Aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Remzibey-05 Bitkisi Poleninin Bal Arılarının Beslenme Ekonomileri Açısından İncelenmesi
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 69 - 80, 31.12.2016
Çiğdem Özenirler
N. Pinar Barkan
Kadriye Sorkun
Bu çalışmanın amacı, aspir (Carthamus tinctorius
L.) Remzibey-05 bitkisi
poleninin Apis mellifera L. (bal
arılarının) beslenme ekonomileri açısından değerlendirilmesidir. Bu
kapsamda Beytepe-Ankara’da, kontrollü alanlarda Carthamus tinctorius L. (aspir) ekimi gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Bitkinin çiçeklenme dönemi süresince bal arılarının kovanlarından
tuzaklar yardımıyla polenler toplanmıştır.
Bunun yanında bal arılarının aspir bitkisi üzerinden topladıkları
polenler korbikulaları üzerinden alınarak örnekleme yapılmıştır. Tüm polenler
renklerine göre ayrıldıktan sonra mikroskobik analizleri yapılarak bitkisel
kökenleri familya ve/ya cins düzeyinde saptanmış ve içerdikleri protein
miktarları Bradford yöntemi ile tayin edilmiştir. Palinolojik incelemeler
sonucunda açık alana yerleştirilen kovanlardaki polen tuzaklarından aspir
bitkisine ait polene rastlanılmamış ancak kontrollü alanda başka bitki kaynağı
olmadığı için bal arılarının aspiri besin kaynağı olarak kullandığı
saptanmıştır. Arıların diğer bitki kaynaklarını aspire göre daha çok tercih
etme sebebinin aspir polenindeki toplam protein miktarı ile ilişkili
olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
- Kurumu, T.D., Güncel Türkçe Sözlük. Çevrimiçi) http://www. tdk. gov. tr/index. php, 2011.
- 2. Goulson, D., Bumblebees: their behaviour and ecology. 2003: Oxford University Press, USA.
- 3. Seeley, T.D., The information-center strategy of honeybee foraging. 1985.
- 4. Ruttner, F., Breeding techniques and selection for breeding of the honeybee. 1988: British Isles Bee Breeders' Association.
- 5. Meixner, M.D., A historical review of managed honey bee populations in Europe and the United States and the factors that may affect them. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 2010. 103: p. S80-S95.
- 6. Özbek, H., Türkiye’de ııliman iklim meyve türlerini ziyaret eden böcek türleri. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 2008. 8(3): p. 92-103.
- 7. Michener, C., The Bees of the World . xvi+[i]+ 953 pp. 2007, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
- 8. Sorkun, K., Türkiye'nin nektarlı bitkileri, polenleri ve balları. 2008: Palme Yayıncılık.
- 9. Nicolson, S.W., Bee food: the chemistry and nutritional value of nectar, pollen and mixtures of the two. African Zoology, 2011. 46(2): p. 197-204.
- 10. Somme, L., et al., Pollen and nectar quality drive the major and minor floral choices of bumble bees. Apidologie, 2015. 46(1): p. 92-106.
- 11. Hu, X., et al., A new Phenylpropanoid Derivative Isolated from Carthamus tinctorius L. Records of Natural Products, 2016. 10(1).
- 12. Abrol, D. and U. Shankar, Pollination in oil crops: recent advances and future strategies, in Technological Innovations in Major World Oil Crops, Volume 2. 2012, Springer. p. 221-267.
- 13. Percival, M., Pollen collection by Apis mellifera. The New Phytologist, 1947. 46(1): p. 142-173.
- 14. Andrada, A.C. and M.C. Tellería, Pollen collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) from south of Caldén district (Argentina): botanical origin and protein content. Grana, 2005. 44(2): p. 115-122.
- 15. Wodehouse, R.P., Pollen grains. Their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine. Pollen grains. Their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine., 1935.
- 16. Erdtman, G., et al., Handbook of palynology: morphology, taxonomy, ecology: an introduction to the study of pollen grains and spores. 1969: Munksgaard Copenhagen.
- 17. Markgraf, V. and H. d'Antoni, Pollen flora of Argentina. Tucson: Arizona, University of Arizona Press viii, 208p.-Illus., map, keys.. Palynology. Geog, 1978. 4.
- 18. Moore, P.D., J.A. Webb, and M.E. Collison, Pollen analysis. 1991: Blackwell scientific publications.
- 19. Nilsson, S., J. Praglowski, and L. Nilsson, Atlas of airborne pollen grains and spores in Northern Europe. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 159p.-Illus., maps.. Maps. Geog, 1977. 1.
- 20. Faegri, K., P.E. Kaland, and K. Krzywinski, Textbook of pollen analysis. 1989: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- 21. D'Albore, G.R., Textbook of melissopalynology. 1997: Apimondia Publishing House.
- 22. Delaplane, K.S., D.R. Mayer, and D.F. Mayer, Crop pollination by bees. 2000: Cabi.
- 23. Winfree, R., B.J. Gross, and C. Kremen, Valuing pollination services to agriculture. Ecological Economics, 2011. 71: p. 80-88.
- 24. Durán, X.A., et al., Evaluation of yield component traits of honeybee-pollinated (Apis mellifera L.) rapeseed canola (Brassica napus L.). 2010.
- 25. Keller, I., P. Fluri, and A. Imdorf, Pollen nutrition and colony development in honey bees: part 1. Bee World, 2005. 86(1): p. 3-10.
- 26. de Groot, A.P., Protein and Amino Acid Requirements of the Honeybee (Apis Mellifica L.). 1953: W. Junk.
