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Lenin’e Göre Ulusal Sorun ve Türkistan

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 17, 137 - 161, 26.12.2024


Marksizm’in Avrupa şartlarında bir anlamda dışlamış olduğu ulusal sorun, çok uluslu Rusya’da Lenin’in hedeflediği sosyalist devrime giden yolda çözülmesi gereken öncelikli olanlardan biriydi. Bu sorunun çözümü, devrimin nihai hedefi olan sosyalist enternasyonalizm idealinin Rusya ölçeğinde bir sınanması olacağından, başarılı olması durumunda küresel barış için de orijinal bir çözüm imkânı ortaya konmuş olacaktı. Çalışmada, ulusal sorunun özellikle ulusların kendi kaderini tayin hakkı kapsamında hangi temel varsayımlarla ele alındığı Türkistan halkları açısından tahlil edilmektedir. Bolşevik Devrimi öncesi ve sonrasında ulusal sorunla ilgili Lenin’in görüşleri analiz edilerek, teorik düşüncelerini hayata geçirme fırsatı yakalamış bir lider olarak düşüncelerinde meydana gelen dönüşüme de temas edilmektedir. Makalede Lenin’in kendi yazıları yanında konuyla ilgili diğer çalışmalar da kullanılmaktadır.


  • Armaoğlu, F.H. (1962), “Bolşevik İhtilali ve ‘Self Determination Prensibi’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 17/2: 211-250.
  • Bauer, O. (2000), The Question Of Nationalities and Social Democracy, (Almanca’dan Çev. J. O’Donnell), London: University Of Minnesota Press.
  • Bennigsen, A. ve Wimbush, S. E. (1995), Sultan Galiyev ve Milli Komünizm, (Çev. B. Tanatar), İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar.
  • Bolukbasi, S. (2011), Azerbaijan: A Political History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Carr, E. H. (2002), Bolşevik Devrimi: 1917-1923, C. 1, (Çev. O. Suda), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Hayit, B. (1995), Türkistan Devletlerinin Milli Mücadele Tarihi, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1899), “Notes”, Collected Works, 4: 448-449.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1902), “What is to be Done: Burning Questions of our Movement”, Collected Works, 5: 347-529.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903a), “On the Manifesto of the League of the Armenian Social-Democrats”, Collected Works, 6: 324-327.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903b), “The National Question in Our Programme”, Collected Works, 6: 452-461.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903c), “Speech on the Place of the Bund in the R.S.D.L.P.”, Collected Works, 6: 484-486.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903d), “Does the Jewish Proletariat need an Independent Political Party?”, Collected Works, 6: 328-334.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903e), “The Position of the Bund in the Party”, Collected Works, 7: 92-102.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1905), “To the Jewish Workers”, Collected Works, 8: 495-498.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1908), “Events in the Balkans and in Persia”, Collected Works, 15: 220-230.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1912), “The ‘Vexed Questions’ of Our Party: The ‘Liquidationist’ and ‘National’ Questions”, Collected Works, 18: 405:412. daaa
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913a), “The National Programme of the R.S.D.L.P.”, Collected Works, 19: 539-545.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913b), “Ciritical Remarks on the National Question”, Collected Works, 20: 17-51.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913c), “The Working Class an the National Question”, Collected Works, 19: 91-92.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913d), “Draft Platform for the Fourth Congress of Social Democrats of the Latvian Area”, Collected Works, 19: 110-118.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913e) “Resolutions of the Summer, 1913, Joint Conference of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. and Party Officials”, Collected Works, 19: 417-431.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913f), “A Letter to S.G. Shahumyan”, Collected Works, 19: 499-502.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913g), “Cadets On The Question Of The Ukraine”, Collected Works, 19: 266-267.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913h), “The Cadets And The Right Of Nations To Self-Determination”, Collected Works, 19: 525-527.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913i), “Theses on the National Question”, Collected Works, 19: 243-251.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1914a), “The Right of Nations to Self-Determination”, Collected Works, 20: 393-454.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1914b), “A German Voice on the War”, Collected Works, 21: 93.