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Ebeveynlerle Olan İlişkiler, Sapkın Arkadaşlar ve Sapkın Davranışları

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 215 - 248, 01.04.2010


Researchers have long examined the extent to which parents and peers influence delinquent behavior of youth. However, only few studies have paid attention to the connection between parents and peers. Because peers have the strong influence on youth's delinquent behavior, it is important to explain how the relationship with parents has the effect on youth's relationship with peers and delinquent behaviors. In this present study, it is argued that attachment to parents and parental supervision will act as a protective factor against the influence of delinquent peers and reduce the delinquent involvement of youth. In order to test this argument, the data were collected from 3742 high school students in Izmir and Tobit regression models were used to analyze the data. The results have shown that attachment to parents and supervision were negatively associated with having a more delinquent peers. Additionally, although delinquent peers were positively associated with youth's involvement in delinquency, attachment to parents and supervision were negatively associated with youth's involvement in delinquency. These results show the importance of parenting in the explanation of delinquency among youth.


  • AGNEW, Robert 1991 “The Interactive Effects of Peer Variables on Delinquency”, Criminology, Cilt: 29, No: 1, s.47-72.
  • ASELTINE, Robert H. 1995 “A Reconsideration of Parental and Peer Influence on Adolescent Deviance”, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Cilt: 36, No: 2, s. 103-121.
  • CERNKOVICH, Stephen A. ve Peggy C. GIORDANO 1987 “Family Relationship and Delinquency”, Criminology, Cilt: 25, No: 2, s.295-321.
  • CONNELL, Arin M., Thomas J. DISHION ve Kirby DEATER-DECKARD “Variables-and Person- Centered Approaches to The Analysis of Early Adolescent Substance Use: Linking Peer, Family and Intervention Effects with Developmental Trajectories”, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Cilt: 52, No: 3, s.421-448.
  • DEMİR, Nilüfer Özcan, Aylin Görgün BARAN ve Demet ULUSOY “Türkiye’de Ergenlerin Arkadaş-Akran Grupları İle İlişkileri ve Sapmış Davranışlar: Ankara Örneklemi”, Bilig/ Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 32, s. 83-108.
  • DEMUTH, Stephen ve Susan L. BROWN 2004 “Family Structure, Family Process and Adolescent Delinquency: The Significance of Parental Absence versus Parental Gender”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Cilt: 41, No: 1, s.58-81.
  • DISHION, Thomas, Mark EDDY, Eric HAAS, Fuzhong LI ve Kathleen SPRACKLEN “Friendships and Violent Behavior During Adolescence”, Social Development, Cilt: 6, No: 2, s. 207-223.
  • ELDELEKLİOĞLU, Jale Karar Stratejileri ile Ana Baba Tutumları Arasındaki İlişki, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • ELLIOTT, Delbert, S. David HUIZINGA ve Suzanne S. AGETON Explaining Delinquency and Drug Use, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  • ERICKSON, Kristan Glasgow, Robert CROSNOE ve Sanford M. DORNBUSCH “A Social Process Model of Adolescent Deviance: Combining Social Control and Differential Association Perspectives”, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Cilt: 29, No: 4, s.395-425.
  • GOTTFREDSON, Micheal R. ve Travis HIRSCHI A General Theory of Crime, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. HAGAN, John Structural Criminology, Cambridge, MA: Polity. HAY, Carter “Parenting, Self-Control and Delinquency: A Test of Self-control Theory”, Criminology, Cilt: 39, No: 3, s.707-736.
  • HAYNIE, Dana L. “Friendship Networks and Delinquency: The Relative Nature of Peer Delinquency”, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Cilt: 18, No: 2, s.99-134. HEIMER, Karen “Socioeconomic Status, Subcultural Definitions, and Violent Delinquency”, Social Forces, Cilt: 75, No: 3, s.799-833.
  • HIRSCHI, Travis Causes of Delinquency, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • JANG, Dung ve Carolyn A. SMITH 1997 “A Test of Reciprocal Causal Relationships among Parental Supervision, Affective Ties, and Delinquency”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Cilt: 34, No: 3, s. 307–336.
  • KANDEL, Denise ve Mark DAVIES “Friendship Network, Intimacy, and Illicit Drug Use in Young Adulthood: A Comparison of Two Competing Theories”, Criminology, Cilt: 29, No: 3, s.441-467.
