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Yıl 2024, , 51 - 68, 05.10.2024


Bu makale, sosyal hizmet bilim ve mesleğinde az bilinen ve marjinal bir alanı olarak sokak çalışmalarının önem ve gerekliliğini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Sokak çalışmaları, sokakta yaşayan veya sokakla yüksek ilişkili olarak hayatını sürdüren bireylerle doğrudan ve yerinde etkileşim kurarak, onların fiziksel, sosyal, ekonomik ve psikolojik ihtiyaçlarına yanıt vermeyi amaçlayan bir sosyal hizmet uygulamasıdır. Makale, sokak çalışmalarının metodolojik temellerine ve uygulama prensiplerine odaklanmaktadır. Geleneksel hizmet modellerinden farklı olarak sokak çalışmasının kurum dışı uygulama olarak yerinde, esnek ve diyalojik bir yaklaşım ve ilişki biçimiyle yürütülmesi gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Bunun yanında sokak çalışmalarının tarihsel gelişimini ve sosyal hizmet mesleği içindeki yerini ele almaktadır. Sosyal hizmetin ilk yıllarında yaygın olarak uygulanan sokak temelli çalışmalar, günümüzde de sosyal hizmetin temel ilkelerini sahaya yansıtan önemli bir alan olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak, sosyal hizmet literatürü ve müfredatında sokak çalışmalarına yeterince yer verilmediği ve uygulamaların büyük ölçüde kurum temelli yürütüldüğü belirtilmektedir. Dolayısıyla sokak çalışmaları kurum temelli sosyal hizmet yaklaşımına yönelik tamamlayıcı bir alternatif sunmaktadır. Bu alternatifin keşfedilmesi ve pratik olarak sosyal hizmet sistemine entegre edilmesi, kurumsal hizmet modellerine eriş(e)meyen dezavantajlı bireylerin güçlendirilmesi ve toplumsal refahın genişlemesi açısından önemlidir. Bu kazanımı sağlamak adına ülkemizdeki sosyal hizmet eğitimi ve literatüründe sokak çalışması modelinin daha kapsamlı biçimde yer edinmesi önemlidir.


  • Andersson, B., 2013, Finding ways to the hard to reach—considerations on the content and concept of outreach work. European Journal of Social Work, 16(2), 171-186.
  • Barber, J. G., 1995, Social work with addictions. London: Macmillan.
  • Brody, R., & Nair, M. D., 2020, Makro Sosyal Hizmet. (C. Bolgün, Çev.) Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Corr C, 2002, Engaging the hard-to-reach: An evaluation of an outreach service, Ref Type: Report Deren, S., Kang, S.-Y., Mino, M. and Guarino, H., 2012, Conducting peer outreach to migrants: Outcomes from drug treatment patients’, Journal of Immigration Minority Health, 14, 251–8.
  • Dynamo international, (2008)., International Guide on the Methodology of Street Work throughout the World, Bruxelles.
  • Erdönmez, M. E., & Akı, A., 2005, Açık kamusal kent mekanlarının toplum ilişkilerindeki etkileri. Megaron, 1(1), 67.4 Gamble, N.D., Weil,M., 2010, Communtiy Practice Skills: Localto Global Perspectives.Colombia Press. New York. Gehl, J., 1987, Life between Buildings, New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold.
  • Gibson, K. E., 2011, Street Kids: Homeless Youth, Outreach, and Policing New York’s Streets, New York, New York University Press.
  • Goldstein, H., 1983, Starting where the client is. Social Casework, 64(5), 267-275.
  • Goodman, R. A., Bunnell, R., & Posner, S. F., 2014, What is “community health”? Examining the meaning of an evolving field in public health. Preventive medicine, 67, S58-S61.
  • Hill, D. J., & Laredo, E., 2019, First and last and always: Streetwork as a methodology for radical community social work practice. Critical and Radical Social Work, 7(1), 25-39.
  • Holmes, G. E., & Saaleebey, D., 1993, Empowerment, the medical model, and the politics of clienthood. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 4(1), 61-78.
