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Afrika’da Kamu Yönetimi: Bazı Afrika Ülkelerinin Yönetim Yapılarına İlişkin Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2022, , 28 - 44, 22.12.2022


Tarihsel süreç içerisinde Afrikalı uluslar, başta batılı devletler olmak üzere birçok ülkenin emperyalist müdahalelerine maruz kalmıştır. Çoğu batılı devlet, Afrika kıtasının çeşitli bölgelerinde kolonilerini kurarak kendi siyasal, sosyal, kültürel ve yönetsel pratiklerini muhtelif ülkelere taşımışlardır. Afrika devletleri uzun uğraşlar neticesinde bağımsızlıklarını kazanmışlardır. Bağımsızlık sonrası geçiş döneminde kolonyal yönetimlerin izlerini silebilmek kısa vadede mümkün olmamıştır. Kendilerine özgü yönetsel sistemlerini kurabilmeleri geniş yelpazeli kamu politikalarını hayata geçirmeye mecbur bırakarak bu paradigmayla devlet örgütlenmelerini şekillendirmektedirler. Bu çalışmanın amacı Afrika kıtalarında yer alan belli başlı ülkelerin kamu yönetim formlarını mukayeseli bir şekilde incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda çalışmada “Post-kolonyal süreçte Afrika kamu yönetimlerinin genel özellikleri nelerdir?” sorusu çalışmanın merkez sorusunu teşkil etmektedir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olan betimsel tekniğe başvurularak, konuyla ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası kütüphane taraması yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Afrika ülkelerinin yasama, yürütme, yargı ve yargı organlarının yanı sıra yerel yönetimlerinin temel özelliklerine yer verilmiştir. Ele alınan Afrika ülkelerinin kamu yönetimlerinde, sürekli olarak reform girişimlerinde bulunulduğu anlaşılmıştır.


