ABRAMOTIVZ, Mimi. 1988. Regulating ıhe Lİves of womat Social
Welfare Policy from Colıınİal Times ıo ıhe Present. Boslon: South End
. APPLETON, Simon, John IIADDINOTT and Primal KRISHNAN. 1999.
'The Gender wage Gap in Thıee African Countries.'' Economic
Development and Cultural Change. 47 Q): 289-312.
. BECKETT, Katherine. 1997 . Making Crime Pay: Inw and Order in
Conıemporary American Poıiııcs' New Yoık oxford Universiğ Press.
. BECKETT, Katherine and BRUCE Westem. 2001. "Govemlng Social
Marginality, Welfaıe, Incarceration and the Transforrnation of State Policy."
Punishment and Socie$, 3:43-59.
. BELKNAP, Joanne. 200l. Ihe InvMble 'Woman: Geııder, Cime and
Justice. califorrlla: Wadsıvorth/ Thomson Leaming
ı BICKLE, Gayle S. and RUTH D. PETERSoN. 1991. "The hryact of
Gender-Based Farnily Roles on Criminal Sentenciıg." Sociıl Problems 38
. BORITCH, Helen aıd John HAGAN. 1990. '%. Century of Crime in
Toronto: Gender, Class, and Patterns of Social Control, 1859 to 1955."
Cnminologı 28:567 -599.
ı BRoWN, Carol. 1981. 'Mother, Fathers aıd Childreıı: From Pfivate to
Public Patriarchy." Pp. 239-267 in Women and Revoluıion: A Disanssion of
ıhe Unhappy Marriage of Marıİsm and Feıninism edited by Lydia Saıgent.
Boston, MA: South End Preşs.
o CARLEN, Pat. 1983. Women's Imprisonmenı: A Sıudy in Socıaı controı.
London: Routledge aıd Kegan Paul.
ı |988. Women, Cime and Poverıy. Milton Keynes: open University Press.
. 1998' Sledgehammer: Womeıı's ImPrisonmenı at the Millennıum.
London:McMillan Press Ltd.
. COLVIN, Mark. 1gg7. Peniteııtiaries' Refoımaaies, and Chııin Gang:
Social Theory and ıhe Hİstory of Punİ'hmenı in Niıeteenıh-cenıury
America. New York: St. Martin's Press.
o DALY, Kathleen. 1987. "Stucture and Practice of Familial-Based Justice in
ı Criminal Court." Criminologı 2l:267-290.
1989. "Rethinking Judicial Patemalism: Gender, Work-Famity Relations,
and Sentencing." Gezder and Society 3:9-36.
o DALY, Kathleen and Rebecca Brodt 1995. "Sex Effects and Senteııcing: A
Review ofüe Statistical Literature.".Iusıice Quarterly, |2: 143-177 .
. DIAz-CoTTo, Juanita. 1996. Gender' Ethnicity, and the Sıaıe: Laıina aııd
Laıino Prison Politics. Albany, NY: State Univesity ofNew York Press.
. DOBASH, Russell, R. Emerson Dobash, and Sue Gutteridge. 1986. The
Imprİsonment of ,ronez. oxford: Basil Blackwell'
. DODGE, Mara. 1999. "One Female Prisoner is of More Trouble Than
Twenty Males: Women Conücts in Illinois Prison, 1835-1896.'' Joumal of
Sociaı HistorJ, Süa- 907 -930.
ı ENGLAND, Pıala. 1992. Comparable Woıİh: Theories and Evidence.
Hawthorne, N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter.
. ENoS, sandİa. 2001. Mothering /ron the Inside: Parenting İn q rq'omen's
Pnisoı. Albaııy, NY: stat€ University of New York.
ı FAITH, Karlene. 1993. Unıaly Women: The Poıııics of Confinement and
Res iS t ance. v fficolüv eİ: Press Gang Publishers.
. FEELEY, Malcom M. and Deborah L. Little. 1991. "The Vanishing Fernale:
the Decline of Women in the Criminal Process, 1687-1912." Law and
Socıeıy Review. 25 :7 19 -7 57.
o FRASER, Nancy. 1990. "Shuggle over Needs: Outline of a SocialistFeminist
Critical Theory ofLate-Capitalist Political Culture." Pp . 199-225 iı
Women, ıhe Sıafu and Welfare edited by Linda Gordon. Madisor1 WI: The
University of Wisconsin Press.
o GARLAND, Daüd. 1985. Punishmenı aııd Welİqre: A Eisnry of Penat
Sırategies. Bİoolİ1eld, VT: Gower Publishing.
o 1990. Punishmenı and Modern Socıeb,: A Sndy in Social Theory' Chıcago,
IL: The Univosity of Chicago Press.
o GIALLOMBARDO, Rose. 1966. Sociely of Women: A Snıly of a |Iıomen's
Prısoz. New York Wiley.
. GoRDoN, Linda. 1990. women, ıhe Staıe and Welfare. Maılison, W: The
University of Wisconsin Press.
. GREENBERG, Daüd F. aıd Valerie wEsT. 2001. "state Prison Population
and their Growtb, 197l-l99l." Criminologı 39:615-653.
