Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 105 - 135, 30.01.2025


This research particularly refers to motivation of the workforce in the business context. The research provides systematic and exhaustive knowledge that contributes extensively to the area of people management research. It gains a exclusive attention for organizations within the context of people management as it provides useful scientific information about how an organization can keep its workforce motivated for greater labor productivity. By drawing on suitable scientific literature, it is desired to provide useful information about how to motivate workpeople in the workplace and why it is essential. In this way, the research aims to analyze motivation as a crucial factor to improve productivity. In order to theoretically study the topic of the research and develop it, firstly, a general literature review is conducted by searching the relevant scientific literature that describes the topic under study. The research consists of two main points of analysis. The first main point of the research deals particularly with motivation in the workplace, describing all the interesting scientific concepts and theories about motivation in the business context. The second main point of the research copes particularly with productivity, aiming to describe all relevant scientific concepts and theories about productivity in the business context. The other points of the research deal with other interesting subjects related to the topic of the research in general. In order to reach the objective of the research, conceptual research is conducted by theoretically reviewing the scientific literature that generally conceives the topic of the research. In this study, conceptual research is defined as a methodology in which research is conducted through observation and analysis of currently available information about a given topic.


  • Amaral, João Ferreira et al. (2008). Economics of Growth. Coimbra, Almeida Editions; IIª Series, No: 6, Economic Collection.
  • Bandhu, Din; Mohan, Murali; Nittala, Noel Anurag Prashanth; Jadhav, Pravin; Bhadauria, Alok; Saxena, Kuldeep Kumar. (2024). Theories of Motivation: A Comprehensive Analysis of Human Behavior Drivers. Acta Psychologica, 244, 104177.
  • Baron, Angela; Armstrong, Michael. (2007). Human Capital Management – Generating Added Value Through People. Lisbon, Instituto Piaget Publisher.
  • Carvalho, José Eduardo. (2004). Productivity. 1st Edition, Chimera Publisher, Coimbra.
  • Chen, Gilad; Kanfer, Ruth. (2024). The Future of Motivation in and of Teams. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 11, 93-112.
  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. (1983). Introduction to General Administration Theory. 3rd Edition; Publisher MC Graw – Hill: São Paulo, 617 Pages.
  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. (2003). Introduction to General Administration Theory – A Comprehensive View of Modern Organizational Administration. 7th Edition; Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro.
  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. (2010). People Management: The New Role of Human Resources in Organizations. 3rd Edition, Rio de Janeiro, Publisher Elsevier.
  • Chiavenato, Ildaberto. (2014). Production Management – An Introductory Approach. 3rd Edition, Manole Publisher, São Paulo.
  • Demirci, Emre; Ulukan, Cemil; Varoğlu, Demet; Koç, Umut; Polatoğlu, Vichuda; Zeytinoğlu, Güneş; Önce, Saime. (2019). Business Management. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Dweck, Carol Susan. (2024). Personal Perspectives on Mindsets, Motivation and Psychology. Motivation Science, 10(1), 1-8.
  • Gupta, Sushil; Starr, Martin. (2014). Production and Operations Management Systems. 1st Edition, CRC Press, Oxfordshire.
  • Herzberg, Frederick. (1966). Work and the Nature of Man. World Publishing Co., New York.
  • Heyns, Marita Maria; Kerr, Marilyn Diane. (2018). Generational Differences in Workplace Motivation. SA Journal of Human Resource Management; ISSN: 2071-078X, 1683-7584, 16(0), 1-10.
  • Hitt, Michael Anthony; Black, John Stewart; Porter, Lyman Ward. (2012). Management. 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New York.
  • Kağnicioğlu, Celal Hakan; Aydın, Sinan; Hasgül, Servet; Anagün; Ahmet Sermet. (2018). Production Management. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Koçel, Tamer. (2011). Business Management. 13th Edition, Beta Printing Publications, Istanbul.
  • Machado, Artur da Rocha et al. (2014). Human Resource Management – Challenges of Globalization. Vol. 4, Lisbon, School Publisher.
  • Maslow, Abraham. (1954). Motivation and Personality. Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
  • Moura, Luciano Raizer. (2013). Simply Total Quality: A Simple and Practical Approach to Quality Management. Rio de Janeiro: 2nd Edition, Qualitymark Publisher.
  • Pârjoleanu, Raluca. (2020). Work Motivation Efficiency in the Workplace. Postmodern Openings, 11(4), 293-309.
  • Rahaman, Atikur; Ali, Julfikar; Wafik, Hafiz Muhammad Atif; Mamoon, Zahidur Rahman; Islam, Monwarul. (2020). What Factors Do Motivate Employees at the Workplace? Evidence from Service Organizations. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(12), 515–521.
  • Saruhan, Şadi Can; Yıldız, Müge Leyla; Şakar, Asuman Nurhan; Tonus, Hatice Zümrüt; Besler, Senem; Ulukan, Cemil; Özler, Nezire Derya Ergun. (2018). Business Management. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Shepperd, James Anthony. (1993). Productivity Loss in Performance Groups: A Motivation Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 113(1), 67–81.
  • Soares, Elsa Marta. (2013). Training and Organizations Investment in their Human Capital: A Case Study on the Importance of Training Assessment. ESEC Exedra Scientific Magazine, Coimbra, 8, 79-83.
  • Soares, José Carlos. (2010). Economics Dictionary. 2nd Edition, Plátano Publisher, Lisbon. Soyer, Claude Roussillon; Balkin, David Bruce; Fall, Amar. (2022). Unpacking the Effect of Autonomous Motivation on Workplace Performance: Engagement and Distributive Justice Matter! EMR, The Journal of the European Academy of Management, 19(1), 138-153.
  • Teixeira, Sebastião. (1998). Management of Organizations. 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill; Lisbon.
  • Tokarz, Aleksandra; Malinowska, Diana. (2019). From Psychological Theoretical Assumptions to New Research Perspectives in Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Motivation in the Workplace. MDPI, Sustainability, 11(8), 1-16.
  • Ward, Colleen; Szabó, Ágnes; Tseung-Wong, Caroline Ng. (2024). The Motivation to Integrate and Perceived Discrimination as Antecedents of Cultural Identity Styles. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 105 - 135, 30.01.2025