- 27. Wille, H., et al., Pollenernete und Massenvechsel von drei Apis millefera-Völkern auf demselben Bienenstand in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren. Revue suisse de zoologie, 1985. 92(4): p. 897-914.
- 28. Cook, S.M., et al., Are honey bees' foraging preferences affected by pollen amino acid composition? Ecological Entomology, 2003. 28(5): p. 622-627.
- 29. Herbert Jr, E., Honey bee nutrition. The hive and the honey bee, 1992: p. 197-233.
- 30. Awmack, C.S. and S.R. Leather, Host plant quality and fecundity in herbivorous insects. Annual review of entomology, 2002. 47(1): p. 817-844.
- 31. Schmidt, J.O., S.L. Buchmann, and M. Glaum, The nutritional value of Typha latifolia pollen for bees. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1989. 28(3): p. 155-165.
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 69 - 80, 31.12.2016
Çiğdem Özenirler
N. Pinar Barkan
Kadriye Sorkun
- Kurumu, T.D., Güncel Türkçe Sözlük. Çevrimiçi) http://www. tdk. gov. tr/index. php, 2011.
- 2. Goulson, D., Bumblebees: their behaviour and ecology. 2003: Oxford University Press, USA.
- 3. Seeley, T.D., The information-center strategy of honeybee foraging. 1985.
- 4. Ruttner, F., Breeding techniques and selection for breeding of the honeybee. 1988: British Isles Bee Breeders' Association.
- 5. Meixner, M.D., A historical review of managed honey bee populations in Europe and the United States and the factors that may affect them. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 2010. 103: p. S80-S95.
- 6. Özbek, H., Türkiye’de ııliman iklim meyve türlerini ziyaret eden böcek türleri. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 2008. 8(3): p. 92-103.
- 7. Michener, C., The Bees of the World . xvi+[i]+ 953 pp. 2007, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
- 8. Sorkun, K., Türkiye'nin nektarlı bitkileri, polenleri ve balları. 2008: Palme Yayıncılık.
- 9. Nicolson, S.W., Bee food: the chemistry and nutritional value of nectar, pollen and mixtures of the two. African Zoology, 2011. 46(2): p. 197-204.
- 10. Somme, L., et al., Pollen and nectar quality drive the major and minor floral choices of bumble bees. Apidologie, 2015. 46(1): p. 92-106.
- 11. Hu, X., et al., A new Phenylpropanoid Derivative Isolated from Carthamus tinctorius L. Records of Natural Products, 2016. 10(1).
- 12. Abrol, D. and U. Shankar, Pollination in oil crops: recent advances and future strategies, in Technological Innovations in Major World Oil Crops, Volume 2. 2012, Springer. p. 221-267.
- 13. Percival, M., Pollen collection by Apis mellifera. The New Phytologist, 1947. 46(1): p. 142-173.
- 14. Andrada, A.C. and M.C. Tellería, Pollen collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) from south of Caldén district (Argentina): botanical origin and protein content. Grana, 2005. 44(2): p. 115-122.
- 15. Wodehouse, R.P., Pollen grains. Their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine. Pollen grains. Their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine., 1935.
- 16. Erdtman, G., et al., Handbook of palynology: morphology, taxonomy, ecology: an introduction to the study of pollen grains and spores. 1969: Munksgaard Copenhagen.
- 17. Markgraf, V. and H. d'Antoni, Pollen flora of Argentina. Tucson: Arizona, University of Arizona Press viii, 208p.-Illus., map, keys.. Palynology. Geog, 1978. 4.
- 18. Moore, P.D., J.A. Webb, and M.E. Collison, Pollen analysis. 1991: Blackwell scientific publications.
- 19. Nilsson, S., J. Praglowski, and L. Nilsson, Atlas of airborne pollen grains and spores in Northern Europe. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 159p.-Illus., maps.. Maps. Geog, 1977. 1.
- 20. Faegri, K., P.E. Kaland, and K. Krzywinski, Textbook of pollen analysis. 1989: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- 21. D'Albore, G.R., Textbook of melissopalynology. 1997: Apimondia Publishing House.
- 22. Delaplane, K.S., D.R. Mayer, and D.F. Mayer, Crop pollination by bees. 2000: Cabi.
- 23. Winfree, R., B.J. Gross, and C. Kremen, Valuing pollination services to agriculture. Ecological Economics, 2011. 71: p. 80-88.
- 24. Durán, X.A., et al., Evaluation of yield component traits of honeybee-pollinated (Apis mellifera L.) rapeseed canola (Brassica napus L.). 2010.
- 25. Keller, I., P. Fluri, and A. Imdorf, Pollen nutrition and colony development in honey bees: part 1. Bee World, 2005. 86(1): p. 3-10.
- 26. de Groot, A.P., Protein and Amino Acid Requirements of the Honeybee (Apis Mellifica L.). 1953: W. Junk.
- 27. Wille, H., et al., Pollenernete und Massenvechsel von drei Apis millefera-Völkern auf demselben Bienenstand in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren. Revue suisse de zoologie, 1985. 92(4): p. 897-914.
- 28. Cook, S.M., et al., Are honey bees' foraging preferences affected by pollen amino acid composition? Ecological Entomology, 2003. 28(5): p. 622-627.
- 29. Herbert Jr, E., Honey bee nutrition. The hive and the honey bee, 1992: p. 197-233.
- 30. Awmack, C.S. and S.R. Leather, Host plant quality and fecundity in herbivorous insects. Annual review of entomology, 2002. 47(1): p. 817-844.
- 31. Schmidt, J.O., S.L. Buchmann, and M. Glaum, The nutritional value of Typha latifolia pollen for bees. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1989. 28(3): p. 155-165.