ABRAMOTIVZ, Mimi. 1988. Regulating ıhe Lİves of womat Social
Welfare Policy from Colıınİal Times ıo ıhe Present. Boslon: South End
. APPLETON, Simon, John IIADDINOTT and Primal KRISHNAN. 1999.
'The Gender wage Gap in Thıee African Countries.'' Economic
Development and Cultural Change. 47 Q): 289-312.
. BECKETT, Katherine. 1997 . Making Crime Pay: Inw and Order in
Conıemporary American Poıiııcs' New Yoık oxford Universiğ Press.
. BECKETT, Katherine and BRUCE Westem. 2001. "Govemlng Social
Marginality, Welfaıe, Incarceration and the Transforrnation of State Policy."
Punishment and Socie$, 3:43-59.
. BELKNAP, Joanne. 200l. Ihe InvMble 'Woman: Geııder, Cime and
Justice. califorrlla: Wadsıvorth/ Thomson Leaming
ı BICKLE, Gayle S. and RUTH D. PETERSoN. 1991. "The hryact of
Gender-Based Farnily Roles on Criminal Sentenciıg." Sociıl Problems 38
. BORITCH, Helen aıd John HAGAN. 1990. '%. Century of Crime in
Toronto: Gender, Class, and Patterns of Social Control, 1859 to 1955."
Cnminologı 28:567 -599.
ı BRoWN, Carol. 1981. 'Mother, Fathers aıd Childreıı: From Pfivate to
Public Patriarchy." Pp. 239-267 in Women and Revoluıion: A Disanssion of
ıhe Unhappy Marriage of Marıİsm and Feıninism edited by Lydia Saıgent.
Boston, MA: South End Preşs.
o CARLEN, Pat. 1983. Women's Imprisonmenı: A Sıudy in Socıaı controı.
London: Routledge aıd Kegan Paul.
ı |988. Women, Cime and Poverıy. Milton Keynes: open University Press.
. 1998' Sledgehammer: Womeıı's ImPrisonmenı at the Millennıum.
London:McMillan Press Ltd.
. COLVIN, Mark. 1gg7. Peniteııtiaries' Refoımaaies, and Chııin Gang:
Social Theory and ıhe Hİstory of Punİ'hmenı in Niıeteenıh-cenıury
America. New York: St. Martin's Press.
o DALY, Kathleen. 1987. "Stucture and Practice of Familial-Based Justice in
ı Criminal Court." Criminologı 2l:267-290.
1989. "Rethinking Judicial Patemalism: Gender, Work-Famity Relations,
and Sentencing." Gezder and Society 3:9-36.
o DALY, Kathleen and Rebecca Brodt 1995. "Sex Effects and Senteııcing: A
Review ofüe Statistical Literature.".Iusıice Quarterly, |2: 143-177 .
. DIAz-CoTTo, Juanita. 1996. Gender' Ethnicity, and the Sıaıe: Laıina aııd
Laıino Prison Politics. Albany, NY: State Univesity ofNew York Press.
. DOBASH, Russell, R. Emerson Dobash, and Sue Gutteridge. 1986. The
Imprİsonment of ,ronez. oxford: Basil Blackwell'
. DODGE, Mara. 1999. "One Female Prisoner is of More Trouble Than
Twenty Males: Women Conücts in Illinois Prison, 1835-1896.'' Joumal of
Sociaı HistorJ, Süa- 907 -930.
ı ENGLAND, Pıala. 1992. Comparable Woıİh: Theories and Evidence.
Hawthorne, N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter.
. ENoS, sandİa. 2001. Mothering /ron the Inside: Parenting İn q rq'omen's
Pnisoı. Albaııy, NY: stat€ University of New York.
ı FAITH, Karlene. 1993. Unıaly Women: The Poıııics of Confinement and
Res iS t ance. v fficolüv eİ: Press Gang Publishers.
. FEELEY, Malcom M. and Deborah L. Little. 1991. "The Vanishing Fernale:
the Decline of Women in the Criminal Process, 1687-1912." Law and
Socıeıy Review. 25 :7 19 -7 57.
o FRASER, Nancy. 1990. "Shuggle over Needs: Outline of a SocialistFeminist
Critical Theory ofLate-Capitalist Political Culture." Pp . 199-225 iı
Women, ıhe Sıafu and Welfare edited by Linda Gordon. Madisor1 WI: The
University of Wisconsin Press.
o GARLAND, Daüd. 1985. Punishmenı aııd Welİqre: A Eisnry of Penat
Sırategies. Bİoolİ1eld, VT: Gower Publishing.
o 1990. Punishmenı and Modern Socıeb,: A Sndy in Social Theory' Chıcago,
IL: The Univosity of Chicago Press.
o GIALLOMBARDO, Rose. 1966. Sociely of Women: A Snıly of a |Iıomen's
Prısoz. New York Wiley.
. GoRDoN, Linda. 1990. women, ıhe Staıe and Welfare. Maılison, W: The
University of Wisconsin Press.
. GREENBERG, Daüd F. aıd Valerie wEsT. 2001. "state Prison Population
and their Growtb, 197l-l99l." Criminologı 39:615-653.