  • Adebayo, Augustus (2011), Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited.
  • Afrika Ülke Raporları (2017). Mısır’ın Ekonomik ve Siyasal Yapısı. (26.01.2022).
  • Ajulor, O.V., Igbokwe-Ibeto, C.J., ve Afegbua, S. (2012), “Formal Bureaucracy and Development in Africa: The Nigerian Instance”, Global Journal of Applied, Management and Social Sciences, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 3, ss. 103–117.
  • Akresh, Richard, Bhalotra, Sonia, Leone, Marinella ve Osili, Una (2011), War and Stature: Growing Up During the Nigerian Civil War, No: 6194, U. K., IZA Discussion Paper.
  • Anderson, Lisa (1987), “The State in the Middle East and North Africa”, Comparative Politics, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 1, ss. 1-18.
  • Awotokun, Kunle (2020), “The Nigeria’s Presidentialism and the Burden of Profligacy in an Inchoate Constitutional Democracy”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Cilt: 11, Sayı: 5, ss. 40-45.
  • Baradei, Laila El (2021), “Public Administration in Egypt After the Arab Spring”, Public Administration in Confict Affected Countries, (Ed. P. S. Reddy), ss. 61-76, AG, Switzerland.
  • Bergh, I. Sylvia (2009), “Constraints to Strengthening Public Sector Accountability Through Civil Society: The Case of Morocco”, International Journal of Public Policy, Cilt: 4, Sayı: 3, ss. 344-365.
  • Beyer, C. William (1959), “The Civil Service of the Ancient World”, Public Administration Review. Cilt: 19, Sayı: 4, ss. 243-249.
  • Bouhouche, Ammar (2020), “Public Administration in Africa: The Case of Algeria”, Algerian Scientific Journal Platform, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, ss. 115-120.
  • Cameron, R. (2008). Public Administration in South Africa: The State of the Academic Field. Administratio Publica, 43-68.
  • Caner, Cantürk ve Şengül, Betül (2018), “Devrimler, Kaos ve İstikrar Arayışları İçinde Libya: Tarihsel ve Yapısal Bir Analiz”, Uluslararası Afro-Avrasya Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 6, ss. 45-70.
  • Cohen, M. John (1993), “Importance of Public Service Reform: The Case of Kenya”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, ss. 449-476.
  • Constitution of Libya (1969). (27.01.2022).
  • Doğan, Gürkan ve Durgun, Bülent (2012), “Arap Baharı ve Libya: Tarihsel Süreç ve Demokratikleşme Kavramı Çerçevesinde Bir Değerlendirme”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 15, ss. 61-90.
  • Düzsöz, Elifnur (2021), “Kaos İçerisinde Düzen Arayışı: Kaddafi Dönemi ve Sonrası Libya”, Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 2, ss. 295-330.
  • Eravcı, H. Mustafa (2017), “Mühimme Defterlerine Göre Osmanlı Cezayir-i Garp”, Akademik Bakış. Cilt: 10, Sayı: 20, ss. 83-94.
  • Farmer, David John (2005), To Kill the King: Post-traditional Governance and Bureaucracy, Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe.
  • Gichuki, Naomi (2015), “Kenya’s Constitutional Journey: Taking Stock of Achievements and Challenges”, Law in Africa, Cilt: 18, ss. 130-138.
  • Güçtürk, Yavuz (2016), Devrimden Darbeye Mısır’da İnsan Hakları, İstanbul, SETA.
  • Glazier, E. Raymond (1966), “The Myth of Mau-Mau: Nationalism in Kenya”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Cilt: 4, Sayı: 3, ss. 384-387.
  • Hanekom, Eduhahn Luke (2019), Freedom of Assembly and Democracy in South Africa, South Africa, Stellenbosch University Press.
  • Hizmetli, Sabri (1994), “Türklerin Yönetimi Döneminde Cezayir’in İdaresi ve Kurumları”, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Cilt: 58, Sayı: 221, ss. 71-118.
  • Home, Robert (2012), “Colonial Township Laws and Urban Governance in Kenya”, Journal of African Law, Cilt: 56, Sayı: 2, ss. 175-193.
  • Hornung, Erik (2017), Mısır Tarihi, (Çev. Z. Aksu Yılmazer), İstanbul, Kabalcı Yayınevi.
  • Hyden, Goran (2020), “African Public Administration”, (31.01.2022).
  • İkiz, Ahmet Salih (2019), “Green Book and Islamic Socialism”, Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 3, ss. 23-29.
  • Igbokwe-Ibeto, J. Chinyeake (2019), “African Bureaucracy and Public Administration: Analysing the Normative Impediments and Prospects”, Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1, ss. 1-11.