  • Jones, A., ve Scannell, T., 1997, Outreach intervention for the homeless mentally ill.British Journalof Nursing, 6(21), 1236-1243.
  • Kalynchenko, S. Y., 2013, Otechestvennyy i zarubezhnyy opyt reabilitatsyy beznadzornykh i besprizornykh nesovershennoletnikh [Domestic and foreign experience of rehabilitation of abandoned and homeless adolescents].
  • Kloppenburg, R., & Hendriks, P. (2013). Outreach approaches in the private domain: An international study. European Journal of Social Work, 16(5), 605-619.
  • Kobzar, B. S, Postovoytov, E. P (1999). Zniattia adaptatsiinykh trudnoshchiv u ditey v sotsialnoreabilitatsiinomu centri [Removing adaptazffƒtion difficulties in children in social and rehabilitation center].
  • Korf, D. J., Riper, M. M., Freeman, M., Lewis, R., Grant, I., Jacob, E., ... & Nilson, M. (1999). Outreach work among drug users in Europe: concepts, practice and terminology. Lisbon, EMCDDA.
  • Lofland, L., 1998, The Public Realm: Exploring the City’s Quintessential Social Territory. New York: Aldine De Gruyter.
  • Madanipour, A., 1999, Why are the Design and Development of Public Spaces Significant for Cities? Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26, 879- 891.
  • Mehta, V., 2013, The Street. A Quintessential Social Public Space. Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon, UK.
  • Mikkonen, M., Kauppinen, J., Huovinen, M., & Aalto, E., 2007, Outreach work among marginalised populations in Europe: guidelines on providing integrated outreach services. Amsterdam: Foundation Regenboog, AMOC.
  • Morse, G., Calsyn, R.J., Miller, J., Rosenberg, P., West, L. & Gilliland, J., 1996, Outreach tohomeless mentally ill people: conceptual and clinical considerations’,Community Mental Health Journal, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 261274.
  • Needle, R. H., Burrows, D., Friedman, S. R., Dorabjee, J., Touze, G., Badrieva, L., C.Grungd, J. P., Kumar, M. S., Nigro, L., Mannig, G. ve Latkin, C., 2005, Effectiveness of community based outreach in preventing HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users. International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, 45-57.
  • Nelson, R. J., Demas, G. E., Klein, S. L., & Kriegsfeld, L. J., 2002, Seasonal patterns of stress, immune function, and disease. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ng, A.T. & McQuistion, H.L., 2004, Outreach to the homeless: craft, science, and futureimplications, Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 10(2), pp. 95-105.
  • Pattoni, L. 2012, Strengths-based approaches for working with individuals. Glasgow: Iriss.
  • Payne, M., 2005, Modern Social Work Theory, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
  • Payne, M., 2005a, The Origin of Social Work: Continuty and Change, London; Macmillan Higher Education.
  • Perlman, H. H., 1957, Social casework: A problem-solving process (Vol. 10). University of Chicago press.
  • Pierson, J., & Thomas, M., 2010, Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care. Open University/McGraw Hill.
  • Prior, M. K., Bahret, B. A., Allen, R. I., & Pasupuleti, S., 2012,The efficacy of a senior outreach program in the reduction of hospital readmissions and emergency department visits among chronically ill seniors. Social Work in Health Care, 51(4), 345-360.
  • Rapp, C.A., Saleebey, D. ve Sullivan, W. P., 2006, The Future of Strength-Based Social Work. Içinde Advances In Social Work: Special Issue On The Futures of Social Work. Ed. Daley, J. G. Trafford Publishing.
  • Reamer, F., 2018, Social work values and ethics. Columbia University Press.
  • Rhodes, T., Holland, J., & Hartnoll, R., 1992, Innovation and constraint: The management of an HIV outreach intervention. International Journal on Drug Policy, 3, 141-141.
  • Riley, A. J., Harding, G., Underwood, M. R., & Carter, Y. H., 2003, Homelessness: a problem for primary care?. British Journal of General Practice, 53(491), 473-479.