  • KIERKUS, Christopher ve John D. HEWIT 2009 “The Contextual Nature of The Family Structure/ Delinquency Relationship”, Journal of Criminal Justice, Cilt: 32, No: 2, s.123-132.
  • KNECHT, Andrea, Tom A. B. SNIJDERS, Chris BAEVERLDT, Christian E. G. STEGLICH ve Werner RAUB 2010 “Friendship and Delinquency: Selection and Influence Processes in Early Adolescence”, Social Development, Cilt: 19, No: 3, s.494-514.
  • KNOESTER, Chris, Dana L. HAYNIE ve Crystal M. STEPHENS 2006 “Parenting Practices and Adolescent’s Friendship Networks”, Journal of Marriage and Family, Cilt: 68, No: December, s.1247-1260.
  • KUZGUN, Yıldız Ana-Baba Tutumlarının Bireyin Kendini Gerçekleştirme Düzeyine Etkisi, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • MATSUEDA, Ross L. ve Kathleen ANDERSON “The Dynamics of Delinquent Peers and Delinquent Behavior”, Criminology, Cilt: 36, No: 2, s. 269-308.
  • MATSUEDA, Ross L. ve Karen HEIMER “Race, Family Structure, And Delinquency: A Test of Differential Association and Social Control”, American Sociological Review, Cilt: 52, No: December, s. 826–846.
  • MCCARTHY, Bill ve John HAGAN 2001 “When Crime Pays: Capital, Competence, and Criminal Success”, Social Forces, Cilt: 79, No: 3, s.1035-1059.
  • OSGOOD, D. Wayne, Laura L. FINKEN ve Barbara J. MCMORRIS “Analyzing Multiple-item Measures of Crime and Deviance II: Tobit Regression Analyses of Transformed Scores”, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Cilt: 18, No: 4, s. 319-347.
  • OUSEY, Graham C. ve Pamela WILCOX 2007 “The Interaction of Antisocial Propensity and Life-Course Varying Predictors of Delinquent Behavior: Differences by Method of Estimation and Implications for Theory”, Criminology, Cilt: 45, No:2, s. 313-353.
  • PARDINI, Dustin. A., Ralf LOEBER ve Magda STOUTHAMER-LOEBER “Developmental Shifts in Parent and Peer Influences on Boys’ Beliefs about Delinquent Behavior”, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Cilt: 15, No: 3, s.299-323.
  • RANKIN, Joseph H. ve Roger KERN 1994 “Parental Attachments and Delinquency”, Criminology, Cilt: 32, No:4, s. 495-515
  • SAMSPON, Robert ve John H. LAUB 1993 Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points through Life, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • SIMONS, Leslie, Gordon SIMONS, Callie H. BURT, Gene H. BRODY ve Carlyn CUTRONA “Collective Efficacy, Authoritative Parenting and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of A Model Integrating Community -and Family Level- Processes”, Criminology, Cilt: 43, No: 4, s. 989-1020.
  • SIMONS, Ronald L., Wei CHAO, Rand D. CONGER ve Glen H. ELDER “Brothers, Sisters and Delinquency: Aggregation and Interaction in Early and Middle Adolescence”, Child Development, Cilt: 72, No: 1, s.271-283.
  • SIMONS, Ronald L., Chyi-In WU, Kuei-Hsiu LIN, Leslie GORDON ve Rand D. CONGER 2000 “A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Link between Corporal Punishment and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior”, Criminology, Cilt: 38, No: 1, s.47-80
  • SOKOL-KATZ Jan, Roger DUNHAM ve Rick ZIMMERMAN 1997 “Family Structure versus Parental Attachment in Controlling Adolescent Deviant Behavior: A Social Control Model”, Adolescence, Cilt: 32, No: 125, s.199−215.
  • STEWART, Eric A., Ronald L. SIMONS, Rand D. CONGER ve Laura V. SCARAMELLA 2002 “Beyond the Interactional Relationship between Delinquency and Parenting Practices: The Contribution of Legal Sanctions”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Cilt: 39, No: 1, s. 36-59.
  • ULUSOY; Meliha Demet, Nilüfer Özcan DEMİR ve Aylin Görgün BARAN 2005a “Ebeveynlerin Çocuk Yetiştirme Biçimleri ve Ergen Problemleri: Ankara İli Örneği”, Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 3, s.367-389.
  • ULUSOY, Meliha Demet, Nilüfer Özcan DEMİR ve Aylin Görgün BARAN 2005b “Parçalanmış Aile ve Gençlerde Sapmış Davranışlar: Lise Son Sınıf Gençliği Örneği”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 22, s.61-66.