  • Isma’il, A. Ibrahım (2017), “Public Administration in Nigeria: The Quest for Efficiency and Productivity in the Civil Service”, National Conference on Local Government and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. University Zaria, Nigeria, 1-26.
  • Joffe, George (1988), “Morocco: Monarchy, Legitimacy and Sucession”, Third World Quarterly, Cilt: 10, Sayı: 1, ss. 201-228.
  • Layachi, Azzedine (1998), State, Society & Democracy in Morocco: The Limits of Associative Life, Washington, DC, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.
  • Makhlouf, Farid ve Errami, Youssef (2017), Public Policy in Algeria. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, (Ed. A. Farazmand), U.S.A., Springer Publishing.
  • Maphunye, J. Kealeboga (2009), Public Administration for a Democratic Developmental State in Africa: Prospects and Possibilities, Johannesburg, Centre for Policy Studies.
  • Marouan, Blaiha ve Oughlane, El- Houcine (2020), “The Moroccan Monarchy and the Construction of Social Representations”, Contemporary Arab Affairs, Cilt: 13, Sayı: 3, ss. 79-97.
  • Mbithi, Antony, Ndambuki, Damiana ve Juma, Fredrick Owino (2019), “Determinants of Public Participation in Kenya County Governments”, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Cilt: 54, Sayı: 1, ss. 52-69.
  • Mneinah, Al (2013), A Reading into Law for Local Administration System. Administrative Organization in Libya, (Ed. K. Mohamed ve A. Bahroun), Benghazi, Centre for Political, Economic and Social Research.
  • Muş, Ali Osman (2017), İnsan Bilimci Cliffort Geertz’in (1926-2006) Fas ve Endonezya Düşünceleri Üzerine Yorumlar, Samsun, Muş Publications.
  • Nicholas, Henry (2010), Public Administration and Public Affairs, Upper Saddle Rivers, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall.
  • OECD (2020), Progress in Public Management in the Middle East and North Africa, OECD Studies.
  • Okoli, E. F. (2003), Foundations of Government and Politics, Onitsha, Africana First Publishers.
  • Olaopa, Tunji (2012), Public Administration and Civil Service Reforms in Nigeria, Ibadan, Bookcraft Publishers.
  • Olowu, Dele (1985), “Public Administration in Nigeria: A Developmental Approach”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Cilt: 23, Sayı: 1, ss. 174-176.
  • Olukoshi, Adebayo (2004), Changing Patterns of Politics in Africa, Dakar, Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa.
  • Ong’era, Alfred ve Musili, Beverly (2019), Public Sector Reforms in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities, Kenya, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis.
  • Roberts, Margaret (1994), “The Ending of Apartheid: Shifting Inequalities in South Africa”, Geography. Cilt: 79, Sayı: 1, ss. 53-64.
  • Robbins, Stephen ve Timothy, Judge (2011), Organisational Behaviour, 4th Edition, Upper Sadle River, Prentice Press.
  • Savage, C. Donald (1970), “Kenyatta and the Development of African Nationalism in Kenya”, International Journal, Cilt: 25, Sayı: 3, ss. 518-537.
  • Sawani, M. Youssef (2017), “Public Administration in Libya: Continuity and Change”, International Journal of Public Administration, Cilt: 41, Sayı: 10, ss. 807-819.
  • Tandoğan, Muhammed (2016), Nijerya ve Nijer’in Devlet Sistemlerinin Otoriterleşmesinde Askerî Darbelerin Etkisi, İstanbul, AFAM.
  • TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı (2017), Karşılaştırmalı Hükümet Sistemleri: Yarı-Başkanlık Sistemi (Fransa, Polonya ve Rusya Örnekleri), Ankara, TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı Yayınları.
  • T.D.V. (Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı) (2022), “Fas”, (29.01.2022).
  • Turinay, Faruk (2015), ““Tek Başlı Parlamentarizm” Kavramının Doğuşu: Güney Afrika’nın Hükümet Sistemi”, TBB Dergisi, Cilt: 119, ss. 63-86.
  • Zemrani, Aziza (2014), “Teaching Public Administration: The Case of Morocco”, Journal of Public Affairs Education, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 4, ss. 515-528.
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2022).
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2022).
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 26.01.2022).
  •,to%20the%20needs%20of%20citizens. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.01.2022).
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 29.01.2022).