  • Rots‐de Vries, C., van de Goor, I., Stronks, K., & Garretsen, H., 2011, Evaluation of an assertive outreach intervention for problem families: Intervention methods and early outcomes. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 25(2), 211-219.
  • Shaivitz, M. D., 2015, Prisoner reentry: Making ex-prisoners into citizens: Creating an inmate reentry program in a local jail setting, implications for outreach, external service, and recidivism; the impact of employing a recidivism associate on successful community reintegration (Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University (Delaware)).
  • Sheafor, B.W., Horejsi, C.J., 2014, Sosyal Hizmet Uygulaması Temel Teknikler ve İlkeler. Ankara: Nika Yayınevi. Storo, J., 2013, Practical social pedagogy: Theories, values and tools for working with children and young people. Policy Press.
  • Svenson, N.P., 2003, Outreach Work with Young People, Young Drug Users and Young People at Risk,Pompidou Group, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
  • Szeintuch, S., 2015, Street work and outreach: A social work method?. The British Journal of Social Work, 45(6), 1923-1934.
  • Şahin, F., 2009, Sosyal hizmette kendi kaderini tayin hakkı. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(19), 87-98. Thompson, N., 2014, Kuram ve uygulamada sosyal hizmeti anlamak. Dipnot Yayınları.
  • Tiffany , G., 2007, Lessons from the street: informal education-based social ties building and the danger of pre-scription. Pensée plurielle, (2), 129-138.
  • Tonkiss, F., 2005, Space, the city and social theory: Social relations and urban forms. Polity.
  • Vakharia, S. P., & Little, J., 2017, Starting where the client is: Harm reduction guidelines for clinical social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 45, 65-76.
  • Van der Linde, M., 2011, Doe wel maar zie om: een pleidooi voor historisch besef in het sociaal werk.
  • Vasylenko, O., Grach, Y., Gudz, T., Romanovska, L., & Kravchyna, T., 2019, Analysis of the formation of personal and professional qualities of future social workers for street social work.
  • West, L., Mercer, S. O., & Altheimer, E., 1993, Operation Desert Storm: The response of a social work outreach team. Social Work in Health Care, 19(2), 81-98.
  • Wronka, J., 2016, Human rights and social justice: Social action and service for the helping and health professions. Sage Publications.
  • Zastrow, C., 2013, Sosyal Hizmete Giriş. Editör. Çiftçi. D.B. Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.


Yıl 2024, , 51 - 68, 05.10.2024


This article aims to highlight the importance and necessity of street work as a lesser-known and marginal area in the science and profession of social work. Street work is a social work practice that aims to respond to the physical, social, economic, and psychological needs of individuals living on the street or maintaining a high relationship with the street by directly interacting with them on-site. The article focuses on the methodological fundementals and working principles of street work. Unlike traditional service models, it emphasizes that street work should be carried out on-site as an institutional practice with a flexible and dialogic approach and form of relationship. Additionally, it addresses the historical development of street work and its place within the social work profession. Street-based work, which was widely practiced in the early years of social work, is today accepted as an important area that reflects the basic principles of social work in the field. However, it is noted that street work is not sufficiently covered in the social work literature and curriculum, and practices are largely institution-based. Therefore, street work offers a complementary alternative to the institution-based social work approach. Discovering and practically integrating this alternative into the social work system is important for empowering disadvantaged individuals who cannot access institutional service models and expanding social welfare. To achieve this gain, it is important to include the street work model more comprehensively in the social work education and literature in our country.


  • Andersson, B., 2013, Finding ways to the hard to reach—considerations on the content and concept of outreach work. European Journal of Social Work, 16(2), 171-186.
  • Barber, J. G., 1995, Social work with addictions. London: Macmillan.
  • Brody, R., & Nair, M. D., 2020, Makro Sosyal Hizmet. (C. Bolgün, Çev.) Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Corr C, 2002, Engaging the hard-to-reach: An evaluation of an outreach service, Ref Type: Report Deren, S., Kang, S.-Y., Mino, M. and Guarino, H., 2012, Conducting peer outreach to migrants: Outcomes from drug treatment patients’, Journal of Immigration Minority Health, 14, 251–8.