  • UNNEVER, James, D., Francis T. CULLEN ve Robert AGNEW “Why is “Bad” Parenting Criminogenic? Implication from Rival Theories”, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Cilt: 4, No: 1, s.3-33. WARR, Mark “Parents, Peers and Delinquency”, Social Forces, Cilt: 72, No: 1, s.247 - 264. WARR, Mark “Making Delinquent Friends: Adult Supervision and Children’s Affiliations”, Criminology, Cilt: 43, No: 1, s.77-105.
  • WARR, Mark ve Mark STAFFORD “The Influence of Delinquent Peers: What They Think or What They Do”, Criminology, Cilt: 29, No: 4, s. 851-866.
  • WELLS, Edward L. ve Joseph H.RANKIN “Families and Delinquency: A Meta Analysis of the Impact of Broken Homes”, Social Problems, Cilt: 38, No: 1, s.71-93.
  • WIATROWSKI, Michael D., David B. GRISWOLD, ve Mary K. ROBERTS “Social Control Theory and Delinquency”, American Sociological Review, Cilt: 46, No: 5, s. 525–41.
  • WRIGHT, John Paul ve Francis T. CULLEN “Parental Efficacy and Delinquent Behavior: Do Control and Support Matter?” Criminology, Cilt: 39, No: 3, s. 677-705.
  • WRIGHT, John P. Francis T. CULLEN ve Jeremy T. MILLER 2001 “Family Social Capital and Delinquent Behavior”, Journal of Criminal Justice, Cilt: 29, No: 1, s. 1-9.

Ebeveynlerle Olan İlişkiler, Sapkın Arkadaşlar ve Sapkın Davranışları

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 215 - 248, 01.04.2010


Gençlerin sapkın davranışlarını etkileyen en önemli faktörler arasında aile ve sapkın arkadaşlar gelmektedir; fakat çok az çalışmada ebeveynlerin etkisi ile arkadaşların etkisinin birbiriyle ilişkili olabileceği irdelenmiştir. Gençlerin sapkın davranışlarını özellikle arkadaşlık grupları içinde gerçekleştirdikleri dikkate alındığında, ebeveynlerle olan ilişkilerin gencin arkadaşlık ilişkilerini ve sapkın davranışlarını nasıl etkilediğini açıklamak önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, ebeveynlere olan bağlılığın ve ebeveynlerin gençler üzerindeki denetimlerinin gencin arkadaş seçimini etkileyerek, genci sapkın arkadaşlara karşı koruyacağı ve sapkın davranışları gerçekleştirme sıklıklarını azaltacağı tartışılmaktadır. Bu tartışmaları test etmek için İzmir İl Merkezi'ndeki 3742 lise öğrencisinden veri toplanmıştır ve Tobit regresyon tekniği kullanılarak analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular, ebeveynlere olan bağlılık ve denetimin gencin sapkın arkadaş sayısını negatif yönde etkilediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, sapkın arkadaşların gencin sapkın davranışları üzerindeki pozitif etkisine rağmen, ebeveynlere olan bağlılık ve denetim gencin sapkın davranışlarıyla negatif yönde ilişkilidir. Ebeveynlere olan bağlılık ve denetimin hem sapkın arkadaş sayısını sınırladığı hem de sapkın davranışları azaltıcı yöndeki etkisi, ebeveynlerle olan ilişkilerin gençlik döneminde de önemli olduğunu vurgulamaktadır.


  • AGNEW, Robert 1991 “The Interactive Effects of Peer Variables on Delinquency”, Criminology, Cilt: 29, No: 1, s.47-72.
  • ASELTINE, Robert H. 1995 “A Reconsideration of Parental and Peer Influence on Adolescent Deviance”, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Cilt: 36, No: 2, s. 103-121.
  • CERNKOVICH, Stephen A. ve Peggy C. GIORDANO 1987 “Family Relationship and Delinquency”, Criminology, Cilt: 25, No: 2, s.295-321.
  • CONNELL, Arin M., Thomas J. DISHION ve Kirby DEATER-DECKARD “Variables-and Person- Centered Approaches to The Analysis of Early Adolescent Substance Use: Linking Peer, Family and Intervention Effects with Developmental Trajectories”, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Cilt: 52, No: 3, s.421-448.
