Although Turkey has been experiencing an economic development and enhancement in social assistance policies and prac
tices, poverty and poverty alleviation remain as the key item in the development agenda of the country. This paper aims to
enlight structuring objective criteria that can be used in spotting the Nongovernmental Organisations (NGOs), which operate in
the field of poverty reduction and may be identified as partners in the activities of the General Directorate of Social Assistance
(GDSA) through an accreditation mechanism. In this respect, the concept of Governance is assessed in the context of chang
ing roles and responsibilities of the State. Then, the various models and practices on the NGO accreditation and certification,
which is used in the selection of partner NGOs in the poverty alleviation programmes depending upon objective criteria, are
examined. Finally, a specific set of proposals are proposed to enable GDSA for reaching more effective cooperation mechanism
with voluntary organisations.