  • Dynamo international, (2008)., International Guide on the Methodology of Street Work throughout the World, Bruxelles.
  • Erdönmez, M. E., & Akı, A., 2005, Açık kamusal kent mekanlarının toplum ilişkilerindeki etkileri. Megaron, 1(1), 67.4 Gamble, N.D., Weil,M., 2010, Communtiy Practice Skills: Localto Global Perspectives.Colombia Press. New York. Gehl, J., 1987, Life between Buildings, New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold.
  • Gibson, K. E., 2011, Street Kids: Homeless Youth, Outreach, and Policing New York’s Streets, New York, New York University Press.
  • Goldstein, H., 1983, Starting where the client is. Social Casework, 64(5), 267-275.
  • Goodman, R. A., Bunnell, R., & Posner, S. F., 2014, What is “community health”? Examining the meaning of an evolving field in public health. Preventive medicine, 67, S58-S61.
  • Hill, D. J., & Laredo, E., 2019, First and last and always: Streetwork as a methodology for radical community social work practice. Critical and Radical Social Work, 7(1), 25-39.
  • Holmes, G. E., & Saaleebey, D., 1993, Empowerment, the medical model, and the politics of clienthood. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 4(1), 61-78.
  • Jones, A., ve Scannell, T., 1997, Outreach intervention for the homeless mentally ill.British Journalof Nursing, 6(21), 1236-1243.
  • Kalynchenko, S. Y., 2013, Otechestvennyy i zarubezhnyy opyt reabilitatsyy beznadzornykh i besprizornykh nesovershennoletnikh [Domestic and foreign experience of rehabilitation of abandoned and homeless adolescents].
  • Kloppenburg, R., & Hendriks, P. (2013). Outreach approaches in the private domain: An international study. European Journal of Social Work, 16(5), 605-619.
  • Kobzar, B. S, Postovoytov, E. P (1999). Zniattia adaptatsiinykh trudnoshchiv u ditey v sotsialnoreabilitatsiinomu centri [Removing adaptazffƒtion difficulties in children in social and rehabilitation center].
  • Korf, D. J., Riper, M. M., Freeman, M., Lewis, R., Grant, I., Jacob, E., ... & Nilson, M. (1999). Outreach work among drug users in Europe: concepts, practice and terminology. Lisbon, EMCDDA.
  • Lofland, L., 1998, The Public Realm: Exploring the City’s Quintessential Social Territory. New York: Aldine De Gruyter.
  • Madanipour, A., 1999, Why are the Design and Development of Public Spaces Significant for Cities? Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26, 879- 891.
  • Mehta, V., 2013, The Street. A Quintessential Social Public Space. Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon, UK.
  • Mikkonen, M., Kauppinen, J., Huovinen, M., & Aalto, E., 2007, Outreach work among marginalised populations in Europe: guidelines on providing integrated outreach services. Amsterdam: Foundation Regenboog, AMOC.
  • Morse, G., Calsyn, R.J., Miller, J., Rosenberg, P., West, L. & Gilliland, J., 1996, Outreach tohomeless mentally ill people: conceptual and clinical considerations’,Community Mental Health Journal, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 261274.
  • Needle, R. H., Burrows, D., Friedman, S. R., Dorabjee, J., Touze, G., Badrieva, L., C.Grungd, J. P., Kumar, M. S., Nigro, L., Mannig, G. ve Latkin, C., 2005, Effectiveness of community based outreach in preventing HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users. International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, 45-57.
  • Nelson, R. J., Demas, G. E., Klein, S. L., & Kriegsfeld, L. J., 2002, Seasonal patterns of stress, immune function, and disease. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ng, A.T. & McQuistion, H.L., 2004, Outreach to the homeless: craft, science, and futureimplications, Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 10(2), pp. 95-105.
  • Pattoni, L. 2012, Strengths-based approaches for working with individuals. Glasgow: Iriss.