Bu araştırma özellikle işletme kapsamındaki işgücünün motivasyonuna değinmektedir. Araştırma, insan yönetimi araştırmaları alanına geniş ölçüde katkı sağlayan sistematik ve kapsamlı bilgi sağlamaktadır. Bir şirketin daha yüksek bir işgücü verimliliği için işgücünü nasıl motive tutabileceği konusunda faydalı bilimsel bilgiler sağladığı için insan yönetimi kapsamındaki şirketler için özel bir ilgi görmektedir. Uygun bilimsel literatürden yararlanılarak işyerinde çalışanların nasıl motive edilebileceği ve bunun neden hayati önem taşıdığı konusunda faydalı bilgiler sağlanması istenmektedir. Böylelikle, araştırmada genel olarak motivasyonu üretkenliği artırmada önemli bir faktör olarak incelemek amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma konusunun teorik olarak çalışılması ve geliştirilmesi amacıyla öncelikle, çalışılan konuyu açıklayan ilgili bilimsel literatür taranarak genel bir literatür taraması yapılır. Araştırma iki ana analiz noktasından oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın ilk ana noktası özellikle işyerindeki motivasyonla ilgilenmekte olup işletme kapsamındaki motivasyonla ilgili tüm ilginç bilimsel kavramları ve teorileri açıklamaktadır. Araştırmanın ikinci ana noktası özellikle üretkenlik ile ilgili olup işletme kapsamındaki üretkenliğe ilişkin tüm ilgili bilimsel kavramları ve teorileri tanımlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın diğer noktaları genel olarak araştırma konusuyla ilgili diğer ilgi çekici konuları ele almaktadır. Araştırmanın amacına ulaşabilmek için genel olarak araştırma konusunu kavramsallaştıran bilimsel literatür teorik olarak incelenerek kavramsal bir araştırma yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kavramsal araştırma, araştırmanın belirli bir konu hakkında mevcut bilgilerin gözlemlenmesi ve analizi yoluyla yürütüldüğü bir metodoloji olarak tanımlanmaktadır.