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1914c), “On the National Pride of the Great Russians”, Collected Works, 21: 102-106.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1915) “The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” (Almanca yazılmıştır), Collected Works, 21: 407-414.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916a), “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism”, Collected Works, 22: 185-304.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916b), “The Socialist Revolution And The Right Of Nations To Self-Determination. (Theses)”, Collected Works, 22: 143-156.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916c), “The Discussion of Self-Determination Summed up”, Collected Works, 22: 320-360.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916d), “A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism”, Collected Works, 23: 28-76.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917a), “Speech on the National Question April 29 (May 12)”, Collected Works, 24: 297-301.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917b), “Resolution on the National Question”, Collected Works, 24: 302-303.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917c), “First All-Russia Congress and Soldiers Deputies”, Collected Works, 25: 15-42.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917d), “Disgrace as the Capitalists and the Proletarians Understand It”, Collected Works, 24: 220-221.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917e), “Is There a Way to a Just Peace”, Collected Works, 25: 55-56.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917f), “The State and Revolution”, Collected Works, 25: 385-496.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917g), “Revision of the Party Programme”, Collected Works, 26: 149-178.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917h), Outline Programme for Peace Negotiations, Collected Works, 26: 349-350.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918a), “To the Tashkent Congress of Soviets of the Turkestan Territory, to the Council of People’s Commisars of the Turkestan Territory, for Ibrahimov and Klevleyev”, Collected Works, 36: 486.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918b), “Report on the Review of the Programme and on Changing the Name of the Party, Collected Works, 27: 126-139.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918c), “Resolution on Changing the Name of the Party and the Party Programme”, Collected Works, 27: 140-41.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918d), “On the History of the Question of the Unfortunate Peace”, Collected Works, 26: 442-450.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1919a), “Eighth Congress of the R.C.P. (B.). March 18-23, 1919”, Collected Works, 29: 141-225.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1919b), “Draft Programme of the R.C.P. (B)”, Collected Works, 29: 97-140.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1920a), “Preliminary Draft Theses on the National and the Colonial Questions”, Collected Works, 31: 144-152.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1920b), “The Second Congress of the Communist International, July 19-August 7, 1920”, Collected Works, 31: 213-263.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1921), “Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution”, Collected Works, 33: 51-59.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1922), “The Question of Nationalities or Autonomisation”, Collected Works, 36: 605-611.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1993), Ulusal Sorun ve Ulusal Kurtuluş Savaşları, (Çev. Y. Fincancı), Ankara: Sol Yayınları.
  • Lenin, V. I. ve Stalin, J. (1957), “Ko Vsem Trudyashchimsya Musul'manam Rossii i Vostoka (Rusya’daki ve Doğudaki Tüm Emekçi Müslümanlara)”, Dokumenti Vneşney Politiki SSSR (SSSCB Dış Politika Belgeleri), 1: 34-35.
  • Mann, M. (2017), İktidarın Tarihi: Küresel İmparatorluklar ve Devrim (1890-1945), (Çev. A. R. Güngen, Ö. Balkılıç), Ankara: Phoenix Yayınları.
  • Marks, K., Engels, F. (2018), Komünist Manifesto, (Çev. T. Bora), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Rumer, B. Z. (1991), “Central Asia’s Cotton Economy And Its Costs”, Fierman, W. (Ed.), Soviet Central Asia: The Failed Transformation, Colorado: Westview: 62-89.
  • Stalin, J. (1913), “Marxism And National Question”, Stalin Works, 2: 300-381.
  • Yalçınkaya, A. (1997), “The Frontiers of Turkestan”, Central Asian Survey, 16/3: 431-438.
  • Yalçınkaya, A. (2004), Yetmiş Yıllık Kriz: Sovyetler Birliği’nde Moskova-Türkler İlişkileri, İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Yalçınkaya, A. (2006), Sömürgecilik ve Pan-İslamizm Işığında Türkistan, Ankara: Lalezar Kitabevi.