  • Payne, M., 2005, Modern Social Work Theory, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
  • Payne, M., 2005a, The Origin of Social Work: Continuty and Change, London; Macmillan Higher Education.
  • Perlman, H. H., 1957, Social casework: A problem-solving process (Vol. 10). University of Chicago press.
  • Pierson, J., & Thomas, M., 2010, Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care. Open University/McGraw Hill.
  • Prior, M. K., Bahret, B. A., Allen, R. I., & Pasupuleti, S., 2012,The efficacy of a senior outreach program in the reduction of hospital readmissions and emergency department visits among chronically ill seniors. Social Work in Health Care, 51(4), 345-360.
  • Rapp, C.A., Saleebey, D. ve Sullivan, W. P., 2006, The Future of Strength-Based Social Work. Içinde Advances In Social Work: Special Issue On The Futures of Social Work. Ed. Daley, J. G. Trafford Publishing.
  • Reamer, F., 2018, Social work values and ethics. Columbia University Press.
  • Rhodes, T., Holland, J., & Hartnoll, R., 1992, Innovation and constraint: The management of an HIV outreach intervention. International Journal on Drug Policy, 3, 141-141.
  • Riley, A. J., Harding, G., Underwood, M. R., & Carter, Y. H., 2003, Homelessness: a problem for primary care?. British Journal of General Practice, 53(491), 473-479.
  • Rots‐de Vries, C., van de Goor, I., Stronks, K., & Garretsen, H., 2011, Evaluation of an assertive outreach intervention for problem families: Intervention methods and early outcomes. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 25(2), 211-219.
  • Shaivitz, M. D., 2015, Prisoner reentry: Making ex-prisoners into citizens: Creating an inmate reentry program in a local jail setting, implications for outreach, external service, and recidivism; the impact of employing a recidivism associate on successful community reintegration (Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University (Delaware)).
  • Sheafor, B.W., Horejsi, C.J., 2014, Sosyal Hizmet Uygulaması Temel Teknikler ve İlkeler. Ankara: Nika Yayınevi. Storo, J., 2013, Practical social pedagogy: Theories, values and tools for working with children and young people. Policy Press.
  • Svenson, N.P., 2003, Outreach Work with Young People, Young Drug Users and Young People at Risk,Pompidou Group, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
  • Szeintuch, S., 2015, Street work and outreach: A social work method?. The British Journal of Social Work, 45(6), 1923-1934.
  • Şahin, F., 2009, Sosyal hizmette kendi kaderini tayin hakkı. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(19), 87-98. Thompson, N., 2014, Kuram ve uygulamada sosyal hizmeti anlamak. Dipnot Yayınları.
  • Tiffany , G., 2007, Lessons from the street: informal education-based social ties building and the danger of pre-scription. Pensée plurielle, (2), 129-138.
  • Tonkiss, F., 2005, Space, the city and social theory: Social relations and urban forms. Polity.
  • Vakharia, S. P., & Little, J., 2017, Starting where the client is: Harm reduction guidelines for clinical social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 45, 65-76.
  • Van der Linde, M., 2011, Doe wel maar zie om: een pleidooi voor historisch besef in het sociaal werk.
  • Vasylenko, O., Grach, Y., Gudz, T., Romanovska, L., & Kravchyna, T., 2019, Analysis of the formation of personal and professional qualities of future social workers for street social work.
  • West, L., Mercer, S. O., & Altheimer, E., 1993, Operation Desert Storm: The response of a social work outreach team. Social Work in Health Care, 19(2), 81-98.
  • Wronka, J., 2016, Human rights and social justice: Social action and service for the helping and health professions. Sage Publications.
  • Zastrow, C., 2013, Sosyal Hizmete Giriş. Editör. Çiftçi. D.B. Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyal Hizmetler (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Hakan Karaman 0000-0002-5729-6012

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaman, H. (2024). SOKAĞA ULAŞMANIN METODOLOJİSİ: SOSYAL HİZMET TEORİSİNDEN SOKAK ÇALIŞMASI. Sosyal Sağlık Dergisi, 4(2), 51-68. https://doi.org/10.69514/sosyalsaglik.1498253