Public Administration in Africa: A Comparative Examination of the Administrative Structures of Several African Countries

Yıl 2022, , 28 - 44, 22.12.2022


The African nations have been exposed to imperialist interventions of many countries, especially western states, in the historical process. In plenty of Western states established their colonies in various parts of the African continent and carried their political, social, cultural and administrative practices to distinct countries. African states riped their independence as a result of long struggles. It was not possible in the short term to erase the traces of colonial administrations in the post-independence transition period. The state organizations with this paradigm, forcing them to implement a wide range of public policies to be able to establish country’s administrative systems. The aim of paper is to examine the public administration forms of the principal countries in the African continents in a comparative way. For this direction, "What are the general characteristics of African public administrations in the post-colonial process?" question which constitutes the central question of the paper. The descriptive technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was applied and a national and international library search was carried out on the subject in the research. The key features of the local governments as well as legislative, executive and judicial bodies of African countries are included in the research. It has been understood that there are continuous reform attempts in the public administrations of the African countries discussed.


  • Adebayo, Augustus (2011), Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited.
  • Afrika Ülke Raporları (2017). Mısır’ın Ekonomik ve Siyasal Yapısı. (26.01.2022).
  • Ajulor, O.V., Igbokwe-Ibeto, C.J., ve Afegbua, S. (2012), “Formal Bureaucracy and Development in Africa: The Nigerian Instance”, Global Journal of Applied, Management and Social Sciences, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 3, ss. 103–117.
  • Akresh, Richard, Bhalotra, Sonia, Leone, Marinella ve Osili, Una (2011), War and Stature: Growing Up During the Nigerian Civil War, No: 6194, U. K., IZA Discussion Paper.
  • Anderson, Lisa (1987), “The State in the Middle East and North Africa”, Comparative Politics, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 1, ss. 1-18.
  • Awotokun, Kunle (2020), “The Nigeria’s Presidentialism and the Burden of Profligacy in an Inchoate Constitutional Democracy”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Cilt: 11, Sayı: 5, ss. 40-45.
  • Baradei, Laila El (2021), “Public Administration in Egypt After the Arab Spring”, Public Administration in Confict Affected Countries, (Ed. P. S. Reddy), ss. 61-76, AG, Switzerland.
  • Bergh, I. Sylvia (2009), “Constraints to Strengthening Public Sector Accountability Through Civil Society: The Case of Morocco”, International Journal of Public Policy, Cilt: 4, Sayı: 3, ss. 344-365.
  • Beyer, C. William (1959), “The Civil Service of the Ancient World”, Public Administration Review. Cilt: 19, Sayı: 4, ss. 243-249.
  • Bouhouche, Ammar (2020), “Public Administration in Africa: The Case of Algeria”, Algerian Scientific Journal Platform, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, ss. 115-120.
  • Cameron, R. (2008). Public Administration in South Africa: The State of the Academic Field. Administratio Publica, 43-68.
  • Caner, Cantürk ve Şengül, Betül (2018), “Devrimler, Kaos ve İstikrar Arayışları İçinde Libya: Tarihsel ve Yapısal Bir Analiz”, Uluslararası Afro-Avrasya Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 6, ss. 45-70.
  • Cohen, M. John (1993), “Importance of Public Service Reform: The Case of Kenya”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, ss. 449-476.
  • Constitution of Libya (1969). (27.01.2022).
  • Doğan, Gürkan ve Durgun, Bülent (2012), “Arap Baharı ve Libya: Tarihsel Süreç ve Demokratikleşme Kavramı Çerçevesinde Bir Değerlendirme”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 15, ss. 61-90.
  • Düzsöz, Elifnur (2021), “Kaos İçerisinde Düzen Arayışı: Kaddafi Dönemi ve Sonrası Libya”, Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 2, ss. 295-330.
  • Eravcı, H. Mustafa (2017), “Mühimme Defterlerine Göre Osmanlı Cezayir-i Garp”, Akademik Bakış. Cilt: 10, Sayı: 20, ss. 83-94.
  • Farmer, David John (2005), To Kill the King: Post-traditional Governance and Bureaucracy, Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe.
  • Gichuki, Naomi (2015), “Kenya’s Constitutional Journey: Taking Stock of Achievements and Challenges”, Law in Africa, Cilt: 18, ss. 130-138.
  • Güçtürk, Yavuz (2016), Devrimden Darbeye Mısır’da İnsan Hakları, İstanbul, SETA.
  • Glazier, E. Raymond (1966), “The Myth of Mau-Mau: Nationalism in Kenya”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Cilt: 4, Sayı: 3, ss. 384-387.
  • Hanekom, Eduhahn Luke (2019), Freedom of Assembly and Democracy in South Africa, South Africa, Stellenbosch University Press.
  • Hizmetli, Sabri (1994), “Türklerin Yönetimi Döneminde Cezayir’in İdaresi ve Kurumları”, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Cilt: 58, Sayı: 221, ss. 71-118.
  • Home, Robert (2012), “Colonial Township Laws and Urban Governance in Kenya”, Journal of African Law, Cilt: 56, Sayı: 2, ss. 175-193.
  • Hornung, Erik (2017), Mısır Tarihi, (Çev. Z. Aksu Yılmazer), İstanbul, Kabalcı Yayınevi.