  • Amaral, João Ferreira et al. (2008). Economics of Growth. Coimbra, Almeida Editions; IIª Series, No: 6, Economic Collection.
  • Bandhu, Din; Mohan, Murali; Nittala, Noel Anurag Prashanth; Jadhav, Pravin; Bhadauria, Alok; Saxena, Kuldeep Kumar. (2024). Theories of Motivation: A Comprehensive Analysis of Human Behavior Drivers. Acta Psychologica, 244, 104177.
  • Baron, Angela; Armstrong, Michael. (2007). Human Capital Management – Generating Added Value Through People. Lisbon, Instituto Piaget Publisher.
  • Carvalho, José Eduardo. (2004). Productivity. 1st Edition, Chimera Publisher, Coimbra.
  • Chen, Gilad; Kanfer, Ruth. (2024). The Future of Motivation in and of Teams. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 11, 93-112.
  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. (1983). Introduction to General Administration Theory. 3rd Edition; Publisher MC Graw – Hill: São Paulo, 617 Pages.
  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. (2003). Introduction to General Administration Theory – A Comprehensive View of Modern Organizational Administration. 7th Edition; Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro.
  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. (2010). People Management: The New Role of Human Resources in Organizations. 3rd Edition, Rio de Janeiro, Publisher Elsevier.
  • Chiavenato, Ildaberto. (2014). Production Management – An Introductory Approach. 3rd Edition, Manole Publisher, São Paulo.
  • Demirci, Emre; Ulukan, Cemil; Varoğlu, Demet; Koç, Umut; Polatoğlu, Vichuda; Zeytinoğlu, Güneş; Önce, Saime. (2019). Business Management. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Dweck, Carol Susan. (2024). Personal Perspectives on Mindsets, Motivation and Psychology. Motivation Science, 10(1), 1-8.
  • Gupta, Sushil; Starr, Martin. (2014). Production and Operations Management Systems. 1st Edition, CRC Press, Oxfordshire.
  • Herzberg, Frederick. (1966). Work and the Nature of Man. World Publishing Co., New York.
  • Heyns, Marita Maria; Kerr, Marilyn Diane. (2018). Generational Differences in Workplace Motivation. SA Journal of Human Resource Management; ISSN: 2071-078X, 1683-7584, 16(0), 1-10.
  • Hitt, Michael Anthony; Black, John Stewart; Porter, Lyman Ward. (2012). Management. 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New York.
  • Kağnicioğlu, Celal Hakan; Aydın, Sinan; Hasgül, Servet; Anagün; Ahmet Sermet. (2018). Production Management. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Koçel, Tamer. (2011). Business Management. 13th Edition, Beta Printing Publications, Istanbul.
  • Machado, Artur da Rocha et al. (2014). Human Resource Management – Challenges of Globalization. Vol. 4, Lisbon, School Publisher.
  • Maslow, Abraham. (1954). Motivation and Personality. Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
  • Moura, Luciano Raizer. (2013). Simply Total Quality: A Simple and Practical Approach to Quality Management. Rio de Janeiro: 2nd Edition, Qualitymark Publisher.
  • Pârjoleanu, Raluca. (2020). Work Motivation Efficiency in the Workplace. Postmodern Openings, 11(4), 293-309.
  • Rahaman, Atikur; Ali, Julfikar; Wafik, Hafiz Muhammad Atif; Mamoon, Zahidur Rahman; Islam, Monwarul. (2020). What Factors Do Motivate Employees at the Workplace? Evidence from Service Organizations. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(12), 515–521.
  • Saruhan, Şadi Can; Yıldız, Müge Leyla; Şakar, Asuman Nurhan; Tonus, Hatice Zümrüt; Besler, Senem; Ulukan, Cemil; Özler, Nezire Derya Ergun. (2018). Business Management. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Shepperd, James Anthony. (1993). Productivity Loss in Performance Groups: A Motivation Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 113(1), 67–81.
  • Soares, Elsa Marta. (2013). Training and Organizations Investment in their Human Capital: A Case Study on the Importance of Training Assessment. ESEC Exedra Scientific Magazine, Coimbra, 8, 79-83.
  • Soares, José Carlos. (2010). Economics Dictionary. 2nd Edition, Plátano Publisher, Lisbon. Soyer, Claude Roussillon; Balkin, David Bruce; Fall, Amar. (2022). Unpacking the Effect of Autonomous Motivation on Workplace Performance: Engagement and Distributive Justice Matter! EMR, The Journal of the European Academy of Management, 19(1), 138-153.
  • Teixeira, Sebastião. (1998). Management of Organizations. 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill; Lisbon.
  • Tokarz, Aleksandra; Malinowska, Diana. (2019). From Psychological Theoretical Assumptions to New Research Perspectives in Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Motivation in the Workplace. MDPI, Sustainability, 11(8), 1-16.
  • Ward, Colleen; Szabó, Ágnes; Tseung-Wong, Caroline Ng. (2024). The Motivation to Integrate and Perceived Discrimination as Antecedents of Cultural Identity Styles. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Politika ve Yönetim (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Augusto Umba Manuel Maria 0000-0001-8462-773X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

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