  • DEMİR, Nilüfer Özcan, Aylin Görgün BARAN ve Demet ULUSOY “Türkiye’de Ergenlerin Arkadaş-Akran Grupları İle İlişkileri ve Sapmış Davranışlar: Ankara Örneklemi”, Bilig/ Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 32, s. 83-108.
  • DEMUTH, Stephen ve Susan L. BROWN 2004 “Family Structure, Family Process and Adolescent Delinquency: The Significance of Parental Absence versus Parental Gender”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Cilt: 41, No: 1, s.58-81.
  • DISHION, Thomas, Mark EDDY, Eric HAAS, Fuzhong LI ve Kathleen SPRACKLEN “Friendships and Violent Behavior During Adolescence”, Social Development, Cilt: 6, No: 2, s. 207-223.
  • ELDELEKLİOĞLU, Jale Karar Stratejileri ile Ana Baba Tutumları Arasındaki İlişki, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • ELLIOTT, Delbert, S. David HUIZINGA ve Suzanne S. AGETON Explaining Delinquency and Drug Use, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  • ERICKSON, Kristan Glasgow, Robert CROSNOE ve Sanford M. DORNBUSCH “A Social Process Model of Adolescent Deviance: Combining Social Control and Differential Association Perspectives”, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Cilt: 29, No: 4, s.395-425.
  • GOTTFREDSON, Micheal R. ve Travis HIRSCHI A General Theory of Crime, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. HAGAN, John Structural Criminology, Cambridge, MA: Polity. HAY, Carter “Parenting, Self-Control and Delinquency: A Test of Self-control Theory”, Criminology, Cilt: 39, No: 3, s.707-736.
  • HAYNIE, Dana L. “Friendship Networks and Delinquency: The Relative Nature of Peer Delinquency”, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Cilt: 18, No: 2, s.99-134. HEIMER, Karen “Socioeconomic Status, Subcultural Definitions, and Violent Delinquency”, Social Forces, Cilt: 75, No: 3, s.799-833.
  • HIRSCHI, Travis Causes of Delinquency, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • JANG, Dung ve Carolyn A. SMITH 1997 “A Test of Reciprocal Causal Relationships among Parental Supervision, Affective Ties, and Delinquency”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Cilt: 34, No: 3, s. 307–336.
  • KANDEL, Denise ve Mark DAVIES “Friendship Network, Intimacy, and Illicit Drug Use in Young Adulthood: A Comparison of Two Competing Theories”, Criminology, Cilt: 29, No: 3, s.441-467.
  • KIERKUS, Christopher ve John D. HEWIT 2009 “The Contextual Nature of The Family Structure/ Delinquency Relationship”, Journal of Criminal Justice, Cilt: 32, No: 2, s.123-132.
  • KNECHT, Andrea, Tom A. B. SNIJDERS, Chris BAEVERLDT, Christian E. G. STEGLICH ve Werner RAUB 2010 “Friendship and Delinquency: Selection and Influence Processes in Early Adolescence”, Social Development, Cilt: 19, No: 3, s.494-514.
  • KNOESTER, Chris, Dana L. HAYNIE ve Crystal M. STEPHENS 2006 “Parenting Practices and Adolescent’s Friendship Networks”, Journal of Marriage and Family, Cilt: 68, No: December, s.1247-1260.
  • KUZGUN, Yıldız Ana-Baba Tutumlarının Bireyin Kendini Gerçekleştirme Düzeyine Etkisi, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • MATSUEDA, Ross L. ve Kathleen ANDERSON “The Dynamics of Delinquent Peers and Delinquent Behavior”, Criminology, Cilt: 36, No: 2, s. 269-308.
  • MATSUEDA, Ross L. ve Karen HEIMER “Race, Family Structure, And Delinquency: A Test of Differential Association and Social Control”, American Sociological Review, Cilt: 52, No: December, s. 826–846.
  • MCCARTHY, Bill ve John HAGAN 2001 “When Crime Pays: Capital, Competence, and Criminal Success”, Social Forces, Cilt: 79, No: 3, s.1035-1059.
  • OSGOOD, D. Wayne, Laura L. FINKEN ve Barbara J. MCMORRIS “Analyzing Multiple-item Measures of Crime and Deviance II: Tobit Regression Analyses of Transformed Scores”, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Cilt: 18, No: 4, s. 319-347.