National Question and Turkistan According to Lenin

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 17, 137 - 161, 26.12.2024


The national question, which Marxism had in a sense excluded due to the conditions in Europe, was one of the priority problems to be solved on the road to the socialist revolution targeted by Lenin in multinational Russia. Since the solution to this problem would be a test of the ideal of socialist internationalism, which was the ultimate goal of the revolution, on a Russian scale, if successful, an original solution for global peace would be presented either. In the study, we try to evaluate the basic assumptions with which the national question is addressed, especially within the scope of the right of nations to self-determination, in the context of the peoples of Turkestan. By analyzing his views on the national question before and after the Bolshevik Revolution, the transformation in the thoughts of Lenin, a leader who had the opportunity to put his theoretical thoughts into practice, is revealed. In addition to Lenin’s own writings, other studies on the subject are also used in the article.


  • Armaoğlu, F.H. (1962), “Bolşevik İhtilali ve ‘Self Determination Prensibi’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 17/2: 211-250.
  • Bauer, O. (2000), The Question Of Nationalities and Social Democracy, (Almanca’dan Çev. J. O’Donnell), London: University Of Minnesota Press.
  • Bennigsen, A. ve Wimbush, S. E. (1995), Sultan Galiyev ve Milli Komünizm, (Çev. B. Tanatar), İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar.
  • Bolukbasi, S. (2011), Azerbaijan: A Political History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Carr, E. H. (2002), Bolşevik Devrimi: 1917-1923, C. 1, (Çev. O. Suda), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Hayit, B. (1995), Türkistan Devletlerinin Milli Mücadele Tarihi, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1899), “Notes”, Collected Works, 4: 448-449.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1902), “What is to be Done: Burning Questions of our Movement”, Collected Works, 5: 347-529.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903a), “On the Manifesto of the League of the Armenian Social-Democrats”, Collected Works, 6: 324-327.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903b), “The National Question in Our Programme”, Collected Works, 6: 452-461.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903c), “Speech on the Place of the Bund in the R.S.D.L.P.”, Collected Works, 6: 484-486.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903d), “Does the Jewish Proletariat need an Independent Political Party?”, Collected Works, 6: 328-334.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1903e), “The Position of the Bund in the Party”, Collected Works, 7: 92-102.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1905), “To the Jewish Workers”, Collected Works, 8: 495-498.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1908), “Events in the Balkans and in Persia”, Collected Works, 15: 220-230.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1912), “The ‘Vexed Questions’ of Our Party: The ‘Liquidationist’ and ‘National’ Questions”, Collected Works, 18: 405:412. daaa
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913a), “The National Programme of the R.S.D.L.P.”, Collected Works, 19: 539-545.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913b), “Ciritical Remarks on the National Question”, Collected Works, 20: 17-51.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913c), “The Working Class an the National Question”, Collected Works, 19: 91-92.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913d), “Draft Platform for the Fourth Congress of Social Democrats of the Latvian Area”, Collected Works, 19: 110-118.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913e) “Resolutions of the Summer, 1913, Joint Conference of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. and Party Officials”, Collected Works, 19: 417-431.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913f), “A Letter to S.G. Shahumyan”, Collected Works, 19: 499-502.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913g), “Cadets On The Question Of The Ukraine”, Collected Works, 19: 266-267.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913h), “The Cadets And The Right Of Nations To Self-Determination”, Collected Works, 19: 525-527.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1913i), “Theses on the National Question”, Collected Works, 19: 243-251.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1914a), “The Right of Nations to Self-Determination”, Collected Works, 20: 393-454.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1914b), “A German Voice on the War”, Collected Works, 21: 93.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1914c), “On the National Pride of the Great Russians”, Collected Works, 21: 102-106.