  • Hyden, Goran (2020), “African Public Administration”, (31.01.2022).
  • İkiz, Ahmet Salih (2019), “Green Book and Islamic Socialism”, Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 3, ss. 23-29.
  • Igbokwe-Ibeto, J. Chinyeake (2019), “African Bureaucracy and Public Administration: Analysing the Normative Impediments and Prospects”, Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1, ss. 1-11.
  • Isma’il, A. Ibrahım (2017), “Public Administration in Nigeria: The Quest for Efficiency and Productivity in the Civil Service”, National Conference on Local Government and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. University Zaria, Nigeria, 1-26.
  • Joffe, George (1988), “Morocco: Monarchy, Legitimacy and Sucession”, Third World Quarterly, Cilt: 10, Sayı: 1, ss. 201-228.
  • Layachi, Azzedine (1998), State, Society & Democracy in Morocco: The Limits of Associative Life, Washington, DC, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.
  • Makhlouf, Farid ve Errami, Youssef (2017), Public Policy in Algeria. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, (Ed. A. Farazmand), U.S.A., Springer Publishing.
  • Maphunye, J. Kealeboga (2009), Public Administration for a Democratic Developmental State in Africa: Prospects and Possibilities, Johannesburg, Centre for Policy Studies.
  • Marouan, Blaiha ve Oughlane, El- Houcine (2020), “The Moroccan Monarchy and the Construction of Social Representations”, Contemporary Arab Affairs, Cilt: 13, Sayı: 3, ss. 79-97.
  • Mbithi, Antony, Ndambuki, Damiana ve Juma, Fredrick Owino (2019), “Determinants of Public Participation in Kenya County Governments”, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Cilt: 54, Sayı: 1, ss. 52-69.
  • Mneinah, Al (2013), A Reading into Law for Local Administration System. Administrative Organization in Libya, (Ed. K. Mohamed ve A. Bahroun), Benghazi, Centre for Political, Economic and Social Research.
  • Muş, Ali Osman (2017), İnsan Bilimci Cliffort Geertz’in (1926-2006) Fas ve Endonezya Düşünceleri Üzerine Yorumlar, Samsun, Muş Publications.
  • Nicholas, Henry (2010), Public Administration and Public Affairs, Upper Saddle Rivers, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall.
  • OECD (2020), Progress in Public Management in the Middle East and North Africa, OECD Studies.
  • Okoli, E. F. (2003), Foundations of Government and Politics, Onitsha, Africana First Publishers.
  • Olaopa, Tunji (2012), Public Administration and Civil Service Reforms in Nigeria, Ibadan, Bookcraft Publishers.
  • Olowu, Dele (1985), “Public Administration in Nigeria: A Developmental Approach”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Cilt: 23, Sayı: 1, ss. 174-176.
  • Olukoshi, Adebayo (2004), Changing Patterns of Politics in Africa, Dakar, Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa.
  • Ong’era, Alfred ve Musili, Beverly (2019), Public Sector Reforms in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities, Kenya, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis.
  • Roberts, Margaret (1994), “The Ending of Apartheid: Shifting Inequalities in South Africa”, Geography. Cilt: 79, Sayı: 1, ss. 53-64.
  • Robbins, Stephen ve Timothy, Judge (2011), Organisational Behaviour, 4th Edition, Upper Sadle River, Prentice Press.
  • Savage, C. Donald (1970), “Kenyatta and the Development of African Nationalism in Kenya”, International Journal, Cilt: 25, Sayı: 3, ss. 518-537.
  • Sawani, M. Youssef (2017), “Public Administration in Libya: Continuity and Change”, International Journal of Public Administration, Cilt: 41, Sayı: 10, ss. 807-819.
  • Tandoğan, Muhammed (2016), Nijerya ve Nijer’in Devlet Sistemlerinin Otoriterleşmesinde Askerî Darbelerin Etkisi, İstanbul, AFAM.
  • TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı (2017), Karşılaştırmalı Hükümet Sistemleri: Yarı-Başkanlık Sistemi (Fransa, Polonya ve Rusya Örnekleri), Ankara, TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı Yayınları.
  • T.D.V. (Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı) (2022), “Fas”, (29.01.2022).
  • Turinay, Faruk (2015), ““Tek Başlı Parlamentarizm” Kavramının Doğuşu: Güney Afrika’nın Hükümet Sistemi”, TBB Dergisi, Cilt: 119, ss. 63-86.
  • Zemrani, Aziza (2014), “Teaching Public Administration: The Case of Morocco”, Journal of Public Affairs Education, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 4, ss. 515-528.
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2022).
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2022).
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 26.01.2022).
  •,to%20the%20needs%20of%20citizens. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.01.2022).
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 29.01.2022).
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kamu Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdurrahman Muhammet Banazılı 0000-0002-5088-9587

Hamza Ateş 0000-0003-0975-0062

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Banazılı, A. M., & Ateş, H. (2022). Afrika’da Kamu Yönetimi: Bazı Afrika Ülkelerinin Yönetim Yapılarına İlişkin Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme. Strategic Public Management Journal, 8(15), 28-44.

STRATEGIC PUBLIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL © 2015 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International