  • OUSEY, Graham C. ve Pamela WILCOX 2007 “The Interaction of Antisocial Propensity and Life-Course Varying Predictors of Delinquent Behavior: Differences by Method of Estimation and Implications for Theory”, Criminology, Cilt: 45, No:2, s. 313-353.
  • PARDINI, Dustin. A., Ralf LOEBER ve Magda STOUTHAMER-LOEBER “Developmental Shifts in Parent and Peer Influences on Boys’ Beliefs about Delinquent Behavior”, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Cilt: 15, No: 3, s.299-323.
  • RANKIN, Joseph H. ve Roger KERN 1994 “Parental Attachments and Delinquency”, Criminology, Cilt: 32, No:4, s. 495-515
  • SAMSPON, Robert ve John H. LAUB 1993 Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points through Life, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • SIMONS, Leslie, Gordon SIMONS, Callie H. BURT, Gene H. BRODY ve Carlyn CUTRONA “Collective Efficacy, Authoritative Parenting and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of A Model Integrating Community -and Family Level- Processes”, Criminology, Cilt: 43, No: 4, s. 989-1020.
  • SIMONS, Ronald L., Wei CHAO, Rand D. CONGER ve Glen H. ELDER “Brothers, Sisters and Delinquency: Aggregation and Interaction in Early and Middle Adolescence”, Child Development, Cilt: 72, No: 1, s.271-283.
  • SIMONS, Ronald L., Chyi-In WU, Kuei-Hsiu LIN, Leslie GORDON ve Rand D. CONGER 2000 “A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Link between Corporal Punishment and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior”, Criminology, Cilt: 38, No: 1, s.47-80
  • SOKOL-KATZ Jan, Roger DUNHAM ve Rick ZIMMERMAN 1997 “Family Structure versus Parental Attachment in Controlling Adolescent Deviant Behavior: A Social Control Model”, Adolescence, Cilt: 32, No: 125, s.199−215.
  • STEWART, Eric A., Ronald L. SIMONS, Rand D. CONGER ve Laura V. SCARAMELLA 2002 “Beyond the Interactional Relationship between Delinquency and Parenting Practices: The Contribution of Legal Sanctions”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Cilt: 39, No: 1, s. 36-59.
  • ULUSOY; Meliha Demet, Nilüfer Özcan DEMİR ve Aylin Görgün BARAN 2005a “Ebeveynlerin Çocuk Yetiştirme Biçimleri ve Ergen Problemleri: Ankara İli Örneği”, Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 3, s.367-389.
  • ULUSOY, Meliha Demet, Nilüfer Özcan DEMİR ve Aylin Görgün BARAN 2005b “Parçalanmış Aile ve Gençlerde Sapmış Davranışlar: Lise Son Sınıf Gençliği Örneği”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 22, s.61-66.
  • UNNEVER, James, D., Francis T. CULLEN ve Robert AGNEW “Why is “Bad” Parenting Criminogenic? Implication from Rival Theories”, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Cilt: 4, No: 1, s.3-33. WARR, Mark “Parents, Peers and Delinquency”, Social Forces, Cilt: 72, No: 1, s.247 - 264. WARR, Mark “Making Delinquent Friends: Adult Supervision and Children’s Affiliations”, Criminology, Cilt: 43, No: 1, s.77-105.
  • WARR, Mark ve Mark STAFFORD “The Influence of Delinquent Peers: What They Think or What They Do”, Criminology, Cilt: 29, No: 4, s. 851-866.
  • WELLS, Edward L. ve Joseph H.RANKIN “Families and Delinquency: A Meta Analysis of the Impact of Broken Homes”, Social Problems, Cilt: 38, No: 1, s.71-93.
  • WIATROWSKI, Michael D., David B. GRISWOLD, ve Mary K. ROBERTS “Social Control Theory and Delinquency”, American Sociological Review, Cilt: 46, No: 5, s. 525–41.
  • WRIGHT, John Paul ve Francis T. CULLEN “Parental Efficacy and Delinquent Behavior: Do Control and Support Matter?” Criminology, Cilt: 39, No: 3, s. 677-705.
  • WRIGHT, John P. Francis T. CULLEN ve Jeremy T. MILLER 2001 “Family Social Capital and Delinquent Behavior”, Journal of Criminal Justice, Cilt: 29, No: 1, s. 1-9.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Halime Ünal Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Şubat 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal, H. (2010). Ebeveynlerle Olan İlişkiler, Sapkın Arkadaşlar ve Sapkın Davranışları. Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(2), 215-248.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Sociological Research