022;15(1):19-27.
  • Kavaklı O. Investigation of the relationship between proactive personality traits and conflict resolution approach of intern nursing students. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2018;15(1):9-16. (In Turkish).
  • Al-Omari A. Alganbousi S. The entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students of Sultan Qaboos University and its relationship with their proactive personality. International Journal of Educational Science and Research. 2020;10(3):37-48.
  • Shi Y. Zhou JX. Shi JL. Pan JF. Dai JY. Gao Q. Association between proactive personality and professional identity of nursing undergraduates: The mediating role of resilience and irrational belief. Nurse Education in Practice. 2023;71: 103729.
  • Davik FI. Widyacahya F. Cahya Laksana MA. Damayanti NA. Suminar DR. Wulandari RD. The Effect of Proactive Personality. Professionalism. and Work Engagement on Performance among Village Midwives in Neonatal Complication Management Using the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2020;14(4):965-971.
  • Claes R. Colin B. Björn L. “Unidimensionality of abbreviated proactive personality scales across cultures.” J Appl Psychol. 2005;54(4):476-489.
  • Akın A. Özcan NA. Short Turkish version of Proactive Scale: A study of validity and reliability. Mevlana International Journal of Education. 2015;5(1):165-172.
  • Weis D. Schank JM. An instrument to measure professional nursing values. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2000;32(2): 201– 204.
  • Geçkil E. Ege E. Akın B. Göz F. Turkish version of the revised nursing Professional Values Scale: Validity and reliability assessment. Japon Journal of Nursing Science. 2012;9(2):195-200.
  • Cohen JW. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences. 2nd Edn.. Hillsdale. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates;1998.p. 79-81.
  • Hu X. He Y. Ma D. Zhao S. Xiong H. Wan G. Mediating model of college students’ proactive personality and career adaptability. Career Dev Q. 2021;69(3):216-230.
  • Aybatan K. Examining the relationship between employees’ proactive personality traits and emotion management. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Istanbul Gelisim University Institute of Social Sciences. Istanbul. 2018. 1-91. (In Turkish).
  • Er N. Psychological resilience and proactive personality traits as predictors of self-efficacy in primary school teachers. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences. Ankara. 2018. 1-55. (In Turkish).
  • Demir AH. Arabacı İ. The relationship between classroom teachers’ proactive personality traits and their attitudes toward the profession and career development aspirations. Journal of Education and Human Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2021;12(23):1-21. (In Turkish).
  • Toksöz G. Şener Ü. Demircan S. Karababa R. Memiş E. Arslan H. Kaptanoğlu İK. Kabadayı A. Akyıldırım O. İnanç B. Report on monitoring gender equality in Turkey 2021-2022. (In Turkish).
  • Alemdar Z. Çetin E. Norms and Standards for Access to Gender Equality. 2021. (In Turkish).
  • Cüceloğlu. D. Human and Behavior. 7th Ed.. Remzi Bookstore; 1997. p. 94. (In Turkish)
  • Hu X. Zhao R. Gao J. Li J. Yan P. Yan. X et al. Relationship between proactive personality and job performance of Chinese nurses: The mediating role of competency and work engagement. Front Psychol. 2021;12: 533293.
  • Karadağlı F. Nursing students’ perceptions of professional values and factors affecting them. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences. 2016;9(2):81-91. (In Turkish)
  • Elmalı H. Determination of nursing students’ perceptions of professional values. JAREN. 2020;6(1):125-31. (In Turkish)
  • Okuyan CB. Çağlar S. Erden Ç. Nursing students’ attitudes towards teamwork. professional values and influencing factors: A descriptive study. Gumushane University Journal of Health Sciences. 2020;9(4): 324- 332. (In Turkish)
  • Poorchangizi B. Borhani F. Abbaszadeh A. Mirzaee M. Farokhzadian J. The importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective. BMC Nursing. 2019;18:1-7.
  • Avcı SÇ. Işık G. Cetişli NE. Üşümez D. Şencandan B. Bektaş C. Professional values and career plans of nursing students. Journal of Health Sciences and Professions. 2019;6(2):256-265. (In Turkish)
  • Taşkıran N. Akyıl RÇ. Kahraman A. Erdem N. Sarıtaş. SÇ. Evaluation of the perceptions of nurses working in hospitals about their working environment. Euphrates Journal of Health Services. 2020;1(1):14-29. (In Turkish)
  • Mollaoğlu M. Fertelli T. Tuncay F. Evaluation of the perceptions of nurses working in hospitals about their working environment. Euphrates Journal of Health Services. 2010;5(15):17-30. (In Turkish)
  • Dost A. Huyar AH. Tunçay HB. Examining the professional image perceptions of intern nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences. 2021;(14):270-284. (In Turkish)
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik Eğitimi, Hemşirelik Esasları
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Semiha Dertli 0000-0003-0291-8045

Seher Çevik Aktura 0000-0001-7299-1788

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Dertli, S., & Çevik Aktura, S. (2024). The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, 7(1), 12-22.
AMA Dertli S, Çevik Aktura S. The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students. SAUHSD. Nisan 2024;7(1):12-22. doi:10.54803/sauhsd.1315165
Chicago Dertli, Semiha, ve Seher Çevik Aktura. “The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students”. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health 7, sy. 1 (Nisan 2024): 12-22.
EndNote Dertli S, Çevik Aktura S (01 Nisan 2024) The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health 7 1 12–22.
IEEE S. Dertli ve S. Çevik Aktura, “The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students”, SAUHSD, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 12–22, 2024, doi: 10.54803/sauhsd.1315165.
ISNAD Dertli, Semiha - Çevik Aktura, Seher. “The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students”. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health 7/1 (Nisan 2024), 12-22.
JAMA Dertli S, Çevik Aktura S. The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students. SAUHSD. 2024;7:12–22.
MLA Dertli, Semiha ve Seher Çevik Aktura. “The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students”. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, c. 7, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 12-22, doi:10.54803/sauhsd.1315165.
Vancouver Dertli S, Çevik Aktura S. The Relationship Between Proactive Personality Traits and Professional Values in Final-Year Nursing Students. SAUHSD. 2024;7(1):12-2.