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1915) “The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” (Almanca yazılmıştır), Collected Works, 21: 407-414.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916a), “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism”, Collected Works, 22: 185-304.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916b), “The Socialist Revolution And The Right Of Nations To Self-Determination. (Theses)”, Collected Works, 22: 143-156.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916c), “The Discussion of Self-Determination Summed up”, Collected Works, 22: 320-360.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1916d), “A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism”, Collected Works, 23: 28-76.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917a), “Speech on the National Question April 29 (May 12)”, Collected Works, 24: 297-301.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917b), “Resolution on the National Question”, Collected Works, 24: 302-303.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917c), “First All-Russia Congress and Soldiers Deputies”, Collected Works, 25: 15-42.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917d), “Disgrace as the Capitalists and the Proletarians Understand It”, Collected Works, 24: 220-221.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917e), “Is There a Way to a Just Peace”, Collected Works, 25: 55-56.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917f), “The State and Revolution”, Collected Works, 25: 385-496.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917g), “Revision of the Party Programme”, Collected Works, 26: 149-178.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1917h), Outline Programme for Peace Negotiations, Collected Works, 26: 349-350.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918a), “To the Tashkent Congress of Soviets of the Turkestan Territory, to the Council of People’s Commisars of the Turkestan Territory, for Ibrahimov and Klevleyev”, Collected Works, 36: 486.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918b), “Report on the Review of the Programme and on Changing the Name of the Party, Collected Works, 27: 126-139.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918c), “Resolution on Changing the Name of the Party and the Party Programme”, Collected Works, 27: 140-41.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1918d), “On the History of the Question of the Unfortunate Peace”, Collected Works, 26: 442-450.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1919a), “Eighth Congress of the R.C.P. (B.). March 18-23, 1919”, Collected Works, 29: 141-225.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1919b), “Draft Programme of the R.C.P. (B)”, Collected Works, 29: 97-140.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1920a), “Preliminary Draft Theses on the National and the Colonial Questions”, Collected Works, 31: 144-152.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1920b), “The Second Congress of the Communist International, July 19-August 7, 1920”, Collected Works, 31: 213-263.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1921), “Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution”, Collected Works, 33: 51-59.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1922), “The Question of Nationalities or Autonomisation”, Collected Works, 36: 605-611.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1993), Ulusal Sorun ve Ulusal Kurtuluş Savaşları, (Çev. Y. Fincancı), Ankara: Sol Yayınları.
  • Lenin, V. I. ve Stalin, J. (1957), “Ko Vsem Trudyashchimsya Musul'manam Rossii i Vostoka (Rusya’daki ve Doğudaki Tüm Emekçi Müslümanlara)”, Dokumenti Vneşney Politiki SSSR (SSSCB Dış Politika Belgeleri), 1: 34-35.
  • Mann, M. (2017), İktidarın Tarihi: Küresel İmparatorluklar ve Devrim (1890-1945), (Çev. A. R. Güngen, Ö. Balkılıç), Ankara: Phoenix Yayınları.
  • Marks, K., Engels, F. (2018), Komünist Manifesto, (Çev. T. Bora), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Rumer, B. Z. (1991), “Central Asia’s Cotton Economy And Its Costs”, Fierman, W. (Ed.), Soviet Central Asia: The Failed Transformation, Colorado: Westview: 62-89.
  • Stalin, J. (1913), “Marxism And National Question”, Stalin Works, 2: 300-381.
  • Yalçınkaya, A. (1997), “The Frontiers of Turkestan”, Central Asian Survey, 16/3: 431-438.
  • Yalçınkaya, A. (2004), Yetmiş Yıllık Kriz: Sovyetler Birliği’nde Moskova-Türkler İlişkileri, İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Yalçınkaya, A. (2006), Sömürgecilik ve Pan-İslamizm Işığında Türkistan, Ankara: Lalezar Kitabevi.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kamu Yönetimi, Yerel Yönetimler
Bölüm Makaleler

Alaeddin Yalçınkaya 0000-0001-5553-0314

Ümit Yaşar Sönmez 0000-0002-8381-5103

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 17

Kaynak Göster

APA Yalçınkaya, A., & Sönmez, Ü. Y. (2024). Lenin’e Göre Ulusal Sorun ve Türkistan. Strategic Public Management Journal, 10(17), 137-161.

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